Appendix V: The definitions o f the eight topics and the seventy points according to PVSDn6Z T he definitions o f th e eig ht topics The definition o f th e kno w ledge o f all aspects: the direct nonconceptual know ledge o f all aspects o f knowable objects, w hich consist o f suchness and variety, in one single m om ent T he definition o f th e know ledge o f th e path: the knowledge o f the p a th of train in g th a t realizes the m ode o f being o f the paths o f the three yanas being w itho ut nature an d m anifests the true end th ro u g h the triad o f com pletion, m aturation, and purification T he definition o f th e know ledge o f entities: the lim ited know ledge th a t real izes th at all phenom ena, w hich consist o f entities (skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas), are em pty o f a personal self T he definition of th e com plete tra in in g in all aspects: the yoga of bodhisattvas in w hich they familiarize, in a com bined m an n e r and in order to attain mastery over realizing the three knowledges, w ith the triad o f bases, paths, and aspects having the nature o f nonarising and being free from reference points The definition o f th e cu lm in atin g training : the yoga o f bodhisattvas in which they have gained m astery over familiarizing with the three types o f nonarising in a com bined m a n n e r based on the com plete training in all aspects The definition o f th e serial training: the yoga o f bodhisattvas in w hich they sequentially familiarize w ith the aspects o f the three know ledges in order to stabilize the realization [that consists] o f the sim ultaneous arising o f all cog nitive aspects o f the th re e knowledges The definition o f th e in sta n ta n e o u s training: the yoga o f bodhisattvas that is the final [stage] o f the sequential fam iliarization with the three knowledges The definition o f th e d h arm ak ay a: the final fruition o f having cultivated the trainings that is endow ed with a m u ltitu de o f u nco n tam in ated branches 620 Groundless Paths The definitions o f the seventy points T he ten points o f th e know ledge o f all aspects 1) The definition of th e g en era tio n o f bodhicitta: the special state of m ind of the m ental consciousness with its congruently associated [factors] th a t desires perfect enlightenm ent (the knowledge o f all aspects) fo r the aim o f liberating others (all sentient beings) from the causes and results of sam sara and thus establishing them in the states of the three [types of] enlightenm ent according to their [respective] potentials 2) The definition of th e instructions: the m eans of expression that unmistakenly teach the m eans to attain the phen om ena of the path and the fruition that are to be strived for by the persons w ho have generated the m indset for unsurpassable perfect buddhahood 3) The definition o f the bra n ch e s c ond ucive to p e n e tra tio n : the clear realiza tion that arises after the m ahayana factors conducive to liberation and consists of the level o f engagem ent thro ugh aspiration 4) The definition o f th e m ahayan a disposition: the dh a rm ad h a tu that, when purified, serves as the cause o f unsurpassable enlightenm ent 5) The definition of th e focal objects: the focal objects that serve as the knowable objects of the practitioners who are bodhisattvas 6) The definition o f th e aim: the final fruition for the sake of whose attain m en t bodhisattvas will engage in the practice 7) The definition of th e arm orlike practice: the activity of accom plishing the tw o welfares [for the sake o f unsurpassable enlightenm ent], which is based on the generation o f the m indset o f the m ahayana and makes the param itas a living experience th roug h com pletely including all six in each one of them 8) The definition of th e practice o f engagem ent: the [activity of] accom plish ing the tw o welfares for the sake o f unsurpassable enlightenm ent, w hich is based on the generation o f the m indset of the m ahayana and is the activity of engaging in the m ahayana primarily through what arises from m editation 9) The definition of the practice o f the equ ipm ents: the activity o f accom plishing the tw o welfares for the sake of unsurpassable enlightenm ent, which is based on the generation of the mindset of the m ahayana and is the direct deliverance into great enlightenm ent 10) The definition of th e practice o f final deliverance: the activity of accom