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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Second edition 995-I l-l Photography photographic stability - Ammonia-processed film - Specifications Photographie - Film photographique Spkifications relatives la s tabilit6 diazo for diazoi’que trait& /‘ammoniac - Reference number IS0 8225: 995(E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n I S0 8225: 995(E) Contents Page Scope Normati ve references Defi ni ti ons Safety I and hazards Requi rements for fi l m Requi rements for processed Requi rements for the base emul si on fi l m and backi ng l ayers of processed fi l m Requi rements Test for i mage methods 10 I mage test II Cl assi fi cati on stabi l i ty for methods reporti ng Annexes Preparati on of standard hydroxi de Mi crofi l m 11 13 qual i ty between Li ght-fadi ng I S0 storage copi es and work copi es * i mages 14 15 995 Al l ri ghts reserved Unl ess or uti l i zed i n any form mi crofi l m, wi thout I nternati onal Case Postal e Pri nted fi l m of di azo Bi bl i ography of tetrabutyl ammoni um IO i mage Di sti ncti on sol uti on otherwi se permi ssi on Organi zati on 56 speci fi ed, or by any means, l i n Swi tzerl and II I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n i n wri ti ng for CH-1 21 no part of thi s el ectroni c from the publ i sher Standardi zati on Geneve 20 l publ i cati on or mechani cal , Swi tzerl and i ncl udi ng may be reproduced photocopyi ng and IS0 IS0 8225: 995(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 8225 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 8225: 987), which has been technically revised Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard Annexes B, C, D and E are for information only I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n III I S0 I ntroducti on Si n ce fi l ms 930, for great the by nati onal , pani es, state i ndustry gal , econ omi es u se of fi l m vel opmen t sui tabl e gel ati n di azo of LE- 00 u n der “archi val rati ng exten ded- term properti es dark- agei ng stabi l i ty for for u sed to su bj ected these to the l i fe, those whi ch after storage retai n vi sual capabi l i ti es both categori es fi l ms onto of si l ver(for for For of exampl e, wh en are based i ncu bati on property stored an d u pon the tests are processi ng are i denti cal densi ty ch an g es are after covers I nternati onal wh i ch concept LE or l i fe ex- 5466 (as defi ned thi s of fi l ms i n both can be thei r the not an d for an d di rectl y some onl y ex- fi l ms i n an n ex C) Th e Stan dard en su re i ntended tests to thei r cl asses u se to be (pri nti ng) onto fi l ms B) ; are are ul tra- not i n- Su ch fi l ms requi re onl y as Cl ass B fi l ms Ob- i nto the Cl ass after regi on repri nted di azo expected (A an d Cl ass A fi l ms acti ni c or desi gnated can fal l Cl ass A an d i mage- stabi l i ty two materi al s are B fi l ms respect i nto vi sual However, storage wi th i ntended vi ewed UV- sensi ti ve requ i rements excepti on i n I S0 Stan dard separated u pon materi al s after sh ow n ew 00 years di azo fi l ms copi es al so Cl ass A an d Cl ass Th e the are densi ty Su ch for Stan dard by the dark other copi es in de- of fi l m exposu re depen den t to be repri nted vi ousl y, wi th are (UV) -sensi ti ve ten ded as work storage l i ght fi l ms Al l may the di azo fi l ms I nternati onal speci fi ed the requ i rements Standard of Di fferent fi l ms characteri zati on di azo cl asses vi ol et not for to frequ ent I n addi ti on storage copi es, the an d speci fi ed LE- 00 i mag es requ i rements gi ve I nternati onal i mages thi s the expectan cy an d l ong- term di azo behavi ou r l eh as storage condi ti ons LE- 00 requ i rements sati sfactory val u es characteri sti cs l i fe i s cl assi fi ed thi s LE- an d However, as storage other an d h avi ng necessi tated the di sconti nued a l i fe di azo an d that l i ght l i ght-fadi ng of med i u m I t i s recogn i zed posu re accessi bi l i ty Thi s I nternati onal fi l m) for Fi l m in wi th of LE- requ i rements vesi cu l ar h as been storage Cri teri a for speci fi es sui tabl e defi ned fi l m com- by recogni ti on records or val u es to speci fy for storage (for fi l ms fi l m” as mi l i tary on fi l m i nsu rance organi zati on, fi l m photograph i c records sti mul ated pi ctori al l ong- term 0602 i s i ntroduced represents speci fi ed I S0 971 dupl i cate expectan cy” pectancy h avi ng are sui tabl e I S0 of hi stori cal , Stan dards pu rpose an d Th e term records whi ch photographi c “l i fe for space, of of i mportant I nternati onal for thi s fi l ms fi l m) medi cal , u se by banks, h as been safe- keepi ng i ncreasi ngl y i n the preservati on g overn men ts, i n storage Th e mad e Th e enterpri ses, i ndustri al , al so become been records mu ni ci pal reproducti on sci enti fi c, Th e an d h ave of an d other of the resul tant ease of advan ces preservati on LE- an d B fi l ms are dark- agei ng LE- 00 i denti cal , an d after on photographi c fi l m l i ght-fadi ng Everyon e shou l d the cern ed wi th real i ze that materi al does the speci fyi ng not, iv I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n by preservati on the i tsel f, of records chemi cal assu re an d physi cal sati sfactory characteri sti cs behavi ou r of I t i s al so I S0 essenti al protecti on pol l utants I S0 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 5466 I S0 to provi de from the Condi ti ons an d I S0 the correct h azards for 021 of the storage fi re, temperatu re water, storage of l i ght record an d 8225: 995( E) an d humi di ty, certai n fi l ms are an d atmospheri c speci fi ed in This page intentionally left blank I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n I NTERNATI ONAL STAN DARD Photography - photographi c fi l m I S0 I S0 Ammoni a-processed - l Thi s whi ch I nternati onal for the Standard stabi l i ty of establ i shes pol yester-base has an ammoni a-processed i mage I t covers and LE-1 00 Thi s graphi c photographi c di azo fi l m speci fi - safety fi l m photographi c i ntended for LE-1 records in Standard whi ch the to a transparent I t appl i es to appl i es i mage rol l fi l m l ayer to is photo- a di screte support and sheet Thi s I nternati onal i nherent keepi ng the sui tabi l i ty depends of the of on fi l m di scussed Standard behavi our a fi l m Members I S0 both the and the i nherent ori gi nal i n annex fi l m 5-2: 991 , Part 2: Thi s I S0 storage LE-1 00 stored characteri sti cs qual i ty storage not as Standard The copi es appl y “work” to or appl i es and used Storage copi es I S0 5466 di azo fi l m records copi es onl y as wi th “use” l atter and to di azo LE-1 and - shoul d be I S0 021 i ntended (as di scussed and of thi s cati on, are standards I nternati onal the edi ti ons subj ect I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n to in thi s I S0 text, Standard i ndi cated revi si on, and provi si ons consti tute At were the - measurements notati ons Densi ty measurements for transmi ssi on to Al l - Densi ty measurements 3: Determi nati on Test condi ti ons for of tensi l e fi l ms and Photography I S0 for safety - Photographi c Photography fi l ms 6077: 993, - - Storage - test Processed safety practi ces Photography Wedge fi l ms fi l m - Photographi c fi l ms for bri ttl eness 971 8: 995, fi l m Photography - 021 4: 991 , materi al s - Photography - Processed Speci fi cati ons Fi l i ng vesi cul ar for stabi l i ty - Processed encl osures photo- for storage whi ch, provi si ons ti me val i d parti es Densi ty - Pl asti cs 5466: 992, and papers I S0 contai n cur- i n an- references reference of condi ti ons Part 543: 990, photographi c I S0 fol l owi ng through regi sters condi ti ons Photography 527-3: 995, graphi c The and Photography 3: Spectral photographi c Normati ve re- bel ow is nex C) mai ntai n symbol s Geometri c 5-3: 995, Part properti es I S0 i ntended i n accordance I t does used fi l m most i ndi cated sheets B I nternati onal encouraged the Standards Photography Speci fi cati ons photographi c I S0 are appl yi ng standards I EC and 7: Terms, I S0 of onl y However, extended agei ng i mage the I nternati onal 5-l : 984, Part Standard possi bi l i ty of of val i d - I S0 fi l m characteri zes after I nternati onal the densi ty of the record thi s edi ti ons rentl y - the on stabi l i ty i nvesti gate cent - I nternati onal fi l m l ayer attached for based to cati ons di azo Speci fi cati ons Scope 8225: 995(E) of publ i - standards agreements I S0 0602: 995, gel ati n stabi l i ty type Photography bl ack-and-whi te fi l m - Processed - si l ver- Speci fi cati ons for I S0 I S0 8225: 995(E) Defi ni ti ons For the purposes fol l owi ng of defi ni ti ons thi s I nternati onal Standard, the safety photographi c whi ch passes the test as speci fi ed safety Fi l m be archi val medi um: expected can be to Recordi ng retai n retri eved materi al i nformati on wi thout for si gni fi cant