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1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE THESIS 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE THESIS The thesis "Corporate social responsibility (CSR) for employees in garment companies in Vietnam", which is based on previous domestic and international research, simultaneously combines the concept of the World Bank with the content of research in the aspect of workers in accordance with ISO 26000:2010 In addition to the pledge, thanks, index, list of acronyms, list of drawings, tables, tables, list of published scientific research works, reference list, appendix, the content of the thesis includes 06 chapters 1.2 The necessity of the thesis Since 1980s, CSR has become a topic for many scholars in developed countries The research results of the authors have shown that CSR has a positive impact on the performance of enterprises Since, CSR has been seen as an important strategy for enterprises to create competitive advantage in developed countries (Matten and Moon, 2008) More and more enterprises, especially textile enterprises, have realized that they can not only aim to maximize profits but also to take responsibility for society, environment, employees, corporate governance, sustainable production, (Yperen, 2006; Thang, 2015) In reality, the application of CSR standards and rules of Vietnam NGOs is very passive, overlapping or inconsistent with other laws, and the implementation of these standards is formal, not really oriented on efficiency, quality as well as orientation on sustainable development of enterprises On the other hand, in terms of theoretical foundations, at present, there are many domestic and international scholars studying different aspects of CSR in Vietnam enterprises However, the number of in-depth studies on CSR in the textile sector, especially CSR studies on employees in Vietnam, is limited In order to contribute to the improvement of the theoretical basis in the study of the relationship of CSR implementation to the level of satisfaction, trust and commitment of the employees in the garment companies, in order to help remove the key issues in the process of implementing social responsibility for employees, fellow has chosen "Corporate social responsibility (CSR) for employees in garment companies in Vietnam" to PhD thesis 1.3 Research objectives and questions 1.3.1 Research Objectives: Construct and test a model of research on the relationship of CSR implementation to the level of satisfaction, trust and commitment of the employees in the garment companies and on the basis of foundation, give some recommendations to help the garment companies implementation of CSR for employees 1.3.2 Research Question: To achieve the research objectives, the thesis focuses on the following key research questions: (1) What research model is used to evaluate the implementation of CSR for workers in garment companies in Vietnam? (2) What is the relationship of CSR implementation to employees in terms of satisfaction, trust and commitment of employees in garment companies in Vietnam? (3) What are some suggestions that can help Vietnamese garment companies to perform well on CSR? 1.4 Object and scope of the study - Subjects of the study: The research object of this thesis is CSR for employees in Vietnamese garment companies - Research scope: + About research content: CSR has many different contents such as CSR with environmental protection, CSR with consumers, CSR with civil society, CSR with employees , within the research scope of the thesis, the author focuses on CSR research on employees in Vietnamese garment companies in three aspects: the level of trust, satisfaction and commitment of the employees + Space: The thesis focuses on research on CSR for employees in Vietnamese garment companies Data collection for the CSR criteria for employees was conducted randomly in Vietnamese garment companies in the North, Central and the South + Time: The thesis analyzes data related to CSR for employees in Vietnamese enterprises, secondary data is collected from 2011 to 2016, primary data is collected in year 2015 and year 2016 This period will ensure sufficient time for the collection and implementation of data analysis to show the trend of future social responsibility for employees 1.5 Overview of research methodology: To achieve the research objectives and answer the research questions stated, the thesis uses qualitative research methodology combined with quantitative research 1.6 New contributions in terms of theories and practices Through the process of researching and analyzing contents concerning CSR performance on employees in Vietnam’s garment companies, together with the research results on 676 employees (including workers, administrative staffs and managers in 22 garment companies in the South, Central and the North of Vietnam), the thesis has found out new contributions in terms of theories and practices, details are: - Defining a theoretical basis and research methodology suitable to conditions and realities of the implementation of CSR for employees in garment companies in Vietnam - Adjusting the scales of influences by CSR implementation on the level of satisfaction, trust and commitments of employees in garment companies in Vietnam - Constructing and testing research model on CSR and its influences on the level of satisfaction, trust and commitments of employees in garment companies in Vietnam The test results show that if impact factors are positive, there is a positive relationship between them in research model In particular, factors