CAUSES, CONDITIONS, AND RESULTS ii Immediate condition 62ab The m ind and factors that have arisen, But not the last, are immediate T he concurrent immediate condition is m ind and mental factors th at have arisen in the past or present, bu t n ot the last m ind and mental factors of an arhat O ther than that, all m ind and mental factors are the concurrent im m e diate condition As for concurrence, in a single being’s continuum , there can not be two si multaneous cognitions of the same substantial type, so the concurrences are comparable to each individual mental substance.116This condition may be sep arated from its result in terms o f time, but it cannot be interrupted by another cognition Thus it is the condition of immediate arising Form is not able to be a concurrent immediate condition because it arises in dissimilar classes interrupted by others For example, right after the imper ceptible form of Desire, the form of Desire realms vow of individual liberation, the Form realms vow of dhyana, or an undefiled dharma might all arise, which confuses the classes Here there are four alternatives between being the concurrent immediate result of a cognition and immediately following a cognition, and also four al ternatives between being the concurrent immediate result o f m ind and im mediately following absorption These are discussed at length in the Great Kartik, so refer there iii Objective condition 62c The objective is all dharmas, and T he objective condition o f an eye consciousness and so forth, including its concurrences, is its own object of defiled form and so forth, which is a present dharma The objective condition of the m ind consciousness is all defiled and undefiled dharmas of the three times, or that are not included in time The objective conditions characteristic is a dharma that is suitable to be an object W hy then, if all dharmas are the objective condition o f mind consciousness, so are noncomposites Therefore, noncomposites must be things, because they have the function o f producing a result, you say The Great Exposition agrees that noncomposites are things, but if they pro duced a result, they would either produce it always or else they would never produce it because the school asserts they are permanent things To sometimes produce and sometimes not produce is occasional, so they would become 199 YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA II impermanent This would be a fault, they say Master Jampal Gegpay De states that because noncomposites have no essence, they are merely the object of ob servation but are not a condition that produces result In the Kartik, this is stated to be untenable but I not see any great discrepancy between the po sitions o f the Great Exposition and Jampal Gegpay De Those o f you who have powers of reasoning, scrutinize this iv Dominant condition 62d The enabling is the dominant T he enabling cause is explained as the dom inant condition Its characteristics are not hindering the arising o f the result and being suitable to be a condi tion Well then, if ail dharmas are both objective condition and dom inant con dition, what is the distinction between the two? you ask Those which are con current and coemergent are dominant conditions but not objective conditions Well then, above it explains all dharmas as the objective condition, but here it says that the coemergent and concurrent dharmas are not the objective con dition Is this not contradictory? Because this is in terms o f general and spe cific, it is not contradictory.117 Therefore, the dom inant condition is all dharmas other than oneself: from the Commentary, “‘All’ is all composites ex cept for its own essence.” b Which conditions operate at which time This has three points i The time in which the coemergent and concurrent causes operate 63ab Two causes’ function is directed Toward ceasing In terms o f the causal condition, the two coemergent and concurrent causes perform their function in the present, directed toward the ceasing o f the re sult Their function is threefold: holding the result, issuing the result, and making use o f the object ii The tim e in which the same status, full ripening, and universal causes operate 63b 200 The three toward arising CAUSES, CONDITIONS, AND RESULTS The three universal, same status, and full ripening causes perform their func tion in the future, directed toward the arising o f the result iii The time in which the immediate and objective conditions operate 63cd The two conditions other than That are the opposite o f those First, the two concurrent immediate and objective conditions that are other than that, the causal condition, are the opposite o f those above as they per form their function in the opposite order The immediate condition performs its function at the arising that begins an action, and the objective condition is perceived by the present cognition and mental factors, so it performs its func tion on ceasing c Which things arise from how many conditions This has two topics: i General teaching, and ii Specific explanation o f things with form i General teaching This has (1) Presenting our own tradition, and (2) Re futing other traditions (1) Presenting our own tradition This has three points (a) From four conditions 64a Four produce m ind and mental factors, The causal condition o f m ind and mental factors is all five causes The con current immediate condition is previous m ind and mental factors that have not been interrupted by another cognition The objective condition is any one o f the five objects or all dharmas The dom inant condition is all dharmas ex cept the cognition’s own essence and dharmas that arise later In this way, these four conditions produce m ind and m ental factors (b) From three conditions 64b And three, the two absorptions And three, the causal, immediate, and dom inant conditions, produce the two absorptions o f freedom from conception and cessation As those two are not cognitions that focus, they not arise from the objective condition The 201 YOUTHFUL PLAY ?f A R E A II causal condition in this context is the coemergent cause o f birth and so forth and the same status cause o f prior dharmas o f comparable level The m ind of entry into absorption and its concurrences are the immediate condition, and the dom inant condition is everything different from them that is previously or presently arisen (c) From two conditions 64bc Others Arise from two, T he others, the nonconcurrent formations other than the two absorptions and that which has form, arise from the two causal and dom inant conditions They not arise from the concurrent immediate or objective conditions, be cause they are not concurrent (2) Refuting other traditions 64cd not God and so forth Since they’re successive and so forth Some outsiders say all beings arise from the sole cause o f God Indra, the self, the Person, the primal substance, or so forth To refute that: all beings who are born are not born from God, a soul, the primal substance, and so forth, since they are born successively, and so forth— they are born intermittently in different locations, times, and substances Additionally, it follows that all beings would arise at the same time, because their sole cause is permanent and single Here some say that the cause is permanent, but beings arise successively out of the power o f G od’s wishes If you say so, then it follows that the causes of beings are multiple, because the wishes that cause beings are separate and multiple n Specific explanation of things with form This has four points (1) How the sources function as conditions for the sources 65a W hen sources cause the sources, twofold; W h en the sources cause the sources, their function is twofold as the coemer gent and same status cause 202 CAUSES, CONDITIONS, AND RESULTS (2) How the sources function as conditions for the source-derived 65b W hen causing source-derived, fivefold W hen the sources function as causes of the source-derived, their function is fivefold: i) because the sources produce the source-derived when it has not previously existed, arising; 2) because as a master does for his students, they support the source-derived that has arisen in correspondence with the sources, supporting; 3) like a wall with a drawing, because they are the support, re maining; 4) because if there are sources the continuum will not be interrupted, bearing; and 5) because they increase the source-derived, the increasing cause W ith regard to this, Purnavardhana says: Arise, and correspond, support, Uninterrrupted, and increase: Since they produce, support, remain, And bear, and make increase (3) How the source-derived function as mutual conditions 65c Three ways the source-derived are mutual; There are three ways the source-derived function as m utual causes: coemergent, same status, and full ripening causes (4) How the source derived function as conditions for the sources 65d They cause the sources in one way They, the source-derived, function as a cause o f the sources in one way as the cause of full ripening Here, the previous life’s perceptible and imperceptible defiled virtues and nonvirtue produce the sources in the next life’s collection o f faculties A few words: They’ve studied much but not comprehend; W ith low capacities, they mistake the meaning O ut o f unbearable compassion for them, I strive my utmost in this field of knowledge d A specific explanation of the immediate condition This has five topics: i Classifying the m ind in twelve, ii The eight instances in which the twelve 203 ... 64bc Others Arise from two, T he others, the nonconcurrent formations other than the two absorptions and that which has form, arise from the two causal and dom inant conditions They not arise from. .. perform their func tion in the future, directed toward the arising o f the result iii The time in which the immediate and objective conditions operate 63cd The two conditions other than That are the. .. perform their function in the present, directed toward the ceasing o f the re sult Their function is threefold: holding the result, issuing the result, and making use o f the object ii The tim