that ever l oss so can that when base a term to be prop- i s, however, u sed in no su ch I nternati onal materi al and Standards i t i s not or system speci fi cati ons and terephthal i c densi ty: of l i fe mati on expectancy i s predi cted (LE) : Length be retri evabl e to der extended-term storage of ti me that i nfor- i n a system However, dependent I S0 5466 3 LE u pon and the the I S0 un- condi ti ons actual useful exi sti ng l i fe storage of fi l m i s very condi ti ons (see same of retri eval bol recordi ng systems The i s a predi cti on years, for whi ch si gni fi cant l oss storage materi al s number of the when and fol l owi ng mi ni mum i nformati on the for can stored l i fe be “l i fe associ ated the LE sym- expectancy, retri eved under in can For be retri eved for l -E-1 00 at l east extended-term condi ti ons i nformati on extended-term sui tabl e havi ng condi ti ons 00 years’ for the the fi l m backi ng base: Pl asti c vi sual i nformati on Storage of condi ti ons: of Storage of l ayer(s) Cl ass ual l y and A fi l ms: for for I mage fi l ms, Fi l ms pri nti ng emul si on and or are i mage-formi ng and Cl ass but not onto have Fi l ms any densi ty ul travi ol et-sensi ti ve I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n in a spectral or response by as the ma- and spectral the eye, human pri nted, Densi ty whi ch the proj ecti on the and the energy fl ux are recei ver human of a processed i nci dent and the eval uated havi ng the by same eye densi ty: i mage i nci dent Densi ty i n whi ch and the transmi tted of a angul ar radi ant processed di stri buti ons fl ux are equal speci fi ed NOTE buti on i s a nomi nal For an *f-number mi crofi l m appl i cati ons, hal f-angl e of -f/4, Safety and usabl e both ul travi ol et-sensi ti ve whi ch are usabl e requi rements materi al s for and Hazard of of 6, 4”, si mul ates the angul ar di stri - whi ch corresponds a mi crofi l m reader to hazards vi sma- warni ngs the cedures are chemi cal s causti c, l aboratory gl oves the or of other aprons noti ces are ti cul arl y dangerous are in is noted be vi sual l y l owed by a symbol pri nti ng contai ni ng A doubl e handl i ng the in fi rst test whi ch I ’(( rubber as of for any that chemi cal a hazardous secti on, “DAN GER” of angl e brackets desi gnates the ))” used be par- precauti ons word wi l l face danger footnotes normal ti me pro- chemi cal s such procedure by the consi sti ng of Speci fi c performance The the bracket and but test hazardous or goggl es, apparel text i ndi cated a l etter the gl asses appropri ate the the otherwi se materi al s, duri ng wi l l ard where at al l ti mes hazard for safety in or protecti ve gi ven requi red procedure speci fi ed toxi c practi ce use and materi al B fi l ms: densi ty: i mage transhavi ng source radi ant masks pl ates teri al s di ffuse l i ght and photographi c be same or refl ected the papers whi ch onto as the transmi tted Safe of photographi c pri nti ng processed by a recei ver i s to the a i nci dent recorded years support l ayer(s) : eval uated has of the recorded l ayers emul si on Densi ty sampl e fl ux rati o refl ected 5-3 ) response as the photographi c requi res are i mage, of the transmi tted, i n whi ch the radi ant Some the base val ue preservati on a mi ni mum to the I S0 refl ecti on a photographi c storage preservati on permanent for that condi ti ons: storage sui tabl e for i ndi cates storage medi um-term i nformati on fl ux photographi c exampl e, base: ethyl ene wi thout condi ti ons of absorpti on, of densi ty: whi ch di stri buti on l i ght to (See spectral on i nci dent of N OTE fl ux i mage radi ant Rati ng fl ux pri nti ng mi tted of l ogari thm radi ant photographi c the 021 4) desi gnati on: expectancy” ti me aci d Degree as the or scattered teri al NOTE ate) of a pol ymer characteri sti cs i nci dent 3 fi l m t urni ng terephtha mai nl y gl ycol or scatteri ng There and 543 pol y(ethyl ene composed expressed Photographi c test it erl y stored N OTE i n I S0 ti me appl y 1 fi l m: i gn i ti on speci fi c for the fol “( )” haz- parti cu- I S0 l arl y I S0 peri l ous i nvol vi ng the h azard l etter(s) materi al , of symbol wi l l be the a si ngl e In si tuati ons handl i ng these su bsequ ent h azardou s consi sti ng di spl ayed of statements materi al s, the hazard symbol wi l l for be u sed an d a onl y Safety precau ti on s onl y brackets Fu rthermore, 8225: 995( E) gi ven on ce Al l pi pette operati ons pi pette bu l b or Safety gl