IECEE 02 Edition 1 6 0 201 6 06 01 IECEE PUBLICATION Rules of Procedure – CB Scheme Scheme of the IECEE for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (CB Sc[.]
I E CE E 02 Edition 6.0 201 6-06-01 I E CE E PU B LI CATI ON I E C S ystem of Co n fo rm i ty Assessm en t Sch em es fo r E l ectro tech n i cal E q u i pm en t an d Com pon en ts (I ECE E S ystem ) Ru l es of Pro ced u re – CB Sch em e Sch em e o f th e I E CEE fo r M u tu al Reco g n i ti on of Test Certi fi cates fo r IECEE 02:201 6(en) E l ectrotech n i cal E q u i pm en t an d Com po n en ts (CB Sch em e) TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S w i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 Ab o u t t h e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published U se fu l l i n ks : I EC publ ications search - www iec ch/search pub The advanced search en abl es you to fi nd I EC publ ications by a vari ety of criteria (reference num ber, text, technical com m ittee, … ) I t also gives inform ation on proj ects, replaced and wi thdrawn publ ications The worl d's leading onli ne di ctionary of el ectronic and el ectrical term s containi n g m ore than 30 000 term s and definiti ons i n Engl ish an d French, with equi valent term s in additional lang uag es Also known as the I nternati onal Electrotech nical Vocabul ary (I EV) on-lin e I EC J ust Published - webstore iec ch/justpubl ished Stay up to date on all new I EC publicati ons J ust Published details all n ew publ ications rel eased Avail abl e on -lin e and also once a m onth by em ail Electropedi a - www electropedi a org Custom er Service Centre - webstore i ec ch/csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: I E CE E 02 Edition 6.0 201 6-06-01 I E CE E PU B LI CATI ON I E C S ystem o f Co n fo rm i ty Assessm en t Sch em es fo r E l ectro tech n i cal E q u i pm en t an d Com pon en ts (I E CE E System ) R u l es o f Proced u re – CB Sch em e Sch em e of th e I E CEE for M u tu al R ecog n i ti on of Test Certi fi cates for E l ectro tech n i cal E q u i pm en t an d Co m pon en ts (CB Sch em e) INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION PRICE CODE ZZ –2– IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 CONTENTS CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Scope Norm ative references Rules General CB Test Certificates 3 Participation in the CB Schem e The CB Bulletin Com plaints Procedures for handling CB Test Certificates General Procedure for obtaining a CB Test Certificate Procedure for recog nition of CB Test Certificates Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical l y Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version I ECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 –3– INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ I E C S ys t e m o f C o n f o r m i t y As s e s s m e n t S c h e m e s f o r E l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l E q u i p m en t an d C o m po n en ts (I E CE E ) – R u l e s o f P ro c e d u re – CB Sch em e FOREWORD This publication governs the Certification Body Schem e of the I ECEE for testing and certification of electrotechnical equ ipm ent and com ponents which includes appliances, system s, industrial and household equipm ent and sub-assem blies (CB Schem e) This sixteenth edition of I ECEE 02 cancels and replaces the fifteenth edition published in 201 Part I I of the fifteenth edition (Schem e of the I ECEE for Mutual Recognition of Conform ity Assessm ent Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipm ent and Com ponents (CB FCS Schem e)) was rem oved and transferred to I ECEE 03 This publication is directly related to Publication I ECEE 01 containing the Basic Rules of the IECEE The annexe to this publication is norm ative The text of this publication is based on the followin g docum ent Docum ent Report on votin g I ECEE-CMC/1 753A/RM CMC Decision Full inform ation on the approval of this pu blication can be found in the Minutes of the CMC m eeting held in Oslo on June 01 /02, 201 Do c u m en t Own er CMC WG “ Maintenance of the I ECEE Rules and Operational Docum ents” H i sto ry o f c h an g es Dat e B ri ef su m m ary of ch an g es 201 6-06-01 The following sub-clauses were m odified: 3.2 4, 3 4, Part I I was transferred to I ECEE 03, Edition Effec ti ve d at e Targ et re vi s i o n 201 6-06-01 201 9-06-01 d ate Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electroni cal ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version –4– IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 INTRODUCTION Note This i ntroduction provides an overvi ew of the CB Schem e and is not part of the Rul es In recognition of the need to facilitate international trade in electrotechnical equipm ent, and com ponents prim aril y intended for use in hom