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Anh văn chuyên ngành dược học, AVCN 2 trường nttu. Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành Y Khoa? Ngành y đang hội nhập với thế giới để có những bước tiến xa hơn trong y học. Ngày càng nhiều buổi hội thảo khoa học, và đào tạo từ xa được tổ chức bằng tiếng Anh.

AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz NAME : CLASS : AVCN2_Practice I DATE : 75 Questions d) Dx is a condition in which a patient finds it more difficult to breath than usual a) HR b) SOB c) WNL d) HTN is a quantitative measurement of heat within the body It is can be used, in part, to gauge whether the body is operating normally a) Rx b) Dx c) T d) c/o If medicine is given , it is taken orally, or through the mouth a) IV b) SL c) P.R d) P.O If a medicine is given , it is taken through the rectum a) P.R b) IM c) SQ d) P.O c) Rx b) BP a) HR is the frequency with which a person's heart beats in a given amount of time It is usually expressed in beats Session 1 A(n) is the start or first instance of something Session a) complaint b) allergy c) onset d) procedure 1/13 10 a) throb b) runny c) cough d) wheeze If a medication is given , it is before meals a) pc b) qh c) ac d) stat If a medication is given , it is given four times per day a) QID b) TID c) QOD d) PRN If a medication is given , it is given every other day a) PRN b) TID c) QOD d) QID To is to have pain that comes and goes very quickly AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz 13 14 b) palpation c) inspection d) observation is the act of tapping on an area of the body such as the chest or abdomen to determine the condition of the underlying bone or tissues a) evaluation a) palpation b) auscultation c) percussion d) evaluation (CKD) is a medical condition in which a person loses kidney function over time 12 A(n) is something that someone notices, or the act of noticing something a) chronic kidney diagnosis b) continual kidney disease c) constant kidney disease d) chronic kidney disease A(n) is a report that discusses what was found after 11 Session cells and tissue were examined a) pharmacy report b) cardiology report c) surgery report d) pathology report 2/13 15 A(n) is a form of radiation that can be used to take pictures of the internal human body AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz a) ultrasound b) endoscope c) x-ray d) electrocardiogram 19 20 21 c) Project manager d) Laboratory technician department ensures that products meet the standards which the law requires, and contain the active ingredients advertised b) Packaging technician b) Research and Development (R&D) c) Regulatory Affairs d) Marketing and Sales are future drugs, not yet on the market a) Quality Assurance (QA) a) Dosage form b) Pharmaceutical products in the pipeline c) Prescription drug d) Over-the-counter drug is an oily substance like a cream 18 a) Medical writer a) Tablet b) Ingredient c) Capsule d) Ointment _ is a dry substance in the form of very small grains a) powder b) power c) tower d) rower Pharmaceutical products in the pipeline are 17 It's the 's job to research, write, and edit clinical and study reports before the pharmaceutical company submits them to regulatory authorities The summarizes and interpret clinical data 16 Session a) drugs that are being recalled from the market b) future drugs, not yet on the market c) non-prescription drugs that are currently on the market d) prescription drugs that are currently on the market 3/13 24 25 b) interpret/ conduct c) operate/ determine d) interpret/ perform Marketing and Sales department plans the _ and distribution of drugs which will be launched, and makes decisions about the packaging or tablet colour of new products a) conduct/ determine a) formulation b) information c) production d) promotion Choose the term that does not fit in the category “nonproduction pharmaceutical professions" 23 Laboratory technicians complex scientific instruments and whether liquids, powders, or tablets meet requirements a) Line worker b) Pharmacovigilance manager c) Lab technician d) Clinical research associate We plan our new drug in Asia first and to apply for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in the US the following year 22 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz a) launch b) to launch c) to lunch d) lunch 26 Suppository is a solid medicine which _(s) slowly in the Session rectum or vagina 28 b) inhale c) meet d) smell A cream is a type of dosage forms a) oral b) topical c) inhaled d) rectal Someone who suffers from finds it difficult to sleep 27 a) melt a) pneumonia b) nausea c) insomnia d) inpatient 4/13 31 a) Solid b) Suppository c) Hard gelatin d) Soft gelatin Scientists have made a major in the treatment of cancer 30 capsule is a type of capsule that is usually used to contain oils and for active ingredients that are dissolved or suspended in oil a) breakthrough b) breakaway c) break off d) breakup Liniment is a) an oily liquid to rub on painful body parts to reduce pain 29 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz b) a solid preparation that is intended to dissolve or disintegrate slowly in the mouth a) a substance dispensed as a fine spray from a container into the nostril c) a liquid in which another substance has been dissolved 33 34 Aerosol is Lozenge is _ b) a solid preparation that is intended to dissolve or disintegrate slowly in the mouth (e.g Sore throat) d) a fluid preparation (aqueous) for external application without friction a) a drug delivery system consisting of a semi-solid, jelly-like substance b) a semi-solid emulsion, that is mixtures of oil and water c) a container with a liquid that is administered in spray form d) a kind of medicine that you put in your eyes one drop at a time Suppository is 32 d) a medication on material or cloth placed on the skin c) a sweet, liquid medicine taken with a spoon or cup a) a solid medicine which melts slowly in the rectum or vagina b) administered by placing it under the tongue c) a smooth greasy preparation for application to the skin for healing d) an oily liquid to rub on painful body parts to reduce pain 5/13 35 In an R & D meeting, John gives the following answer: “ As you know, when substances are taken with alcohol or antibiotics, their chemical form could change and even cause harmful side effects I'll keep you informed.” What AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz question did John answer? a) What is the bioavailability of this NCE? b) Is there some information available on the toxicity of the substance? c) Are we in a position to make this new dosage form with our current technology? d) What kind of formulation could we develop from this NCE? 36 Even a product that has been marketed for years might have to be taken off the market in a if serious Session adverse reactions occur b) product rebate c) product recall d) product return Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are written and used by companies to make it easier for them to follow GxP 37 a) product launch These are a set of written instructions to _performance and results 39 c) neglect d) maintain We should tell the lab staff to _ that all the labs are spotlessly clean and that all lab devices and equipment are where they should be - at every single workstation b) finish a) double-check b) doable-check c) trouble-check d) single-check Manufacturing processes and procedures must go through 38 a) abandon periodic to guarantee that they are still of an acceptable standard a) validation b) radiation c) valuation d) variation 6/13 43 44 45 c) All work with virus-infected animals must be performed in the bio-safety cabinet d) All work with virus-infected animals could be performed in the bio-safety cabinet A/an _ is a chemical that damages cellular DNA, resulting in mutations or cancer b) All work with virus-infected animals must be perform in the bio-safety cabinet b) durian c) adourless d) genotoxic substance Manufacturing processes and procedures must go through periodic to guarantee that they are still of an acceptable standard a) odour a) validation b) control c) sampling d) assurance Why operational methods and procedures have to be validated? 42 a) All work with virus-infected animals could be perform in the bio-safety cabinet a) To make sure products perform their intended function b) To complete the product recall process c) To isolate products of high quality d) To isolate products of high quantity are no longer pure and acceptable for sale or public use and, therefore, must be returned to the manufacturer, or destroyed 41 You are writing the SOP guideline to tell your employee to “perform all work with virus-infected animals in the biosafety cabinet” The correct SOP guideline is: a) Fake drugs b) Illegal drugs c) Contaminated drugs d) Expired drugs Contaminated products are no longer pure and acceptable for sale or public use and, therefore, must be returned to the or destroyed 40 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz a) miniature b) manufacturer c) minotaur d) benefactor 7/13 48 a) unaffected by the dose administered b) not related to the dose administered c) independent of the dose administered d) related to the dose administered