SGH E700 SVC Training SGH E100 SVC Training H/W Baseband part 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 2/24 Contents 1 Block Diagrams 2 Major Component View A Top view B Bottom view 3 Troubleshooting A Power On B Chargin[.]
SGH-E100 SVC Training H/W Baseband part Contents Block Diagrams Major Component View A Top view B Bottom view Troubleshooting A Power On B Charging Part C SIM Part D Microphone Part E Speaker(Melody) Part F Key Data Input G Back Light Part H Key Back Light 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 2/24 Block Diagrams MIC BB INTERFACE Serial Data Interface RECEIVER I/O Interface SPEAKER VIBRATOR OM6357 MELODY IC (40 Poly) A/D Interface Battery Type Battery Voltage Battery Temperature VCC_CP RF INTERFACE SYSTEM CLOCK (13MHz) AFC SRAM (32M bit) RAMP VCC_SYN VCC_RX_TX VCC_RF_VCO VCC_TX_BURST VDD1 FLASH (256M bit) KEY_BOARD VDD2 Li-Ion Battery (Standard) PMU VDD3 VDD_VIB MIC_BIAS LCD VDD_KEY Charging Circuit SIM CARD RTC_CLOCK (32.768KHz) AVDD AVDD_TEMP 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 3/24 Major Component A Top View ANT S/W RF IC Power AMP TX VCO Melody IC 32Khz Clock Power Management Unit Main CPU Memory 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 4/24 Major Component (Cont’d) B Bottom View Hall IC Charger IC 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 5/24 Troubleshooting A Power On ONKEY_N : Activation with falling edge longer than 14ms generates an interrupt and starts up the system .Battery condition for start : Vbat > 3.35v V_ISUP : Internal Supply Voltage This enables LDO(VDD1,2,3) to operates power supply .32kHz Clock : For System Clock and SIM clock RSTON : Active-Low reset for in-/ex-ternal circuitary supplied by DVDD1 The RSTON keeps HIGH after the power supply modules are enabled 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 6/24 Troubleshooting B Charging Part[1/2] schematic 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 7/24 Troubleshooting B Charging Part[2/2] signals V_EXT_CHARGE : Supply from the TA around 5.0V, 550mA END_OF_CHARGE : Charger Status pin, in charging mode : HIGH Fully Charged at 4.2V : Low MES_BATT : Indicating battery voltage level for Batt indicator (3.52v, 3.67v, 3.78v) CHARGER_OK : Charger existence If TA plugged, it would be Low CHG_ON : Controls charger IC stopping charging, it should be HIGH .working ① Insert TA TA supplies the voltage to the Charger IC ② CHG_ON, CHARGER_OK : LOW, END_OF_CHARGE: HIGH ③ When the charging is finished(it could takes hrs), CHG_ON : HIGH, END_OF_CHARGE : LOW but CHARGER_OK same as initial state 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 8/24 Troubleshooting C SIM Part[1/2] Schematic 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 9/24 Troubleshooting C SIM Part[2/2] Signals SIM_VCC : Supply voltage for SIM card SIM_CLK : Clock to SIM card SIM_RST : Reset for SIM card SIM_IO : I/O line to/from SIM card Internal pull-up resistor to VCC Operation ① When you turn on the handset, SIM Charger Pump begins to supply the power to SIM module ② Enable SIM_RST ③ Enable SIM_CLK ④ Enable SIM_IO 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 10/24 Troubleshooting D Microphone Part schematic working The sound signals has two path in E100 One is for Microphone and the other is for Earmicrophone Before earmicrophone is connected, the path of voice signal is routed to the microphone 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 11/24 Troubleshooting E Speaker(Melody) Part[1/2] schematic 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 12/24 Troubleshooting E Speaker(Melody) Part[2/2] signals MEL_13M : Driving clock from RF part(RFIC) AMP_N,AMP_P : Output from Yamaha Melody IC SPK_N,SPK_P : path to the speaker working This is capable of simultaneously generating up to 40 tones Speaker could make sound with SPK_N,SPK_P signal 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 13/24 Troubleshooting F Key Data Input schematic 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 14/24 Troubleshooting F Key Data Input signals KBIO(0:7) : Key scannig procedure is fully processed in the main CPU ONKEY_N : End key controls ON and OFF .working If you push ‘SEND’ key, CPU recognize it as KBIO(0:1) But ‘END’ key is differently recognized by ONKEY_N signal 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 15/24 Troubleshooting G Back Light Part(for Main LCD) signals BACKLIGHT : controls the brightness of LEDs in TFT-LCD module with DC voltage (Normal : 1.7v, dimming : 3.0v, off : 0v, adjustable) working BACKLIGHT signal drives DC/DC converter in LCD module with DC voltage to make enough voltage to lit on the LEDs If you change LCD contrast in the Menu, CPU changes the DC voltage of BACKLIGHT signal and then brightness would be changed 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 16/24 Troubleshooting H Key Back Light signals VDD_KEY : controls ON/OFF working If VDD_KEY is HIGH, U518 will supply Vbat for LEDs 01/01/23 GSM H/W Lab 17/24 SGH-E100 SVC Training H/W RF part BLOCK DIAGRAM H IT A C H I M E T A L A N T S W I T C H M U R A T A E G S M R X S A W F ilte r SAF SD 942M F M 0T00R 00 IL = d B m a x R i p p le = d B m a x S H S - M T C ( S IZ E ) Im a x = m A F re q ( M H z ) Loss 880 - 915 d B 925 - 960 d B 1710 - 1785 d B 1805 - 1880 d B A tte n x f o : d B , d B ( G S M , D C S ) x fo : d B ,2 d B (G S M ,D C S ) P in s IA , I B , Q A a n d Q B V I Q : V t y p , V m in , V m a x V m od : V pp + I O U T - I O U T Q U AD 100 M U R A T A D C S R X S A W F ilt e r SAFSD 1G 84FA0T00R 00 IL = d B m a x R i p p le = d B m a x + Q O U T - Q O U T VR EG Vcc_RF_LO V c_E G S M V c_D C S Vc c_R F_VC O EG SM _M O DE_SW D C S_M O D E_SW D IV Vcc_SYN ~ GSM/DCS/PCS In v e r te r c ir c u its VR EG F c N D IV R E F IN PFD VTC XO FESW1 26M H z FESW2 I+ D IV Q U AD O F F S E T M ix e r in p u t p o w e r - d B m m a x , - 2 d B m m in pi - PAD VB AT G S M IN VRAM P ~ ~ D is c re t e rd O r d e r L o o p F ilt e r C P BAND SELEC T D C S IN pi - PAD RFMD PAM R F3140 G S M : P o u t = d B m E ff = % D C S : P o u t = 3 d B m Eff = 5 % REF_13M 3W BU S C TL R EG DATA C LK Q + PFD EN Q - D C S S/W SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS TX VCO VOU1810F27KRA (8.0 X6.0X 1.6 mm) GSM = 824 ~ 915 MHz (Vt=0.5V ~ 3.0 V ) DCS = 1710 ~ 1910 MHz (Vt=0.5V ~ 3.0 V ) Pout= 6.5 3dBm typ.,Ic