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BSBmann Tally Wrto enhance four creativity! BRITAIN'S BEST SELLING MAGAZINE FOR THE AMSTRAD CPC 464 • 664 • 6128 to p^M^im^ c+vo HIT! A 1 V ~ \akfjf tftsassss* T-t"'""'"" FORGOTTEN WORLDS™-Two cool dudes, one hot situation, eight megalithic adversaries it all adds up to a whole lotta trouble. Amstrad £9.99c, £14.99d. HKM - From Holland to Spain, from Germany to Palestine, no matter the odds, no matter the scene - he's tough, he's mean, he's the Human Killing Machine. Amstrad £9.99c, £14.99d. CHECK OUT THE NAMES. Ace Coapmrs J2 Corn:* Sn* Wnrjftr, JrbtolTd: 9272 637981 Am Computers 3 Ncrh Mtfcl Tel: 0272 666341 C Virgin Gomes 16 Ste* Brafct Aso Tel: 0272 2*4779 Dowfag Compters 3 Hsro-jr Ctrtm Icvm Rocr. Horpjr Wui Tel: 0234 273090 0 Software Plus Urr II, Ire fcdr.;.d», Hap* Mac.Tet 0234 66598 Aylos&ury Compute Centre 33 fcigstory Iqsn Ajtebj-y. Tel: 0296 89480 O Softwone Plus 43 Sta* C«woTel: 0223 353643 Northwkh Computen ?5t 'Aton No*™*. ClwWtt Tel: 0606 47883 O Tim's Megostore 29/3 StwdfW S«H Mxctafitkl Ck*n Telr 0625 34118 O C.H.I.P.S. Computer Shop 15! IMntp: Rood. MtHWw*/' Tel: 0642 219139 O C.H.I.P.S. Computer Shop $!.*» C«ui Shrpsiw Cmrc S&w Stect Sfodtai «i To::. Tel: 0642 618256 Compute*' Shoo 14 Wtf. Re*, SoJtai en Ik* Td: 0642 606166 Top soft 3 IWslocwn Yeni Sfcxteo «i Tee- Tel: 0642 670503 Truro Micro ltd Iniyt Mom, Bridge St-wt Inro.Cerrwal 1R12AA Td: 087240043 O C.H.I.P.S. Computer Shop CbAw Ycrd. DaifcctoTel: 0325 3810*8 Topsoft 6 Wifcijle* Co.it fJv+x C-rcrgs Rood. Oerfrgtorv Tel: 0325 486689 C DK Sound 4 Vision 7 lUfeoed I«d. fi>rt:r\ Tel: 0298 72066 Gordon Harwood 69 -71 Higk Shnr. Atrrton, IVayAro. Tel: 0773 836781 Computafcase 21 McrirtAxwvt Gy Genre. tyro.*. Tel: 0752672128 Judya Computers 7!<9 £<Hw Roodl Oewr Tel: 0395 26*593 The Games Cupboard 5 Ht« Bridge Jtttt Tel. 0392 214128 The Model Shop II ad lu.n rtrroch. Tel: 0752 221851 DORSET Columbia Computers 17 Cwnto Rood. Enbiry Pat. Eocmenxtt. Tel: 0202 535542 Coapulerwaro Yi $f Iecaonft Cad J-o See, (csiSwtx 1N49 lHT.Td: 0424223340 Softwore Centre 31/32 OunM S<j*«i fcflhvw, fcu Sun.,. Tel: 0273 776576 CompqterUi$iKeCentre,Sl.»wWWW w SVMiUn!raitii:rd.Tel:010353613164M Cork Microcomputer Centre ussifc Qvc/, Co* reo>i Td: 021 273330 O Virgin Gomes U l8Ad«iQwft CIFCH ?.Td: 0001 777180 C Computers mo 8BWJ Icosr Root Scvheod u. Swj Tel: 0702 335443 O Ijlwwy Computers vfocnj Rrw ^ <o.4»-d en Sea Tel: 0702 614131 C Scftwwe Plus 336 CbmI S V :rc, Sodi:ni Tel; 0702 6I07W O SoftwtM Plus liberty StoppiM Hd. 8<e>Uo<\ Tel: 0268 27922 O Software Plus 5 Cr^y, C«WiwJ:r. Tel: 0206 760977 C Software Plus UtM. 2R'3" Mejbfon Svw< CW™W Tel: 0245 491746 O Software Plus It? I hm, Oiwt inai, Gnr/; Tel: 0375 391164 O G. 0. Coanuter Sothrare 9 Vo-k, IWd*. W52 307108 The Model Sltop 79 N:«tt«>u CW Tel: 0452 410693 The Model Stop V Higk W. Swd Tel: M33 65920 Mlcrohyte UVl 176 Hd: Stal lie Cet J. Tel: 061 832 1438 O The Computer Shop Lni 121. WjituWoy.Maxhsslw. Tel; 061 6320878 VixJota703 ifMkfd StTc.kikifJKk-ly*, lar^re Tel; 061 339 0326 Ci M«ro Cefllre 13 Imior Fkiod NedhM »«tan»A Tel: 0705 697802 G.B. Micro)and 7 Gift's Loidx Rood. WjWixwfc Tell 0705 239911 Software Plus Ur» B, T>r scit^ WdmtM Com Mdsslei Tel: 0252 29862 Ultimo ' 18 :»• Srrw. iofcnU-M Tel; 07W 639419 Antics 16 Si Svltin St«l Tel: 0905 22335 G. D. Computer Software 37 Upps- Tyhrfl Wo-Mfl* Ml 1J1 Tel: 0905 726259 FoxmlMter 23 Vodo* Sc«o^, HhmI Hio-cto- ^Hh. Tet 0442 55044 C Software Plus tr.1Itc AWwa. Ab: Tcfc 0727 64347 C: Sofhrore Plus 13 Ttr«i 5<?w Uv>w)<fi Tell M38 742374 Compute-o-Tape 5 Otd Gwrj) VsVm>4 Oont. Tel: |0305) 781745 The Computer 5hop 52P Afiky Rood, Fateaif. Pcofc. I Tel: 0262 737493 Video C»y IS - 47 Sihe. G-w He-x Tel: 0433 353*8 iM 4 AMIGA S=K| Video City 10 SUM !o:d. ItfcWrf, hst Tel: 0462 672647 (ST 4 AWICA SPfC| 21101 1 Computer leisure Centre 117 h:k CtprnV;r. Tel: 0689 21 Sfcca Shop 1 - .1 Mm, tfchwli, Tel: 01 302 881 Software Plus 3S K^ Sv«.i Grrr««r.:. Tel. 0474 333162 Software Plus Ur» ^ 4 0 6r.r<y W. Ccrhrb.r,. Tel: 0227 438112 Video Machine 19H;?6 CawUry 5lt.il.rn Td: 0634 56460 Alan Heywood 174 CKrd Sw:( ifcd^xl Tel; 0253 21657 Bfts & Bytei TWc 8on St-wt. IK: ioX luy. Tel: 061 7641989 PV Computers I (K SHH Aom^n Tel: 0254 35345 PV Computers 97 St ixoi Sr. Amo'i Tel: «253 722969 C May's Computer Centm 5? (Vrf^ Uoatr Tdi 0533 22212 Doublevision 32 Het> Eol.a Icodon Tel: 01 566 I0W Q Erol Computers 125 rt^ WtHanHxi, lavdov Teli 01 520 7763 Logic Sales 1911» treo?Mj ; . The fo.ro. SoA^t. Tel: 01 882 4942 Microtek Gme Grtcn Rm<1 l:,fcftro-f. Tel: 01 566 2275 Shekhono 221 lyfcrlnn C««t C-o:. sMca Tel: 01 631 4627 Shekona Computers 2 O^idcoi how, 5o:rt:o: Ann*, H^i io:d. Wood Grwn Tel: 01 631 4267 Sllka Shop J2 Oxrt l»oj loxto'. Tel: 01 580 4000 0 Softwtrt Plus i r<h w iV _ 4 3 S^i l Mr>xt:r Gtw Criu Tet 01803 8581 O Virgin Gomes 100 Oxiod SttH Ltnix. Tel: 01 637 7911 O Virgin Gomes 527 OxwS <MH, loiiy. Tel: 01 491 8582 O Virgin Games Stare 1«2 Owo-dSreH l:rrim Tel: 01 631 1234 Bits t Bytes '8 Ccrrral 5«>:r, Ronjo^i SreH Uwpcol Tel: 051 709 4036 Com^jle^Adverture World 8crk SAth?. 1c On-rt, Cinu. Biia+tod, U1 6 S J. Micro Snips •}/>* CWeti. 