Significant Fibrosis Is Not Rare in Chinese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Persistent Normal ALT Necroinflammation grade and fibrosis stage in HBeAgnegative patients. (A) Necroinflammation grade in HBeAg negative patients. Significant necroinflammation (≥A2) was found 9.1%, 17.8% and 57.6% in PNALT, ALT 12×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively. (B) Fibrosis stage in HBeAg negative patients. Significant fibrosis (≥F2) was found 30.9%, 73.3% and 94.9% in PNALT, ALT 12×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively. Significant histological abnormalities in >2×ULN group were much higher than those in PNALT or ALT 1 2×ULN group (both P < 0.001).
Case report CHỈ ĐỊNH ĐIỀU TRỊ HBV BS HỒ TẤN ĐẠT Khoa Gan, MEDIC I, TRƯỜNG HỢP LÂM SÀNG FS: 12 CAP: 262 Chuyển khoa GAN CÓ CHỈ ĐỊNH ĐIỀU TRỊ THUỐC KHÁNG SIÊU VI B: TAF Sau tháng điều trị TAF II, BÀN LUẬN 1, Xơ hóa gan xảy BN viêm gan B có men gan bình thường Tăng ALT thường dẫn đến xơ hóa gan bệnh nhân viêm gan B có HBeAg (+) 10% of HBeAg-positive patients with normal ALT have advanced fibrosis Wong Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2009;7:227 Significant Fibrosis Is Not Rare in Chinese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Persistent Normal ALT Necroinflammation grade and fibrosis stage in HBeAg-positive patients (A) Necroinflammation grade in HBeAg positive patients Significant necroinflammation (≥A2) was found 1.2%, 23.8% and 51.1% in PNALT, ALT 1-2×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively (B) Fibrosis stage in HBeAg-positive patients Significant fibrosis (≥F2) was found 49.4%, 69.8% and 81.6% in PNALT, ALT 1-2×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively Significant histological abnormalities in >2×ULN group were much higher than those in PNALT or ALT 12×ULN group (both P < 0.001) PNALT: persistent normal ALT PLOS ONE | October 2013 | Volume | Issue 10 | e78672 Significant Fibrosis Is Not Rare in Chinese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Persistent Normal ALT Necroinflammation grade and fibrosis stage in HBeAg-negative patients (A) Necroinflammation grade in HBeAg negative patients Significant necroinflammation (≥A2) was found 9.1%, 17.8% and 57.6% in PNALT, ALT 1-2×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively (B) Fibrosis stage in HBeAg negative patients Significant fibrosis (≥F2) was found 30.9%, 73.3% and 94.9% in PNALT, ALT 1-2×ULN and >2×ULN group, respectively Significant histological abnormalities in >2×ULN group were much higher than those in PNALT or ALT 12×ULN group (both P < 0.001) PNALT: persistent normal ALT PLOS ONE | October 2013 | Volume | Issue 10 | e78672 2, KHI NÀO BẮT ĐẦU ĐIỀU TRỊ KHÁNG VIRUS B 2015 APASL Guidelines: Monitor vs Treat in HBeAg-Positive Patients Sarin Hepatol Int 2016;10:1-98 2015 APASL Guidelines: Monitor vs Treat in HBeAg-Negative Patients Sarin Hepatol Int 2016;10:1-98 III, KẾT LUẬN - Viêm gan siêu vi B hay gặp thực hành lâm sàng - Theo dõi & Chẩn đốn tình trạng bệnh: Kết hợp nhiều phương pháp - Chỉ định điều trị kịp thời giúp giảm biến chứng chết người bệnh gan - Bệnh viêm gan siêu vi B thách thức lớn: Nguy biến chứng cịn dù bệnh kiểm sốt tốt Tài liệu tham khảo 1, Bộ y tế HƯỚNG DẪN CHẨN ĐOÁN, ĐIỀU TRỊ BỆNH VIÊM GAN VI RÚT B 3310/QĐ-BYT – 2019 2, Baolin Liao et al Significant Fibrosis Is Not Rare in Chinese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Persistent Normal ALT PLOS ONE | October 2013 | Volume | Issue 10 | e78672 3, Grace Lai-Hung Wong et al Clinical factors associated with liver stiffness in hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B patients Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2009; 227-227 4, Huang D, et al., Abstract 36 The Best of The Liver Meeting AASLD 2022 5, S K Sarin et al Asian-Pacific clinical practice guidelines on the management of hepatitis B: a 2015 update ...I, TRƯỜNG HỢP LÂM SÀNG FS: 12 CAP: 262 Chuyển khoa GAN CÓ CHỈ ĐỊNH ĐIỀU TRỊ THUỐC KHÁNG SIÊU VI B: TAF Sau tháng điều trị TAF II, BÀN LUẬN 1, Xơ hóa gan xảy BN viêm gan B có men gan bình... gặp thực hành lâm sàng - Theo dõi & Chẩn đốn tình trạng bệnh: Kết hợp nhiều phương pháp - Chỉ định điều trị kịp thời giúp giảm biến chứng chết người bệnh gan - Bệnh viêm gan siêu vi B thách thức... normal ALT PLOS ONE | October 2013 | Volume | Issue 10 | e78672 2, KHI NÀO BẮT ĐẦU ĐIỀU TRỊ KHÁNG VIRUS B 2015 APASL Guidelines: Monitor vs Treat in HBeAg-Positive Patients Sarin Hepatol