of training development, health safety, employment, dialogue, compensation have a positive impact on satisfaction; Employment and safety factors not have adequate basis for conclusion of affecting trust; Trust factor is positive with satisfaction; Two factors are satisfaction and trust have possitive impact on commitments - Recommending and applying the research results to help garment companies in Vietnam to implement CSR on employees In addition, from the research results, the thesis is expected to contribute a number of articles and presentations domestically and internationally in the area of CSR research At the same time, other directions for implementing CSR in Vietnam such as CSR for environmental protection, CSR for consumers, CSR for community development, CSR for issues On the other hand, the results of the research can also be used as supplementary materials for the subjects such as Business Administration, Strategic Management, Business Culture, 1.7 Layout of the main contents of the thesis In order to achieve the objectives of the dissertation and answer the research questions, the dissertation is divided into six chapters, including the following main contents: Chapter 1: Introduction to the thesis; Chapter 2: Overview of research situation; Chapter 3: The rationale for social responsibility of enterprises towards laborers in garment companies; Chapter 4: Design and Methods of Research; Chapter 5: Context and Results of Research on Corporate Social Responsibility for Employees in Textile Enterprises in Vietnam; Chapter 6: Comment on research results and some recommendations CHAPTER 2: OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH 2.1 General studies on corporate social responsibility 2.1.1 About role and benefits of corporate social responsibility There are many researches on great role and benefits of CSR, such as Friedman M (1970), CSR, to increase corporate profits; Sethi (1975) CSR implies raising corporate behavior to a level consistent with popular norms, values, and expectations Caroll (1979) asserts, "CSR includes the social expectations of economics, law, ethics and charity toward organizations at a given moment"; Philip Kotler, CSR: the best thing for your company; Rana et al (2009), affirming that CSR is a tool and a means for sustainable development of enterprises; Nguyen Dinh Tai (2010), study on enhancing CSR for the environment and consumers in Vietnam and bring about the benefits of CSR in terms of environment and consumers; Pham Van Duc (2010), CSR in Vietnam: Some theoretical and practical issues; Le Thi Thu Thuy (2013), "Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility - Benefits for Enterprises", 2.1.2 About factors that affect the implementation of CSR Studies on factors influencing the implementation of CSR: Lepoutre J and Heene A (2006), investigating the impact of enterprise size on CSR; Chen X (2009), CSR in China: Challenges and Consciousness; Le Thanh Ha (2009), CSR in the context of Vietnam's accession to the WTO and international economic integration; Nguyen Van Thang (2009), with limited awareness of long-term benefits, is a major challenge for implementing CSR in Vietnam Hoang Thi Thanh Huong, Dang Thi Kim Thoa (2012), CSR - Tools to create competitive advantage of enterprises; Le Chi Cong (2016), investigated and tested the relationship between trust belief in CSR implementation in explaining commitment and intention to use Salanganes Nest 2.2 Studies on corporate social responsibility for workers and the textile industry 2.2.1 Studies on corporate social responsibility of employees Trinh Khanh Ly (2006), defining the role of Vietnamese trade associations in protecting the rights of employees; Compa (2008), emphasizing the responsibility of the union for the rights of the employee; Duong Thi Lieu (2008) emphasizes the importance of CSR in building corporate culture in human resource management; Dang Thi Hong Hanh (2009), applying standard SA 8000 to production and business of enterprises in the city of Hanoi; Gond et al (2010), have clarified the impact of CSR implementation on employee behaviors, attitudes and business performance; Harjanne (2010), has analyzed the importance of CSR for employees in the US, UK, Germany and Finland; Stawiski et al (2010) analyzes and points out that raising staff awareness through training will improve the skills and initiatives of employees in corporate development strategies; Nguyen Ngoc Thang (2010) proposed a guideline for integrating human resource management policies into CSR for employees; Lee Y., et al (2012), explored the impact of CSR on relationship quality and relationship outcomes: perspectives of service personnel; Luu Trong Tuan and Luu Thi Ngoc Bich (2013), an overview of the current situation of labor disputes in Vietnam and some solutions to dispute 2.2.2 Studies on corporate social responsibility for the textile and apparel industry Twose and Rao (2003), reviewing the implementation of CSR in Vietnam's textile and footwear sector; Yperen (2006), overview of issues related to CSR in the textile industry as the benefits of CSR for the textile industry; Dao Quang Vinh (2003), through the study of 24 enterprises in the textile and footwear sector, the author pointed out that: Thanks to the good performance of CSR, turnover, labor productivity, percentage of export has increased instantly; Gupta and Hodges (2012), investigated consumer perceptions of CSR in the Indian textile industry; Hoang Thi Thanh Huong and Le Cong Hoa (2013), have shown that the pressure on enterprises to implement CSR strategy is