asses shal l pl u nger be performed wi th a pi pette in paragraph shal l be worn for al l l aboratory work Detai l ed warni ng s di l uted sol uti ons nati onal for are handl i ng beyon d ch emi cal s the scope an d of thei r thi s I nter- heal th an d Empl oyers safety shal l provi de i nformati on in trai ni ng an d forman ce wi th l egal re- qu i rements Th e an d symbol is system i ntended i s not requ i rements to mean t for u sed i n thi s provi de for l abel l i ng I nternati onal i nformati on compl i ance as these wi th to the It is strongl y recommen d ed chemi cal s perti nent l i ng, u se Th e obtai n i nformati on an d that from cou ntry abou t di sposal an yon e the the of these base H azard w i nformati on Harmfu l if vapou r, i nhal ed mi st or venti l ati o equ ate [i e u si ng hazards, Harmfu l wi th if h an d- breathi ng U se onl y dust, wi th ad- pol y(ethyl ene Some fi l ms LE rati ng ski n after occu rs or Harmfu l Avoi d cl othi ng if (( SD May be obtai n 03 Wi l l an d thor- burn thorou ghl y obtai n if Safety Th e fi l m I S0 543 Keep I f swal l owed, i mmedi atel y away from U se wi th cau se fi re Do wi th not heat, sparks adequ ate venti - other store materi al n ear may combu sti bl e materi al s 1) Th e fl ammabl e warn i n g meet base can h ave the requ i rements of free be i denti - a maxi mu m fi l m speci fi ed in aci d pol yester base shal l greater than the 0, l mol /l sodi u m (F) wi l l n ot not hydroxi de of free aci d h ave an amou n t equ i val ent of sol uti on shal l of free I,0 per g ram be measu red ml of of fi l m i n accord- Th e vol u me of 0, l i ncrease after the mol /l of free more sodi u m than accel erated hydroxi de aci d of the 0, ml ag ei n g equi val ent processed over i ts descri bed fi l m shal l ori gi nal val u e i n Tensi l e be u sed for properti es an d l oss i n tensi l e properti es the sampl es condi ti ons fi l ms fi l m) be in Th e agei ng qu anti ti es at l oss shal l u sed shal l centage symbol can processed aci d scri bed Con tact thi s i n for Th e el ongati on Oxi di zer an d in pol yester fi l m shal l Th e fi l m l ati on ? (0) pol yester Amou n t swal l owed attenti on fl ame terephthal ate) ] descri bed speci fi ed a safety med- i mmedi atel y fatal open Was h I f swal l owed, medi cal of of 500 to the amou n t swal l owed i cal attenti on as be contact Was h handl i ng handl i ng on fi l m, shal l Req u i remen t s not after record meth od Th e amou n t n contact eyes, ou ghl y (3 bas e system Avoi d gas for Standard, by the an ce wi th fi l m manu factu rer chemi cal s cod e u sed I nternati onal for an y l egal vary from to country these Req u i remen ts fi ed h azard Stan dard users Standard tested an d break speci fi ed the for as fi l m h ave i n tabl e properti es shal l not u n d er after u n der Processed tensi l e i n tabl e (heated sol ven ts dri ed properti es a speci fi ed i n an d records tensi l e shal l i n tensi l e as descri bed of com mon be processed for as stress dean d (u nheated accel erated exceed the per- fi l m) l i tre I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n IS0 8225: 995(E) IS0 Tensile stress at break Elongation at break 40 MPal) 75 % 7.4 Thermal sticking Processed film shall show no evidence of blocking (sticking), delamination or surface damage at high temperature when tested before and after accelerated ageing as specified in 9.2 Thermal sticking shall be tested as specified in 9.8 A slight sticking of film to glass which does not result in physical damage shall be acceptable 15 % 30 % Requirements Table - Limits for tensile properties and loss in tensile properties on accelerated ageing of polyester-base film Film type Unheated film Minimum permissible tensile properties Heated film Maximum permissible loss in tensile properties compared with unheated film ) MPa=1 0”N/m2 Requirements for the emulsion and backing layers of processed film 7.1 Layer adhesion 7.1 I Tape-stripping adhesion The processed film shall not show any removal of the emulsion layer or backing layer when tested as described in 9.5 7.1 Humidity-cycling adhesion The emulsion layer or backing layer of the processed film shall not show separation or cracking that can impair its intended use, when tested as described in 96 7.2 Blocking Processed film shall show no evidence of blocking (sticking), delamination or surface damage when tested as described in 9.7 A slight sticking of the film samples that does not result in physical damage or a