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Luận văn thạc sĩ wishes on the occasion of birthday, wedding and new years holiday (or christmas) in british and vietnamese culture a comparative study

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES -  - PHẠM THỊ ANH ĐÀO WISHES ON THE OCCASION OF BIRTHDAY, WEDDING AND NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAY (OR CHRISTMAS) IN BRITISH AND VIETNAMESE CULTURE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY (LỜI CẦU CHÚC NHÂN DỊP SINH NHẬT, CƯỚI HỎI VÀ LỄ NĂM MỚI (HOẶC GIÁNG SINH) TRONG VĂN HÓA VIỆT VÀ ANH: MỘT NGHIÊN CỨU SO SÁNH) M A Minor Programme Thesis Field: English Linguistics Field Code: 60 22 15 HA NOI - 2010 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES -  - PHẠM THI ANH ĐÀO WISHES ON THE OCCASION OF BIRTHDAY, WEDDING AND NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAY (OR CHRISTMAS) IN BRITISH AND VIETNAMESE CULTURE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY (LỜI CẦU CHÚC NHÂN DỊP SINH NHẬT, CƯỚI HỎI VÀ LỄ NĂM MỚI (HOẶC GIÁNG SINH) TRONG VĂN HÓA VIỆT VÀ ANH: MỘT NGHIÊN CỨU SO SÁNH) M A Minor Programme Thesis Field: English Linguistics Field Code: 60 22 15 Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyễn Văn Độ HA NOI - 2010 z iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii PART A: INTRODUCTION 0.1 Rationale of the study 0.2 Aims of the study 0.3 Scope of the study 0.4 Methods of the study 0.5 Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Speech acts and wishing 1.1.1 Speech acts and their classification 1.1.2 Wishing as a speech act 1.2 Politeness, face and wishing, a face-threatening act 1.2.1 Politeness 1.2.2 Face 1.2.3 Wishing as a face-threatening act 10 1.3 Relationship of language, culture and communication 10 1.3.1 Definition of language 10 1.3.2 Definition of culture 11 1.3.3 Definition of communication 11 1.3 Relationship of language, culture and communication 12 1.3.5 Wishing as a need of communication 13 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 Subject 14 2.2 Instrument of data analysis 14 z v 2.3 Methods of data analysis 15 CHAPTER 3: DISCUSSION ON FINDINGS 16 3.1 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRESAND INFORMANTS 16 3.1.1 Structure of survey questionnaire 16 3.1.2 Grouping of informants 17 Age 17 Gender 17 Living area 18 Occupation 18 3.2 VIETNAMESE FINDINGS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRES 18 3.2.1 Comment on the content of Vietnamese wishes in three situations 18 Vietnamese birthday wishes 18 Vietnamese wedding wishes 21 Vietnamese New Year wishes 24 3.2.2 Comment on priorities in wishing 26 3.2.3 Comment on social factors governing the way of extending a wish 27 3.2.4 Comment on components of the act of Vietnamese wishing 27 3.3 ENGLISH FINDINGS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRES 28 3.3.1 Comment on the content of English wishes in three situations 28 English birthday wishes 28 English wedding wishes 30 English Christmas and New Year wishes 32 3.3.2 Comment on priorities in wishing 33 3.3.3 Comment on social factors governing the way of extending a wish 34 3.3.4 Comment on components of the acts of English wishing 35 3.4 COMPARISON OF THE ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE WAYS OF WISHING 35 3.4.1 Major similarities 35 Occasions 35 Priorities in wishing 35 z vi Social factors governing the way of extending a wish 36 Accompaniments to wishes 36 3.4.2 Major differences 36 Occasions 36 Priorities in wishing 37 Social factors governing the way of extending a wish 37 Accompaniment to wishes 37 CHAPTER 4: IMPLICATIONS FOR ELT 38 4.1 Learning a culture 38 4.2 Learning to avoid culture shock 38 4.2.1 Some problems in culture shock 38 4.2.2 Some potential culture shocks in wishing 39 PART C: CONCLUSION 41 REFERENCES 42 ENGLISH SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES VIETNAMESE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES z vii LISTS OF TABLES Table 1: Age group correlation between English and Vietnamese respondents Table 2: Gender correlation between English and Vietnamese respondents Table 3: Living area correlation between English and Vietnamese respondents Table 4: Occupation correlation between English and Vietnamese respondents Table 5: The content of Vietnamese birthday wishes Table 6: The content of Vietnamese wedding wishes Table 7: The content of Vietnamese New Year/Christmas wishes Table 8: Rank of importance of occasions Table 9: Rank of importance of social factors Table 10: Components of Vietnamese acts of wishing Table 11: The content of English birthday wishes Table 12: The content of English wedding wishes Table 13: The content of English Christmas and New Year wishes Table 14: Rank of importance of occasions Table 15: Rank of importance of social factors Table 16: Components of English acts of wishing z PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study English nowadays is considered the international language; it is the most widely spoken language which is used in many fields such as economics, trade, tourism, diplomacy, politics, and press In Vietnam, as a result of the open door economic policy, the number of people learning English for various