es, offices, workshops healthcare facilities and sim ilar locations, for benefit of consum ers, industries, authorities etc, and to provide convenience for m anufacturers and other users of the services provided by various National Certification Bodies (N CBs), an international Schem e is operated by the I ECEE (I EC System for Conform ity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipm ent and Com ponents), known as the CB Schem e The Schem e is based on the principle of m utual recognition (reciprocal acceptance) by its m em bers of test results for obtaining certification or approval at national level The Schem e is intended to reduce obstacles to international trade which arise from having to m eet different national certification or approval criteria Participation of the various N CBs within the Schem e is intended to facilitate certification or approval according to I EC standards Where national standards are not yet com pletel y based on I EC standards, declared national differences will be taken into account; however, successful operation of the Schem e presupposes that national standards are reasonabl y harm onized with the corresponding I EC standards Use of the Schem e to its fu llest extent will prom ote the exchang e of inform ation necessary in assisting manufacturers around the world to obtain certification or approval at national level The operating units of the Schem e are the N CBs accepted according to these Rules Those NCBs em ploy testing laboratories also accepted according to the Ru les, known as CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) A list of NCBs is published in the CB Bulletin The CB Schem e is based on the use of CB Test Certificates which provide evidence that representative specim ens of the product have su ccessfull y passed tests to show com pliance with the requirem ents of the relevant I EC standard A supplem entary report providing evidence of com pliance with declared national differences in order to obtain national certification or approval m ay also be attached to the CB Test Report The first step for an N CB, intending to operate in the CB Schem e, is to be accepted as a Recognizing N CB Such an N CB is prepared to recognize CB Test Certificates as a basis for certification or approval at national level for one or m ore categories of products The second step for an NCB, which can be taken at the sam e tim e as the first step, is to be accepted as an Issu ing and Recognizing N CB Such an NCB is entitled to issue CB Test Certificates for the categories of equ ipm ent for which it recognizes CB Test Certificates I t should, however, be noted that an NCB m ay recognize CB Test Certificates for m ore categories of equipm ent than for which it is entitled to issue CB Test Certificates The Ru les are form ulated in such a way as to m ake them applicable in different national certification structures Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical l y Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 –5– I E C S ys t e m o f C o n f o r m i t y As s e s s m e n t S c h e m e s f o r E l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l E q u i p m en t an d C o m po n en ts (I E CE E ) – R u l e s o f P ro c e d u re – CB Sch em e Scope This publication contains the Rules of Procedure of the I ECEE CB Schem e for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipm ent and Com ponents (CB Schem e) The CB Schem e is applicable to Electrotechnical Equ ipm ent and Com ponents prim aril y intended for use in hom es, offices, workshops, healthcare facilities and sim ilar locations N o r m a t i ve r e f e r e n c e s The following publications contain provisions which, throug h reference in this text, constitute provisions of these Rules of Procedure At th e tim e of pu blication, the editions indicated were valid The I ECEE Certification Managem ent Comm ittee (CMC) shall decide the tim etable for the introduction of new publications or revised editions of existing pu blications IECEE Definitions IECEE 01 : Fifteenth edition 201 5-1 0, IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) ISO/IEC Guide 2: 2004, ISO/IEC 7000: 2004, ISO/IEC 7025: 2005, Standardization and related activities – General vocabulary Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories ISO/IEC 7040: 2005, Conformity assessment – General requirements for peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and accreditation ISO/I EC 7065: 201 , Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services ISO/IEC 7067: 201 3, Conformity assessment – Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes Ru l es 3 G en e l The IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment operates a schem e with the aim of facilitating international trade by prom oting and sim plifyi ng certification and approval at national