© ISO 2013 Fluid power systems and components — Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios — Metric series Transmissions et composants hydrauliques et pneumatiques — Alésages des vérins e[.]
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3320 Third edition 2013-12-01 Fluid power systems and components — Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios — Metric series Transmissions et composants hydrauliques et pneumatiques — Alésages des vérins et diamètres des tiges de piston et rapports de surface — Série métrique Reference number ISO 3320:2013(E) © ISO 2013 ISO 3320:2013(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2013 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@iso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 3320:2013(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Symbols and units 5 Dimensions Area ratios Identification statement (reference to this International Standard) © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved iii ISO 3320:2013(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 131, Fluid power systems, Subcommittee SC 3, Cylinders This third edition of ISO 3320 cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3320:1987) and the second edition of ISO 7181:1991, which have been combined and technically revised iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 3320:2013(E) Introduction In fluid power systems, power is transmitted and controlled through a liquid (for hydraulics) or a gas (for pneumatics) under pressure within an enclosed circuit One component of such systems is the fluid power cylinder This is a device that converts power into linear mechanical force and motion It consists of a movable element, i.e a piston and piston rod, operating within a cylindrical bore © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3320:2013(E) Fluid power systems and components — Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios — Metric series 1 Scope This International Standard establishes a metric series of cylinder bore and piston rod diameters for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, and specifies for each pair of diameters a corresponding standard ratio between the useful areas This International Standard applies only to the dimensional criteria of products manufactured in conformity with this International Standard; it does not apply to their functional characteristics Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies ISO 3, Preferred numbers — Series of preferred numbers ISO 5598, Fluid power systems and components — Vocabulary ISO 6099, Fluid power systems and components — Cylinders — Identification code for mounting dimensions and mounting types Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 apply Symbols and units Symbols and units used in this International Standard are shown in Table 1 Table 1 — Symbols and units Symbol Designation Unit ALa Cylinder bore diameter mm Area cylinder cap side cm2 Area cylinder rod side cm2 Area ratio - MMa Piston rod diameter π A = ⋅ AL2 ( π A = ⋅ AL2 − MM φ= a A1 A2 ) Letter codes are in accordance with ISO 6099 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved mm ISO 3320:2013(E) 5 Dimensions 5.1 The cylinder bore diameter (AL) is shown in Figure 1 and values are specified in Table 2 5.2 The cylinder rod diameter (MM) is shown in Figure 1 and values are specified in Table 3 Figure 1 — Identification of bore and rod dimensions Table 2 — Cylinder bore diameters (AL) AL (110) 10 125 12 (140) 16 160 20 (180) 25 200 32 (220) 40 250 50 (280) 60 320 Dimensions in millimetres 63 (360) 80 400 (90) (450) 100 500 NOTE An extension upwards of the diameter ranges can be made using the series of preferred numbers given in ISO 3 (R10 for diameters up to bore diameter 100 mm and R20 for bore diameters larger than 100 mm) NOTE Values in parentheses are non-preferred values and should be used for special applications only Table 3 — Piston rod diameters (MM) MM 32 125 36 140 40 160 45 180 10 50 200 12 56 220 14 (60) 250 16 63 280 18 70 320 20 80 360 22 90 Dimensions in millimetres 400 25 100 450 28 110 - (30) (120) - NOTE An extension upwards of the diameter ranges can be made using the series of preferred numbers R20 given in ISO 3 NOTE Values in parentheses are non-preferred values and