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(Luận văn) conceptual metaphors of emotion in hillary clinton’s public talks

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY  - - NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG ĐIỆP lu an n va tn to CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS OF EMOTION p ie gh IN HILLARY CLINTON'S PUBLIC TALKS d oa nl w MASTER THESIS va an lu : English Linguistics ll u nf FIELD : 22 02 01 oi m CODE z at nh z l gm @ m co Supervisor: HÀ THANH HẢI, Ph.D an Lu n va ac th si BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN lu NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG ĐIỆP an n va to gh tn ẨN DỤ TRI NHẬN VỀ CẢM XÚC p ie TRONG NHỮNG BÀI PHÁT BIỂU CỦA d oa nl w HILLARY CLINTON : Ngôn ngữ Anh Mã số : 22 02 01 oi lm ul nf va an lu Chuyên ngành Người hướng dẫn : TS HÀ THANH HẢI z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu BÌNH ĐỊNH, 2020 n va ac th si i DECLARATION This thesis represents my own work and due acknowledgment is given whenever information is derived from other sources No material which has been or is being concurrently submitted for any other qualification at any university is found, except where due reference has been made in the text lu an n va p ie gh tn to Quy Nhon, 2020 d oa nl w Nguyễn Thị Hồng Điệp oi lm ul nf va an lu z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways My grateful thanks in particular are to my supervisor, Dr Ha Thanh Hai, who has supported me a lot during the time I work on my thesis I thank him for his kind encouragements, his endless patience, his critical comments and his valuable lu an materials Special thanks are to my parents, and my husband for their love and va n kind support during the time I was engaged in this work I am also grateful to my tn to friends and classmates for their warm encouragements, help and valuable p ie gh materials This thesis would not be possible without their contributions d oa nl w oi lm ul nf va an lu z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si iii ABSTRACT Metaphor exists in our daily life, not just in our language, but also in our thought and action Language expressions in most languages are largely shaped by conceptual metaphors, which results in a great number of systems of collocations in which a word could and should be followed by some particular lu an words, not all This phenomenon of language causes difficulties in the study va n process of language learners with little knowledge on conceptual metaphor This tn to thesis, therefore, aimed to find out conceptual metaphors of different types of ie gh emotions in public talks of an English-native political figure to provide English p learners with deeper insight in the formation and use of conceptual metaphors of nl w emotion in daily life, thereby facilitating their English learning process The d oa analysis method of the thesis was based on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory an lu suggested by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and the Source-to-Target Mappings by va Kovecses (2005) Data of the study were conceptual metaphors identified in ul nf public talks of Hillary Clinton, a political figure of the United States of America oi lm Results showed that “love” and “fear” were the two types of emotion that z at nh received the greatest number of conceptualization, while “sadness” and “surprise” received the least attention Emotion in general was mainly z conceptualized by Hillary Clinton via two metaphorical expressions, viz @ gm “EMOTION IS LIQUID” and “EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION” m co l Besides, each type of emotion was conceptualized with a wide range of conceptual metaphors The common appearance of ontological metaphors and an Lu structural metaphors in Hillary Clinton’s speeches was believed to enhance the n va ac th si iv understandability and listener-friendliness of her speeches, resulting in a better chance for her to reach the acceptance and agreement of the audience On the other hand, orientational metaphors were used very rarely, which were believed to make little contribution to her talks One potential implication of this study was for proposing a teaching method to help Vietnamese students learn English phrases expressing emotion more effectively, thereby conveying their ideas in lu English more accurately an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w oi lm ul nf va an lu z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si v TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii lu an TABLE OF CONTENTS v va n CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION gh tn to 1.1 RATIONALE p ie 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims of the Study nl w d oa 1.2.2 Objectives of the Study va an lu 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ul nf oi lm 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY z at nh CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW z gm @ 2.1 METAPHORS AND CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS 2.1.1 Definition of metaphors and conceptual metaphors l m co 2.1.2 Conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson an Lu 2.1.3 Classification of conceptual metaphors n va ac th si vi 2.2 EMOTIONS AND CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS OF EMOTIONS 14 2.2.1 The concept of emotion 14 2.2.2 Language and emotion 15 2.2.3 Classification of emotions 16 2.3 SOME PREVIOUS RELEVANT STUDIES 17 lu an 2.3.1 Studies on emotion conceptual metaphors in the world 17 va 2.3.2 Vietnamese studies 19 n gh tn to 2.4 SUMMARY 20 p ie CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 22 nl w 3.1 RESEARCH METHODS 22 d oa 3.2 DATA COLLECTION 22 an lu 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS 23 ul nf va 3.4 RESEARCH PROCEDURES 24 oi lm CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 25 4.1 FINDINGS 25 z at nh 4.1.1 Identified metaphor expressions in the study 25 z gm @ 4.1.2 Statistics of the identified metaphors 28 m co l 4.2 DISCUSSION 33 4.2.1 Conceptualization of emotion in general 33 an Lu 4.2.2 Conceptualization of love 39 n va ac th si vii 4.2.3 Conceptualization of happiness 43 4.2.4 Conceptualization of sadness 46 4.2.5 Conceptualization of fear 48 4.2.6 Conceptualization of hate 52 4.2.7 Conceptualization of anger 54 lu an 4.2.8 Conceptualization of surprise 58 n va 4.2.9 Contributions that metaphors made to Hillary Clinton’s talks 60 gh tn to CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES 62 p ie w 5.1 CONCLUSION 62 oa nl 5.2 IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY 63 d 5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 63 an lu nf va 5.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES 63 oi lm ul REFERENCES 65 APPENDIXES i z at nh Identified samples with categorization into metaphorical expressions .i z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE Although metaphor is deemed by most people as a matter of words rather than thought or action, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) have found that metaphor is lu “pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action” (p.4), an which means that metaphors are used in our daily life no matter we realize it or va n not They also found that most of “our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of gh tn to which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature” (p.4) ie According to them, the concepts that govern our thoughts and actions are not just p matters of the intellect, but they also take part in structuring “what we perceive, oa nl w how we get around in the world, and how we relate to other people” (p.4) Because communication comes from our thinking and acting, language is greatly d an lu dependent on the conceptual system related to that language Therefore, in order nf va to learn a new language, it is a good idea to start at finding out the conceptual oi lm ul system of people using that language with an investigation into the use of metaphors In fact, conceptual metaphors have been investigated in the fields of z at nh literature, grammar, specific discourses, and also in second language teaching where it has been argued that knowing the metaphor-based explanation for z gm @ idiomatic and polysemic expressions can aid in their learning (Soriano, 2015) There has been much research on the metaphors of emotions in English l m co (Kovecses, 2005; Mashak, Pazhakh & Hayati, 2012; Patowari, 2015; Soriano, 2015), and there have been several investigations into similarities and an Lu differences in metaphors of emotions between English and Vietnamese (Huong, n va ac th si i APPENDIXES Identified samples with categorization into metaphorical expressions No Samples Metaphorical Expressions It’s lasted through good times HAPPINESS IS A FLUID IN A lu an that filled us with joy, and hard CONTAINER n va times that tested us (E1_M1) And my heart just swelled when EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION tn to gh I saw Anastasia Somoza on this p ie stage, representing millions of of those changes to our laws — oa nl w young people who — because are able to get an education d va an lu (E1_M2) She said that what worried THE SUBJECT OF FEAR IS A DIVIDED nf