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Luận văn thạc sĩ effectiveness of teaching grammar with the use of dictogloss for students of k37a maths class, at hanoi college of education an action research

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ HẰNG Effectiveness of Teaching Grammar with the Use of Dictogloss for Students of K37A Maths Class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research Hiệu Dạy Ngữ pháp Phương pháp Dictogloss cho Sinh viên lớp Sư phạm Toán 37A, Trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nội: Nghiên cứu tác động (M.A THESIS) Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60.140.111 HANOI - 2014 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ HẰNG Effectiveness of Teaching Grammar with the Use of Dictogloss for Students of K37A Maths Class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research Hiệu Dạy Ngữ pháp Phương pháp Dictogloss cho Sinh viên lớp Sư phạm Toán 37A, Trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nội: Nghiên cứu tác động (M.A THESIS) Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60.140.111 Supervisor: Dr Ngơ Hữu Hồng HANOI - 2014 z CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled: “Effectiveness of Teaching Grammar with the Use of Dictogloss for Students of K37A Maths Class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research” submitted in partially fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in English Language Teaching Methodology Except where the reference is indicated, no other person‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Student‟s name Nguyễn Thị Hằng In my capacity as supervisor of the candiate‟s thesis, I certify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge Supervisor Dr Ngơ Hữu Hồng Hanoi, February 9, 2014 i z ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thesis cannot be completed without generous instructions and assistance of several people as follows: My first genuine thanks must be given to Dr Ngo Huu Hoang, who guided me as a very dedicated instructor He is the person who gives me suggestions for my paper‟s major as well as supplies me with various information sources He was unfailingly available for my questions and concerns, and always ready with thoughtful suggestions and valuable insights With his special expertise, he provided me with expensive advice, encouragement, and careful guidance I wish to acknowledge the support of all students in K37A Maths class for their continuous cooperation Thanks to them, I was able to carry out my thesis and collect data Last, much gratefulness is offered to Ms Nguyen Quynh Trang for her great enthusiasm and assistance during the very first stage as well as during the process of thesis development To Ms Nguyen Thi Bich Lien and Ms Hoang Kim Thu, two English lecturers at Hanoi College of Education, I appreciate their invaluable advice and recommendations for better implementation of Dictogloss in classroom ii z ABSTRACT This action research is aimed at examining the effects of dictogloss on the students‟ grammatical competence and motivation for learning grammar To fulfill this aim, 28 students of K37A Maths class and two teachers at NonEnglish major Division, HCE were choosen to take part in the 12-week research Five instruments were employed, namely qualitative analysis of textbook, observation, tests (entry test, a pre-test and a post-test), questionnaires (a prequestionnaire and a post questionnaire), and interviews in order to gather the data The initial data indicated that the students‟ poor grammatical competence and low motivation in learning grammar may be attributed to their exposure of uninteresting and linear teaching method in the class On the basis of the findings, it was hypothesized that “Applying dictogloss which can be appropriate for the students’ level would raise the students’ interest and grammatical competence” An evaluation of the action research study was made by comparing with the data collected by means of post-data collection instruments The analysis revealed that the use of dictogloss in the grammar lessons improves not only their grammatical competence but also their attitudes towards learning grammar iii z LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CLT: Communicative Language Teaching EFL: English as a Foreign Language ELT: English Language Teaching FonF: Focus on Form HCE: Hanoi College of Education L2: Second Language MA: Master of Arts SLA:Second Language Acquisition Ss: Students T: Teachers TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language iv z LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Basic procedure of dictogloss in class Table 2: Target grammatical points to be taught Table 3: Students‟ evaluation on topics Table 4: Comparison the students‟ performance in pre-test tasks Table 5: Students‟ responses on the importance of grammar Table 6: Students‟ responses to traditional grammar-teaching classes Table 7: Comparison the students‟ performance in post-test tasks Table 8: Comparison of students‟ performance on task in pre and post-test Table 9: Students‟ attitudes