AP Digital Exams Conversation Guide Technical Readiness AP DIGITAL EXAMS Conversation Guide Technical Readiness Ask your IT colleagues two questions to make sure your school can support digital AP® Ex[.]
AP DIGITAL EXAMS Conversation Guide: Technical Readiness Ask your IT colleagues two questions to make sure your school can support digital AP Exams ® Questions for IT Considerations Can our network support digital AP Exams? Wireless strength and speed: Your testing rooms need Wi-Fi coverage that supports the expected number of test takers Connectivity: Students need a connection at the start and end of the test, but they can keep testing if they lose their connection or if the internet goes down momentarily Requirements ■ Bandwidth of at least Mbps for each student testing at the same time over the same network ■ Permit network traffic to and from College Board ■ Full specs at cb.org/ap-digitalnetworks Guest network: Students and staff, including guests, need to connect to Wi-Fi on test day, even if they use personal devices Can we use schoolmanaged devices for testing? Specifications: The BluebookTM testing app has device requirements typical of other applications used in schools Device management: Students can test on 1:1 or shared school-managed devices or on personal devices Your choice Device types: Mac and Windows devices, iPads, and school-managed Chromebooks are all supported ■ Supported operating systems and other specs vary by device type ■ Battery life of at least hours ■ Chromebooks must be schoolmanaged and run in kiosk mode ■ External keyboards required for iPads ■ Full specs at cb.org/ap-digitaldevices Learn more at cb.org/ap-digital-ordering © 2022 College Board. APD-199