A assists chemists and chemical engineers using chemicals and related products 47 Adverse reaction refers to all abnormal and unintended responses to an investigational medicinal product It is _ a) Chemistry lab technician b) Lab technician c) Biology lab technician d) Clinical affair associate The results of preclinical testing are used by experts in pharmaceutical methods to determine how to best 46 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz Session the drug for its intended clinical use b) formulate c) test d) administer _ trials are controlled studies conducted to evaluate 49 a) development the effectiveness of the drug in a particular indication and to determine possible side effects and risks In this phase, testing determines the safety and efficacy of the drug in 50 a) Phase IV b) Phase III c) Phase I d) Phase II After gaining evidence that the drug is effective, phase III treating the condition and establishes the minimum and maximum effective dose trials are carried out to obtain additional information to evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of the drug In this phase, _is/are studied and closely monitored by physicians for efficacy and any adverse events after longterm exposure to the drug b) small group of patients c) healthy people d) volunteers and a number of patients The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the 51 a) a large group of patients United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in order to obtain permission to begin testing in humans a) non-clinical b) clinical c) critical d) clinic 8/13 54 55 b) patch c) spray d) tablet The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in order to permission to begin clinical testing in humans a) suppository a) gain b) obtain c) acquire d) all of the above The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in order to permission to begin clinical testing in humans a) All of the above b) obtain c) receive d) get means "in living organisms" 53 A drug that is intended to act on the sinuses may be formulated as a time-release capsule , or as a nasal _ 52 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz a) in vivo b) vivo c) vitro d) in vitro 58 a) Adverse action b) Adverse event c) Adverse affect d) Adverse even The is a European Union agency for the evaluation of medicinal products a) QPPV b) EMEA c) MHRA d) FDA When someone has a blood pressure of 80/60, that person 57 is an unwanted medical occurrence which a patient experiences during treatment This may or may not be a side effect of a drug 56 Session has a) Hyperglycemia b) Hypertension c) Hypotension d) Hypoglycemia 9/13 61 a) Patient leaflet b) Patient information leaflet c) Patient information sheet d) All of the above The patient was taking the following medication: Mimifem and Mensamint 60 A patient can find Important information about a drug in: a) concomitantly b) combination c) contamination d) contraceptive Important information for any person taking a drug can be 59 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz found in the ‘PIL’ or patient _ 64 65 c) ingredient leaflet d) informal leaflet A good Patient Information Leaflet could increase patient b) compliance c) combination d) complaint As to her _state after hospital admission,the patient showed side effects of hyperactivity, accompanied by confusion and a feeling of agitation a) complication a) physical b) physician c) emotional d) emotion is an official document issued by the drug regulatory authority for the purpose of marketing or free distribution of a product after evaluation for safety, efficacy and quality 63 b) important leaflet a) marketing strategy b) marketing claim c) marketing plan d) marketing authorization The Drug safety department is NOT responsible for: 62 a) information leaflet a) Writing the drug information for the patient b) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side effects c) Responding to a physician’s report about d) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to adverse drug reactions health authorities 10/13 37 _ may contain: a worthless placebo; a lower concentration of the same active ingredient; a similar, but different substance; a totally different, potentially dangerous substance 38 a) Counter drugs b) Excipients c) Authentic drugs d) Counterfeit drugs _ may contain: a worthless placebo; a lower concentration of the same active ingredient; a similar, but different substance; a totally different, potentially dangerous substance 39 a) Authentic drugs b) Inactive drugs c) Fake drugs d) Excipients Choose the INCORRECT statement about Counterfeit