change in surface gloss shall be acceptable 7.3 Binder stability Processed film shall not exceed a mm increase in brittleness after accelerated ageinq as specified in 9.2 Brittleness shall be determined at 50 % relative humidity and shall be tested in accordance with IS0 6077 Films shall be tested preferably in lowdensity areas I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n for image stability 8.1 Proper development Processed film shall not show a visual diffuse transmission density decrease greater than 30 % when tested as specified in 0.2 8.2 Image stability: Light-fading Low-density and high-density patches of the processed film shall be tested in a light-exposure apparatus as described in 0.3 After testing, the low-density patches shall have a diffuse density of 0,4 or less, and the difference between the high-density and low-density patches shall be 0,8 or greater (see table2) These density requirements shall apply to both visual and printing densities for Class A film and to visual density only for Class B films (see annex D) The same density requirements shall apply for both LE-1 and LE-1 00 films Table - Limits for change in diffuse density of image after accelerated testing Diazo density levels Original Low density High density Final ) Low density High density - low density LE-1 and LE-1 00 film 0,lO + 0,05 ,2 T- 0,l < 0,4 > 03 NOTE - These requirements apply to both visual and printing densities for Class A films and to visual density only for Class B films I) That is, after the light-fading test (see 0.3) or the dark-ageing test (see 0.4) 0 IS0 8.3 Image stability: Dark-ageing Low-density and high-density patches of the processed film shall be incubated as specified in 0.4 under the conditions specified for either LE-1 or LE-1 00 film After incubation, the low-density patch shall have a diffuse density of 0,4 or less, and the difference between the high-density and low-density patches shall be 0,8 or greater (see table2) These density requirements shall apply to both visual and printing densities for Class A films and to visual density- only for Class B films Test methods 9.1 Identification of film base Remove all emulsion and backing layers from a sample of the unknown film by scraping Then remove all sublayers by scraping Prepare a sample of the base material by scuffing the surface with a suitable tool such as a razor blade The general procedure is to move the scuffing device back and forth over the sample manually while exerting a very slight pressure This removes the top layer of the base as a very fine dust Carefully brush this into a mortar Mix the sample with about 00 times its mass of potassium bromide, previously ground to about 75 pm Prepare a strip or pellet as described in reference [I] Obtain an infrared absorption curve from the prepared strip or pellet by means of an infrared absorption spectrometer By comparing the infrared absorption curve for the unknown with curves for known polymers, the identity of the unknown can be established (see reference [2]) 9.2 Accelerated ageing conditions Processed film shall be subjected to accelerated ageing conditions to meet the requirements for increase in the amount of free acid, loss in tensile properties, binder stability and thermal sticking The test specimens shall be conditioned at (23 + ) “C and (50 +- 2) % relative humidity for at least-l h After conditioning, place the specimens in a moisture-proof envelope and heat-seal the envelope 2) To prevent sticking between adjacent IS0 8225: 995(E) specimens, it may be necessary to interleave them with aluminium foil Ensure a high ratio of film to air volume by squeezing out excess air prior to heatsealing Use a separate envelope for each film sample Heat the envelopes in an oven for 72 h at (1 00 & 2) “C 3) An alternative method of incubating the specimens in a closed environment is by placing them in 25 mm borosilicate glass tubes (see reference [3]) Each tube shall have two flanged sections separated by a gasket to provide a moisture seal41 and shall be held together by a metal clamp Sufficient film specimens shall be used to provide a high ratio of film to air volume NOTE In the subsequent text, samples subjected to these accelerated ageing conditions are designated “heated film” Comparison samples kept under room conditions are designated “unheated film” 9.3 Determination of the amount of free acid 9.3.1 Specimen preparation Measurements shall be made on two unheated and two heated specimens of imaged