should be used for special applications only 2 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 3320:2013(E) Area ratios 6.1 For each pair of diameters of bore and piston rod, there is a corresponding ratio between the useful areas 6.2 Ratios approximately equal to one of the following preferred numbers are shown in Table 4: 1,06 — 1,12 — 1,25 — 1,33 — 1,4 — 1,6 — 2 — 2,5 — 6.3 Moreover, for each pair of diameters of bore (AL) and piston rod (MM), Table 4 gives calculated values of A1 and A2 and their corresponding effective value ϕ Identification statement (reference to this International Standard) It is recommended to manufacturers who have chosen to conform to this International Standard that the following statement be used in test reports, catalogues, and sales literature: “Cylinder bores, piston rod diameters and ratios selected in accordance with ISO 3320, Fluid power systems and components — Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios — Metric series.” © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 4 NOTE 2,5 1,6 1,4 1,33 1,25 1,12 18 2,08 φ 10 4,27 1,88 28 2,57 3,13 25 1,90 4,24 22 1,64 4,90 20 1,46 5,50 18 1,33 6,03 16 1,24 6,50 14 1,16 6,91 12 1,11 7,26 8,04 32 10 5,26 2,39 36 2,78 4,52 32 1,96 6,41 28 1,64 7,66 25 1,43 8,77 22 1,33 9,42 20 1,25 10,0 18 1,10 11,4 12 1,07 11,8 12,6 40 12 5,26 3,7 45 2,8 7,1 40 2,08 9,5 36 1,69 11,6 32 1,46 13,5 28 1,33 14,7 25 1,24 15,8 22 1,11 17,6 16 1,06 18,5 19,6 50 16 4,76 6,5 56 2,70 11,5 50 2,04 15,3 45 1,68 18,6 40 1,48 21,0 36 1,29 24,1 30 1,25 25,0 28 1,11 28,0 20 1,07 29,2 31,2 63 20 4,27 11,8 70 2,63 19,1 63 1,96 25,6 56 1,64 30,6 50 1,46 34,4 45 1,33 37,7 40 1,25 40,1 36 1,11 45,4 25 1,07 47,1 50,3 80 22 4,76 13,4 80 2,53 25,1 70 1,96 32,4 63 1,63 39,0 56 1,45 44,0 50 1,33 47,7 45 1,25 51,1 40 1,11 57,5 28 1,06 59,8 63,6 (90) 25 5,26 14,9 90 2,78 28,3 80 1,96 40,1 70 1,66 47,4 63 1,46 53,9 56 1,33 58,9 50 1,25 62,6 45 1,11 70,5 32 1,07 73,6 78,5 100 28 5,76 16,5 100 3,03 31,4 90 2,12 44,8 80 1,68 56,5 70 1,49 63,9 63 1,35 70,4 56 1,26 75,4 50 1,12 84,9 36 1,07 88,9 95,0 (110) 32 4,43 27,7 110 2,78 44,2 100 2,08 59,1 90 1,69 72,5 80 1,46 84,2 70 1,30 94,4 60 1,25 98,1 56 1,11 110 40 1,07 115 123 125 36 4,93 31,2 125 2,61 58,9 110 2,04 75,4 100 1,70 90,3 90 1,48 104 80 1,33 115 70 1,25 123 63 1,12 138 45 1,07 144 154 (140) 40 4,27 47,1 140 2,57 78,3 125 1,90 106 110 1,64 123 100 1,46 137 90 1,33 151 80 1,24 163 70 1,11 181 50 1,07 188 201 160 Values in parentheses are non-preferred values and should be used for special applications only 1,11 4,43 φ A2 22 MM 2,78 φ 1,77 20 MM A2 2,36 A2 1,69 MM φ 2,90 A2 1,46 16 φ MM 14 3,37 A2 MM 1,30 φ 3,78 A2 12 1,30 φ MM 12 3,78 A2 MM 1,19 φ 4,12 A2 10 1,11 φ MM 4,41 A2 MM 4,91 A1 ≈ 1,06 25 AL φ 45 4,76 53,4 160 2,53 101 140 1,93 132 125 1,60 159 110 1,45 176 100 1,33 191 90 1,25 204 80 1,11 230 56 1,07 239 254 (180) 50 5,26 59,7 180 2,78 113 160 1,96 160 140 1,64 191 125 1,43 219 110 1,33 236 100 1,25 251 90 1,11 283 63 1,07 295 314 200 Table 4 — Bore and piston rod area ratios 56 5,76 66,0 200 3,03 126 180 2,12 179 160 1,68 226 140 1,48 257 125 1,33 285 110 1,26 302 100 1,11 342 70 1,07 356 380 (220) 63 4,43 111 220 2,78 177 200 2,08 236 180 1,69 290 160 1,46 337 140 1,33 368 125 1,24 396 110 1,11 441 80 1,07 460 491 250 70 4,93 125 250 2,61 236 220 2,04 302 200 1,70 361 180 1,48 415 160 1,33 462 140 1,25 493 125 1,12 552 90 1,07 577 616 (280) 80 4,27 188 280 2,57 313 250 1,90 424 220 1,64 490 200 1,46 550 180 1,33 603 160 1,24 650 140 1,11 726 100 1,07 754 804 320 90 4,76 214 320 2,53 402 280 1,93 527 250 1,60 638 220 1,45 704 200 1,33 763 180 1,25 817 160 1,10 923 110 1,07 954 1 018 (360) 100 5,26 239 360 2,78 452 320 1,96 641 280 1,64 766 250 1,43 877 220 1,33 942 200 1,25 1 002 180 1,11 1 134 125 1,07 1 178 1 257 400 110 4,76 334 400 2,78 573 360 2,02 786 320 1,63 975 280 1,45 1 100 250 1,31 1 210 220 1,25 1 276 200 1,11 1 436 140 1,06 1 495 1 590 (450) 125 5,26 373 450 2,78 707 400 2,08 946 360 1,69 1 159 320 1,46 1 348 280 1,33 1 473 250 1,24 1 583 220 1,11 1 762 160 1,07 1 841 1 963 500 Diameters in millimetres, areas in square centimetres ISO 3320:2013(E) © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved ISO 3320:2013(E) ICS 23.100.20 Price based on pages © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved