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(Skkn 2023) using video to teach lead in stage for some lessons in tieng anh 10 at do luong 2 upper secondary school

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NGHE AN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DO LUONG UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING EXPERIENCE TOPIC: USING VIDEO TO TEACH LEAD-IN STAGE FOR SOME LESSONS IN TIENG ANH 10 AT DO LUONG UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL Researcher: HOÀNG THỊ LAM Subject: English Group: Literature - Foreign language Phone number: 0987469038 School year: 2022-2023 TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENT PAGE PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 The rationale of the study The objectives of the research The scope of the study The methods of the study The significance of the study PART II: CONTENT I THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Lead-in 1.1 Definition of lead-in 1.2 The objectives of lead-in 1.3 The principles of lead-in 1.4 The strategies of lead-in Video Definition of video 2.2 Advantages of using video in the classroom 2.3 Goals of using video in the classroom 2.4 Procedures of using video in the classroom 2.5 Challenges of using video in the classroom II SITUATION ANALYSIS 10 Teaching and learning conditions at Do Luong USS 10 The students’ background knowledge at Do Luong USS 10 The reality of teaching methods for lead-in stage at Do Luong USS 11 The textbook and learning material resources 11 III SURVEYS AND FINDINGS 11 Surveys 11 Findings 13 IV SOLUTIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION 14 Solutions 14 1.1 Choosing the topic 14 1.2 Preparing videos 14 1.3 Lesson planning 14 Survey on the urgency and feasibility of the suggested solutions 15 2.1 Participants 15 2.2 The urgency and feasibility of the suggested solutions 15 2.2.1 The urgency of the suggested solutions 15 2.2.2 The feasibility of the suggested solutions 16 2.3 Participants of the survey 16 2.4 The urgency and feasibility of the suggested solutions 17 2.4.1 The urgency of the suggested solutions 17 2.4.2 The feasibility of the suggested solutions 17 Inplementation 19 V RESULTS AND COMMENTS 41 Results 41 Comments 43 PART III: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 43 Conclusion 43 Suggestions 44 REFERENCES 46 PART I: INTRODUCTION The rationale of the study Innovating teaching methods is a basic requirement for Vietnamese teachers today It has become the most important challenge of general education reform as well as reform at the high school level One of the basic orientations of education innovation is to promote the initiative and creativity of learners The selection of strategies and teaching methods is an important point to the teacher to make a better lesson Obviously, the rapid growth of technology has brought many innovations in education and especially in language teaching In recent years, teachers have made great efforts in carrying out new teaching methods and have achieved progress in promoting students' positive attitude towards learning In order to offer and create successful classes language teachers, especially English language teachers are using different audio-visual tools to facilitate the teaching process Besides textbooks and other interesting and engaging activities, videos such as: movies, songs, powerpoint presentations are widely used in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms This ensures students centeredness, autonomy, interaction and connectivity to a certain theme Video materials nowadays are not only part of everyday life activities, but they are shown as an effective method in teaching English as a foreign language for all learners both inside and outside the classroom Videos as a medium to strengthen activities in the delivery of more efficient teaching The widespread use of English learning videos reveals that technology has been integrated into English language realm The use of videos can facilitate the students in more interesting learning activities because they can get different learning experiences when it can be implemented by teachers effectively Videos can give essential extra benefits for students’ learning experiences; enrich the students’ experience about language in use, improve their cross-cultural understanding, develop their creativity, and increase their motivation in learning To attract students’ attention and cultivate their desire for learning at the beginning of teaching, it is essential for teachers to carry out a suitable and effective lead-in activity Lead-in is the first and most basic teaching step in English classrooms, and is important for efficient teaching With an appropriate lead-in, students will be motivated and become more concentrated and interested in English classes Lead-in can cultivate students’ motive for learning and create a fine learning and teaching environment, which influences the quality and efficiency of teaching Considering the great benefits of utilizing videos and the importance of C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an lead-in in the EFL classrooms nowadays, I conduct the study “ Using videos to teach lead-in stage for some lessons in Tieng Anh 10 at Do Luong upper secondary school” to provide ways for using videos effectively and meaningfully As a result, the students not only get interested when the teaching and learning activities are run by using videos, but they can also get valuable and long lasting information through the videos presented by the teachers The objectives of the study The purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits that the language teachers and learners get in using audio-visual aids in teaching and learning the English language, as well as to show that by using the appropriate video material the teachers can improve and ensure student-centeredness, have their students interested and engaged in activities, be more active, motivated and confident in their communicative language competence The scope of the study Firstly, the study was designed to find the best way to lead in the lessons and increase student’s interest in learning English through using videos Secondly, in the academic year 2021-2022, the researcher was in charge of teaching English for grade 10 students who studied the pilot textbook and got some benefits from using videos in teaching English Therefore, the study has been continued researching and applying for grade 10 students that use the textbook Tieng Anh 10 (Global