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(TIỂU LUẬN) TOPIC RESEARCH IBD students’ view about attending to extracurricular classes issue in vietnam

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NATIONAL ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS TOPIC RESEARCH IBD students’ view about attending to extracurricular classes issue in Vietnam Instructor: Mrs Dan Huyen Student: Lê Thị Hiền ID: 10180019 Class: I14S1 Hanoi, January 2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To finish the report, I am so grateful when people contributed their opinions for this report via many ways I want to thank everyone who supported me during the time of doing the whole research I would like to impress honest thanks to Mrs Dan Huyen – my instructor who was very devoted to guide me through the research process I also would like to thank everybody who was enthusiastic to participate in our survey This is an important thing to help me complete my research I am really grateful to all of you! Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION Backgroud Rationale/ Purposes Research quetions Methodology Literature review MAJOR FINDINGS The real situation among students of going to extra classes The causes for going to extra classes .12 The impacts of going to extra classes 14 The suggestions of IBD students .15 CONCLUSION 18 REFERENCE LIST 19 APPENDIX 21 INTRODUCTION Backgroud Going to extra classes has become a controversial topic among the society recently From a wellrounded learning movement in order to mentor, enrich knowledge for weak, below average students, now it also appears many different negative effects Some teachers asbuse the extra teaching for the purpose of personal income, parents who have children to go extra classes rely too much on them and that accidentally places a really big burden on those students’ shoulders Not only does it take a lot of spare time that students should spend on orther activities, but also makes students feel really stressed and suffocative about studying In spite of this, the number of student attends to extra classes kept significantly high It goes the same with IBD students as they had gone through the period of taking part in extra classes when they were at school They probably might have some experience so that they could give their opinion about this issue as some response That is why I chose “IBD students’ view about going to extra classes issue in Viet Nam” as my topic to analyse and paraphrase about it Rationale/ Purposes First of all, my research will help IBDers get a closer look at the issue Then, I want to know how going to extra classes affects them when they were at school and also point out the negative points of going to extra classes that makes students under a lot of pressure Lastly, from IBDers’ advices, I will give some suggestions in order to help students find out a proper way to study scientifically Research quetions 3.1 What is the real situation among IBD students of going to extra classes when they were at school? 3.2 What are the causes for their going to extra classes? 3.3 What are the impacts of going to extra classes on students? 3.4 How would they eliminate the problems from their going to extra classes? Methodology 4.1 Primary data: I designed the questionaire by website Qualtrics as the data of the report and sent them to the object online Therefore, it would be eassier for me to gather all the information in minutes 4.2 Secondary data: I looked for further information in various resources like websites, journal article,… I also made effort to find some information from books or newspapers Tentative outline 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Major Findings 5.2.1 The real situation among students of going to extra classes 5.2.2 The causes for going to extra classes 5.2.3 The impacts of going to extra classes on students 5.2.4 Students’expectations about going to extra classes issue 5.3 conclusion 5.4 References 5.5 Appendix Literature review Going to extra classes is a controversial topic in Vietnam recently, it is very popular in Vietnam for such a long time Extra classes at first was known as a positive educational activity, as you know, formal classes have limited time, so that the knowledge that children get from formal classes is somehow temporary Thanks to extra classes, children can review and practice what they have learnt or even lean more in those classes Nowadays, children attending many private tutoring classes, even though it is unnecessary Different reports give many different reasons to guess why students go to extra classes According to Dan Tri newspaper (2018), there are main reasons make students attend to extra classes, enriching students’ knowledge, parents want them to go because of the achievement or teachers want to attend to extra classes in order to increase their income ( PV, 2018) Whereas Kenh14.vn said that some students