oi lm ul President Kennedy during that SELF very dangerous time was that a z at nh war might be started — not by big men with self-control and pride (E1_M3) My heart goes out to all of you, THE m co l gm @ the ones moved by fear and z restraint, but by little men — OBJECT OF LOVE IS A first in your family to graduate an Lu especially those who are the VALUABLE OBJECT n va ac th si ii (E2_M1) Many of you or your friends and EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION families are already feeling the squeeze (E2_M2) This is not an easy time to begin SURPRISE IS A FORCE lu your careers and if any of you an are feeling overwhelmed by va n what you’ll be walking into, tn to well, I’m a little familiar with Well, fear is always with us, THE SUBJECT OF FEAR IS A DIVIDED p ie gh that feeling (E2_M3) nl w but we just don’t have time for SELF d oa it, not now (E2_M4) And over the last 50 years, I’ve FEAR IS AN OPPONENT an lu va seen just about every response ul nf to fear that a person can have oi lm and what I’ve learned over and over again is that we all have a Fear can paralyze us or spur us FEAR IS A TORMENTOR/MOTIVATOR z l gm @ on (E2_M6) 10 z at nh choice (E2_M5) Is there something you’re doing THE OBJECT OF HAPPINESS IS A m co just because it brings you joy? VALUABLE OBJECT an Lu (E2_M7) n va ac th si iii 11 These are frightening times, but FEAR IS A HIDDEN ENEMY as Eleanor Roosevelt’s husband said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (E2_M8) 12 To be a college graduate is a HAPPY IS UP wonderful thing, but to be a lu Hunter graduate—that is an something to shout from the va rooftops (E3_M1) n I don't personally know any of HAPPY IS LIGHT gh tn to 13 you who are graduating, but I ie p have to tell you, I've been up just beaming like I'm nl w there related to most of you (E3_M2) d oa You have to stir up public EMOTION IS LIQUID an lu 14 opinion, put pressure on va ul nf political leaders, shift policies (E3_M3) z at nh 15 oi lm and priorities, and win elections Well, I was shocked [laughter] SURPRISE IS A FORCE m co One of my personal heroes, THE SUBJECT OF FEAR IS A DIVIDED Eleanor Roosevelt, said, "You an Lu 16 l and again (E4_M1) gm me, a place I've returned to time @ a home away from home for z but over the years Yale has been n va ac th si iv gain strength, courage and SELF confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face (E4_M2) 17 You've learned that you don't ANGER IS A CAPTIVE ANIMAL need to be an immigrant to be outraged when a classmate's lu an father, a human being who n va contributes to his family and his to country, is unjustly deported ie gh tn (E4_M3) Leaders willing to exploit fear FEAR IS A RESOURCE p 18 their disposal that were oa nl w and skepticism have tools at unimaginable when I graduated d 19 va an lu (E5_M1) It matters because it undermines THE CAUSE OF ANGER IS nf oi lm ul confidence in government as a TRESPASSING whole, which in turn breeds cynicism and (E5_M2) be afraid of your ANGER IS AN OPPONENT an Lu 21 m co powerful forces (E5_M3) l even your anger – those are gm ambition, of your dreams, or @ Don’t z 20 anger z at nh more And you build that village by LOVE IS AN EXCHANGE n va ac th si v investing love and time into your relationships (E5_M4) 22 One of the things that gave me THE OBJECT OF HAPPINESS IS A the most hope and joy after the VALUABLE OBJECT election, when I really needed it, was meeting so many young people who told me that my lu an defeat had not defeated them n va (E5_M5) It is great to be back in San THE tn to 23 OBJECT OF LOVE IS A ie gh Francisco, a place that has a big VALUABLE OBJECT p big spot in my heart and to be afternoon (E6_M1) 24 It d oa nl w able to speak with all of you this is disheartening to hear EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION lu va an women at the highest level of their profession say things are nf oi lm ul no better for the young women beginning their careers today 25 z at nh (E6_M2) We need to resist bias and HATE IS AN OPPONENT z and fear (E6_M3) l If it had been signed into law FEAR IS A FLUID IN A CONTAINER millions of families would not an Lu be living in fear of being torn m co 26 gm @ bullying, we need to resist hate FEAR IS AN OPPONENT n va ac th si vi apart and our economy would benefit from the millions of workers coming out of the shadows (E7_M1) 27 I wish you and your family all THE OBJECT OF HAPPINESS IS A the happiness in the world You VALUABLE OBJECT have earned it (E7_M2) lu an 28 I know many of you are deeply SADNESS IS A FLUID va IN A IS A n disappointed about the results of CONTAINER to gh tn the election (E8_M1) It was