level throu gh m utual recognition of test results CB Test Certificates according to are used as the m eans for m utual recognition of test resu lts and Components (IECEE) The Schem e is called “I ECEE CB Schem e for Mu tual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipm ent and Com ponents”, hereinafter referred to as “the CB Schem e” Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electroni cal ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version –6– IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 3.1 The CB Schem e shall be governed by the CMC, whose responsibilities in this respect are defined in the Basic Rules of the I ECEE, as given in Publication I ECEE 01 3.1 The I EC, I ECEE and com bination I EC/I ECEE logos are copyrighted and belong to the IEC Their use is restricted to official docum ents published by the IEC or the I ECEE or both and shall not be reprodu ced or u tilized in an y form or by an y m eans, electronic or m echanical, including photocopying and m icrofilm , withou t prior perm ission in writing from the I ECEE Executive Secretary 3.2 CB Test Certificates 3.2.1 A CB Test Certificate is a docum ent issu ed by an Issu ing and Recog nizing NCB to inform other NCBs, in conju nction with the attached CB Test Report, that one or m ore specim ens of certain electrical products were full y tested according to the relevant requirem ents of one or m ore standard(s) applicable to the electrical products accepted for use in the I ECEE, unless otherwise perm itted by the relevant standard(s) and that the specim ens were found to be in conform ity with that (those) standard(s) A CB Test Certificate is valid onl y when the IECEE docum ented CB Test Report (in agreed harm onised form ) is attached The CB Test Report will full y and com pletel y cover the applicable and relevant test results according to the requ irem ents of the standard(s), and when requested also according to declared national differences 3.2.2 The CMC shall decide on the layout and content of CB Test Certificates The CB Test Certificate shall always contain a clear description of the product, the nam e and address of the applicant, m anufacturer and factory or factories (see definitions) and the edition of the I EC standard, and am endm ents, if an y The CB Test Certificate shall be signed by authorized person(s) operating within the Certification departm ent of the responsible NCB The nam e(s) and sig nature(s) of the authorized person(s) shall clearl y appear on the CB Test Certificate and the nam es shall be declared to the I ECEE Secretariat and listed in the Quality Procedure used by the NCB to process the CB Schem e A Test Report shall be attached to each CB Test Certificate g iving , as far as necessary, for each clause of the relevant standard a brief reference to the requ irem ents, and the results of tests and exam inations The Test Report shall also contain the inform ation necessary for identification of the product, such as type designation, ratings, description and photographs 3.2.3 CB Test Certificates shall not be used in an y form of advertising or sales prom otion Note This subcl ause does not preclu de th e hol der of a CB Test Certificate from m aking reference to the existence of that Certificate i n business correspondence rel ated to equipm ent for which a CB Test Certificate h as been issued 3.2.4 Am ending CB Test Certificates and Test Reports due to typographical errors, addresses and other sim ilar changes, as well as, du e to technical m odifications to products declared in valid CB Test Certificates and CB Test Report is allowed in accordance with OD-2037 and OD 2020 3.2.5 A CB Test Certificate m ay be cancelled by the issuing N CB if: • • the Certificate is m isused, the Certificate has been issued in error, the equ ipm ent no longer corresponds to the specim ens tested and described in the attached Test Report, or Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical l y Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version IECEE 02:201 â I EC:201 ã the holder of the Certificate requests cancellation 3.2.6 When a CB Test Certificate has been cancelled, the Secretary of the I ECEE shall be notified as soon as possible by the issuing NCB, which shall state the reason for cancellation The Executive Secretary of the I ECEE shall inform the m anufacturer and all N CBs participating in the CB Schem e for the standard concerned that the relevant CB Test Certificate has been cancelled, and give the reason for the cancellation Note Each NCB concern ed decides for i tself if an y certification or approval at nati onal level based on that CB Test Certificate should be revoked 3.3 Participation in the CB Scheme 3.3.1 An y Mem ber Body of the I ECEE shall have the right to nom inate a candidate NCB under the conditions