want to get high mark at the subject, they are supposed to go to attend extra classes as the only way to enrich their knowledge ( Hằng Châm, 2017) This is the common feelings of many students Although, the basic knowledge in the classes you have is clear enough but students always thought that they still need to learn more Only then can improve your study This sometimes waste your money and your time Another reason is when students hear the hearsay of some teachers are famous for the exams “hit the cabin” No matter how the teacher teach, just listen to the easy to hit the students exam so they go Likewise, Tuoi tre online supposed that parents is one of the reasons make students go to the tutor classes Nevertheless, there also two more different reasons, because parents not have enough ability and the right method to teach their children, moreover, Although the Ministry of Education and Training has reduced the knowledge and hard work in the textbook But with many teachers, the program is still heavy, is not suitable for psychology, school age Many students are desperate , the pressure is heavy by the dense schedule, at the same time they lose the ability to self-study, logical thinking or creative because of the pre-task exercises, pre-programmed ( Hoàng, 2014) The problems are cause by many reasons, we need to consider many different aspects According to Bao moi, we should improve the quality of the teacher, it is necessary to have a training course about their academic fields Moreover, The Government has a policy to rewrite the textbook, so besides the universality of the Textbook, especially the workbook should be in this direction, and increase the amount of knowledge needed to supply the skill and experience writing for students The requirements of the Textbook are also should be closed to the general level requirements set forth in the major examinations On the other hand, I suggest we should change the old conception of education in people’ mind, students can learn anywhere, anytime, not just the academic at schools, even when they are playing, they still can gain knowledge about the real life, it is education, too MAJOR FINDINGS The real situation among students of going to extra classes 4.55% yes no 95.45% Figure 1: The popularity of going to extra classes The chart shows the popularity of going to extra classes among Intake 13 IBD students From the chart, we can see that the number of students who has attended to extra classes overwhelmed the number of students who has not attended with more than 95% of total votes While just 4,55% said they have not been to any extra class It is understandable because extra classes are taken for granted even children already attending school ( Nguyen, 2011) 1-2 days a week 3-4 days a week 4-6 days a week Every day 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Figure 2: The frequency of going to extra classes The bar chart shows the frequency of attending to extra classes among IBD students, with the equality in percentage chosen, about 35% answerers said that they have attended extra classes from day to days per week or days to days per week Furthermore there are also more than 26% attending extra classes days or even days a week and even exist a small group of students taking part in extra classes everyday Meanwhile according to Zing.vn ( Vinh, 2018), a secondary student usually have to study until 11 p.m and go to extra classes almost every single day That shows the demand of going to extra classes of IBD students quite a lot and no less than students from other schools The bar chart below gives information about the subjects that IBD students have attended to extra classes It can be seen that English was the most popular subject to respondents which counted for 30.97% of total votes In the modern society, Viet Nam is in term of integration, English is considered as a requisite element to have more opportunities to develop That interpreted why an enormous majority of students went for English class Follow right behind is math and physical with approximately 29% and 18% chosen respectively According to Thanh Nien ( 2016), Suhas D parandekar and Elisabeth K Sedmilk of the world bank also conducted a survey of the international student assessment program from 2012, scores of Vietnamese students are much higher than expected, even equal to developed countries like Filand or Switzerland With math, Vietnamese students score averagely 128 points higher than low-income countries 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Maths Literature Physical Chemistry English Others Figure 3: The subjects of extra classes That means the quality of education in Vietnam is more than three years ahead of other developing countries Behind the education with outstanding grades is a lot of attempts 10 8.89% 6.67% 2.22% 2.22% 80.00% Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade9 Others Figure 4: The age of going