increasing; Nguyen Phuong Mai (2013), analyzed the current status of CSR implementation at Dapau Garment Joint Stock Company; Hoang Thi Thanh Huong (2015), studied and developed CSR scales of small and medium enterprises in the context of Vietnamese garment; Shen et al (2015), pointing out financial constraints as a major barrier to the implementation of CSR in India's textile industry 2.3 Space and research direction of the thesis (1) There have been a number of CSR studies that focus on general research, exploring the theory of CSR (2) CSR research publications on employee perspectives are limited (3) There is no analytical framework or CSR model for employees in Vietnam as well as in specific Vietnamese garment companies (4) There is no research in developing scales to assess the relationship between CSR implementation and satisfaction, trust and commitment of employees in LBS Therefore, research on CSR for employees in Vietnamese garment companies is a necessary research, with new points CHAPTER 3: THEORY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEES 3.1 The history of corporate social responsibility development The history of CSR development has gone through five periods: the period before 1950; The period from 1950 to 1969; Period from 1970 to 1989; Period from 1990 to 1999; In the early 21st century, these contents are shown in the thesis from pages 21 to 27 3.2 The concept of corporate social responsibility 3.2.1 The concept of corporate social responsibility before the 21st century Concept from Howard Rothmann Bowen (1950); Sethi (1975); Caroll (1979), These concepts are presented from pages 27 to 29 of the thesis 3.2.2 The definition of social responsibility The concept of CSR of the World Bank In 2003, the World Bank's Private Sector Development Working Group came up with the definition of CSR: "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development, through activities to improve the quality of life of workers and their family members, the community and society in a manner that is both beneficial to the business and to the overall development of the society " (world bank, 2003) ISO 26000: 2010 standard ISO 26000: 2010 is an international standardization set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide guidance on CSR This standard was written by experts from social organizations and was issued in late November 2010, with seven core themes: organizational governance; Human rights protection; Employees; Environmental Protection; Operational transparency; Target consumers; Community development At the request of the ISO 26000 standard, the CSR content of the enterprise for employees includes the following contents: (1) employment and development of labor relations, (2) compensation and social protection (3) social dialogue, (4) workplace health and safety, (5) staff training and development, detailing the core subject workers - article 6.4 of the standard The dissertation uses this approach of ISO 26000 as a basis for analyzing, explaining, developing and validating the CSR research model for employees in Vietnamese garment companies The author proposes the concept of CSR for Employees as used in the thesis, as follows: "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for employees is the commitment of the business to employees through the implementation of the following activities: Employment and labor relations, treatment and protection social, health and safety, training and development to improve the quality of life of workers, contribute to the sustainable development of enterprises and society" 3.3 The content of corporate social responsibility for employees At the request of the ISO 26000 standard, the CSR content of the enterprise for employees includes the following criteria: (1) employment and development of labor relations, (2) remuneration and protection schemes (3) social dialogue, (4) workplace health and safety, (5) staff training and development 3.4 The level of trust, satisfaction and commitment of people in the implementation of corporate social responsibility for employees 3.4.1 The level of trust of the workers Integrate the level of trust of employees with the following contents: (1) Trust in leadership capacity; (2) Believe in the openness / openness of the leader; (3) believe in the interest of the leader; (4) Believe in the trust of the leader 3.4.2 Level of satisfaction in work The level of satisfaction of the employees consists of the following three components: (1) satisfaction with the corporate responsibility of the enterprise; (2) satisfaction with honest business responsibilities of enterprises; (3) Job satisfaction of the employees 3.4.3 Commitment of employees The level of satisfaction of the employee includes the following: (1) commitment to the feelings of the person; (2) Commitments related to labor market; (3) Commitments related to ethics 3.5 Research model on corporate social responsibility for employees Based on the contents analyzed and synthesized previous studies on CSR for employees (Table 3.2), the authors synthesize and build the research framework as follows: Social responsibility for employees (1) Employment and development of labor relations (2) Welfare and social protection (3) Social dialogue (4) Health and safety (5) Training and development staff The level of trust of the workers Commitment of employees The level of satisfaction of the workers Figure 3.6: CSR Framework for Employees Source: Author Table 3.2: Corporate Social Responsibility for Employees No Name Content Employment and development of labor relationship Treatment