to dictogloss technique v z LISTS OF FIGURES Figure 1: Action research cycle Figure 2: Students' results of the entry test Figure 3: Students‟ results of the pre-test Figure 4: Teachers‟ usual way of teaching grammar in the previous semesters Figure 5: The results of the post-test Figure 6: Comparison of pre-test‟s and post-test‟s results Figure 7: Comparison of students‟ performance on task in pre and post-test Figure 8: Comparison of students‟ performance on task in pre and post-test Figure 9: Comparison of students‟ performance on task in pre and post-test Figure 10: Students‟ evaluation on their grammar improvement Figure 11: Students‟ attitudes to learning grammar vi z TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT III LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IV LISTS OF FIGURES VI PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Significance of the study Overview of the thesis PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Theoretical background 1.1.1 Grammar teaching Grammatical competence Changing views of grammar Instruction Ways of teaching grammar Principles of teaching grammar 10 1.1.2 Dictogloss 12 Dictogloss and its relation with grammar teaching 12 Procedure of Dictogloss 14 Dictogloss variations 16 Factors influencing learners‟ performance on Dictogloss 19 vii z 1.1.3 Motivation 21 Definition of motivation 21 Types of motivation 21 Roles of motivation in teaching and learning a language 22 Factors affecting motivation 22 1.2 Previous studies 23 1.3 A summary 28 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 30 Action research 30 2.1.1 Definition of action research * 30 2.1.2 Rationale for choosing action research 31 2.1.3 Process of action research 32 2.2 Participants of the study 37 2.2.1 The students 37 2 The teachers 38 2.3 Data Collection Instruments 38 2.3.1 Qualitative analysis of textbook “New English file – Pre-intermediate” 38 2.3.2 Class observation 39 2.3.3 Tests 40 2.3.4 Questionnaires 42 2.3.5 Interviews 43 2.4 Procedure of dictogloss in class 45 2.4.1 Basic procedure of dictogloss in class 45 2.4.2 Variations of dictogloss in class 46 viii z APPENDIX 8: The 1st interview for students CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN (Dành cho sinh viên) Bản vấn nhằm phục vụ cho nghiên cứu “The effectiveness of teaching grammar with the use of dictogloss for students of K37A Maths class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research” Tên người vấn: ……………………… Ngày vấn: / / 2013 Cảm nghĩ em từ trước đến ngữ pháp? Khó khăn em gì? _ _ _ Em có nhận xét phương pháp dạy ngữ pháp tách biệt với kĩ năng? _ _ _ Mong muốn em tiết học ngữ pháp nào? Em nghĩ học ngữ pháp lồng ghép với kĩ khác? _ _ _ Cảm ơn hợp tác bạn! XXXIV z APPENDIX 9: The 2nd interview for students CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN (Dành cho sinh viên) Bản vấn nhằm phục vụ cho nghiên cứu “The effectiveness of teaching grammar with the use of dictogloss for students of K37A Maths class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research” Tên người vấn: ………………… Ngày vấn: / / 2013 Cảm nghĩ em phương pháp dictogloss học ngữ pháp? Khó khăn em hoạt động sử dụng dictogloss? _ _ _ Em thấy có tiến sau khóa học? _ _ _ Theo em, làm để tăng hiệu sử dụng dictogloss học ngữ pháp? _ _ _ Cảm ơn hợp tác bạn! XXXV z APPENDIX 10: The interview for teachers CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN (Dành cho giáo viên) Bản vấn nhằm phục vụ cho nghiên cứu “The effectiveness of teaching grammar with the use of dictogloss for students of K37A Maths class, at Hanoi College of Education: An Action Research” Tên giáo viên: ………………………… Ngày vấn: / / 2013 Cảm nhận cô phương pháp dictogloss? _ _ _ _ _ Theo cô, làm để cải thiện hiệu sử dụng phương pháp dạy ngữ pháp? _ _ _ _ _ Xin chân thành cảm ơn! XXXVI z APPENDIX 11: SAMPLE LESSON PLAN FILE 7D THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION *** Time allowed: 100 minutes Lesson: Unit 7D Textbook: New English File (pre) No of students: 20 Teaching aids: Student books, laptop, speaker, board and chalks, A0 papers and markers … Objectives: By the end of the lessons, the students will be able to: - Understand the usage of “passive voice” and use it in communication - Have some knowledge on useful inventions Presumed knowledge: The students: - Have known the past participles of some verbs - Have gained some listening and note-taking skills Anticipated problems and suggested solutions - Even though they were initially trained note-taking skills, they may find it still challenging and dictogloss may remain unfamiliar to them XXXVII z B PROCEDURE Time Procedure Teaching aids Arrangement 15 minutes Preparation stages Warm-up  T shows 10 pictures of inventions made by both men and women Laptop speaker, board chalks, minutes A0 papers XXXVIII z Group work  T divides class into groups  T gives each group 10 pictures and a blank A0 sheet of paper  Each group has minutes to decide which inventions were invented by women and tick them onto the A0 paper, and finally hang them on the two sides of the board  The winner is the quicker and has more