to extra classes The pie chart illustrates the popular age of attending to extra classes among Intake13 IBD students Predictably, grade 12 is the year when a massive number of students taking part in extra classes at 80% chosen It is imaginable as the hardest time of students when they have to make a serious decision for the future, at that age they are preparing for their crucial examination to go to university which includes several different subjects, all of them require a high level of knowledge and almost parents want their children study in an excellent university in other to have a bright future According to Vnexpress (2016), with the current curriculum, the last exercises of the national examination of math, which we call them to classify students, will be very difficult to do, even with good students Therefore, they are under a lot of pressure from both internal and external aspects Wit around 9% of total votes, grade is the second grade that IBD students went to extra classes the most In contrary, grade 10 and others are the two lowest chosen opinions with an equality in percentage about 2.22% 11 4.44% 17.78% 26.67% Less than 100.000VND 100.000VND- 500.000VND 500.000VND- 1.000.000VND 1.000.000- 2.000.000VND More than 2.000.000VND Other 31.11% 20.00% Figure 5: The spending on extra classes The chart illustrates the amount of money spent for extra classes each month, almost students spent about million VND to millions VND for tutoring On the other hand, there are also 26% respondents just spent about 100.000 VND to 500.000 VND for extra classes It is not a really big amount but enough for those who just go for extra classes in a proper way Spending less than 100.000 VND is the least chosen option at 4%, it’s obviously owing to the increase in cost of everything, it can be hard to find a class with just 100.000 VND per month No one chose others, it proves that IBD students mostly concentrated on the options I supplied That means many IBDers’ parents not really concern too much about financial problem when they invest money for their children’ knowledge The causes for going to extra classes The chart below reveals the reasons why numerous students go to extra classes every day Half of the respondents confessed that they wanted to study better It is not really unreasonable, normal schools not usually have higher exercises which fit for them, some students want to revise what they have learnt in classes, too Alongside, with the various number of exams that 12 students have to take part in, it’s recognizable why worrying about the exam is the second reason makes IBD students take part in extra classes which accounted for 28% chose Nearly 14% answerers proved that not only good students, many students also attend extra classes since it is not always enough for them to make sense what the lesson about and teacher probably not have time to explain for them meticulously, so the only way to keep up with the others is going to extra classes ( Tiền Phong, 2013) 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% an Ic no er nd u t d an st e th l s es on in e th ci of cla al ss an Iw tt t os er et b y ud ry or Iw a ut bo e th ex am s ar yp M e m ce or f s nt e to go y M a te er ch tm an w s e to go Figure 6: The reasons of going to extra classes Surprisingly, approximately 8% students were made to go by their parents, and just about 4% students admitted that they went to extra classes because their teachers made them go Meanwhile, according to Giao Duc 24h (2016), a huge number of students are forced to go to extra classes by their parents, this accidentally place a real burden on students’ shoulder Furthermore, some teachers take advantage of extra classes to increase their income It demonstrates that IBD students are less affected by those two reason above than other students 13 The impacts of going to extra classes 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 29.84% 27.39% 10.00% 14.15% 14.15% 5.00% 0.94% 0.00% g stn u Ex r St ul sd s e se Lo y ilit b a to c nk i th re l ve at y gi lo o h yc ps ca r ist ld s es r he t O s Figure 7: The impacts of abusing extra classes The bar chart above gives information about the how students feel when they go to extra classes About 30% respondents agreed that being stressful is the most popular impact when taking part in too many extra classes, exhausting is also a impact that affected nearly 28% IBD students Vietnamese school are already stressing enough but extra classes would take all the little energy left from the students There are two other impacts such as lose ability to think creatively and psychological distress which recorded the same number of percentage at 14,15% chosen According science, human brain has left and right sides The left brain coordinates mathematical, 14 analysis and intellectual observations of the brain While the right side is the side of the brain that influences and coordinates