37 itcw M VcWr Tel: 051 630 3013 O JXU Computers 7 V-'nm Sron U.Wje, M^Bnn Tel: 0895 51815 Computer Plus 40 Mr« CctA.i Stiwf. Kbp L>m Nd-mc- Tel: 0553 774550 One Step Beyond 11 Mor*>Jv Td: 0603 663796. .mMES summer ••/I HON -The complete test of body co-ordination, muscle power and speed as you exhaust your limbs on the widest combination of eight exciting events ever compiled for human competition. Pole Vault, Parallel Bars, Cycling, Hammer Throw, Diving, Hurdles, Archer, Gymnastic Rings. Become your own sporting hero. Amstrad £9.99c, filM** CHECK OUT THE GAMES gairr— M VIGILANTE" 1 -1944 NEW YORK The police dare • not patrol the • streets. The army I cannot control the city, law and order no longer exist Ml When street gangs dominate a city. When ordinary dtixens no longer defend themselves for fear. And when law enforcement agencies are powerless to help. Your last chance Is VIGILANTE. THIS T 4 '" ° o B Softwore Imporlum 77/V Merita Start N<rwf\ Ntrwl Tel: 0603 633343. Viking Computers Mm t Cotoi G-tw ioxt Nofftfck T«k 0603 425209 23oWMol Wt*o feel Zaire, Natfoipfcn "IIS 4C. Complect Computing' OH Jifcb^ fahm T»-n». Jwby. T«lt 0788 72304 Seftspot 42 Hgh St-wi. Dmrtry. Nafta*. Td: 0327 7TO20 The Computer Store 14 St Soiptort Squa* Y<yx Tel: 0904 646934 York Com polar Centre 9 Dw^cre Coite Duvpo*. v oii Toll 09W 651862 B^tihaws Computer Shop: I MJ«tcnG*i Ne-ak, N:«sNG24 3f3Tel: 063672503 The Computer Shop iki 233. Wdocb Cerfct, tetniorx T«4:0602 410633 Mkro Byte 27 Googmfe -vUr,. Wo;U Tel: 586454 Upftt- koo-V:t. Crh, Notion North Notts Compters 23 Oiksrt St.*. S/lco n AJiWi Nob. Tel: 0623 556686 Virgin Games 4 - 8 Nothghon Tel: 0602 476126 Club < Panther! Softspot S-i 8'rrod Stw^ i Wtney Computer Centre 105HigV W, Vft*. 0, cdi-r« Tel. (0993] 778294 MlcrobyWUW 109. Teli 0602 t > Computer* 6 Ero-s Yoi Sfcrf!r. Own 0X6 7ST. ther fcrnpuien 2 town /r:o«te. M>«om Choi Tel: (0235T 4*31 jpotS^BrMdSw.1, &br f , Cten CXI 6 BIK Tel: 0293 68911 logk Sates 6Mrfyr*, r*mtxmtgi Tel: 0733 49696 Capital Computers 2 ttorw Totao* [<WW> Tel: 031 228 4410 Computer Coo fro » Prtrr M Sf«t Alox Tel: 0259 722932. Computer Centre 50 factor, StW. SFIFEA Tel: 0786 6417S. DotaW Compters 4? fv* Tel. 0343 724597 Database Computers 93 3r:hon Shti Hrjr. Tel; 0836 47097 Folkirtc Computers 242 Mm Ccod foirt Tel: 0324 612989. Groffii XM H* Sw«, KmMr. Teli 0592 265569 Gfdb 9 5HH Wok E&fcwgh Tel: 031 SSJ 6155 Inverness Computer! 15 Haw Vcode. Tel: 0463 226205 The Computer Shop 75 RaHWur VMk). AitrdKn At 1 IMS. Tel: 0224 647875 The Mkro Shop 271/275 tWxrto. toGtago* Tel: Ml 319 0832 Vic's Computer Supplies 31 - 33 Scih 5wtk S<«to»d Teli 0738 36704 Virgin Gome 131 Pmt* Sr»* i tfebwgh Tet 031 225 4583 Virgin Gomes 11 - 3i Woe She* Gfc^r Tel: 041 204 M66 Virgin Games Centre Sre«(, Gtopx Teli 041 -2212606 The Computer Store U M St* Sarttape Tel: 0724 S57WS Joes 146 EfWor. Srert, fctwHjn Wi io-tore Tel: 0709 829286 22 CowSwt ShsHjU. Tel: 0742 752732 Mkrogomer 10CV«oxiS^Oojco-k fel:0302MW9 , Mkro Fun 12. Cwrfon Itrto-xn. Tel: 0709 360000 Mkro Fun 10 M Urw. SomsloY. Tel 0226 207063 Mkro Fun 33 Hon. lav; H4*on»aK M' 0742 34JW2 The Coaepuier Store44 KVwt.iSrect fctrdt,.S.T^0126284124 The Compwler Store 51 o t-rtnj Ok* Sw, Dmcaftr. Tel: 0302 325360 Burton Software 31/2. fW, Srort krtoi«TM SWK Tel: 0283 34388 Mile* Better 5o«wor» 21W221 Ccawi fixd Ootferocr. Cm-oi. Tel: 0J43 466377 Software CHy 59 FcrsgaH Tel: 07*5 41199 C Bte I Bytei 47 U:p». Orvtl W!ar«ii Tel: 0473 219961 C Bis h Bytes 45 0<wel Soxt Fttofc*;, Tel: 0394 279266 SoftseUers :o 3ocs Hsob W. Tel. 0473 57158 O Softwore Hw 22 S» Shtxr. ^w* Tel: 0*73 54774 The Mo<Jel Shop &?oW: UWmoV.StjU nVfc* [ GjWcrc. Tel: 0483 39115 1506939 Mkrobyte 56 Gorccn W± IJ* Nv,to Own. (ktute* Tel: 091 460 6054 Microbtle r* Cw Ktairt Ne.torte-jpo^Tjw. l»r*, A VAor. Tel, 091 261 9050 Sjindortorvd Computer CentreCrovrw io:d, StnioW. Tel: 091 565 3711 TJ* Computer Shop 7 Hgf) Prot, Bdor, Sxoi. MwtrJ, Tel: 091 261 6260 The Computer Shop ?/*ann Tel: 091 310 8142 Alliorts 39 Om /c«igovcn.v, C-,ni Tel: (08731 6903 Bud Morgan 22.14 Co* CordH TbI« 0222 229065 O I.C. Compilers Cbnwacn HOK. faw. CC.JF. Tel: 0222 390284 Torxhr iw W, 1>M TW: 0970 625491 Wrexh«Comp^&>rtreI4iibcrtShtH\WKo.OA^aillTATel:0978358832 Spo Computer Centre 61 QxwU W. leorirgur. Spa Tel: 0926 337648 Bull filng Computen 7 rnrcc;. 8-dstnatf. Tel: 0746 766839 . Cowtorio 204 ffch Sroc Wed HUM Tel: 0384 2392S9 Cetta.BeblryHI Tel: 0384261698 „ ipyW?, 4 ' 4 Porote M f'yg Or** Bn-r^r. Tel: 021 616 1036 3 it- 11" l? ^r ^ 084 ^ Tel: C21 429 4996 Mr. Obk 8 Sndboot Oiorswr, 'A, Certe. 8m 85 Tefc 021 616 1102 Software City 1 xo:ol Sr>H V^M. Tel: 0922 2«21 SoftwareCUy 3 IkifeU m^<r,<rc<. Tel: 0902 25304 Venture TY 3n»d Sdsroa. ErontofC't. Ttl: 0527 72650 M S®®" n Corner SH* U-^or. Tel: «I 236 1577 Wofcbdog Comp 40 O.wi Wwtnn** Trt CrJOJ 313iCO Crawley Cowputen 62 Hm Eo lm-^ Crawley Tel: 0293 37842 O Worthing Computers 7 WW Wortvg. Tel: 09«3 210861 Atom Software rt' Gnci Hoftx Gnat H&-<x. Mfenl Tel: 0274 373788 Mkrobyte' KHg* M TU Crt-o* Cmte. EkArd Tel: 0274 306829 JUtrobyH j9 CW Vrtrri: Sron l»xk Tel: 0532 450529 Mtrobyte S3 WilAfe. Tel: 0924 376656 TJte ComputH Store 34.'36 t^jtt. 6ro*>d Tel: 0274 732094 The Computer Store 10 Squ:* Pk W'xW HsHax Tel: 0422 69077 The Computer Store 4 Jtorxtl low. KiAfesWi Tel: 0484 514405 The Computer Store 40 Trw»v 3otd Stert Cerrt, Lwa. Tel: 0532 429284 The Computer Store 13 tea™*^ .W WcstrtJ Tel: 0924 290139 O virgin Game 91 B-pjo^, Lwh Tel: 0532 432606. Antits 8 iuyti Cra* Svrbcn Tel: 0793 6112J3 s ** A IN-STORE MARKETING I V tin 2/3 Ho,ford Way- Holford, Birmingham B6 7AX. Toh Q?1 3388 LINE AMSTRAD ACTION • SEPTEMB be won - see our D' P SPECIAL THE ACTION BEGINS ON 40! THE VERY BEST IN CPC ENTERTAINMENT special This month we rake a close look at what can and cau l be done in the way of Desktop Publishing with the CPC. We • REVIEW a brand new Stop Press enhancer; • INTERVIEW the people behind The House of Dolls, a music fanzine that started; • SURVEY the CPC fanzine scene; • BEGIN a brand new series on the five major aspects of DTP - writ- ing. artwork, printing, distribution - and • ANNOUNCE a great AA competition to