correct pictures  T ticks all her pictures in the middle of the board and writes the name of each invention under each T asks students to repeat after XXXIX z her twice  Biro /ˈbʌɪrəʊ/: ballpoint pen  Computer / kəmˈpjuːtə /:  Windscreen wiper / wɪnd ˈwʌɪpə /: device for keeping a windscreen clear of rain  Car / kɑː/: Whole class  Plane /pleɪn/:  Tipp – Ex / ˈtɪpɛks /: correction fluid  Bullet-proof vest /ˈbʊlɪt pruːf vɛst /: a protective piece of clothing that covers the chest minutes  Telephone / ˈtɛlɪfəʊn/:  Dishwasher /ˈdɪʃwɒʃə/: A machine for washing dishes  Vacuum cleaner / ˈvakjʊəm ˈkliːnə/: A machine for collecting dust  T presents some other vocabulary which appears in the listening XL z text And asks students to repeat after her twice  Invent – invention – inventor /ɪnˈvɛnt/: Create or design  Annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/: Slightly angry  Servant / ˈsəːv(ə)nt/: Người phục vụ  Plate / pleɪt /: A flat dish minutes  Disposable nappy / dɪˈspəʊzəb(ə)l ˈnapi /  Frustrated / frʌˈstreɪtɪd/: Expressing distress and annoyance  Typing / ˈtʌɪpɪŋ /: skill of writing something by means of a typewriter or computer minutes  Liquid / ˈlɪkwɪd /: A substance that flows freely  Protect / prəˈtɛkt /: Keep safe from harm or injury  Material / məˈtɪərɪəl /: The matter from which a thing is  T checks the results by let asking them to listen to the text once and check their works Directing XLI z  T leads the students to the lesson: “Women are also intelligent Not all inventions are made by men But, how women invented these inventions? We start the lesson today Grouping  T puts students in a group according to their own selection first; then adjusts the groups if there is a big gap among groups 15 minutes Dictation stage It‟s time for you to listen to the dictation text You will listen three times Listening  T tells the Ss that they are Going to listen to the recording again minutes They are not allowed to write anything, just try to understand the main idea  T asks Ss: What is the recording talking about? XLII z Tape,  Suggested answer: The recording talks about the inventions invented by women Speaker Listening minutes Laptop  T dictates the revised text at normal speech and asks Ss to note down key words and phrases, especially pay attention to the form of the main verbs  Remind them not to worry those words they could catch and use some kinds of fast-writing abbreviations minutes Listening 3:  T dictates the text the third time and asks Ss to check the key information and words that they have missed in the 2nd time 23 minutes Reconstruction stage Now it‟s time for you to discuss and reconstruct the text by your own words based on what you hear I will call randomly two groups for XLIII z Individually correction Your work will be marked The better reconstruction work will be the winner The others will be collected and marked later Discussing minutes A0 papers  T asks the Ss in the same group to share their notes and discuss in group the main ideas, keywords, and phrases A marker Chalk  T goes around the class to ensure the equal contribution of all Board members in one group and gives help if necessary Marker 15 minutes Writing  T gives each group A0 paper and a marker  T asks each group to reconstruct the text in their own words (those in this lesson or those which they have known before)  T goes around the class and gives help if necessary 20 minutes Correction and analysis stage XLIV z Group work  T collects two A0 papers randomly and ticks into the board  T gives each student a copy of transcript with some missing words (mainly passive verbs) A marker Chalk  T dictates again once or twice (upon the class) and then check Board  T highlights the form of the main verbs 20 minutes Marker  T asks Ss to look at the board and correct each reconstruction word by analyzing sentence by sentence with the teacher  T compares and decides which is better and give the winner gifts  From the highlighted words, T asks students to draw the use and the form as well as the structure of passive verbs and then asks them to write some passive sentences  Suggested structure Subject to be + PP by Object  T asks Ss to practice making some passive sentences XLV z The whole class 10 minutes Time for Communication Now, It‟s time for you to use your knowledge of “passive sentence” to talk about these inventions You will have minutes to prepare your speech You may use the invention in your given card or your favorite invention T gives each student a card 10 minutes Card 1: ASIMO is a humanoid robot  Create /Honda  Introduce/ 2000 Handouts  Design/ help human Chalk  Ability: Board  Answer the questions by nodding;  Recognize faces and name XLVI z Pair work Card 2: A dishwasher is a mechanical device  Made of steel  Used/ clean dishes / by spraying hot water  Invent/ Josephine Cochrane / 1886  Advantages:  Save time  Dishes are clean  After minutes, I will call some to present your inventions  T corrects if Ss make any important mistakes Wrap-up minutes  Summarize the lesson Whole class  Assign homework XLVII z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:41