creativity, music and games, love for arts and also controls feelings and thoughts A great appreciation of the right brain gives the individual the will to explore and encounter new experiences It is also logical and verbal The left and right brains, therefore would need a balanced and adequate equal attention to their separate developments ( F.O.Micheal, A.S.Diana, 2016) According to HealthLine Studying too much can lead to serious health problems including social alienation and stress The unwarranted pressure on students to learn without ceasing would have serious ramifications for their future ( Kpedator Elorm, 2017) The suggestions of IBD students Twice-three tmes a week Four-fve tmes a week As many as posible Others 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Figure 8: The frequency expectation of IBD students The chart shows IBD students’ expectations of the frequency of going to extra classes Overwhelmingly, about 75,56% Intake 13 IBD students supposed that attending to extra classes twice a week or three times a week is suitable, it is enough for students to revise and gain more knowledge but not too many to make them stressed In the other hand, there are 11% said 15 students should attend to extra classes as many as possible It is such a surprising advice There are also 6,67% students expected that attending extra classes once a week is enough, while about 4,4% respondents thought that students should join in extra classes four or five time a week if they want to enhance further knowledge The least chosen option is others, that means IBD students just mainly focus on those options were suggested 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% ce du e R e th am n ou f to a Te se ur co er ch im ad lo e ov pr S th e nt de u t i ab yo li t h ss ld ou f hi ac te en nc co ng t tra e S m o re on ts en d tu s e th ul ho le d ss on im e ov pr r Pa en e th ts se s lf- l ou sh d n t ys ud m ot l kil e ak s i ld ch n re de un s re rp su re r he Ot s Figure 9: The suggestions for this issue The bar chart collected the students’ suggestions for this issue About 28% people thought that students should improve their self- study skills, it is crucial to gain the ability to understand the problems on your own, Dan tri newspaper supposed (2017) Instead of going to extra classes as many as possible, parents should encourage children improve self- learning skills to keep them more active in learning and life The second thing that students should improve is be more concentrated on the lesson in official classes with 20% chosen, because it is the fact that some students take extra classes just to have someone the homework for them, hence they can ignore what their teachers teach at school The third solution chosen is teachers need to improve the ability of teaching in classes( 18,48%) According to Nicole ( 2010), in order to seek profit, many teachers are eager to cut off the amount of the course load, that way, students need to attend to extra if they worry about the exam Follow up behind are the matter of reducing the 16 studying program and parents should not put their children under pressure For a long time, Vietnamese parents were pursuing top marks for their children and they sent them to tutoring classes ( Đỗ, 2018) According to Petro Times ( 2012) The amount of course load should be considered carefully because many students think it is too heavy compared with other countries at the same age of students The main causes of tutoring, such as teacher dependence, finding a nanny or teacher forced learning are only trivial to the main cause of the program being too heavy 17 CONCLUSION After the investigation, I have found out that the number of students went to extra classes is incredible high Though extra classes bring benefits, there are always some drawbacks come along with it From the research, it is shown that majority of students felt that by attending extra classes can improve their academic performance It is also discovered that students’ perception towards the effectiveness of extra classes is high Extra classes or tuition are not only there to teach students any new knowledge, but more towards revising what has been learned in school Besides, teaching methods used by teachers in extra classes are more meticulous and they also provide more advanced exercises while teaching method of teachers in school are only at the basic level In contrast, too many extra classes was admitted to affect students in a negative way As a mentioned above, despite being exhausted, the innumerable number of exam aslo made students go to extra classes Therefore the frequency of going to extra classes was about days or days a week, the amount of money IBD students spent on tutoring was around million VND to millions VND per month Moreover, sutdents possibly would lose the ability of creation when studying in extra classes because they would think there are always some