find the best new fanzine around v/ritten on the CPC. PURPLE SATURN DAY It's French, it's frantic - it's fantastic! EMMA BROADLEY Ms. B: shes quietly spoken, gentle and reasonable - believe that and you'll believe anything! NEWS-LETTERS All the CPC news and previews REACTION Once more into the postbag dear friends Readers let- ters on all matters CPC STOP PRESS ACCELERATED! PAT McDONALD reviews a brand new enhancer for the ever-popular Stop Press, and expresses a personal reason for welcoming it Get into print mode - now! The vast majority of CPC owners know all about its abilities as both a games machine and a word processor. Many use it at work, too, for keep- ing tabs on accounts, stock and so on. What we've been missing out on, however, is its potential for Desktop Publishing. Now no-one is going to pretend that a home machine, even one as good as the Amstrad, can compete with micros costing several thousands of pounds. But if it's an affordable, durable workhorse you're after, perhaps you've already got it! (It has the added advantage, too, that you can play a mean arcade game to relax in between pages.) We've decided to do our bit to encourage CPC users everywhere to develop their creative talents. So turn to page 16 and get cracking! PS This month there's a questionnaire on page 33. We're giving away £100 of software to encourage you to fill it in. But the real rea- son we're so keen is that this is your maga- zine, and this is your opportunity to shape it for the year to come. Your voice counts! > Bob's Full House, p. 53 RED HEAT Arnie: no brains but a whole lot of brawn! "'.T"';;- RICK DANGEROUS A cross between Indie Jones - and Charlie Chaplin! aggfl 21 22 25 30 33 FIRST EDITION Our expert guide to CPC DTP begins here JEFFREY DAVY surveys the thriving CPC fanzine scene FORUM Technically speaking, PAT McDONALD gets worked up GETTING IN ON THE ACT PHIL CRAVEN investigates the 'Black Boxes' ana those other mysterious utilities the Copyright Bill seeks to kill ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER ? £100 of software just for filling in a questionnaire? Yup! 3Q THE LOOK That spritely PAT McDONALD uses more graphic language 3Q THE LOOK That spritely PAT McDONALD uses more graphic language II 3Q THE LOOK That spritely PAT McDONALD uses more graphic language ^HB^^^V/ , LvV 55 58 60 62 67 70 72 75 78 79 SMALL ADS Selling couldn't be chcapcr or easier - nor could buying! INSIDE OUT The CPC bares its innards for STUART McCOLL HELPLINE Get in touch, get out of trouble - bumper edition TYRE INS The way to learn is to do: and there s plenty to do here CHEAT MODE We can give you the secrets of eternal life - for free! INSIDER DEALING The secret diary of A. Hacker, alias PHIL HOWARD PROTECT AND SURVIVE Just how are games protected? MIKE WONG reports BUYERS GUIDE What, where and how much - do nothing without it! AAFTBRTHOUGHT We'll think of something, we hope! The juiciest offers, the tastiest prices! Future Publishing Limited 4 Queen Street, Bath BA1 1EJ e C225 446C241 Fax 0225 445019 • Editor Caiey • Technical editor Pa: McDonald • Games editor Trenton Webb • Art editor OUie Aklerrm • Additional design Martin Perfrt • Contributors Emma Btoadley. Sups' Phil Craven. Plul Hu.vaid Stuar, McColl, Jr.mcs Wilsor Steve Palmer § Publisher Greg Ingham t Production Diane Tavcnct • Subscriptions Christine Staoey « 0458 7401 It Mail Order Clue Bales a 0458 741111 • Advertisements Elf.'.nc Creeks« 0225 4460341 Distribution Comag • FUTURE PUBLISHING LTD /.n u n -Utan • ;its .i.i-:i:vn:.:ni c«lhl»:a-i:.r. He / p-ndjcirg. Fuiui r PuUiilnog IM - fc« na ccureeUcn v.'.'.h Arrrr-rf fi - Vhninna a-iM .'.t*. r-tun in «i£l<atxmr.Ki(?uv. nx anw s jMsiv!Wiicorri*:*i»*-w Weuke^euc^et) emwe iSfltWfti.'M: p. 3i-ib .nw iiU! bJ.nu.ul I v dtfcInran, nrnUtetOfflMpc. -t »0f^r V irc9.nsbimunn ivS: icprcduwd injnyfcrmvKUfcMicuiiiK&ii .vuun pxnffiwn NOW THE FIRST EVER UTILITY TO TRANSFER "GO!" LOADERS TO DISC This type of loader has previously been considered impossible to transfer to disc v/ith an automatic utility but now we have developed a " FULLY AUTOMATIC PROGRAM " to transfer the game and loading screen with a massive saving in disc space used, due to compressing not only the screen but also the game code. Among those tested are:- 720 DEGREES, ATF, HEROES OF THE LANCE (main file & screen), INDIANA JONES (Main fi e & screen). TRANTOR (main file & screen), BLACK BEARD, COLOSSEUM. WIZARD WARZ {main file). SIDE ARMS. CHICAGO 30's, RAMPARTS, LAZER TAG. ECHELON (main file), JACKAL, SOLOMONS KEY and HERCULES (main file). ** This utility is written to only work in a CPC6128. It will not work in a CPC464 or CPC664 even with memory expansion unless fitted with a 6128 ROM as it uses direct ROM addresses. However the transferred game will run on your 464/664. With Indiana Jones, Trantor, Heroes of the Lance, Hercules, Wizard Warz and Echelon we supply details of how to complete the transfer of the remaining game code. Added Utility To Dump Any Scrccn Saved With Goldtrans To Four Dilferent Types of Printers GOLDTRANS" PRICES: UK-£15.00 EUROPE - £16.25 REST OF WORLD - £17.00 ! SPEEDTRANS PLUS - NOW EVEN FURTHER AHEAD OF ITS RIVALS ! SPEEDTRANS PLUS - 3 iandles all Speedlock types Automatically. No need to hold a key down at anytime during loading. SPEEDTRANS has only one program to iting running several alternatives making transfers that do not work. SPEEDTRANS makes all transfers direct to your destination disc - does EEDTRANS disc whilst working. SPEEDTRANS transfers more Speedlock protected programs to disc than any of its competitors. It also trans- For CPC6128 (or 464/664 with DK Tronics 64K (or larger) Memory) Once the program has