film that weigh approximately g to g each Weigh the specimens to the nearest 0,Ol g Heat the films in accordance with 9.2 Remove all coatings from the film base by scraping Cut each specimen into small pieces and accurately weigh it prior to dissolving it in the appropriate solvents 9.3.2 Solution preparation Immerse the specimens in 30 ml of a 70/30 (m/m) mixture of purified ecresoI/chIoroform (DANGER: (B) (C> m WARNING - Chloroform is harmful if inhaled Avoid breathing vapour, mist or gas Use with adequate ventilation If inhaled, move to fresh air Contact should be avoided between chloroform and the eyes, skin or clothing In case of contact, obtain medical attention immediately o-Cresol is toxic if swallowed Contact should be avoided between o-cresol and the eyes, skin or clothing Wash after handling In case of contact, flush eyes and skin thoroughly with water Obtain medical attention immediately 2) A suitable moisture-proof envelope is a metal foil bag that is coated on the inside with polyethylene for heat-sealing 3) Incubation is accomplished in a closed environment to prevent escape of any acid that may be produced during incubation Such acid may catalyse further film base degradation 4) A suitable inert gasket can be made from polytetrafluoroethylene I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n IS0 8225: 1995(E) Take care to dispose of chloroform and o-cresol in accordance with national and local hazardous waste disposal regulations Dissolve the polyester support by heating it at (93 -+ 2) “C for 30 or until the specimen has dissolved Precautions should be taken to prevent excessive evaporation of the solvent Cool the dissolved specimens to room temperature 9.3.3 Titration Titrate the polyester solution potentiometrically with standardized 0,l mol/l tetrabutylammonium hydroxide using an automatic recording titrimeter and a glass/calomel electrode system The electrodes shall have been preconditioned for 24 h in the ecresoI/chIoroform solvent mixture ((B) (C) (S)) to prevent excessive instrumentation noise During titration, the burette tip shall be immersed into the solution as far as possible, and shall also be as far from the electrodes as is practical The stirring rate shall be as rapid as can be maintained without causing bubbles Also titrate 30 ml of a blank solution which has been heated for the same length of time as the polyester solution Details of the preparation of standardized tetrabutylammonium hydroxide are given in annex A 9.3.4 Calculation The amount of free acid, A, expressed in equivalent millilitres of 0,l mol/l sodium hydroxide per gram of film base, is calculated as follows for each specimen: A = (vs - vB)cT 0,Im where is the volume, in millilitres, of titrant used for the specimen; is the volume, in millilitres, of titrant used for the blank; is the concentration, in moles per litre, of the titrant; m is the mass, in grams, of the specimen Carry out the titration in duplicate on separately prepared solutions The average amount of free acid for the unheated and heated film specimens shall be calculated and reported separately VS I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 9.4 Tensile property test for processed fil m 9.4.1 Specimen preparation Processed film already in 16 mm format may be tested in this width In the case of perforated 16 mm film, specimens shall be cut from between the perforations Film in other sizes shall be cut into sections 15 mm to 16 mm wide and at least 150 mm long, using a sharp tool that does not nick the edges of the specimen Five specimens are required for the unheated film and five specimens for the heated film The specimens to be heated and the control specimens shall be cut alternately and contiguously from a single piece of film The thickness of each specimen shall be measured with a suitable gauge to the nearest 0,002 mm and the width to the nearest 0,l mm 9.4.2 Accelerated ageing Five specimens shall be subjected to accelerated ageing as described in 9.2 9.4.3 Conditioning All specimens, both unheated and heated, shall be conditioned at (23 -+ 1) “C and at (50 I~I 2) % relative humidity for at least 15 h This can be accomplished by means of an air-conditioned room or an air-conditioned cabinet The specimens shall be supported in such a way as to permit free circulation of air around the film and the linear air velocity shall be at least 150 mm/s 9.4.4 Procedure The film specimens shall not be removed from the conditioning atmosphere for testing