and social protection Social responsibility for employees Social dialogue Health and safety Training and development Explanation Source The enterprise complies with the Labor Code and the State regulations on employees; To ensure equality of opportunity for the employees Wages and other forms of compensation, protection of pregnant women and other welfare issues such as hygiene, safety and access to health services Form of negotiation, consultation or information exchange between enterprises and employees Include the physical and mental health of the employee; Prevent the risk of health damage caused by working conditions Training to develop working skills for Carroll, 1999; Nguyen Ngoc Thang, 2015; ISO 26000:2010; No Name Content Explanation staff employees; create conditions for new employees to develop; To create conditions for employees to raise their professional qualifications Level of trust of the employees Level of satisfaction of the employees Commitment of the employees Level of confidence of the employee Trust in the leadership capacity; Imagine that businesses always carry out the commitments with employees and the community, the openness, openness of the leader Satisfied about community responsibilities, business responsibilities of the business and the work of the employees Commitment related to the emotion of the employee and professional ethics CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Resaerch process (page 50 of the thesis) 4.2 Data collection and processing 4.2.1 Data collection - Secondary data sources: Gathering information, data, documents, reports, etc… - Primary data sources: In this study, the sociological survey method used questionnaires and in-depth interviews to collect primary data related to CSR for employees 4.2.2 Data processing: Using the factor analysis method with the following steps: (i) Testing the reliability of the scale; (ii) Confirmatory factor analysis; (iii) Exploratory factor analysis 4.3 Quantitive research: To conduct initial quantitive research, the author uses an expert method combined with a survey method through questionnaires to conduct the implement CSR for employees in LBS and select appropriate theoretical research basis Once having been selected, the conditions for implementing CSR withiin the LMB was researched Table 4.1: The content of survey Source ISO 26000:2010; Akhunov and their partners, 2006; Hunchak, 2006; Falcon, 2005; Mayer and Davis, 1999; Albrecht, 2002; Kirkpatric and Locke, 1991; Mishra, 1992; Falcone and their partners, 1998; Kramer and their partners, 1996; Prutina, 2016 ISO 26000:2010; Folkes and Kamins, 1999; Carroll, 1979; Homburg and Stock, 2004; Turker, 2008 Meyer and Allen, 1991; Takao, 1998; Bergman, 2006; Meyer and their partners Stt Source: Author Interviewing Content The points of implementing CSR Overview of CSR activites The status in CSR implementation Relationship between the implementation of CSR and the level of satisfaction, trust and commitment of the employees in the enterprise Factors that affect the performance of CSR Characteristic in the implementation of garment CSR compared to other enterprises Enterprises’ solution to improve the efficiency of social responsibility The suitability of the research framework and the scales used in the thesis Source: Author 4.3.3 Quantitive research results Table 4.2: Quantitive research result Content Result The implementation of social responsibility is very necessary, helping the company sustainably develop, especially when doing well CSR for The points of implementing CSR employees will help they be more confident in business, they will commit to work in a long term with business - Charity activities - Ensuring employees’ benefits (remuneration, policies, compensation, ) - Training and development of employees in the enterprise Overview of CSR activites - Social dialogue activities - Employment and social dialogue - Ensuring health and safety at work - Environmental protection - Many enterprises in Vietnam not have good CSR, especially small enterprises The status in CSR implementation - CSR activities for employees are not really interested - The implementation of CSR is mainly focused on charity activities The implementation of CSR has a positive impact on the level of Relationship between the implementation of CSR and the level satisfaction, trust and commitment of employees If CSR is well of satisfaction, trust and commitment implemented, the employees will be satisfied, confident and committed to stick with the company of the employees in the enterprise - Policies of the State, industry Factors that affect the performance of - Enterprise’s resources CSR - The direction of leader - Employees’ awareness of CSR Characteristic in the implementation - Number of labors of garment CSR compared to other - Low level of labor enterprises - Competitive pressure, high trade barriers on CSR Enterprises’ solution to improve the - Applying good standards and regulations related to CSR 7 efficiency of social responsibility The suitability of the research framework and the scales used in the thesis - Focus on training and developing human resources - Appropiate and new research framework - Appropriate scales - Need to adjust the research frame and scale Hypothesis / Observation variable Source: Author 4.4 Official research model and research hypotheses 4.4.1 Research model Emp & Labor Treatment H1 H2 Control var H6 H7 Trust H13 H3 Social dialogue H8 H11 H4 Health & Saf H9 H5 H10 H12 Commitmen t Satisfactio nn Training & De Figure 4.2: CSR research model for employees Source: Author 4.4.2 