Success), by Pearson, Vietnam Education Publish House Limited Company And the students in four classes: 10A1, 10A2, 10B2 and 10B3 at Do Luong upper secondary school (USS) took part in the study from September 2022 The methods of the study The main method applied to this study is experimental Firstly, the data from some related literature about the implementation of videos and lead-in stage of a lesson in English language classrooms were collected and presented Then, the application of using videos to teach the lead-in stage of some lessons were carried out based on my experiences from adapting and applying some videos on Youtube or the videos made by myself Data from the survey among students also helps to find out necessary figures and solutions to the problems Finally, some conclusions were drawn from the surveys for teachers to attest more meaningful ways in deploying videos in the classrooms The components were expected to represent great roles of videos in leading to a lesson and some ways that can be applied by the EFL teachers in teaching by deploying videos The significance of the study The findings of this study would be significant to the teachers, the students as Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an well as the researchers First of all, for English teachers, this research may provide a useful and effective way to lead in the lesson by using videos instead of boring traditional methods Second, the study would serve as input for students so that they will get general knowledge about the lesson and raise their interest in learning English Third, for other researchers, the result of the study would be expected to be a reference and contribute more information to solve the same issues Besides, this study might provide recommendations for English teachers at Do Luong USS to prepare more effective lead-in stages for lessons so that learners’ English would be improved not only in classrooms but also in social situations PART II: CONTENT I THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Lead-in 1.1 Definition of lead-in Lead-in is the first stage of classroom teaching, which is about minutes at the beginning of a new lesson or before presenting new knowledge “It is a technique used by teachers at the beginning of a presentation to prepare students to learn and establish a communicative link between the learners and the information about to be presented (Arendas, 1998: 240).” As is known to all, words like “front”, “beginning” and “first time” can attract a person most It is because of “the first effect”, and the function of “the first impression” This kind of phenomenon is called “primacy effect” in psychology (Yan, 1999) As the proverb says: “A good beginning is half done.” Similarly, a good lead-in is a key factor for successful teaching It can initiate students’ thinking and arouse their desire for knowledge, serving as a magnet to draw students into the lesson and help students get a clear idea of what they are going to learn It also contributes to the formation of a good classroom atmosphere, helping students establish a positive mental state or attitude of readiness 1.2 Objectives of lead-in The start of the lesson sets the tone and context for all that follows It’s a way to encourage students to actively engage with the topic and motivate them to participate in the class It is also an important opportunity to allow your ESL students to warm up and get back into “English mode It helps us to kindle their interest and motivation An effective lead-in also establishes the context we want the learners to focus on Therefore, the lead-in to a lesson is really important and necessary 1.3 Principles of lead-in Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an It is very important to follow some principles to design lead-in Some researchers (e.g Hu Shuzhen, 1996; Willis, 1996; Yan Chengli, 1999; Slavin, 2004) have promoted some principles of designing lead-in The author summaries them as follows:  Being interesting The starting point of teaching is to stimulate students’ learning interest Psychologically, interest is a kind of positive emotion that comes into being during the process of the ways of knowing Interest in learning can lead to positive social interaction with members of the groups (Gardner & Miller, 1998) An interesting lead-in can stimulate students’ learning motivation Learners’ interest and motivation always take up a central place in language learning  Being relevant Designing lead-in must be based on the settled teaching aim and syllabus The aim and syllabus are the most important components to be considered in the design The materials chosen for lead-in should be related to the aim and syllabus of the lesson Besides, the design of lead-in should deal with the assumption about the content and context for teaching and learning, and deal with how learners are expected to learn and how teachers are expected to teach with respect to a particular set of instructional materials  Being student-centered Lead-in should be designed on the basis of students’ needs and conducted according to students’ cognitive and physical development There are different levels and characteristics in different students, which requires teachers to design lead-in with proper techniques to meet their different needs It helps to build up a bridge between teachers and students and arouse their learning motivations and form a harmonious learning environment as well  Being brief It is not good to take up too much time when teachers are leading in a new lesson It is usually 3-5 minutes If teachers spend longer time on lead-in, it will probably cause the unclear teaching aim or key points  Being authentic and close to students’ life Canale (1983) stressed that being fully exposed to authentic materials is one of key factors for language acquisition Thus, the authentic materials in lead-in can genuinely improve students’ interest Life is the center of education, and teaching cannot be isolated from life With authentic materials which students are familiar with, students can express themselves freely and build the Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an confidence to interact with teachers as well 1.4 Strategies of lead-in How can we have an efficient and meaningful lead-in? Is there a best method to so? There is no right answer so far, but there are some strategies that will help teachers make a good lead-in, although teachers not have to take these as things that never change  Situational lead-in Situational lead-in creates