purposes is on the rise English is not only taught as an important subject at thousands of foreign languages centers but it is also a compulsory subject in various primary and high schools Although English has been taught in Vietnam for many years, not until recently has the focus of improving linguistic competence for learners been on syntax, lexical and phonological components of the language Many people still believe that being good at English means being good at linguistic components Thus, cultural factors are paid little attention to However, today, in our modern world in which globalization is expanding, the need of integrating and communicating across nations is indispensable Successful communication requires not only purely linguistic competence but also the knowledge of social norms, social values and relations between individuals known as communicative competence Communicative competence presupposes ability to use the language correctly and appropriately This pragmatic competence is as crucial as linguistic competence The lack of it may lead to impoliteness, misinterpretation, cultural shocks, and even communication breakdown Hence, the knowledge about cross culture communication is really essential On this basis, this study is done to help Vietnamese learners of English to understand English ways of expressing wishes The focus of the study will be on similarities and differences between Vietnamese and English forms of wishing Aims of the study The thesis focuses on studying the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese ways of wishing in respect to the following aspects: z - To investigate the content of expressions used in wishing and non-verbal components of wishes - To find out social factors having influence on extending a wish and some cultural differences in extending wishes in Vietnam and Britain - To help Vietnamese learners of English have more awareness of English wishing and of how to use it appropriately - To offer some suggestions to ELT (English Language Teaching) Scope of the study The study mainly focuses on verbal communication and the analysis of the data collected from the survey questionnaires on extending a wish Similarities and differences between the English and the Vietnamese in assessing the interference of social factors in wishing are discussed Also some common accompaniments and nonverbal cues together with wishing are taken into account Methods of the study The main method of the study is the quantitative one with techniques: - Consulting reference books - Discussing with teachers and friends - Conducting survey questionnaire - Studying relevant publications - Resorting to personal observation Design of the study: This study is divided into three main parts: Part A: Introduction – including the reasons of the study, aims of the study, methods, scope of the study and the design of the study Part B: Development, including chapters - Chapter 1: Literature review - Chapter 2: Research methodology - Chapter 3: Discussion on findings - Chapter 4: Implications for ELT (English Language Teaching) Part C: Conclusion z PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Speech acts and wishing 1.1.1 Speech acts and their classification The concept of speech acts was first developed by Austin in the first edition of the book “How to things with words” published in 1962 He did not use the term “speech acts” but “performative sentence” or performative utterance” which indicated that “the issue of an utterance is the performing of an utterance” (p6) The term itself was first used by Searle who claimed that “talking is performing acts according to rules” (p22), and that “speech acts […] are the basic or minimal units of linguistic communication.” (p16) According to Yule (1996:47-48), actions performed via utterance are generally called speech acts and, in English, are commonly given more specific labels such as requesting, apologizing, offering, etc The circumstances in which actions are performed to communicate are generally called speech events – activities in which participants use language to interact in some conventional way to reach some outcome In analyzing a speech act we study how an utterance affects the behaviour of the Speaker and the Hearer According to Austin (1962) a speech act consists of three related acts: - Locutionary act is the actual form of the utterance When we perform a locutionary act, we have to produce an utterance of a particular form having a particular meaning and following the rules of a given language Yule asserts that a locutionary act is the “basic act of utterance” and the meaningfulness of linguistic expressions is the determinant of this kind of act For example, a sentence “It’s very hot here” can be counted as a locutionary act as it includes meaningful units of the English language - Illocutionary act relates to the concrete purposes of an utterance This makes illocutionary acts different from locutionary acts Thus, uttering the same sentence: “It’s very hot here”, the speaker does not only utter it but may also suggest a request (e.g to turn on the central heating) z The illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force of an utterance When we utter a sentence, we