about the country we love THE p ie 29 OBJECT OF LOVE that is hopeful, inclusive and nl w and about building an America VALUABLE OBJECT d oa bighearted (E8_M2) lu No child should have to live THE SUBJECT OF FEAR IS A DIVIDED an 30 SELF So there is a lot of work to as FEAR IS A FLUID IN A CONTAINER oi lm 31 ul nf va with fear like that (E8_M3) long as any child in America z at nh lives in poverty, as long as any child in America lives in fear, as So I urge you—I urge you, THE OBJECT OF LOVE an Lu 32 m co (E8_M4) l challenges, there is work to gm @ but in the world—faces these z long as any child—not just here IS A n va ac th si vii don’t please, lose heart VALUABLE OBJECT (E8_M5) 33 Love never fails, it tells us, and THE SUBJECT OF LOVE IS A DIVIDED I believe that (E8_M6) 34 SELF She found a way to offer me the THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A boundless love and support she VALUABLE OBJECT lu never received herself (E8_M7) an va 35 You poured your hearts into this LOVE IS A FLUID IN A CONTAINER n gh tn to campaign (E9_M1) 36 My friends, let us have faith in THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A ie p each other, let us not grow VALUABLE OBJECT are more seasons to come and oa nl w weary and lose heart, for there d there is more work to lu Imagine him plunging us into a THE his ANGER IS somebody got TRESPASSING very oi lm under because OF ul war thin skin z at nh (E10_M1) I've had the great honor of SADNESS IS AN EXCHANGE z 38 CAUSE nf 37 va an (E9_M2) m co movement (E10_M2) l action and their mourning into a gm who have turned their grief into @ getting to know their mothers, an Lu n va ac th si viii 39 It just made me boil when ANGER IS A HOT FLUID Donald Trump disrespected a Gold Star Family Mr and Mrs Khan (E11_M1) 40 Honestly, I don't know how anyone would want to rub salt EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION lu in the wounds of a grieving an family (E11_M2) n va 41 Now that, honestly, breaks my THE to gh tn heart (E11_M3) OF LOVE IS A VALUABLE OBJECT She gets under his thin skin like THE CAUSE OF ANGER IS p ie 42 OBJECT TRESPASSING All of this talk about the EMOTION IS LIQUID oa 43 nl w nobody else (E12_M1) d election being rigged, trying to lu up people who are va an stir supporting him at his rallies, nf oi lm ul that is a direct threat to our democracy (E12_M2) z at nh 44 I am proud to see Americans HATE IS AN OPPONENT coming together, democrats, and division m co 45 l (E12_M3) gm hate @ reject z republicans, independents who This is a heart-wrenching story EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION an Lu on a lot of levels (E12_M4) n va ac th si ix 46 You certainly don't need to be THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A LOVE IS A Catholic to be inspired by the VALUABLE OBJECT humility and hearts of the Holy Father Pope Francis, or to embrace his message (E13_M1) lu 47 So I have taken this concept to THE OBJECT OF an heart in this campaign, the daily VALUABLE OBJECT va heat and back and forth of a n tn to presidential campaign, to ask gh how we can more for each p ie other and better for each other 48 nl w (E13_M2) It has helped people deal with SADNESS IS A BURDEN oa d the sorrows that come [ ] and it lu an has [ ] the world outside nf va challenged the faith that comes 49 oi lm ul from belief (E14_M1) They have different, and deeper FEAR IS A FLUID IN A CONTAINER z at nh fears about the world that their grandchildren face (E14_M2) z @ 50 It makes my heart ache, when EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION of the an Lu senseless (E14_M3) absolutely m co sense l through this and trying to make gm kids like Zianna, are going n va ac th si x 51 But because my grandchildren FEAR IS A HIDDEN ENEMY are white, because they are the grandchildren of a former president and secretary of state, let's be honest here—they won't face the kind of fear that we heard from the young children lu an testifying before the city n va council (E14_M4) They should not be facing fear, FEAR IS A HIDDEN ENEMY tn to 52 gh they should be learning and p ie growing, imagining who they be, and what their contributions to our country nl w can d oa could be as well (E14_M5) lu Please don't let hate infect your HATE IS A DISEASE an 53 Now, there are some out there ANGER IS FIRE oi lm 54 ul nf va heart (E14_M6) who see this as a moment to fan z at nh the flames of resentment and division (E14_M7) z @ 55 Who want to exploit people's FEAR IS A RESOURCE m co apart (E14_M8) l tearing our nation even further gm fears, even though it means an Lu n va ac th si xi 56 Let us not grow weary in doing THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A good, for at the proper time we VALUABLE OBJECT will reap a harvest if we not lose heart (E14_M9) 57 We will not grow weary and we THE will not lose heart (E14_M10) lu an 58 OBJECT OF VALUABLE OBJECT I'm trying to end the campaign THE OBJECT OF n va focusing on issues that are VALUABLE OBJECT really close to my heart—and to gh tn this is one of them (E15_M1) Now, I've carried those words THE OBJECT OF p ie 59 as a little girl, and it's an idea oa nl w with me ever since I heard them VALUABLE OBJECT that really got into my head and d 60 va an lu my heart (E15_M2) Where's Val? Val—I know— HAPPY IS UP nf oi lm ul got this crowd really whipped up , and I want you to stay 61 z at nh whipped up for Val (E16_M1) I was just blown away by this A SURPRISE PERSON IS A BURST m co l gm loved her sister (E16_M2) @ girl—her CONTAINER confidence and how much she 62 z nine-year-old You've shown the world what LOVE IS A RESOURCE an Lu Orlando is made of—strength, n va ac th si xii love and kindness (E16_M3) 63 And right now, in too many THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A ways, we are falling short VALUABLE OBJECT We've got to face that and better for everyone's sake because this really does go to the heart of who we are as lu an Americans (E16_M4) va n 64 And, by the way, I'm proud that THE OBJECT OF to tn some of the Democrats and VALUABLE OBJECT ie gh Republicans who passed that p landmark bill are supporting my where my heart is on this oa nl w campaign because they know (E16_M5) d lu Now, one advocate after another SADNESS IS A BURDEN va an 65 has told me the same thing, "We nf 66 oi lm ul don't want pity (E16_M6) This issue is very close to my THE OF z at nh heart (E16_M7) OBJECT VALUABLE OBJECT It broke her heart (E16_M8) EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION 68 We see, as Lauren said, too FEAR IS A FLUID IN A CONTAINER z 67 an Lu lives are disposable; too many m co women made to feel like their l gm @ many young black men and n va ac th si xiii immigrants living in fear of deportation; too many young LGBT Americans bullied; too many young women and men sexually assaulted on campus or in the military or at home (E17_M1) lu an 69 It's been painful for her—a lot HATE IS AN OPPONENT n va of hate has come her way and to the gun lobby is so powerful— gh tn but Erica won't give up (E17_M2) p ie When I learned about this many LOVE IS FIRE years later, I asked how she oa nl w 70 managed to grow up into a d an lu warm, loving person and not and broken 71 oi lm ul nf (E17_M3) bitter va become My heart went out to her and I THE 72 OF LOVE IS A LOVE IS A VALUABLE OBJECT z at nh wanted to help (E17_M4) OBJECT I learned that to drive real THE OBJECT OF z both hearts and laws (E17_M5) l We have to stand up to this hate HATE IS AN OPPONENT (E17_M6) m co 73 gm @ progress, you have to change VALUABLE OBJECT an Lu n va ac th si xiv 74 I've heard many heartbreaking EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION stories over this campaign (E18_M1) 75 Those stories really hurt my EMOTION IS A PHYSICAL SENSATION heart (E19_M1) 76 John, they've got friends from THE OBJECT OF lu LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A LOVE IS A an Arkansas here—but across this VALUABLE OBJECT n va great country, you've welcomed me into your congregations with to gh tn open arms and open hearts (E20_M1) p ie I've been privileged to see your THE OBJECT OF love in action with my own VALUABLE OBJECT oa nl w 77 eyes (E20_M2) d lu I've seen the love at Mount Zion THE OBJECT OF va an 78 Missionary Baptist Church in VALUABLE OBJECT nf 79 oi lm ul Cedar Rapids, Iowa (E20_M3) I've seen the love at Tabernacle THE OBJECT OF z at nh Community Baptist Church in VALUABLE OBJECT Milwaukee (E20_M4) z I've seen the love at the Triumph THE OBJECT OF gm @ 80 guided by what he calls the E's of evangelism, an Lu three m co where Reverend James Hall, l Baptist Church in Philadelphia VALUABLE OBJECT n va ac th si xv education, and economic development, has been led to set up a credit union to help people in the community overlooked or ignored by the banks so they can get a small business loan, save for college, or put lu something away for retirement an (E20_M5) n va I've seen the love at Dexter THE OBJECT OF LOVE IS A Avenue King Memorial Baptist VALUABLE OBJECT gh tn to 81 Church in Montgomery, ie p Alabama (E20_M6) As president, I will be your LOVE IS AN EXCHANGE oa nl w 82 partner in this work of d (E20_M7) oi lm ul nf va an lu translating love into action z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2023, 14:10