drugs: a) Counterfeit drugs may contain a lower concentration of the same active ingredient c) Counterfeit drugs are not fake drugs b) Counterfeit drugs may contain a totally different, potentially dangerous substance d) Counterfeit drugs may contain a worthless placebo 40 41 42 43 Keep of children a) within reach b) out of reach c) in reach d) away A child may find a pill hard to _ a) chew b) eat c) swallow d) drink If symptoms _, the patient should consult a doctor a) resist b) persist c) consist d) insist This medicine has a bitter a) afterthought b) aftertaste c) beforetaste d) aftertest 44 The patient had a _ condition when he took the medication 45 46 a) adverse b) side c) ailment d) pre-existing A(n) _ pain is the pain in your stomach or intestines a) abdomen b) abdominal c) abnormal d) stoma At the hospital, the patient showed evidence of hyperactivity , _ by confusion and agitation 47 a) command b) comment c) accompanied d) company Government agencies, pharmaceutical companies ,and V healthcare professionals work together to _and evaluate suspected side effects of medicines to improve the safety of drugs in use 48 a) auditor n b) director n c) monitor V d) counselor n department is responsible for compiling dossiers for submission to authorities, submitting documents needed to obtain marketing approval for a drug, and writing the drug information for the patient 49 a) Regulatory Afraid b) Regulatory Affairs c) Drug Safety d) Drug Monitor Ms Gallois, the well-known opera singer, lost _ 30 minutes before she had planned to go on stage ( = the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you) 50 a) unconsciousness b) consciousness c) unconscious d) conscious is a drug or method used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant when she has sex a) contraceptive b) contraindication c) contraband d) contraindicate 51 Serious adverse event (SAE) - an adverse event that threatens life, requires or prolongs _, or results in death 52 a) hospitality b) hospitalize c) hospital d) hospitalization The patient's normal signs (pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature) are established in the pre-operative period and variations 10% above or below the pre-operative measurement should be reported immediately 53 54 a) Vital b) Vial c) Viral d) Vitality If you feel _, you feel that you are losing your balance and are about to fall a) dizzy b) fatigue c) irritation d) tired If you , you lose consciousness for a short time, especially because you are hungry, or because of pain, heat, or shock 55 56 57 a) thirsty b) irritation c) palpitations d) faint Do not take Mensamint TM if you are _ to penicillin a) allergen b) allergy c) allergic adj d) allergist The patient has an _ to peanuts a) allergic b) allergen c) allergy n d) allergist The evidence is inconclusive.The facts neither prove nor this a) disprove b) confirm c) affirm d) approve 58 In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has to _ detailed documentation with all the information required by the drug authorities 59 a) compile b) compute c) compound d) combine We need to let patients know of any possible side effects But, it is not necessary to _them unnecessarily 60 a) assure b) alarm c) attack d) assume When describing possible side effects for products in the v pipeline, we will need to more clearly between common and rare risks 61 a) difference b) determine c) different d) differentiate A person or a _ event attracts a lot of attention or publicity (= famous) 62 a) high-profile b) high-protect c) high-product d) high-profit Our patients shouldn’t be so alarmed that they are afraid to actually put the pills in their mouth and swallow them The PIL just needs to reflect the _ of side effects 63 a) probability b) traceability c) bioavailability d) profitability It has the same packaging, same colour coating, same bitter _, but not the same ingredients inside the pill Is this a fake drug? 64 a) dosage form b) aftertaste c) dosage d) dosage In Europe, steps have been taken to use holograms to prove a pharmacopeias a) activity b) authorization c) authenticity d) active 65 is an inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or medium for a drug or other active substance 66 a) Placebo b) Excipient c) API d) NCE A(n) _ accident or illness causes someone's death a) fatal b) harmless c) minor d) factual Answer Key d d 18 19 b b 35 36 c a 52 53 a a b 20 d 37 d 54 d d 21 d 38 c 55 c d 22 c 39 c 56 c d c 23 24 c b 40 41 b c 57 58 a a b a 25 26 c d 42 43 b b 59 60 b d 10 11 a a 27 28 c d 44 45 d b 61 62 a a 12 13 b b 29 30 a d 46 47 c c 63 64 b c 14 15 a c 31 