The tensile stress and percent elongation at break of unheated and heated film specimens shall be tested alternately by means of a tensile machine, as specified in IS0 527-3 The initial grip separation shall be 100 mm and the rate of grip separation shall be 50 mm/min The tensile stress and elongation at break shall be calculated separately for the unheated and heated film 9.5 Tape-stripping adhesion test 9.5.1 Specimen preparation Although the dimensions of the processed film specimen are not critical, one dimension shall be at least 150 mm Four specimens shall be used for the emulsion surface and four specimens for the backing layer, if present IS0 8225: 995(E) IS0 9.52 Conditioning Specimens shall be conditioned as described in 9.4.3 9.5.3 Procedure The film specimens shall not be removed from the conditioning atmosphere for testing Apply a strip of pressure-sensitive plastic-base adhesive tape about 50 mm long to the surface of the processed film Press the tape down with thumb pressure to ensure adequate contact, leaving enough tape at one end to grasp No portion of the tape shall extend to the edges of the film specimens or extend to film perforations Hold the specimen firmly on a flat surface and remove the tape rapidly from the film surface This shall be accomplished by peeling the,tape back on itself and pulling the end so that it is removed from the film at an angle of approximately 80” Removal by the tape of any portion of the surface layer on any of the specimens shall be considered failure The results of the tape-stripping test may be very dependent upon the adhesive tape used if the bonding force between it and the particular film surface under test is not sufficiently high For this reason, a minimum bonding force is specified for this test This bonding force shall be determined by applying the adhesive tape to the film surface in the same manner as described in the tape-stripping test The tape shall be rapidly peeled back from the film surface at an angle of approximately 80” The peelback force required to separate the tape from the film shall be measured by a suitable device such as a strain gauge or spring scale capable of reading the maximum force used A bonding force of at least 0,9 N per millimetre of tape width is required 9.6 Humidity-cycling adhesion test 9.6.1 Specimen preparation Two specimens of processed film shall be selected from an area of high density The specimens should be 50 mm x 50 mm or 50 mm long x the film width where the size of the film permits, but the dimensions are not critical provided all specimens are of uniform size 9.6.2 Procedure Mount the test specimens in a specimen rack and place them in a glass laboratory desiccator jar in such a way that they are freely exposed to the required conditioning atmosphere Place the jar in a forced-air circulating oven for h at (50 _+ 2) “C The atmosphere within the jar shall be maintained at 96 % relative humidity, which can be obtained by keeping a saturated solution of potassium sulfate in water (see reference [4]) in the bottom of the jar? Take care to ensure that the saturated solution contains an excess of undissolved crystals at 50 “C The undissolved crystals shall be completely covered by a layer of saturated salt solution and the surface area of the solution should be as large as practical The jar and salt solution shall be kept at 50 “C for at least 20 h prior to use to ensure adequate equilibrium After h, place the specimens and specimen rack for h in a second desiccator jar that is also in the same oven The atmosphere within the second jar shall be maintained at 1 % relative humidity, which can be obtained by keeping a saturated solution of lithium chloride in water (see reference [4]) in the bottom of the jar 5) Time periods of h at the high humidity and h at the low humidity constitute one cycle? Each film specimen shall be subjected to humidity cycles After this, remove the film specimens from the specimen rack and examine the emulsion and any backing layer for any evidence of peeling, flaking or cracking produced as a result of the humidity-cycling treatment NOTE Films may sometimes exhibit what appear to be small pinholes in the image after processing These can be caused by dirt or dust particles on the emulsion surface at the time the raw film is exposed and should not be confused with holes or cracks in the emulsion layer The existence of such clear spots in the image prior to humidity cycling should be noted so that their presence