been transferred to disc It Will Run On your 464/664 Fully automatic - Just One Keypress * Only One Program To Run Which Finds The Speedlock Type Automatically * Transfers Many Original And Todays Speedlock Programs * No Meddling - Written With Tne Amateur In Mind * Automatic Disc Filenames * No Wasted Disc Space - Saves The Correct Amount Of Game Code # Saves 99% Of Opening Screens * Screens Saved In Their Correct Colours * Compresses Screen Code To Save Even More Disc Space * A Normal Data Format Disk Will Hold Six Standard Games. * Faster Loading Times From Disc Because Of Shorter File Lengths * SPEEDTRANS handles all Speedlock types Automatically. No need to hold a key down jd anytime during loading. SPEEDTRANS has only one run - no time wastinc not need the SPEI fers ALL the speedlock protected progams we say it will - we make no unsubstantiated claims. SPEEDTRANS transfers over 200 programs to Disc, some of the latest it will do are MADBALLS. FREDDY HARDEST (both games) BASKET MASTER. MATCHDAYII. PHANTOM CLUB. GRYZOR (main program) OUT RUN (main prog'i SUPER HANG ON, ATV SIMULATOR, R TYPE, REVOLUTION (Including screen) in only 43K, SUPERHERO in only 48K and Wizzball in only 55K compared v/ith 61K when transferred with another Speedlcck utility. SPEEDTRANS is the only utility that will transfer Mutants 64K. SPEEDTRANS is the only utility that will transfer Revolution automatically without meddling. Added Utility To Dump Any Screen Saved With Speedtrans To Four Diflerent Types ol Printers. SPEEDTRANS will transfer many other titles - some better known ones are: All Idles From Konami's Coin-Op. Hits From Konami Arcade Collection: Nemesis - Jackal Jailbreak Summer Gold By US Gold: Dambusters • Beach Head II - 10th Frame - Bruce Lee - Impossible Mission. From They Sold A Maiior: Sabrewulf - Beach Head - Jet Set Willy Daley Thompsons Decathlon. From They Sold A Million 3: Fighter Pilot • Ghostbusters - Daley Thompsons Decathlon 3D Slaughter, Ace Of Ases (Main Program). Aerojet. Advanced P iball, Ai«n Highway, Arkonoid. /Vteroid 2. Revenge Of Doh {Wain Program!. Armageddon Man, Army Moves (1 & 2). ATV Simulator. Brain dough's Fortunes, Barry McGu>;jans Boxing. Basket Master. Batman, Beach Head. 8each Head II. Black Magic-Both Parts. BMX Simulator, Bcunty Bob, Bounty Bob Suites Back. Brair Ache, Breakthru, Bruce Lee, Catcn 23, Crystal Castles. Cluedo, Cobra (Stallone), Combat Sclxcl, Copout, Cosmc Shock. Daley rtomosons Decathlon, Daley Thompsons Olympic Challenge (Main Program), Daley Thompsons SuoerTes", Dambustws, Dan Da-e 2, Cesen Fox. Dizzy. Donkey Kong. Elekua Glide, Express Raider, Eye Spy, F15 Strke Eagle. Fighter Pilot. Footbal (Codemas:er$), Frankie Goes Hollywood, Freddy Hardest. Fruit Machine Simulator (Main Program), Galactc Games [Main Program). Galvan, Game Over (Both Parts). Giostbuste-s, Gccnies, Grand Prix Simulator, Green Beret, Gryzor (Main Program), Gunfright, Gyroscope, Hecker, Head Over HiKllS, Higli'a'idur. Highway Encounter, Hunchback II. Hypersports (Main Program), I Spy, Impossibfe Mission, Its A Knockout, Jackal (Compilation Ver), Jailbreak (Coma a'io- Verswn). Jet Bike Simu'ator (Main Program), Jet Set Willy. Juggernaut, Killed Unt« Dead {Mam a rogr£m), Knight Games (Main Programj.Knlghi Rkter. Kcnami Cell. Kong Strikes B=ck Kung Fu Master. Leaderooard, Leacerboard Iburnanent Leads-board WortdcJass, Legend OF Kage, Leviathan iMan Programi. Macballs. Mag Max. Mario Brothers, Match Point, Matchday. Matchday II, Me;ro:ross, Miami Vice (Ocean), Mikie. Minder. MindsUadow. Mission Jupiter, Mcnopoy, Nemesis The Warlock, Never Ending Slory (Main Program;, Nigel Mansells Grand Prix {Main Program). Nomad. Out Ol This Weflc (Main Program;. Outrun (Main Program;, Phantom C ib. Ping Pong, Platoon, Pro Slo S mutator. Pulsator, Rate .Against Time, Raid. Rambo first Bleed li, Renegade ;Imagine) (Main Pog-am), Rescue On Fraclalus. Return ~o Oz, Revdution, Road Runner (Main Program), Hocco, Sabre Wulf (Later Version;. Samantha Fox Po<cr Saracen, Sea extric. ScraMie. Shadow Sfirrmer. Shac-lins Road, Short Circuit, Stent Service. Slain, Stapfight. Space Shuttle. Spy Trek, Street Hawk, Super Cycle (Main Prcgram). Suae- Hang On, Sijper Hero, Super Stunt Man, Tenth Frame, Terrc mdinos. The Great Escape, Tie Race Against Time. The Way Exploding Fist. Tcogun, Transmuter, Tuoauba, Uchimata, V. Vampire, Vixen, Warlock, Winter Games, World Games (Main Prcgramj. World Series Baseball, Xarq, Xevious, Ye Ar Kung Fu. Z»l5 (Martech), Zorro and many more. SPEEDTRANS is, without doubt, the best Speedlock transfer utility on the market today and is capable or iransie^rirg more speediocK games to disc than any ot its competitors. TRY IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF UK £15.00 Europe £16.25 Rest Of The World £17.00 Upgrade your Speedtrans Disc • send your disc together with UK £3.CO - Europe £4.25 - Rest Of The World £5.00 Upgrade your Speedtrans Tape send your tape together with UK £12.00 - Europe £13 ?5 Rest Of The World £14.00 and is capable of transferring more Speedlock games to disc than any of its competitors. Upgrade your Speedirans Tape send your tape togethe DMP 2000/2160 PRINTERS The printer buffer presently ;n the DMP 2000 series is a 2K RAM. Most ol this RAM is used by the printer's operating system leaving an average 1/2K as buffer space. Our upgrade kit corrtains a new static RAM chip which will increase the printer buffer by 6K (about 4 pages of. text). This upgrade allows ail Download Characters to be re-defined allowlrg the user to design special characters for use with scientific ard other programs. The kit Is supplied with full pic- torial instructions to allow the amateur to carry