stated in 3 The m em bership is subj ect to acceptance by the CMC When there is m ore than one accepted N CB in a country, national arrangem ents shall be m ade to provide the co-ordination necessary for the operation according to these Rules An NCB shall not be, or be influenced by, a body which m anufactures or trades in electrotechnical equ ipm ent and com ponents Note Th e Mem ber Body of I ECEE and th e N CB m ay be the sam e body 3.3.2 An N CB shall be accepted by the CMC either as a Recog nizing NCB or as an Issuing and Recognizing NCB according to the Particular Ru les of Procedure I ECEE 02-2 Note Th e acceptance described in th is subclause m ay be made i n two steps or in one step 3.3.3 When certification or approval is needed in a country as a condition to sell a product, it shall be declared by th e candidate NCB that the national certification or approval can be based on a CB Test Certificate When other conditions have to be fu lfilled, they shall also be declared for later pu blication in the CB Bu lletin 3.3.4 An NCB nom inated by a Mem ber Body of the I ECEE to participate in the CB Schem e shall, via the Mem ber Body of the I ECEE, send a written application to the Secretary of the IECEE who shall su bm it the application to the CMC for decision The application shall contain the following: a) inform ation on legal status, address etc of the candidate N CB; b) a written declaration by the candidate N CB that it is ready to provide for recognition of CB Test Certificates as a basis for national certification or approval to specified standards as requ ired by 3.3 The num ber, the edition, and am endm ents, if an y, shall be specified for each standard The date from which CB Test Certificates will be recognized at national level shall also be stated for each standard c) a declaration by the candidate N CB that is willing to abide by these Rules An I ssuing and Recog nizing N CB will not be authorized to issu e CB Test Certificates for a standard until CB Test Certificates for that standard are recog nized by that N CB National differences, if an y, from the specified standards, as well as other requirem ents (see 3 3) , shall also be indicated in the application for later publication in the CB Bulletin There shall not be m ore than one set of national differences for each country For m issing TRFs that address National Differences, the I ECEE Secretariat shall request the relevant MBs to develop and provide the required TRFs Note Can didate N CBs are strongl y recom m ended to keep th e num ber of nati onal differences as low as possibl e Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electroni cal ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version –8– IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 The arrangem ents, when relevant, between the Mem ber Body of the I ECEE and the candidate NCB, shall be described, and a written statem ent from the N CB that it accepts the arrangem ent and perm its the Mem ber Body of the I ECEE to act on its behalf according to these Rules shall be su bm itted 3.3.5 Each Mem ber Body of the I ECEE shall comm unicate the following inform ation relevant to the recognition of CB Test Certificates to the Secretary of the I ECEE: • • whether or not written inform ation on procedures and rules for certification or approval at national level is available; whether or not a foreig n m anufacturer is required to m ake application for certification or approval at national level through representatives resident in that cou ntry 3.3.6 Each Mem ber Body of the I ECEE shall inform the Secretary of the I ECEE about changes in the inform ation given according to 3 and abou t the inform ation according to 3 3.3.7 An N CB wishing to discontinu e recognizing CB Test Certificates for certain standards shall, via the Mem ber Body of the I ECEE, notify the Secretary of the I ECEE and shall indicate the date from which the discontinuation becom es effective at least one year in advance Such a notice autom aticall y cancels the right to issue CB Test Certificates to those standards I t is the duty of the Secretary to inform all other Mem ber Bodies of the decision 3.3.8 An NCB wishing to withdraw from the CB Schem e shall notify the Secretary of the IECEE at least one year in advance and shall indicate the reason for the withdrawal and the date from which the withdrawal will becom e effective The annual dues for that NCB shall be paid for the calendar year following the year during which the notice was given 3.3.9 Shou ld, in the opinion of the CMC, an NCB ham per the aim , operation or developm ent of the CB Schem e, fail to take action regarding m isuse of CB Test Certificates or violate these Ru les, the CMC has the right to exclu de or to suspend that NCB from the CB Schem e A decision to exclu de or suspend an