assign to it the so-called illocutionary force The illocutionary force may be understood as some kind of intended message that a speaker assigns to the sentence he or she utters As Nguyen Hoa (2001: 151) puts it, “one type of illocutionary force is what is commonly referred to as implication.” For instance, when we ask someone “Have you got the time?” the illocutionary force we assign to this utterance seems to be a question about time rather than whether the addressee has a clock or watch or not - Perlocutionary act is the result or affect that speaker can achieve by performing the locutionary act According to Mey (1993: 112), these ultimate effects are dependent on the context of the utterance and are unpredictable The hearer may correctly understand the speaker’s intention and what his/ her interlocutor wants, or the same hearer may deliberately ignore the speaker’s want or desire When we utter the sentence “It’s very hot here”, we hope the act of turning the central heating on to be done by some hearers This also means the illocutionary act is performed Of these three types of speech acts the illocutionary act appears to be the most crucial and discussed because the same utterance can potentially have different illocutionary force Take the sentence “I’ll be at the office at noon” as an example for this The locutionary act of this utterance can be represented as a promise, a threat, a warning or simply a prediction Thus, the most useful way to distinguish between these is the attitude that the speaker holds towards the prepositional content of what he says However, in order to help hearers really recognize the intended illocutionary force, two things should be taken into account: Illocutionary force indicating devices and felicity condition * Illocutionary force indicating devices include performative verbs that directly show the illocutionary acts However, speakers not always perform their speech acts explicitly so Illocutionary force indicating devices that hearers can consider are words, stress, intonation, voice quality and so on * Felicity conditions are expected or appropriate circumstances which speech acts depend on in order to have effectiveness recognized by hearers Therefore, the utterance should be said to right person, in the right place, at the right time with rational behaviour z 36 Both English and Vietnamese people think that three special occasions listed hereafter affect their wishes: New Year (Vietnamese) Christmas (English), Birthday, Wedding These occasions are undeniably important events in people’s life To many people, both Vietnamese and English, New Year (or Christmas) is a great time to wish others for a new coming year filled with joy, happiness, luckiness and many other things Social factors governing the way of extending a wish The content of Vietnamese and English wishes is influenced by three main factors: social relation, age, and family membership, whereas gender appears to be of no importance in this matter Accompaniments to wishes The most common way of expressing wishes for the English and the Vietnamese is gifts together with words This seems to be a preferable type of wishing that fits any occasion and any kind of relationship 3.4.2 Major differences Occasions Birthday Health and long life are not mentioned as birthday wishes in Vietnamese culture, whereas the English mention these topics among their birthday wishes Thus, 44% of the English informants mention long life in the birthday greetings to their acquaintance In all probability, traditional values and beliefs of the two cultures cause this type of difference The English not mention luck in their birthday wishes On the contrary, the Vietnamese tend to wish their close friends luck on their birthdays This difference may be explained by a very special belief of the Vietnamese in luck; the Vietnamese assume that people who are granted with luck usually find their way to success more easily than others In other words, the philosophy of the Vietnamese emphasizes luckiness with a very popular saying “Luckiness is better than cleverness” (May khôn) Therefore, wishing luck is equal to wishing success Christmas and New Year Promotion is frequently mentioned in Vietnamese New Year wishes whereas the English not include promotion into their season’s wishes Thus, 20% of the Vietnamese New Year z 37 wishes for bosses focus on promotion It can be inferred that the idea of promotion plays a special role in the Vietnamese formulas of wishing Wedding The English seem to avoid mentioning having children soon in their wedding wishes By contrast, the Vietnamese tend to mention this topic as the greatest value in the commitment of the two people The possible explanation of this is that Vietnamese economy is agriculturebased, and people need more labor to help working in the fields For the Vietnamese, old age, fortune and children are the best gifts from the heaven and Buddha In spite of the fact that the present economic situation in Vietnam is different from that of the past, this tradition of wishing children preserves in wedding wishes Priorities in wishing 76% of the English informants think that Christmas is a very special occasion for them to extend their wishes