32 c d 48 49 b b 65 66 b a 16 17 b d 33 34 c a 50 51 a d NAME : CLASS : AVCN2_Pharmaceutical Industry Unit DATE : 52 Questions Choose most suitable expression to complete the following sentence _, requirements have reached a very high standard a) When it was founded b) By the time c) In the meantime d) In the past Choose most suitable expression to complete the following sentence _, the company only had one production site a) By the time b) Nowadays c) When it was founded d) In the meantime Choose most suitable expression to complete the following sentence _ the safety film, I will give you more detailed information on the company a) Meanwhile b) During c) By the time d) While Choose most suitable expression to complete the following sentence _ the tour is finished, you will have seen the most important production areas a) While b) Once c) During d) Meanwhile The clothing specifications _ documented a) use to b) didn’t use to be c) didn’t use to d) use to be The company’s safety regulations _ so strict a) use to b) didn’t use to be c) use to be d) didn’t use to The company’s _ regulations didn’t use to be so strict a) safety b) securely c) secure d) safe Dry ingredients are weighed and transported to the granulator by the a) sieve b) dispenser c) hoist d) granulator In the _, the ingredients are mixed to create a wet mixture 10 11 12 a) dispenser b) sieve c) granulator d) hoist The granules are air-dried in the _ a) granulator b) sieve c) drum d) fluid bed dryer The excess powder is loosened by a _ a) drum b) sieve c) dryer d) shaker In the _, the dried granules are stamped into a mould to form tablets 13 14 a) granulator b) tablet press c) fluid bed d) sieve Primary packaging is the material which is a) not in direct contact with the product b) the final consumer packaging c) in direct contact with the product d) the final product packaging Secondary packaging is the material which is a) in direct contact with the product b) not in direct contact with the product c) the final consumer packaging d) the final product packaging 15 A(n) is a small disposable bag containing an individual dose of the medicine It often has a lengthwise perforation which can be torn open 16 a) blister pack b) jar c) inhaler d) sachet A(n) is an aerosol dispensing device which releases medication into the mouth of the patient The medication is breathed deeply into the lungs, or stays in the mouth or throat 17 a) sachet b) inhaler c) blister pack d) jar A(n) is a needle attached to a plastic tube used for putting medicine into the body or removing blood 18 a) inhaler b) jar c) sticky label d) syringe A(n) is a piece of paper attached with adhesive to the primary packaging to identify it and give details concerning its ownership, nature, and/or use 19 a) inhaler b) jar c) syringe d) sticky label A jar is _ a) a type of single-use plastic container, and is b) an aerosol dispensing device which releases used for pharmaceutical products as well as for other consumer goods The product is medication into the mouth of the patient The medication is breathed deeply into the lungs, placed in the formed cavity and sealed by or stays in the mouth or throat lidding foil The product is removed by pushing it through the foil c) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid d) a small disposable bag containing an It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any kind of individual dose of the medicine It often has a fluids or solids It can be opened and closed several times until the contents are used up lengthwise perforation which can be torn open Sometimes a desiccant is integrated into the cap so that the contents remain dry 20 A sachet is _ a) a type of single-use plastic container, and is b) an aerosol dispensing device which releases used for pharmaceutical products as well as medication into the mouth of the patient The for other consumer goods The product is medication is breathed deeply into the lungs, placed in the formed cavity and sealed by lidding foil The product is removed by or stays in the mouth or throat pushing it through the foil c) a small disposable bag containing an d) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid individual dose of the medicine It often has a It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any kind of lengthwise perforation which can be torn fluids or solids It can be opened and closed open several times until the contents are used up Sometimes a desiccant is integrated into the cap so that the contents remain dry 21 22 23 What type of packaging material is a syringe? a) Secondary b) Both primary and secondary c) Primary d) Tertiary What type of packaging material is a sachet? a) Tertiary b) Primary c) Secondary d) Both primary and secondary Which primary packaging would you recommend for nose drops? 