does not lead to a false interpretation of adhesion weakness The film shall be examined under magnification and lighting conditions that are normal for the end use of the product During an interruption in the cycling procedure, the film specimens shall be kept at (50 + 2) “C and 1 % relative humidity 5) The relative humidity is based on the normal vapour pressure of the salt solution but the relative humidity tolerances cannot be specified 6) This can be most easily accomplished by placing the specim ens in the 96 % relative humidity jar in the morning and in the 1 % relative humidity jar in the evening I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n IS0 8225: 995(E) 9.7 Blocking test IS0 greater than that of the specimen Put each glassplate/film sandwich in a forced-air circulating oven for h at (65 + 2) “C Remove the glass-plate/film sandwich from the oven and allow it to cool After removal of the glass plates, examine the film for evidence of blocking (sticking), film delamination and surface damage At least five specimens of processed film shall be conditioned at 62 % relative humidity and (40 + 2) “C The preferred specimen size is 50 mm x 50 mm but the dimensions are not critical provided all specimens are of uniform size Place the specimens in a glass laboratory desiccator jar so that they are freely exposed to the required conditioning atmosphere for at least 15 h Place the jar containing the specimens in a forced-air circulating oven at (40 + 2) “C A relative humidity of approximately 62 % can be obtained by keeping a saturated solution of sodium nitrite (see reference [5]) in water at the bottom of the jar Y Take care to ensure that the saturated solution contains an excess of undissolved crystals at 40 “C The undissolved crystals shall be completely covered by a layer of saturated salt solution and the surface area of the solution should be as large as is practical The jar and salt solution shall be kept at 40 “C for at least 20 h prior to use to ensure adequate equilibrium After moisture equilibrium is attained, remove the jar from the oven Without removing the film specimens from the jar, stack at least five film specimens so that the emulsion surface of one specimen is against the back surface of the adjacent specimen Place the stack under a uniform pressure of 35 kPa This can be accomplished by placing a weight on the film stack, the dimensions of the weight being greater than those of the film specimens The jar containing the weighted stack shall be put back into the forced-air circulating oven for days at 40 “C Alternatively, the temperature and humidity conditions can be achieved by means of air-conditioned cabinets or air-conditioned rooms Remove the film stack from the oven and allow it to cool Individually remove the film specimens from the stack and observe each for evidence of film blocking (sticking) (see 7.2) The diazo film shall be aerated after development for at least at room temperature in the dark A test patch of the processed diazo film having a visual diffuse density equal to or greater than shall be read for printing density as specified in 10.1.2 Then place the sample at a distance of 100 mm from a 100 W, clear incandescent lamp After exposure for 10 with the lamp turned on, remove the sample Again read the density of the identified area for printing density Express any density decrease as a percentage of the original density 9.8 Thermal sticking test 0.3 Image stability: Light-fading test Measurements shall be made on two unheated specimens of processed film and two heated specimens as specified in 9.2 A specimen 50 mm x 50 mm is convenient, but the dimensions are not critical Place the specimen between two smooth uncoated glass plates that have dimensions slightly larger than the specimen, under a uniform pressure of 35 kPa This can be accomplished by placing a weight on the upper glass plate, the dimensions of the weight being I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Image test methods 10.1 Densitometry Image density shall be measured in accordance with 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 10.1.1 Visual density Visual diffuse transmission density shall be measured using a densitometer with the geometric requirements specified in IS0 5-2 and the spectral requirements specified in IS0 5-3 10.1.2 Printing density Printing transmission density shall be determined as specified for IS0 Type density in IS0 5-1, IS0 5-2 and IS0 5-3, designated as D, (90’ opal; &,: