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A survey of strategies in formulating speaking ideas among english major students at thu dau mot university m a 60 14 10

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE A SURVEY OF STRATEGIES IN FORMULATING SPEAKING IDEAS AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY A thesis submitted to the Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master‟s degree in TESOL By QUACH YEN LINH Supervised by LE HOANG DUNG, PH.D HO CHI MINH CITY, July 2017 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby declare this thesis entitled “A SURVEY OF STRATEGIES IN FORMULATING SPEAKING IDEAS AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY” is the result of my own work except as cited in the references The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and it is not currently submitted in candidature of any other degree Ho Chi Minh City, July 2017 Signature: _ Name: QUACH YEN LINH i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, QUACH YEN LINH, being the candidate for the degree of Master in TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master‟s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin copy of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan and reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh City, July 2017 Signature: _ Name: QUACH YEN LINH ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Dr Le Hoang Dung, for his invaluable guidance and support during the preparation and completion of this thesis Without his wholehearted assistance throughout the research, I would not have finished this thesis successfully Secondly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all my teachers in my postgraduate program for their dedication and useful instructions through my time as a master student Thirdly, I am obliged to my colleagues and students at Thu Dau Mot University for their precious time in providing data for the study This thesis would not have been completed if it had not been for their sincere cooperation Fourthly, my special thanks are extended to my fellow master students – TESOL 2013 class – who are my good friends as well as good colleagues I highly appreciate the understanding and knowledge they shared with me during the course Fifthly, I would like to express my appreciation to the English Resource Center (ERC) of the Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature for helping me access to valuable sources of materials for the research Last but not least, my heartfelt gratitude are reserved for my parents and sisters who have always supported and encouraged me, especially in my gloomy days Their unconditional care and continuous encouragement motivated me to burst with full energy and effort iii ABSTRACT Difficulties in speaking have become major concerns for teachers and learners However, main focuses of research papers are commonly given to grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation which are considered as students‟ main problems, resulting in disregard for other elements, especially formulating speaking ideas This is really challenging for students to finish a speaking task successfully with no ideas or opinions to express This study, therefore, surveyed the strategies in formulating speaking ideas among English major students at Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU) It analyzed the causes to difficulties, the strategies in formulating speaking ideas as well as offering some suggestions for students and teachers The study employed nonexperimental design and its data were collected via means of (a) questionnaire to 116 second-year students of English major, (b) interview with teachers and 18 students, and (c) think-aloud protocol to students The analysis was carried out by measures of counting frequency, calculating percentage, and interpreting comments from the respondents The findings of the study indicated that all of the student respondents did encounter difficulties in formulating speaking ideas due to a number of major causes such as lack of vocabulary, no background of knowledge, lack of confidence and lack of time to prepare ideas This paper provided useful strategies for students to overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas The results, although tentative, give a better understanding of the reality of using strategies in formulating speaking ideas at TDMU and offer suggestions for both teachers and learners in this institution The thesis closes by identifying some ideas for further research in relation to this study iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS .ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Structure of the thesis CHAPTER II 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Speaking skill 2.1.1 The nature of the speaking skill 2.1.2 Importance of the speaking skill in EFL classrooms 2.1.3 Functions of speaking 2.1.4 The speaking process 12 2.1.5 What speakers need to know 13 2.2 Problems with speaking activities 15 2.3 Factors influencing EFL learners‟ speaking skill 17 2.4 Characteristics of a successful speaking activity 18 v 2.5 The roles of the teacher in a speaking activity 20 2.6 Teaching methodology of the speaking skill 21 2.6.1 A basic methodological model for teaching speaking 21 2.6.2 Other models of teaching speaking 22 2.7 Formulating speaking ideas 24 2.7.1 Pre-speaking activities 24 2.7.2 Strategies in formulating speaking ideas 26 Planning strategies 26 Brainstorming strategies 28 2.8 Related local studies 33 2.9 Conceptual framework of the study 35 2.10 Summary 38 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 39 3.1 Research design 39 3.2 Research site 39 3.3 Participants 39 3.3.1 Students‟ profile 39 3.3.2 Teacher respondents‟ profile 42 3.4 Research instruments 42 3.4.1 Questionnaire 43 3.4.2 Interview 44 3.4.3 Think-aloud protocol 45 3.4.4 Summary of the research instruments 46 3.5 Data collection procedures 48 3.5.1 Procedures for distributing the questionnaire 48 3.5.2 Procedures for conducting the interview 48 3.5.3 Procedures for conducting the think-aloud protocol 49 vi 3.6 Data analysis procedures 50 3.7 Summary 50 CHAPTER IV 4.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 51 Data analysis 51 4.1.1 Analysis of data collected from the questionnaire to students‟ respondents 51 Difficulties encountered by students‟ respondents in formulating speaking ideas among second-year students at Thu Dau Mot university 51 Causes to difficulties in formulating speaking ideas among secondyear students at Thu Dau Mot university 53 Strategies in formulating speaking ideas used by second-year students at Thu Dau Mot University 54 Summary 57 4.1.2 Analysis of data from the interviews 58 Data analysis from the interviews with student respondents 58 Data analysis from the interviews with teacher respondents 67 4.1.3 Analysis of data from the think-aloud protocols 71 4.2 Discussion of results 75 4.2.1 Causes to difficulties in formulating speaking ideas 75 4.2.2 Strategies in formulating speaking ideas 76 4.2.3 Pedagogical implications for teachers and solutions for students 78 Pedagogical implications for teachers 78 Solutions for students 80 4.3 Major findings 84 4.4 Summary 87 CHAPTER V 5.1 CONCLUSION 88 Conclusion 88 vii 5.1.1 Causes to difficulties in formulating speaking ideas 88 5.1.2 Strategies in formulating speaking ideas 90 5.2 Suggestions 91 5.2.1 Suggestions for teachers 91 5.2.2 Suggestions for learners 93 5.3 Limitations of the study 93 5.4 Recommendations for further study 94 5.5 Summary 95 REFERENCES 96 APPENDIX A: QUESTIONNAIRE 102 APPENDIX B: INTERVIEW (FOR TEACHERS) 105 APPENDIX C: INTERVIEW (FOR STUDENTS) 106 APPENDIX D: THINK-ALOUD PROTOCOL 107 APPENDIX E: LETTER TO TEACHER RESPONDENTS 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Tick to the statements that you choose No 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 Strategies Identifying the goal and purpose of the speaking task (What are you going to do?) Using students‟ background knowledge (What you know about this situation/ task?) Relating the task to a similar situation, make associations Making an outline of the speaking task (with notes, keywords, or pictures) Predicting what the listener is going to say Rehearsing (practicing silently/ standing in front of a mirror/ recording yourself) Answers       2.4.7 Cooperating in all areas if it is a group task  2.4.8 Word list  2.4.9 Brainstorming with a picture  2.4.10 Brainstorming with a song  2.4.11 Mind mapping  103 2.4.12  Group storytelling Others (please specify) …………………………………………………………… 2.5 How you have the strategies in formulating speaking ideas?  I created for myself  A teacher taught me  A friend told me  A book showed me  Others (please specify) ………………………………………………… THE END OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE Thank you very much for your help and cooperation! 104 APPENDIX B: INTERVIEW (FOR TEACHERS)  How long have you been teaching English? How often your students encounter difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? In your opinion, what are the causes to difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? Do you teach your students how to overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? In what ways can teachers help students overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? In your opinion, what the English major students have to in order to overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? Thank you very much for your cooperation 105 APPENDIX C: INTERVIEW (FOR STUDENTS)  How long have you been learning English? How you evaluate your speaking competence? In your opinion, what are the causes to difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? How long you need to formulate your speaking ideas? In what ways can teachers help students overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? In your opinion, what the English major students have to in order to overcome difficulties in formulating speaking ideas? 106 APPENDIX D: THINK-ALOUD PROTOCOL  DON’TS: Don‟t use the Internet to look for ideas Don‟t use any kinds of dictionary Don‟t ask any person for advice Don‟t focus too much attention on grammar or pronunciation mistakes  DOS: Check the recording device, such as its battery Put it on the place in the direction near and towards your voice Notice which part of the device can receive your sound sharply Put your mobile phone in the flight mode or silent mode in order not to distract you Consider this as a speaking task in class Be able to use both Vietnamese and English during the recording However, the final full speech must be in English, except when having difficulties in arranging your speaking ideas Start recording right from the time you see the think-aloud topic, formulate ideas until finish the full speech, i.e including your thinking process and speaking process Be able to rehearse in order to check if the ideas are correct or logical Please record this stage as well Stop thinking if you feel that is all you can Start the full speech Ask the researcher before looking down at the think-aloud topic if there are any issues you not understand Copy your recording file from the recording device, after finishing the full speech, to your computer in case losses Send it via the researcher‟s email at linhyenquach@gmail.com 10 THE MOST IMPORTANT: always say out loud everything happening in your mind when formulating speaking ideas 107 Look for the think-aloud topic on the next page when you finish reading the above issues and you are ready to start the recording 108 TOPIC FOR THINK-ALOUD What should and shouldn’t we to eat healthily? 109 APPENDIX E: LETTER TO TEACHER RESPONDENTS THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY Faculty of Foreign Languages  Letter to Teacher Respondents September 15, 2015 Dear colleagues, Warmest greetings I am Quach Yen Linh, an English teacher at Thu Dau Mot University, Thu Dau Mot City I am pursuing a Master program in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) at USSH I am doing my thesis entitled “A Survey of Strategies in Formulating Speaking Ideas among English Major Students at Thu Dau Mot University.” This questionnaire seeks to obtain information and insights on teachers‟ attitudes towards the difficulties and strategies in formulating speaking ideas among second-year English major students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then pedagogical suggestions are made to enhance the teaching quality here May you help me to answer the questionnaire Please note that your identity and responses will be held in strict confidentiality and used for research purposes only Your kind attention to this request will be highly appreciated I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks for your help, time, patience and cooperation Thank you very much Very respectfully yours, Quach Yen Linh If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me via: : linhyenquach@gmail.com or 110 : 0907.828.830 APPENDIX F: LETTER TO STUDENT RESPONDENTS THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY Faculty of Foreign Languages  Letter to Student Respondents September 20, 2015 Dear learners, Warmest greetings I am Quach Yen Linh, an English teacher at Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU), Thu Dau Mot City I am enrolled in a postgraduate program in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) at USSH I am doing my thesis entitled “A Survey of Strategies in Formulating Speaking Ideas among English Major Students at Thu Dau Mot University.” This questionnaire seeks to obtain information and insights on learners‟ attitudes towards the difficulties and strategies in formulating speaking ideas among second-year English major students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then pedagogical suggestions are made to enhance the teaching quality here May you help me to answer the questionnaire Rest assured that your identity and responses will be held in strict confidentiality and used for research purposes only Your kind attention to this request will be highly appreciated I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks for your help, time, patience and cooperation Thank you very much Very respectfully yours, Quach Yen Linh If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me via: : linhyenquach@gmail.com or 111 : 0907.828.830 APPENDIX G: LETTER TO ADMINISTRATOR THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY Faculty of Foreign Languages  Letter to Administrators September 10, 2015 Dear Dean of the Faculty, Warmest greetings I am Quach Yen Linh, an English teacher at Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU), Thu Dau Mot City I am enrolled in a Master program in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) at USSH I am doing my thesis entitled “A Survey of Strategies in Formulating Speaking Ideas among English Major Students at Thu Dau Mot University.” This study attempts to investigate teachers‟ and learners‟ attitudes towards the difficulties and strategies in formulating speaking ideas among second-year English major students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then, on that basis, pedagogical suggestions are made to enhance the teaching quality here May you allow me to conduct classroom observations in the institution Please be noted that these observations are for research purposes only I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks for your approval Thank you very much Very respectfully yours, Approved by: Quach Yen Linh Dr Nguyen Hoang Tuan If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me via: : linhyenquach@gmail.com or 112 : 0907.828.830

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2023, 11:27