one help them their homework or explain everything for them, they will become too lazy to brainstom and definitely depen on tutor Through the extra classes, both teachers and parents have brought unbearable pressure and stress on children of all ages Children should be allowed to learn at their own space through games and educational activities Sports not only help children to learn, but also help them to build leadership skills and team spirit It is cruel to subject children to further vigorous academic work, when they should be resting their bodies and minds 18 Lastly, my scope of study is limited and I have not found out the pattern of going to extra classes of different genders In the furture, I hope my research can be a motivation of further study and it will go into more detailed about other aspects of going to extra classes REFERENCE LIST 2017, Thay học thêm, khơng ren luyện kỹ tự học?, Dân trí, Available from: http://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc-khuyen-hoc/thay-vi-di-hoc-them-sao-khong-ren-ky-nang-tu-hoc20170918072219292.htm [6 May 2018] Đỗ Văn Nhân, 2018, Đừng tạo áp lực học tập với cái, Người Lao Động, Available from: https://nld.com.vn/ban-doc/dung-tao-ap-luc-hoc-tap-voi-con-20180416212113979.htm [21 May 2018] F.O.Micheal, A.S.Diana, 2016, Why too many extra classes is harmful to the total development of Ghanaian school children, LEAD AFRIQUE, Available from: http://www.leadafrique.org/many-extra-classes-harmful-total-development-ghanaian-schoolchildren/ [6May 2018] Hằng 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Trần Trí Dũng, 2016, Thầy giáo phân tích nguyên nhân nêu giải pháp chấm dứt dạy thêm, Giáo dục 24h, Available from: http://giaoduc.net.vn/Giao-duc-24h/Thay-giao-phan-tich-nguyennhan-va-neu-5-giai-phap-cham-dut-day-them-post170774.gd [6 May 2018] Vinh Hương, 2018, Phụ huynh lo lắng, học sinh căng học thêm, Zing.vn, Available from: https://news.zing.vn/phu-huynh-lo-lang-hoc-sinh-cang-minh-hoc-them-post834567.html [6 May 2018] 20 Xuân Bách, 2012, Vấn nạn dạy thêm, học thêm: Thầy cô phụ huynh phần ngọn, Petro Times, Available from: http://petrotimes.vn/van-nan-day-them-hoc-them-thay-co-phu-huynh-chila-phan-ngon-70942.html [6 May 2018] APPENDIX Questionaire Hello everyone I am Le Thi Hien from class I14S1 I'm doing a research on " IBD students' view about attending to extracurricular classes issue in Vietnam" This questionnaire consists of questions, please answer those questions to let me know your opinions about this topic, I would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes completing this questionnaire I promise that all your information will be kept in privacy Thanks for your help! Have you ever attended to extra classes?  Yes, I have  No, I have not Why have you gone to extra classes?  I can not understand the lesson in the official class  I want to study better  I worry about the exams  My parents force me to go  My teachers want me to go  Others How often have you attended to extra classes every week?  days-2 days per week  days-4 days per week  days-6 days per week  Everyday 21 Which subjects have you usually gone to extra classes? ( you CAN choose more than one)  Math  Literature  Physical  Chemistry  English  Others When you go to extra classes the most?  Grade 12  Grade 11  Grade 10  Grade  Others How much money have your parents spent for you attending to extra classes every month?  Less than 100.00 VND  100.000 VND- 500.000 VND  500.000 VND-1.000.000 VND  1.000.000 VND- 2.000.000 VND  More than 2.000.000 VND  Others What are the impacts of going too many extra classes on students?  Exhausting  Stressful  Lose the ability to think creatively  Desperating 22  Psychological distress  Others How many times should students attend to extra classes ( in a week) that is suitable?  Once a week  Twice a week- three times a week  Four times –five times a week  As many as possible  Others What are the solutions for this issue?  Reduce the amount of the course load  Teacher improve their ability of teaching in the official class  Students should concentrate on the lesson in the class more  Students should improve the self- study skills  Parents should not make their children under pressure in studying  Others Thank you for spending time answering all of my questions! 23 ... students 5.2.4 Students’expectations about going to extra classes issue 5.3 conclusion 5.4 References 5.5 Appendix Literature review Going to extra classes is a controversial topic in Vietnam recently,... I14S1 I''m doing a research on " IBD students'' view about attending to extracurricular classes issue in Vietnam" This questionnaire consists of questions, please answer those questions to let me... students The chart shows IBD students’ expectations of the frequency of going to extra classes Overwhelmingly, about 75,56% Intake 13 IBD students supposed that attending to extra classes twice a week

Ngày đăng: 06/12/2022, 06:34