Reasearch hypotheses Table 4.3: CSR research hypotheses for employees Content There is a connection between employment and development of labor relations with the trust of the H1 employees H2 There is a connection between remuneration and social protection with the trust of the employees H3 There is a connection between social dialogue and the trust of the employees H4 There is a connection between health and safety at work and the trust of the employees H5 There is a connection between training and staff development and the trust of them There is a connection between employement and the development of labor relations with the H6 satisfaction of employees There is a connection between remuneration and social protection with the satisfaction of H7 employees H8 There is a connection between social dialogue and the satisfaction of employees H9 There is a connection between health and safety at work with the satisfaction of employees H10 There is a connection between training and staff development with the satisfaction of employees H11 There is a connection between the trust and the satisfaction of employees H12 There is a connection between the satisfaction and the commitment of employees H13 There is a connection between the trust and the commitment of employees Source: Author 4.5 Scale and research tools 4.5.1 Scale (1) The scale of CSR for employees Table 4.4: CSR scale for employees Data analysis Hypothesis / Observation variable code Vlam Employment and development of labor relations Vlam1 The company always complies with the Labor Law and the State regulations on employees Vlam2 The enterprise ensures the opportunity of equal promotion for employees Vlam3 There is a distinction between male and female and about the region in the enterprises Vlam4 Enterprises implement privacy policy for employees Vlam5 Enterprises mainly employ laborers through employment agency Vlam6 Workers have collective spirit and solidarity in enterprises Vlam7 Union works effectively and has clear role in enterprises Dngo Remuneration and Social Protection Hypotheses Salary, bonus is corresponding to capacity and level of dedication Enterprises have active sports and entertainment Enterprises always follow the basic rights of employees Salary, bonus for overtime work of the enterprise is appropriate Enterprises organize regular visits to employees Enterprises assure the payment of social insurance, health insurance and all forms of support for sickness and maternity Managers have right behavior with employees Enterprises pay salaries on time for employees Social dialogue Enterprises are always honest about the product Employees can easily respond to managers when there is having problem/dissatisfaction Managers listen and understand suggestions from employees Employees are encourage to contribute intiative work Enterprises are willing to publicly take responsibilities for the community when the problem occurs Enterprises solve timely employees’ complaint Regulations, policies, the method of evaluating employees of the enterprises are clearly disclosed Enterprises regularly participate in charity activities and supporting the community Health and safety at work Working environment is clean and healthful Employees have periodic health checks and there is public health station in enterprises Enterprises implement explosion prevention plans Enterprises fully equip with protective equipment for employees New employees are provided with adequate guidance of health and safety Workers must not drink alcohol during lunch Enterprises still use some of less safe and outdated equipment Employees’ working space in the enterprise is ensured Traning and staff development Enterprises organize training programs to develop skills for employees Employees have the opportunity of promotion when working hard Enterprises create chances for new employees to develop Enterprises facilitate employees’ qualification improved Employees are trained through work Direct managers play an important role in training and developing subordinates New employees are trained on the cultural values of the enterprises Data analysis code Dngo1 Dngo2 Dngo3 Dngo4 Dngo5 Dngo6 Dngo7 Dngo8 Dthoai Dthoai1 Dthoai2 Dthoai3 Dthoai4 Dthoai5 Dthoai6 Dthoai7 Dthoai8 SKAT SKAT1 SKAT2 SKAT SKAT4 SKAT5 SKAT6 SKAT7 SKAT8 DTPT DTPT1 DTPT2 DTPT3 DTPT4 DTPT5 DTPT6 DTPT7 Source: Author (2) Employees’ satisfaction scale Table 4.5: Employees’ satisfaction scale Hypothesis / Observation variable Comments on the level of satisfaction of employees You are satisfied with the training and staff development program in the enterprise You are satisfied with remuneration and social protection in the enterprise You are satisfied with ensuring health and safety in the enterprise You are satisfied with charity activities for community of the enterprise You are satisfied with your current work in the enterprise You are satisfied with the capacity and responsibilty of business leader You are satisfied with the training and staff development program in the enterprise Data analysis code Hailong Hailong1 Hailong2 Hailong3 Hailong4 Hailong5 Hailong6 Hailong7 Source: Author (3) Employees’ trust scale 10 Table 4.6: Employees’ trust scale Hypothesis / Observation variable Comments on the level of trust of employees You believe in the management abilities of the board You believe that the commitment to employees and the community is always carried out You believe that business leaders are always concerned about the welfare of employees You believe that managers are always concerned about the safety of employees You believe in future