out his own modification (the DMP2160 takes about 7 minutes). II you dont think you are up to It your local TV shop can do tne job in approximately 15 minutes UK £14.50 - EUROPE £15.75 - R. of W. £16.50 COMPACTOR COMPACTOR will allow you to load a standard 17K screen, set the mode, border and ink colours and then save It as a ccmoressed screen containing its own mode and ink colour intormation. Most screens compact down to an average of 9K which is an enormous saving on disc space. Loading time of compressed screens fe also proportionately reduced. TAPE:- UK £5.00 - EUROPE £6.25 R. of W. £7.00 DISC:- UK £8.50 - EUROPE £9.75 - R. of W. £10.50 UTILITIES DISC NO. 1 This utility disc contains 5 programs, all menu driven. They are SAMSON. TRANSIT, QCLONE VIEWTEXT and the fast disc FORMATTER. DISC:- UK £15.50 - EUROPE £16.75 - R. of W. £17.50 ROM:- UK £17.25- EUROPE £18.50 - R. ot W. £19.25 UTILITIES DISC No. 2 This utility disc contains nine programs. They are Samson, Delilah, Playtrans. Firetrans. Screen Compactor. Address Label Printer. Epson Screen Dump. Schinwa Screen Dump, Citoh Screen Dump. DISC:- UK £20.00 - EUROPE £21.25 - R. ol W. £22.00 ROM:- UK £25.00 - EUROPE £26.25 - R. of W. £27.00 NIRVANA Have you tried backing up your original expensive cisc soft- ware and failed? Use NIRVANA before its too late! NIRVANA (meaning erligntenment) is an extremely powerful disc han- dling utility which has the following features: Disc lo disc oack-up copier which will nandle most of the commercially protected discs available today. File copier for individual fiies. Disc formatter, much easier tc use than CPM. Change file attributas. Erase files. Change filenames. Will handle all disc drive combinations DISC:- UK £15.00 - EUROPE £16.25 - R. of W. £17.00 CHARACTER DESIGNER (All CPC's) * REDEFINE YOUR PRINTER DOWNLOAD CHARACTERS * REDEFINE THE COMPUTER SCREEN FONT 4 REDEFINE ANY.'ALL KEYBOARD KEYS (ASV/ERTY) * DESIGN SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC CHARACTERS/FONTS Takes a'l the hard work out of character design ng making it a pleasure. The printer part of the program will only work if your printer is capable of DOWNLOADING and is EPSON compatible - see your printer manual. Works v/ith 7-bit or 8-bit output (8-bit port). All the designing is done "On-Screen" so you can see exactly what you are doing. You can save your newly designed characters to disc and reloac them at any time irto a basic program ar>d into most Word-Processcrs. The prog-am also allows the user to redefine any or all of the keys on the keyboard. This feature will be useful for those who require an ASWERTY keyboard. The disc also contains twelve sample fonts for experimentation TAPE:- UK £7.99 EUROPE £9.25 - R. of W. £10.00 DISC:- UK £12.00 - EUROPE £13.25 - R. of W. £14.00 Please send your cheque (£ Sterling) Eurocheque or UK P.O. to: GOLDMARK SYSTEMS. 51 COMET ROAD. HATFIELD, HERTS AL10 0SY ENGLAND Please write or telephone 07072 71529 for full brochure on our many other tape to disc products releases updates previews new releases updates previews new r 9 Virgin.'Masteronic's Magnum: having things all ils own way New Amstrad show "will be world's biggest" A giant new Amstrad show, claimed to be 'the world's largest event for Amstrad users" has been announced. The three day Computer Shopper Show, organised by Database Exhibitions and taking place at the Great Hall, Alexandra Palace, is claiming to expect 40.000 visitors and some 250 stands, more than 100 of which will be dedicated to selling CPC. PCW and PC products. Amstrad have already com- mitted themselves to the show, and other major house- hold names pledged to it include Amor, Rombo Productions and Tynesoft, with many more expect- ed to follow suit. A special feature is the sickeningly entitled "Wonder- ful World of Amstrad," allegedly a "major exhibition in its own right" within the main show. Tor three days in November,'' Michael Meakin, head of Database Exhibitions claims, "Computer Shopper will transform Alexandra Palace into the number one Christmas computer gift hypermarket in the world. The number of Amstrad products will never have been greater - nor will the number of special show offers. It will be a bonanza for all Amstrad CPC users: I guarantee it!" Cheetah: "No CPC market for lightgun" 4 ey that you have to get back by selling product. Something like the Commodore version we're going to sell 200,000: on the CPC we'd be lucky to sell 2.000. 'Its the same on the Atari: we've actually got the hardware, but I just don't think there's a mar- ket there for it Are you running scared of the Virgin/Ma stertronic Amstrad- licensed Magnum, which would be a direct competitor your gun? 'If you look at the rest of the market, and sees what happens to it very, very shortly you 11 see that we're not,' he replied, cryptically. What does that mean. Howard? "No comment.' Is it to do with what Amstrad are doing, or with what Cheetah are doing? 'We dont like competition, OK? So we always win. and make sure we do. That's one side the other side, you'll just have to wait and see. But we're certainly no: scared of anyone, we jus: make sure no- one can beat us." Do you know something about the CPC the res: of us dont? 'No, not at all, it's just tha: I don't believe it's a market worth getting into. Amstrad are probably going to get involved because they want to sell packs. I would imagine that the CPC hasn't got very much longer to live. 