MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - - GRADUATION THESIS AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE ATTITUDES OF THE SECOND-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS TOWARDS USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE THEIR RECEPTIVE SKILLS AT THE FFL OF THE IUH STUDENT’S NAME : LE THI KIM CHUNG STUDENT ID NUMBER : 10058691 CLASS : DHAV6 COURSE : 2010-1014 SUPERVISOR : LE THI THIEN PHUOC, M.A HCMC, July 2014 Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page i Date of submission: July 11, 2014 Student Name: Le Thi Kim Chung Supervisor’s Name: Le Thi Thien Phuoc M.A “I certify that this work is entirely my own and has not been accepted as part of a submission to another purpose else.” Signed: …………………………………………………… Word length: 14.212 words DECLARATION I, Le Thi Kim Chung, declare that this research is the product of my own work and that all the sources of information I have used are listed in the references I also declare that this work has not been accepted as part of a submission to another purpose elsewhere Date: …………………… Le Thi Kim Chung Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix ABSTRACT x ACKNOWLEDGMENT xi SUPERVISOR‟S REMARK xii OPPONENT‟S REMARK xiii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the research 1.2 Context of the research 1.3 Purposes of the reasearch 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Significance of the research 1.6 Scope of the research CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 AN OVERVIEW OF RECEPTIVE SKILLS 2.1.1 Definition of Receptive skills 2.1.2 Types of Receptive skills 2.1.3 Importance of Receptive skills 2.2 AN OVERVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2.2.1 Definition of Educational technology 2.2.2 Technology-enhanced language learning 2.3 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND RECEPTIVE SKILLS 11 Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page iv 2.3.1 Technology and listening skill 11 2.3.2 Technology and Reading skill 13 2.4 IMPORTANCE OF USING TECHNOLOGY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING 15 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 PARTICIPANTS 17 3.2 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT 17 3.3 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE 18 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 19 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 20 4.1 SOME TYPICAL KINDS OF TECHNOLOGY BEING USED BY THE STUDENTS TO IMPROVE THEIR RECEPTIVE SKILLS 20 4.1.1 Technological devices have been used to improve the students‟ listening skill 20 4.1.2 Technological devices have been used for improving reading skill 21 4.1.3 Summary 22 4.2 THE EFFECTS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES USE ON THE STUDENTS‟ RECEPTIVE SKILLS 22 4.2.1 Students‟ evaluation about the importance of using technological devices in improving their receptive skills 22 4.2.2 Students‟ final Listening and Reading results in the last semester 24 4.2.3 The frequency that the students used technology to improve their receptive skill 25 4.2.4 The advantages of using technology to improve the students‟ receptive skills 32 4.2.5 Summary 40 4.3 DIFFICULTIES WHEN LEARNING RECEPTIVE SKILLS AND USING TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS‟ RECEPTIVE SKILLS 40 4.3.1 The problems that students faced when learning receptive skills in their classes 40 Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page v 4.3.2 The problems that students faced when using technological devices for the improvement of the receptive skills 41 4.3.3 Summary 43 4.4 SUMMARY 43 CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 46 5.1 RECOMMENDATIONS 46 5.1.2 Recommendations for teachers 46 5.1.3 Recommendations for students 47 5.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH 48 5.3 CONCLUSION 48 REFERENCES 50 APPENDIX Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FFL: Faculty of Foreign Languages IUH: Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City No: Number Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1:The number of students who have used technological devices and applications in listening skill 21 Table 2: The number of students who have used technological devices and applications in reading skill 22 Table 3: Students‟ final listening and reading results in last semester (%) 24 Table 4: Students‟ satisfaction about listening and reading results in last semester 24 Table 5: The frequency that the students used satellite TV/Radio in their receptive skills 27 Table 6: The frequency that the students used phone to improve their receptive skills 28 Table 7: The frequency that the students used Ipod/Mp3 to improve their listening skill 29 Table 8: The frequency that the students used online applications to improve their receptive skills 30 Table 9: The frequency that the students used online dictionaries to improve their receptive skills 30 Table 10: The advantages of Ipod and Mp3 players that support the students‟ English listening skill 37 Table 11: Problems facing students in learning receptive skills 41 Table 12: The problems being faced by the students in using technological devices to improve their receptive skills 42 Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page viii Student: LÊ THỊ KIM CHUNG ID number: 10058691 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: The students‟ evaluation about the importance of using technical devices in improving their receptive skills 23 Figure 2: The frequency that the students used computer to improve their listening skill 25 Figure 3: The frequency that the students used computer to improve their reading skill 26 Figure 4: How computer was used to improve the students‟ receptive skills 32 Figure 5: How satellite TV helped the students improve their receptive skills 33 Figure 6: How radio helped the students improve their receptive skills 34 Figure 7: How mobile phones helped the students improve their receptive skills 35 Figure 8: Students‟ improvement in using CD-players in their listening skill 36 Figure 9: How the students used social media to improve their receptive skills 38 Figure 10: Students' evaluation about using different kinds of online dictionary in their Receptive skills 39 Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page ix Student: LÊ THỊ KIM CHUNG ID number: 10058691 ABSTRACT This study is an attempt to investigate the attitudes of the second-year English majors towards using technology to improve their receptive skills in Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City The main purposes of the study are to find out: types of technological devices have been used to improve the students‟ receptive skills, the benefits that the students get from using technology, the difficulties that the students faced when using technology to improve their receptive skills, then give some suggested solutions for teachers to engage the students to learn listening and reading subjects in classes and give solutions for students to overcome the difficulties of learning two those skills and applying technical devices efficiently in improving their receptive skills The study consists of five chapters First of all, the writer gives an overall introduction of the research in chapter one The second chapter is the literature review which summarizes related theories and studies Then chapter three presents research methodology Chapter four continues with the findings from collected data, explanation and discussion Finally, chapter five offers some recommendations and conclusion for the thesis Supervisor: Lê Thị Thiên Phước, M.A Page x ... study is an attempt to investigate the attitudes of the second-year English majors towards using technology to improve their receptive skills in Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City The main... encouraging the researcher to carry out the study entitled “ The attitudes of the second-year English majors towards using technology to improve their receptive skills? ?? 1.2 Context of the research Today... in their receptive skills 27 Table 6: The frequency that the students used phone to improve their receptive skills 28 Table 7: The frequency that the students used Ipod/Mp3 to improve their