to others By contrast, for the Vietnamese people, wedding is ranked as the most important occasion for expressing one’s wishes Wedding is associated with a new period in life, which brings about new responsibilities, new social contacts, and even new points of view and values Social factors governing the way of extending a wish To the Vietnamese, family membership is very important Therefore, as the data show, the Vietnamese consider family relations as the most influential factor in the choice of their wishes Contrariwise, it is not ranked the first by the English who are more concerned about external relations Accompaniment to wishes Surprisingly for the Vietnamese, the English informants not mention money and others presents with words among possible ways of wishing whereas this type of wishing is popular in Vietnam, especially on occasions such as wedding and New Year This type of wishing seems to be culture- specific and claims for further research of cultural differences z 38 CHAPTER 4: IMPLICATIONS FOR ELT 4.1 Learning a culture Every language carries with it the culture, which that language is a part Therefore, learning another language means learning another culture may be markedly different from the learner’s own It has been said that our culture influences our way of thinking and acting To learn another language, we need to learn to appreciate the culture of which the language is a part We cannot really learn a second language unless we learn about culture because many of the meanings constructed in the language are culture – specific From this point of view, it can be implied that the learners of foreign language cannot achieve his/her goals if he/she does not have a certain understandings of the target culture N H Hoang (1998) also stated that: “The ignorance of cultural differences easily leads the Vietnamese learners of English to the imposition of his/her source culture values on the target language.” It is to say that learning another language should be in accordance with learning that culture However, the teaching and learning of language and culture at the same time is really a problem 4.2 Learning to avoid culture shock 4.2.1 Some problems in culture shock It is claimed the between any two cultures, there are always differences in beliefs, values, assumptions, etc As a matter of fact, these differences may lead to misunderstanding, embarrassment and even mistrust In other words, these cultural differences can cause what we call “communication breakdown” or “culture shock” Culture shock in H Douglas Brown’s words refers to “phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and crisis” when entering a new culture The same view about culture shock is shared by Richards It s defined as “strong feelings of discomfort, fear, insecurity which person may have when they enter another culture” z 39 In all, culture shock is assumed to be a common phenomenon, which not only happens among people coming from different cultures, subcultures, social groups or geographical groups but also may happen when a person learns a second language in a second culture It is undeniable that the language acquisition always relates to the cultural acquisition of that language because culture is considered the cradle for language’s existence and development Therefore, in learning a second language, “the acquisition of linguistic forms does not ensure non-native speakers’ successful communication with native speakers” (Ha Cam Tam 1998: 159), if non-native speakers are not aware of the differences between cultures There is a fact that language learners often bring along themselves negative transfers into cross-cultural communication These transfers are caused by discrepancies between his own cultures and the acquired culture The unawareness of them makes learners tend to impose his own values, beliefs, norms and perception on the target culture As a result, culture shock is unavoidable Nevertheless, it is believed that culture shock can be restricted if language learners are armed with knowledge of cross culture and socio-pragmatics with the help of sensitive and perceptive teachers In addition, in communication, as the hearer, he/she should evade making quick judgments, try to make sense of what people say and then show acceptance or respect towards things that are important to them As the speaker, he/she should try to avoid the acts that might be face-threatening to his/her address 4.2.2 Some potential culture shocks in wishing Through the analysis of the survey, it can be inferred that there is not a great difference in wishes between Vietnamese and English to make some culture shocks, but what is found as culture shock in this theme belongs to the accompaniments to wishing Today, in such case like wedding it is a common thing in Vietnam to present the groom and pride with money in envelops while in British culture it rarely happens Instead, they often give many kinds of gifts It is also found through the conduct of the survey that English people offer money to the happy couples in different ways This disparity can lead to a potential culture shock for both the English and Vietnamese English people coming to Vietnam should be aware that the natives get