'Yes there's lot of them out there, but the owners either shove them up in the loft or their parents wont buy them any more, and they've bought them a system and don't want to spend any moie on them." Cheetah :r.e company :hat pro- •cheetah's Amdrum and joysticks: duces CPC oysticks, the Amdru m but no lightgun forthcoming -:.d music keyboards, have admit- ted that they have no plans to launch their multi-format lightgun in a CPC version. The announcement follows the launch last month of the Viigin/Mastertronic mag- num. licensed by Amstrad and bundled v/ith six games including the best-selling Operation Wolf. The news that the gun, which is being developed in conjunction with CPC budget specialists Code Masters, comes as a blow to some observers who had been rel- ishing the prospect of a stand-up fight between the two companies. Cheetah's boss Howard Jacob son was scathing about the CPC's future prospect, claim- ing that there is no market, for a lightgun. 'We've produced peripherals for the CPC before, and they havent been support- ed. People go out and buy the CPC because they can get a pack- age, and they dont ever want to buy anything else for it." "You have to go out and create software, which costs a lot of mon- AMSTFtAD ACTION J®! /X AMSCENE Spectravideo invent better mousetrap This extraordinary-looking thing is the new AS-118F Wizmaster Games Controller. Spectravideo, the company behind the phenom- enally successful Quicksho: series, are claiming that its fea- tures make it 'unique.' 'There was a time,' remi- nisced boss Ashwin Patel. "when a phrase commonly used by mar- ketin people in his industry was that 'A joystick is a joystick is a joystick.' This is no longer :he case. The end user now demands a much wider range of choice Spectravideo intend to mee: tins more sophisticated demand with innovative new designs; QS-118F Wizmaster is the first of many to follow." What, though, makes this beast unique, apart from its decidedly odd appearance? •Well, it has features that I'm not aware have appeared on any other joystick,' claimed a Spec- travideo spokesperson. Sucli as? 'Apart from the autofire cn-off button, there's the three different control mechanisms." Ah yes, the three different control mechanisms. The what? 'If you look on the left hand ' side of the joystick you'll see a short lever: this is removable, so :hat Ralph Waldo Emerson (1B03- 1882), I believe, who asserted that 'If a man wnte a setter bcok, preach a better ser- mon, make a bet- / j ter mousetrap or do something novel with • The Wizmaster: Spectravideo's "better mousetrap" if you're one of those players who prefer finger-and-thumb opera- tion you can have it. "And if you require a longer lever you can screw that in in its place." : So there you have it. It was a joystick, the world will beat a path to his door.' Well, maybe he didnt say that bit about joysticks, but he said the res: of it. That nice man in your local computer shop will he only too pleased to accept £11.95 frcm you i:i exchange for the Wizmaster. • Meanwhile Konix are releasing yet another world beating designer joystick. Well, sort of: their ultra cheap Megahlaster (rated as a Bar- gain Buy in our AA 44 joystick sur- vey) is being revamped internally and it's £2 more expensive at £8.99. The difference is that rather than using leaf spring switches (which warp, making control more difficult), the new Megah/aster depends on micros witches, which are much tougher and give a more consistent performance. Mini office II counts down to 500,000! Database Software's Mini Office II. one of the most popular CPC software packages ever, is about to reach a remarkable land- mark: its 500,000th sale. The lucky pur- chaser will win a s:ate • Mini Office II: 500,000 and still going strong. Chris Payne's not complaining of the art £500 video recorder. The integrated word-processor, database, spread sheet and comms package is claimed to he 'the bestselling small business package of all time,' according • to Database's marketing manager Chris Payne. 'To celebrate, we're giving away a brilliant Sony video recorder, with slow motion digital effects, perfect pausing, picture-in- picture and editing it's got everything!' Launched originally as Mini Office hack in October 1984, just six months after the first 4S4, the package was revamped as Mini Office II, currently sell- ing at £21.85. and has been a best-seller ever since. Swearing Skweek gets the chop! ^ Twisted pranksters have corrupted US Gold's cuddly Skweek, the central charac- ter of a recently released Loriciels game ^ (Raved in AA last issue). A highly embarrassed US Gold have beenT forced to withdraw copies of the game, which** have been interfered with so that the lov able children's friend becomes a foul mouthed fiend. Although few copies have been found Gold have taken the line that it's better to be safe than sorry. More French lessons soon Flushed with the success of the extraordinary Purple Saturn Day (see page 42 for the full review) Infogrames have announced their next project.Action Scrsicc. which the player in a fictional commando schocl somewhere in Europe, training to join the elite Cobra Force. Your aim is to train your player up to the peak of physical fitness (cough, wheeze., stop you're killing me). It boasts a vast array of joy- stick driven commands - over 20 - to help you learn the trade. All the action is viewed through a split screen system that also boasts a slow motion facility to help you improve your kill ratio. It's also rumoured that a second game is being planned which will let you take the character built up in Action Service on active service! Sound impossi blc? Well, so did a Purple Saturn Day conversion for the CPC, and that's simply outstanding, so who knows? Watch this space.:, fwhy, what's it going to do? - ed; AMSTRAD ACTION a* Action Service - from the people ifwho brought you the rather splen- ' Idjd Purple Saturn Day 13 i L 1 A