N CB shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of of Publication I ECEE 01 3.4 The CB Bulletin 3.4.1 The CB Bulletin shall be m ade available at intervals decided by the CMC 3.4.2 The CB Bulletin shall contain inform ation about • • • • • • • • • categories of products covered by the CB Schem e, standards accepted for use in the CB Schem e, the product standards for which NCBs in each cou ntry have declared recognition of CB Test Certificates, national differences for each standard and country as declared by the NCB(s) , im portant rules in addition to the content of the standards which have to be fulfilled in the cou ntries, the product categories for which N CBs in each country are au thorized to issue CB Test Certificates, CB Test Certificates issu ed, accepted NCBs, and the operation of the CB Schem e, to assist the applicants 3.4.3 The inform ation published in the CB Bulletin is based on inform ation g iven by the Mem ber Bodies of the I ECEE Neither the I EC nor the Executive Secretary of the I ECEE is therefore liable for the accuracy of that inform ation Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical l y Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 3.5 –9– Complaints If there are com plaints concerning the behaviours of an NCB or CBTL, the case shall be reported to the Secretary of the I ECEE with du e docum entation of evidence After review and acceptance of the com plaint, the Secretary of the IECEE will subm it the case to the Board of Appeal in accordance with th e procedure as per sub-clause of I ECEE 02-1 Procedures for handling CB Test Certificates 4.1 General 4.1 An application for obtaining a CB Test Certificate m ay be m ade by an applicant to an y Issuing and Recog nizing NCB accepted for the relevant standard The applicant will be the holder of the CB Test Certificate 4.1 The applicant m ay be a m anufacturer or act on behalf of a m anufacturer In the latter case, evidence shall be su bm itted that the applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the m anufacturer for the application and that the m anufacturer undertakes the sam e obligations as the applicant Note Th ose obli gati ons m ay be to follow these Rules, the rules of the NCBs in vol ved and legal oblig ations in the countri es concerned 4.1 The application m ay cover one or m ore factories within one or m ore countries, where the product will be m anufactured 4.1 An applicant in a country with no Mem ber Body of the I ECEE and an applicant acting on behalf of a m anufacturer in such a country shall pay a contribution to the costs of the IECEE in the form of surcharge for each CB Test Certificate issued, the am ount to be decided by the CMC The surcharge is to be collected by the N CB handling the application, and rem itted to the I ECEE accou nt 4.1 U nless otherwise agreed between the applicant and the NCB, the tests shall be carried out by an accepted CBTL on the request of the NCB Specific ru les for utilization by an N CB of a custom er’s testing facilities are g iven in OD-2048 4.2 Procedure for obtaining a CB Test Certificate 4.2.1 The application to the I ssuing and Recognizing N CB shall contain as a m inim um the following inform ation: • • • • • nam e and address of the applicant; nam e and address of the m anufacturer, if different from the applicant; nam es and addresses of the factories where the product will be m anufactured; nam e, tradem arks or other m arkings by which the applicant, the m anufacturer, when appropriate, and the factory can be unam big uously identified by an N CB; type designation and m arkings by which the product can be unam bigu ously identified by an NCB 4.2.2 The application shall be m ade and dealt with according to the ru les of the Issuing and Recognizing NCB to which it is su bm itted That N CB shall inform the applicant about the relevant rules and procedures and about the specim ens needed for the testing 4.2.3 U pon receipt of an application for a CB Test Certificate, the relevant Issuing and Recognizing NCB shall within one m onth arrange for testing of the relevant equipm ent If the resu lt of the tests is favourable, the NCB concerned shall sign and issu e a CB Test Certificate to the applicant and send at the sam e tim e a copy of the certificate (not the attached Test Report) to the Secretary of the I ECEE Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electroni cal ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version – 10 – I ECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 4.2.4 The applicant m ay also requ est testing to cover national differences in countries in which the CB Test Certificate is to be used If additional tests have been carried ou t, a report of the results m ay be attached to, and considered to be a part of, the Test Report 4.2.5 When the application for obtaining a CB Test Certificate includes m ore than one factory location, the Applicant shall include a declaration from the Manufacturer stating that the sam ple(s) subm itted for evaluation is (are) representative of the products from each factory A statem ent shall be included in the CB Test Report confirm ing Manufactu rer’s declaration or where differences exist; they shall be identified in the CB Test Report Note Th e statem ent m ay be the Man ufactu rer’s declarati on The nam e and address of each factory shall be reported in the CB Test Report (where applicable for the relevant TRF) and on the CB Test Certificate 4.2.6 The application, the results of the work done and the inform ation obtained in connection with the application for a CB Test Certificate shall be confiden tial H owever, basic identification data for the product m ay be published after the date of issu e, unless particular confidentiality is agreed between the applicant and the Issu ing and Recog nizing NCB 4.2.7 Disagreem ents between an I ssuing and Recognizing N CB and an applicant m ay be dealt with according to the appeal procedure of the NCB If the applicant is not satisfied with the result of the appeal at national level, and if th e disagreem ent concerns the application of these Rules, the dispute m ay be referred to the Board of Appeal of the I ECEE 4.3 Procedure for recognition of CB Test Certificates 4.3.1 When an applicant applies to a Recognizin g or to an I ssuing and Recog nizing NCB for national certification or approval of a product on the basis of a CB Test Certificate, the application shall be accom panied by a copy of the CB Test Certificate with the attached Test Report and, if relevant, with attached reports covering national differences and, if required by the NCB, by a specim en of the product 4.3.2 When appl ying for national certification or approval on the basis of a CB Test Certificate, an applicant shall follow the rules of procedure applicable in the country concerned and shall confirm readiness to com pl y with all the relevant national provisions reg arding , for exam ple, retesting, checking, factory surveillance, and paym ent of fees, as if the equipm ent had been tested in accordance with the procedures valid in that cou ntry 4.3.3 The NCB shall exam ine the subm itted CB Test Certificate (regardless of the location of the issuing N CB, even if that NCB is located in the sam e country as the recog nizing NCB) and an y required specim en to the extent considered necessary for the identification of the relevan t equ ipm ent and for the recognition of the CB Test Certificate If the result of this exam ination is favourable, national certification or approval shall be granted by the NCB withou t additional testing following its own statutes and ru les of procedure H owever, if the test report does not cover declared national differences, if an y, arrangem ents shall be m ade with the Applicant to carry out the additional evalu ation an d testing The NCB retains the right to test further the equipm ent to ascertain whether or not the equ ipm ent com plies with the relevant standard Such additional testing should be kept to a minim um Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical l y Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version IECEE 02:201 © I EC:201 – 11 – The N CB m ay challenge the CB Test Certificate when it is m ore than three years old or when the standard according to which it was issu ed is no longer in force in the country of the NCB 4 The N CBs are encouraged to handle applications for recognition of CB Test Certificates within working days Should the NCB receiving a CB Test Certificate for recog nition consider it to have been issued in error, the NCB that issued the certificate shall be inform ed as soon as possible If the N CBs involved arrive at different conclusions, the case m ay be referred to the Board of Appeal of the I ECEE The N CBs shall have the right to keep for reference photographs, technical docum entation and specim ens or, for large equ ipm ent, parts of such equipm ent, when required according to their rules Such reference m aterial shall be confidential Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electroni cal ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON IEC SYSTEM OF CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEMES FOR ELECTROTECHNI CAL EQUI PMENT AND COMPONENTS (I ECEE) 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland I ECEE Secretariat c/o I EC 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 info@iec ch www iec ch Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 secretariat@iecee org www iecee org Di sclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released el ectronical ly Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version