authentic or situated learning which takes place in the setting similar with the actual life Halliday (1964) held the view that when we acquire our primary language; we so by learning how to behave in situations, not by learning rules about what to say The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as “communicative competence”, which involves being able to use language appropriately to a given social context In situational lead-in, teachers set up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life, which stimulates students’ desire to communicate in their familiar settings  Multi-media lead-in With the development and popularity of computers and the internet in the information era, network technology plays an important role in education The multi-media education gathers different pictures, texts, images, voices, etc to display various information, which makes the lifeless knowledge interesting and abstract things concrete Compared with traditional teaching, multi-media leadin has at least two advantages First, multi-media can provide a great deal of real visualized stuff The students can be promoted from the visualized stuff to their own understanding Second, in multi-media lead-in, students can be activated by the harmonious, natural and relaxing environment and be led into the new lesson unintentionally and naturally, not feeling tired or boring When using multimedia lead-in, teachers should choose the information relating to the lesson for slices of powerpoint  Dialogue lead-in Using dialogues is a good method to lead in a new lesson Dialogues can be given between teacher and students or among students themselves on the topics like campus life, family, friends, hobbies, holidays, etc., as they are interesting topics for students In dialogue lead-in, teachers should provide chances for students to chat, and necessarily, exert subtle influence to help students to complete the dialogues By making dialogues, students can be directed into the new lesson naturally Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an  Question lead-in Question lead-in is probably the most common way in leading-in teaching It is simple but effective to lead in a new lesson “Questions to students in the course of the lesson serve many purposes, one of which is to prompt students to take the next mental step” (Slavin, 2004:223) Thus, a good teacher should be an effective questioner In the lead-in stage, teachers should be skillful in selecting appropriate questions for the subject matter and the purpose of the lesson before presenting the new materials By question lead-in, students’ attention can be drawn to the lesson from the beginning  Storytelling lead-in Funny and interesting stories can help students to develop a positive attitude to learning Storytelling lead-in is another important way to stimulate students’ interest in learning It can provide a meaningful and natural context for students to begin a new lesson When teachers are telling stories, the language should be simple; the pronunciation should be accurate and the speed should be appropriate In addition, the use of body language and facial expressions is very helpful for students to understand the stories In order to make the lead-in part more interesting, teachers can also encourage students to tell stories Telling stories can inspire their imagination, develop their own creativity and their speaking skill Video 2.1 Definition of video According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, a video is a type of magnetic tape used for recording television pictures and sound In general, there are two types of videos namely analog and digital videos According to Hamdan Husein & Dessy Noor Ariani (2016), an analog video is a video that is stored in non-computer computers such as television, video tapes and movies While a digital video is a video produced by the computer industry Brame (2016) explains the most important for maximizing student attention to educational videos is to keep it short and the full engagement time for videos less than minutes long, so that the students tend to watch the whole video Also, the video has a variety of graphic, audio and visual elements that are compiled within a specific time period and the result can be watched repeatedly (Afizal & Ahmad Fauzi, 2015) 2.2 Advantages of using videos in the classroom There are many benefits to using videos in education as shown in several decades of research According to Michael Aubry there are main benefits of using videos in the classroom Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an  Facilitating thinking and problem solving Shepard and Cooper (1982) and Mayer and Gallini (1990) made the connection between visual clues, the memory process, and the recall of new knowledge Allam (2006) observes that the creative challenge of using moving images and sound to communicate a topic is indeed engaging and insightful but adds that it also enables students to acquire a range of transferable skills in addition to filmmaking itself These include research skills, collaborative working, problem-solving, technology, and organizational skills (Biggens, N.D.)  Assisting with mastery learning In some cases, videos can be as good as an instructor in communicating facts or demonstrating procedures to assist in mastery learning where a student can view complex clinical or mechanical procedures as many times as they need to Furthermore, the interactive features of modern web-based media players can be used to promote ‘active viewing’ approaches with students (Galbraith, 2004) Voice-over is a fantastic multimedia approach to teaching E-Learning can be dramatically enhanced by using voiced content in the teaching process Voice content is a voice-over agency that offers the highest quality professionals for any project, speaking in any language or accent  Inspiring and engaging students More recently, Willmott et al (2012) show that there is strong evidence that digital videos reporting can inspire and engage students when incorporated into student- centered learning activities through: ● increased student motivation ● enhanced learning experience ● higher marks ● development potential for deeper learning of the subject ● development of learner autonomy ● enhanced team working and communication skills ● a source of evidence relating to skills for interviews ● learning resources for future cohorts to use ● opportunities for staff development  Authentic learning opportunities Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2023, 09:55