used to offering envelops of money that accompany their wishes in many occasions especially in wedding z 40 However, the English rarely offers money so directly like the Vietnamese In the same case, the English often gives the bride and groom list of things with a voucher They can choose their gifts from the list and go to the favorite shop with the voucher in order to take the chosen things regarded as their wedding gift English people only offer money like this to their addressees in close relationships such as close friends or family members not with other social relationship In contrast, this kind of gifts can apply to many cases and many couples in Vietnam In wedding, some Vietnamese families even place a box in order for the guest to put their money in This may strike the English badly They may think that the guesses are attending a kind of election Yet, Vietnamese may feel a kind of culture shock when being a guess at English wedding English people tend to express their feelings towards each other so warmly and openly by gestures like hugging, kissing, etc in daily life even in formal occasions In wedding, birthday party, people prefer to convey their feelings not only by extending their best wishes but give them a warm hug and kiss also, whereas Vietnamese rarely so in such occasions Obviously, living in different cultures may have different frame of difference, i.e different customs, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and behaviors which easily cause culture shock to nonnative speakers People can not avoid culture shock but can minimize it by trying to understand another culture point of view More importantly, interactants should use incident of miscommunication as an opportunity to learn about cultural differences and to prevent culture shock of the same kind in the future z 41 PART C: CONCLUSION This study focuses on three issues: (1) social factors that influence the way of extending a wish, (2) the content of the English and Vietnamese wishes, and (3) the most common types of accompaniment to wishing in English and Vietnamese The analysis of these issues provides a better awareness of culture-specific features in cross-cultural communication between the English and Vietnamese Wishing is a speech act which is often used in daily life by people of all age, in all residential areas all over the world Wishing helps people maintain and enhance their relationships and people in different countries have a sense of cultural awareness of appropriate forms of wishing It is necessary for both the English and the Vietnamese to be aware of culture specific features in their wishing culture in order to successfully communicate and avoid cultural misunderstanding Hopefully, the present paper may help those who aim at mastering intercultural communication and who are interested in culture-specific differences of speech act On the way of studying this issue, there appears some dimensions need to be taken into account Therefore, it is suggested to go further this thesis in terms of the following aspects: - The responding to wishing in Vietnamese and British culture - The uses of proverbs and idioms in wishes - Degree of sincerity in wishing The paper has been completed with all the ability possible Hopefully, it can help those who are interested in mastering a successful communication to reach their aims It is because of the limited time and ability that mistakes and limitations are unavoidable Hence, any further comments and criticisms are welcomed to improve this paper z 42 REFERENCES In English Austin, J L (1962), How to things with words, CUP, London-Oxford-New York Brown, H D (1986), Learning a second culture in culture bound edited by Joyce Merril Valdes, CUP Brown, G and Yule, G (1989), Discourse Analysis, CUP Do Thi Mai Thanh, (2000), Some English – Vietnamese Differences in Requesting, M.A Thesis, CFU-VNU, Hanoi Goffman, E (1967), Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face – to Face behaviours, New York: Garden City Ha Cam Tam, 1998, Requests by Australian native speakers of English and Vietnamese speakers of English M A, Thesis, La Trobe University, Australia Jackson, H and Stockwell, P 1996, Investigating English Language-nature and function of Language, Stanley Thrones Publishers.Ltd Lakoff, R (1973), The Logic of Politeness: Minding your P’s and Q’s in Discourse, Guy Cook, 1990, CUP Mey, J L (1993), Pragmatics: An introduction, Blackwell Publishers, London 10 Nguyen Hoa, (2001), An introduction to Semantics, VNU, Publishing House 11 Nguyen (Van) Quang, (1998), Vietnamese – American cross – cultural differences in Extending and Encountering Compliment – as seen from communicative activities, PhD Thesis 12 Nguyen (Van) Quang, (1994), Intercultural Communication, Hanoi National University, College of Foreign Languages 13 Nguyen Van Do, 1996, Politeness Phenomena in Vietnamese and English culture and some implication in teaching languages, Hanoi Foreign Studies University 14 Richards, J C (1985), Speech acts and Language Learning In Richards(ed), 1985-The Context of Language Teaching, CUP z 43 15 Richards, J C, Platt, J and Weber, H (1990) – Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, Longman 16 Richard, E