OCSIGMtl> fly. FTCOIPMC ADAPTATION TCFIN mmmasm /X AMSCENE US Gold hype for the best The launch of the latest Indiana Jcnes crusade draws ever nearer demo copies have been circulated to give us all a foretaste of the most hyped game of the year so far. As Indie, you play through four different stages cf r s life :r. an arcade adventure First in > of the Cross of Coronado, tr.er. scrambling across the roof of a speeding train, face lo face with :a:s in sewers of Venice, even playing spider man on the walls of a Castie. The game is getting some major musclc from :he marketing people at US Gold, who are pre- dicting that this ore game alone could turn around the traditional- ly sluggish summer sales figures. This is seen as so important that Gold have spent more than ever before on a non-Cliristmas release. Sales expectations are high Gold are tal dng of Indiana Jones in the same breath as Out Run and : - aderboard. two of the biggest sellers of all time. On 16 bit formats the concept is being so aggressively pursued that not one but two games - an arcade style and a pure adventure - are springing from the one licence! Luckily wc arc spared such over-expo- sure and only have the higher paced, literal interpretation of the movie. To further boost sales the US Gold team are splashing the cash for both the press and the public. Journalists were softened up with a preview screening in Leicester Square and a party at Stringfellovvs. The public are to he inundated with T-shirts, signed poster competitions and a whole host of other associated goodies. The book of :hc film, the launch of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom as a sell-through video as well as a rr.assive adver- tising campaign in movie, comput- er and sundry other mags are all opportunities for US Gold to remind us; in case we'd forgottrn, that the game is coming. Advertis- ing and promotion costs arc being spli: between the various Licencers and licenccos. Are you the next AA TECHNICAL EDITOR? This is a golden opportunity for someone with sound techni- cal knowledge to make the break into magazine journalism, working for one of Britain's fastest expanding publishing com- panies. But do you fit the bill? • You have a thorough knowledge of the CPC's hardware and software. • You write well, communicating your understanding and enthusiasm clearly in a way that both Amstrad buffs and newcomers will find entertaining and informative. • You relish the prospect of living in Britain's most beautiful city. You have these qualifications? Good! Write to The Editor, Amstrad Action, 4 Queen St, Bath BA11EJ. Enclose a formal letter of application; personal details and qualifications; and a piece of writing (about 300 words) demonstrating your abili- ties. Review a piece of serious software; analyse a program or explain a routine - whatever. But it must show that you are the person for this demanding and satisfying job. Share the excitement! Laser Squad lands at last At long lastLaser Squad is about to be released. Target Games, who bought you Rebelstar, are up and gunning again, this time with a choice of up to six different sce- narios for you to blast your way through. In a game of tact, diplomacy and mindless violence you control a group of rebels taking on various evil inter- galactic corporations and lav; enforcement bodies. You have a wide choice of weapons and armour to tool up with, creating a highly flexible and always chang- ing battle simulator. A cross between Airborne Ranger and the movie Aliens, it gives you the chance to try and outwit either your CPC or a friend. A quick recon- The Last Crusade: the first pictures This puts all tJS Golds summer eggs firmly in one basket, and leaves them dependent upon the movie's success or failure at the box office before any customers even get to see the game. All the evidence from what we've seen so far of the CPC ver- sion suggests that games lie-in to the game has been very well done, c: e a t i n g what, looks to be a highly effective licence. So far so good. AMSTRAD ACTION EB3@0 pMiiiB^ unbeatable prices, unbeatable service ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES UK £15.00 Europe £22.50 Overseas £30.00 Current issue £1.25 * Fully illustrated * Over 20,000 words per month * Proper A4 format Letters, Basic, Comms, Mcode, Hardware pro- jects and much more. A truly Alternative Fanzine CASPELL RIBBON REFRESHER An 8oz can does up to 30 ribbons ONLY £7.95 PER CAN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE THE SPECIAL OFFERS CPM DISC 1 - MACHINE CODE TOOLS Price £5.50 Z80 ar-d ROfiO assemblers. Z30 to 8000 to Z80 cod© translator. Oebugg ng moniicr and assem- b er, Reverse assemb'er. Binary I e comparer, pus NswSweep ard mere. MHB33322E2a SelESZaESEs i Advanced OCP Art Studio — £18.95 OCP Art Studio —£15.95 The Advanced Art Studio, bundled together with the Genius Mouse, Interface and Mouse Mat — £49.95 CPM DISC 2 - COMPUTER LANGUAGES Small-C. Prolog. Lisp. EBasic. Small-C-lnterpreterplus NewSweep. CPM DISC 3 - FILE AND DISC MANAGEMENT Price £5.50 Price £5.50 Libro'y unities. Disc qua ity checker. Unix GREP command, PCW di3C reader, Disc sector editor, Text tile sorter. Wore counter, plus NewSweep and more, CPM DISC 4 - AT YOUR LEISURE Price £5.50 Cave Adventure. Chess, Othello, Gc 1 Word search. Biorhythms. Maze generator. On-screen calculator. P'clog Com-ns Ltiiit y. plus NewSweep and mce. Kador Seal 'n' Type covers 7.95 MasterCalc 128 24.95 MasterFile III 29.95 MasterCalc AND MasterFile 49.95 CPM DISC 5 - THE BUSINESS Price £5.50 Scrivcw spreadsheet. Inventory C3tabase. Poweriu text editcr. Spelli->g checker with d ciiona'y, Sorter. Word counter. Coroms ut lity, plus Nev/Sweep