24 a) inhaler b) blister pack c) sachet d) bottle Which primary packaging would you recommend for ointments? 25 a) sachet b) bottle c) inhaler d) tube Which primary packaging would you recommend for oral tablets? a) blister pack b) tube c) syringe d) sachet 26 Which primary packaging would you recommend for eye drops? 27 28 29 a) jar b) blister pack c) tube d) bottle To use a blister pack, you it a) tear b) push through c) press d) twist A patient needs to an inhaler to use it a) push through b) twist c) tear d) press Choose the CORRECT matching of packaging material and the verb used to describe how to use them: 30 a) a sachet - push through b) an inhaler - tear c) a jar - twist d) a blister pack - press A lot of research is done to make packaging ,i.e a child cannot open it alone 31 32 33 a) childproof b) elderly-accessible c) child-accessible d) childrenproof In a container system, a closure must be pushed down before it can be unscrewed a) squeeze-screw b) peel-push c) slide d) push-screw In a push-screw container system, a closure must be before it can be unscrewed a) aligned b) peeled off c) squeezed d) pushed down In a container system, a first layer must be peeled off a blister before the drug can be pushed through the second layer a) push-screw b) squeeze-screw c) peel-push d) slide 34 In a peel-push container system, a first layer must be a blister before the drug can be pushed through the second layer 35 a) aligned off b) peeled off c) pushed off d) squeezed off In a container system, a container with three buttons that must be aligned in order to slide off the lid 36 a) peel-push b) push-screw c) slide d) squeeze-screw In a slide container system, a container with three buttons that must be in order to slide off the lid 37 a) pushed b) squeezed c) aligned d) peeled What does it mean by ‘security’ a) Following rules and regulations b) Freedom from danger or harm c) Protection from threats, such as attacks or d) Working as part of a team crime 38 Our documentation must be improved to _ the requirements of the regulatory authorities 39 a) find b) meet c) met d) like If a pill has a brightly-coloured _ a child may mistake it for a sweet 40 a) dosage b) coating c) dose d) coated Choose the word that mean the same as “uncomplicated” a) sample b) simple c) complex d) complexity 41 Nowadays, RRB is a research-driven, innovative pharmaceutical that develops new drugs, produces them, prepares them for sale, and markets them worldwide 42 a) API b) PIL c) enterprise d) NCE _ tablets are uncoated tablets containing substances that react in the presence of water and give off carbon dioxide 43 a) effervescent b) chewable c) sustained release d) sublingual A _ must be worn at all times in this area to protect your head 44 a) safety goggles b) hard hat c) lab coat d) soft hat Safety is the _ a) freedom from danger or harm b) same as security c) All of the above d) protection from threats, such as attacks or crime 45 If you give instructions in a very direct way, it may not sound _ 46 47 a) impolite b) correct c) polite d) incorrect The is removed by the hot air in the fluid bed dryer a) powder b) tablet c) granule d) moisture A jar is a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid Sometimes a(n) _ is integrated into the cap so that the contents remain dry 48 a) desiccant b) excipient c) humidity d) preservative _ is the amount of water vapor in the air a) humid b) humidity c) humanity d) human 49 A sachet is a small bag containing an individual dose of the medicine It often has a lengthwise perforation which can be torn open 50 51 a) reusable b) disposable c) multi-use d) desiccant means a child cannot open it alone a) child safety b) children protection c) child proof d) child prevention Because of her son's death, the young mother _(ed) that safe-disposal boxes be included in the packages of medicated patches 52 a) demand b) anticipate c) negligence d) discard Safe-disposal boxes should be included in the packages of medicated patches These boxes should have a small slit at the top to _ used patches and it should be impossible to open them a) negligence b) anticipate c) demand d) discard Answer Key c 14 b 27 b 40 b c 15 d 28 d 41 c b 16 b 29 c 42 a b 17 d 30 a 43 b b b 18 19 d c 31 32 d d 44 45 a c a 20 c 33 c 46 d c 21 c 34 b 47 a c 22 b 35 c 48 b 10 d 23 d 36 c 49 b 11 d 24 d 37 c 50 c 12 b 25 a 38 b 51 a 13 c 26 d 39 b 52 d

Ngày đăng: 17/10/2023, 16:20