P & Larry, A S (1994), An introduction to Intercultural Communication, Thomson Publishing House 17 Searle, J R (1969), Speech Acts – An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 18 Wierzbicka, A (1985), Different cultures, different languages, different speech acts, Journal of Pragmatics 19 Wierzbicka, A (1991), Cross – Cultural Pragmatics – The Semantics of Human Interaction, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 20 Yule, G (1997), Pragmatics, Oxford University Press In Vietnamese Diệp Quang Ban (1972), Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt, Nxb Giáo Dục Phan Kế Bình (2001), Việt Nam phong tục, Nxb Văn hóa thơng tin Hữu Đạt (2000), Văn hóa ngơn ngữ giao tiếp người Việt, Nxb Văn hóa thơng tin Cao Xn Hạo (chủ biên) (19990, Ngữ Pháp Chức Tiếng Việt – Câu tiếng Việt, Nxb Giáo Dục Nguyễn Quang (2002), Giao tiếp Giao tiếp giao Văn hóa Nxb Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Trần Ngọc Thêm (1996), Tìm hiểu sắc văn hóa Việt Nam, Nxb Hồ Chí Minh Trần Ngọc Thêm (1998), Cơ sở văn hóa Việt Nam Nxb Giáo Dục z SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE The questionnaire is specially designed for the research into a comparative analysis of English and Vietnamese wishing Any information is confidentially treated in such a way that informants cannot be identified I Please fill in the following information: State/province: ………………………………… Age: ……………………………… Gender: Male or Female Occupation: ……………………………… Acquisition of language(s) other than your mother tongue (excellent/ good/ fair/ poor Please specify what languages(s)) ……………………………………………………………………………………… II Situations: Situation 1: Which occasion(s) influence(s) your wishes (Please number in the order of importance?) Christmas/New Year Birthday Wedding Situation 2: What would you say to wish the following person at his/ her birthday party? She/ he is your close friend ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your colleague z ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your acquaintance ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your brother/ sister ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your boss ………………………………………………………………………… Situation 3: What would you say to wish the following person at Christmas? She/ he is your close friend ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your colleague ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your acquaintance ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your brother/ sister ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your boss ………………………………………………………………………… Situation 4: What would you say to wish the following person at his/ her wedding? She/ he is your close friend ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your colleague z ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your acquaintance ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your brother/ sister ………………………………………………………………………… She/ he is your boss ………………………………………………………………………… III Which factor(s) influence(s) your wishes? (Please number in order of importance) Power status Age Gender Family members Others IV How you express your wish? (Please tick () on the respective form) Expressing in words Sending cards with wishing words Giving presents with wishing words Presenting flowers with wishing words Money with wising words THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR KINDNESS! z BẢN ĐIỀU TRA Câu hỏi khảo sát phục vụ cho đề tài nghiên cứu “Sự giống khác lời chúc người Anh người Việt Sinh nhật, Cưới hỏi Năm mới.” Xin quý vị bớt chút thời gian trả lời giúp nhữg câu hỏi Chúng cam đoan không nêu danh quý vị trường hợp Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị! I Xin quý vị cho biết cách điền vào chỗ trống thông tin sau: Tỉnh/ Thành phố ………………………… Tuổi ………………………… Nghề nghiệp: ………………………… Nơi sống lâu nhất: Thành thị / Nông thôn Giới tinh : Nam/ Nữ Những ngoại ngữ mà quý vị biết ( Xin quý vị cho biết rõ ngoại ngữ mức độ khá, giỏi, trung bình yếu) ……………………………………………………………………………………… II Tình Tình 1: Những dịp quý vị nghĩ có ý nghĩa quan trọng để chúc (Quý vị đánh số theo trật tực quan trọng) Giáng sinh  Tết  Sinh nhật  Đám cưới  z Tình 2: Quý vị chúc mừng sinh nhật người sau nào? Bạn thân quý vị …………………………………………………………… Bạn đồng nghiệp …………………………………………………………… Người quen …………………………………………………………… Anh (chị) em …………………………………………………………… Cấp …… ……………………………………………………… Tình 3: Quý vị chúc mừng năm người sau nào? Bạn thân quý vị …………………………………………………………… Bạn đồng nghiệp …………………………………………………………… Người quen …………………………………………………………… Anh (chị) em …………………………………………………………… Cấp …………………………………………………………… z Tình 4: Quý vị chúc mừng đám cưới người sau nào? Bạn thân quý vị …………………………………………………………… Bạn đồng nghiệp …………………………………………………………… Người quen …………………………………………………………… Anh (chị) em …………………………………………………………… Cấp …………………………………………………………… III Nhân tố nhân tố sau ảnh hưởng tới việc chúc mừng quý vị ( Quý vị đánh số theo trật tự quan trọng) Vị quyền lực  Tuổi tác  Thành viên gia đình  Giới tính  Các nhân tố khác  IV Quý vị chúc mừng người khác cách nào? Xin quý vị đánh dấu () vào cột sau: Chỉ băng lời nói Thiếp mừng với lời nói z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:48