and more. CPM DISC 6 and 7 - PASCAL PLUS (Two Discs) Pascal, SCI Cobol, EBasic, "owertjl textediic. plus NewSweep. CPM DISC 8 - MORE COMPUTER LANGUAGES ho'ir. SlOic. Cobol, Exptrl 86. Powerful text editor, plus NewSwnep CPM DISC 9 - COMMUNICATIONS Price £9.00 Price £5.50 Price £5.50 Protext (CP/M+) 47.00 Pocket Protext (CP/M+) 23.25 Protext Filer 19.50 BCPL (CP/M+) 19.50 ArnorC (CP/M+) 39.00 Maxan 1.5 (ROM) £23.25 Protext Office (Disk) £27.25 Mex Kcrmit, Kermode. Interface and Srtart Modem, overlays, source ccde, pljs NewSweeo and more. PLUS * PLUS * PLUS * PLUS * PLUS Public Domain software support available to WACCI subscribers. Mega-big homegrown library Send £1.25 for full catalogue and details (E and OE). Rombo Rom Box 27.00 VIDI-CPC digitiser 68.00 5 x CF2 discs (yes we've got them!) 11.95 10 x CF2 discs 22.95 20 x CF2 discs 44 95 DMP 2000/3000 Printer Ribbons (<m^)ZZZZ.£2.95 WACCI UK, 9 SOUTH CLOSE, TWICKENHAM, MIDDX TW2 5JE Est. 1986 — Phone 01-898 1090 [...]... Geoff Stott's solution to a d e m a n d for 16 character fBenames may not be elegant, but if is er, cheap? W '26j AMSTRAD ACTION ^ CASPELL COMPUTER s 0202 666155 (24 A Amstrad DMP 2 / 3 0 0 0 s e r i e s 2 4 8 2 2426 E Amstrad DMP 4 0 0 0 Amstrad PCW8256 (L/Lifa) • 2 7 4 1 D B *2746 Amstrad PCW9512 *2696 B Brother HR15/25/40 C a n o n PW1080A D 2223 C e n t r o n i c s GLP 2412 D B Citizen 120D/180E/LSP... one/read it in the newsagent AMSTRAD 4 o- ACTION / X QUESTIONNAIRE 15 W h a t i s s u e of Amstiad Action was the 22 I n o r d e r , w h a t a r e t h e t h r e e m a i n r e a s o n s f i r s t y o u b o u g h t or r e a d ? ( J u s t a n a p p r o x i - y o u b u y Amstrad m a t e m o n t h , e g J a n u a r y 1987) m a g for Line Up, t h e Buyers Guide a n d Action Action? U Prices d i d n t attract... page 22) * 018981090; CPM User i Group fv 72 MiU Rd, tiawfetfmm Dartford, Kent DA2 7RZ); United Amstrad User Group 0329 281324); PD Software f* 08926 110 63298); andPD-m (90 •="•*• j Braybovme Close Uxbridge, | $ ] Middlesex M i m ' t Any additions to that list we should know about? AMSTRAD ACTION 11 i / X REACTION • Mark G i b s o n f r o m W e s t B r o m w i c h w r o t e in t o a s k a b o u t h e... yourself £20! Send entries - together w i t h a short note telling us which art package you used, and an SAE if you want the pictures back on disk or tape to: AMSTRAD Pat McDonald's The Look Amstrad Action Future Publishing 4 Queen St Bath BA11EJ ACTION H o w do you w r i t e r u l e s for s o m e t h i n g a s rand o m a s w e a t h e r ? Geological f o r m a t i o n s a r e no p u s h o v e r either,... your CPC? (in descending order) 8 What type of printer do you own or intend to buy? 1) Make: (eg Star, Amstrad, Epson, 2) H Just a games player Brother) 3) J Just a serious user Model: 14 How many times have you bought J I'm both a games and serious user 9 Which word processor do you use? Amstrad Action in the past year? 6 How long have you owned your CPC? U Protext • Every month U Less than six months... with NEW Team Option are as follows:For Amstrad 5'/V\ IBM 5 Va\ IBM 3 W Archimedes Atari ST Times discs are £ 19.95, Sun discs are £ 18.95 For Amstrad 3", RM Nimbus V/i", BBC V/i", Electron +3 BBC Master 128 ADFS, BBC DFS 40 DFS 80 Times discs are £ 18.95, Sun discs are £ 17.95 For Spectrum + 3 Sun discs are £ 17.95 Note: no Times version For all Acorn, Spectrum, Amstrad cassettes (No Team Option) Times... u t a cross against 16 H o w d o y o u r a t e Amstrad Action ( o u t of t h e s e c t i o n of t h e m a g a z i n e y o u w o u l d ten)? m o s t like to see d r o p p e d 27 W h a t i t e m s w o u l d y o u l i k e t o s e e s o l d i n the back pages? J O u t of t e n I r a t e it a t • G a m e s and lots o f ' e m J News • Serious software • Reaction (letters) • Big h a r d w a r e i t e m s... me • Forms were confusing 34! AMSTRAD ACTION • questionnaire It will b e read carefully and t h e results noted Look out for an analysis in a couple of months Meanwhile, good luck with t h e software draw! Wm 1 'tt'9 Available soon on: N ot 'alf! Image Works serves up another ace with this conversion of the Sega" coin-op smash Featuring tennis-ational singles or doubles action on clay and grass courts... empty your house's contents AMSTRAD ACTION On t h e o t h e r h a n d a n o f f e n c e cf c o p y i n g in t h i s i n s t a n c e i s a civil r a t h e r t h a n a c r i m i n a l a c t a n d w o u l d g o b e f o r e a civil court, Sof:ware houses I h a v e spoken to are not a g a i n s t t h i s k i n d of c o p y i n g , s i n c e i t d o e s n ' t cost t h e m a sale: court actions are not envisaged... audience* - a n d their a l t i t u d e u n r e p e n t a n t l y positive (*we t r y n o t t o w a s t e s p a c e s l a g g i n g b a n d s o f f ) , in a n i n d u s t r y w h e r e b e i n g n e g a - AMSTRAD ACTION FIRST EDITION V,"» The write stuff: CPC fanzines New CPC fanzines seem to be springing up every week JEFFREY DAVY, himself the veteran of one of the best computer fanzines, The Bug, surveys . Ho,ford Way- Holford, Birmingham B6 7AX. Toh Q?1 3388 LINE AMSTRAD ACTION • SEPTEMB be won - see our D' P SPECIAL THE ACTION BEGINS ON 40! THE VERY BEST IN CPC ENTERTAINMENT. things all ils own way New Amstrad show "will be world's biggest" A giant new Amstrad show, claimed to be 'the world's largest event for Amstrad users" has been. outstanding, so who knows? Watch this space.:, fwhy, what's it going to do? - ed; AMSTRAD ACTION a* Action Service - from the people ifwho brought you the rather splen- ' Idjd Purple

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2014, 13:41


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