development of enterprises You believe that working environment in the enterprises is safe Data analysis code Tintuong Tintuong1 Tintuong2 Tintuong3 Tintuong4 Tintuong5 Tintuong6 Source: Author (4) Scale of employees’ commitment to enterprises Table 4.7: Employee’s commitment to enterprises scale Hypothesis/ Observation variable Data analysis code Comments on the level of commitment of employees Cket You will work with your current business for life Cket1 You always say good things about business to your friends and relatives Cket2 You will introduce to friends, relatives to join recruitment in the enterprises Cket3 There are people regularly resigning and employing in the enterprises Cket4 You are always loyal to the business Cket5 You work in a collective spirit and solidarity in the enterprises Cket6 You will transfer your current job if you receive a better job offer Cket7 Source: Author 4.5.2 Reasearch tool - questionnaire In addition to the introduction of the survey purpose, the survey consists of three main contents: Part General information (site, gender, age, marital status, education level, working position, working time, average income); Part CSR for employees (employment and development of labor relations, remuneration and social protection, social dialogue, health and safety at workplace, training and staff development; Part The level of satisfaction, trust and commitment of employees (the level of satisfaction of employees, the level of trust of employees towards enterprises and the commitment of employees to the enterprises) 4.6 Research samples identification 4.6.1.Sampling method Samples were randomly selected by multiplier method with 22 garment companies in Ha Noi, Hung Yen, Bac Ninh; Central: Da Nang, Nghe An; Southern: Ho Chi Minh, Binh Duong, Dong Nai For large-scale companies, the author surveyed from 100 to 150 employees in the company For small-scale ones, the author surveyed from 10 to 50 employees and attempted to reach the variety range of workers including workers, administrative staffs and managers to ensure representation of sample 4.6.2 Research sample size The study was conducted with 750 questionnaires and received 676 valid responses, reaching 90.1% of the total number of questionnaires 4.7 Quantitative research Quantitative methods are used to investigate the situation and assess the current status of CSR for employees in VN garment companies With the method of sampling, atfer selecting the sample, sociological investigation methods are used to (i) design the questionnaire, (ii) conduct a sociological survey of the selected sample, (iii) process survey results using SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 20.0 software to analyze the relationship between CSR implementation and satisfaction, trust and commitment of employees in VN garment companies 4.7.1 Preliminary quantitative research Preliminary qualitative research objectives The objective of quantitive research is to assess the reliability of the scale and eliminate inappropriate indicators Preliminary quantitative research content After completing questionnaires, the author conducted discussion with managers and directly interviewed 10 staffs The author undertook the edit of text for easily understanding and more appropriate for the context of research To perform Pilot test, the author selected randomly150 employees at Dap Cau Garment JSC to evaluate the reliability of the adjusted scale 4.7.2 Formal quantitive research The questionnaires were sent to employees in the VGC in three regions: Northen, Central and Southern VN through direct sending and EMS ( via HRM of the company) After collecting required votes, the author cleaned up data, coded necessary information in the questionnaire, entered data and analyzed them using SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 20.0 software Input data is analyzed as follows: Step 1: Collected data description statistics by comparing the frequency between different groups according to the control variable; Step 2: Reliabilty of scale assessment through Cronbach's alpha coefficient; Step 3: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA); Step 4: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA); Step 5: Structural Equation Model Analysis CHAPTER 5: BACKGROUND AND RESULTS OF CSR FOR EMPLOYEES IN VIETNAM GARMENT ENTERPRISES 5.1 Background and development orientation of textile industry: (Details from page 75 to 85 of the thesis) 5.2 Preliminary research results - A case study at Dap Cau General Garment JSC 5.2.1 General information about Dap Cau Garment JSC (Details from page 85 to page 87 of the thesis) 5.2.2 Preliminary research results Pilot test results help to eliminate misunderstandings in the use of words and inappropriate observation variables before conducting formal research Thus, the author examines the reliability of scales through the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to analyze Pilot test Table 5.2: Preliminary Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficent of scales Variable Remaining observation variables Cronbach’s Alpha (final) Total variable correlation coefficient (min-max) Excluded variables 11 Vlam Dngo Dthoai SKAT DTPT HL TTuong CKet 8 6 0.853 0.811 0.878 0.822 0.902 0.908 0.912 0.647 12 [0.434, 0.7] [0.015, 0.693] [0.486, 0.688] [0.354, 0.749] [0.471, 0.794] [0.615, 0.768] [0.621, 0.801] [0.196, 0.678] 0 0 Source: Author Variables Dngo Cket have observation variables: Dngo3 CKet7 are excluded from model as total variable correlation coefficent (

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