plishing the tw o welfares for the sake of unsurpassable enlightenm ent, which is based on the generation of the mindset of the m ahayana and consists of the A p p en d ix V 621 special path of the te n th b h u m i that u ndoubtedly delivers into the final points o f deliverance T h e eleven p o in ts o f th e know ledge o f th e p ath 1) The definition o f th e [mental] su p p o rts th a t are th e branches o f the know ledge o f th e path: possessing the generation of b odhicitta and having relinquished pride.1263 2) The definition o f th e p a th o f th e sravakas: the lim ited knowledge th a t real izes merely personal identitylessness 3) The definition o f th e p a th o f th e p tyek abudd has: the lim ited knowledge that realizes o n e-an d -a-h alf [of the two types of] identitylessness 4) The definition o f th e p a th o f seeing o f th e m ahayana: the su p m u n d a n e w isdom that realizes the tw o [types of] identitylessness before the u n c o n ta m i nated path o f fam iliarization arises 5) The definition o f th e fu n ctio n o f the p a th o f fam iliarization: the benefit that is the result o f the path o f familiarization 6) The definition o f th e p a th o f fam iliarization as aspiration : the co ntam inated path o f fam iliarization th at app rehen ds w ith certainty that prajn aparam ita is endow ed with qualities 7) The definition o f th e benefit o f the p a th o f fam iliarization as aspiration: the fact o f b uddhas an d higher bodhisattvas praising [other bodhisattvas] due to being delighted [about them ] 8) The definition o f th e p a th o f fam iliarization as dedication: the c o n tam i nated path o f fam iliarization that turns virtues into branches o f perfect enlightenm ent for the sake o f others 9) The definition o f th e p a th o f fam iliarizatio n as rejoicing: the contam in ated path o f fam iliarization o f delighting in the virtues o f oneself an d others 10) The definition o f th e p a th o f fam iliarization as a c c o m p lish m e n t: the un co n tam in ated path o f familiarization o f the m ah ay an a th at is the cause for final realization 11) The definition o f th e p u re p a th o f fam iliarization: the u n c o n ta m i nated path o f fam iliarization o f the m ahayana that is the cause for final relinquishm ent T he n in e p o in ts o f th e know ledge o f entities 1) The definition o f th e know ledge o f en tities o f n o t a b id in g in [samsaric] existence th r o u g h prajna: the knowledge that puts an end to the troubles o f [samsaric] existence th rough th e prajna o f realizing th e lack o f a n y nature 622 Groundless Paths 2) The definition of th e know ledge o f entities o f n o t abiding in peace th ro u g h com passion: the knowledge that puts an end to the trouble of peace through the special generation o f bodhicitta 3) The definition o f th e know ledge o f en tities th a t is d is ta n t fro m the fruitio n a l p jn ap ara m ita due to n o t being th e m ean s for g iving rise to it: the know ledge o f entities that clings to characteristics w ith respect to the triad of knowable objects, the path, and the fruition, and thus is not able to function as the rem edy for this clinging to characteristics 4) The definition o f th e know ledge o f entities th a t is n o t d ista n t fro m the fruitional p jn a p a m ita d ue to the skill in m eans fo r giving rise to it: the knowledge that entails special m eans and prajna 5) The definition o f th e know ledge o f e n titie s th a t is an antagonistic factor: [the knowledge o f entities] that exists as factors to be relinquished by b o d h i sattvas since it is constrained by the clinging o f m istakenly engaging in the fundam ental nature o f entities 6) The definition of th e know ledge o f en tities th a t is a rem edial factor: the knowledge th a t is able to function as a rem edy for the clinging to characteris tics w ith respect to entities since it realizes that they are w ithout nature 7) The definition of th e tra in in g s in th e know ledge o f entities: [the training th a t], th ro u g h familiarization by putting an end to the clinging to entities (such as form), implicitly covers the trainings o f ¿ravakas and pratyekabuddhas 8) The definition of th e equality o f these train in g s: the aspect of cultivating the trainings in the knowledge o f entities that puts an end to conceit about subject and object 9) The definition of th e p a th o f seeing: new ly seeing the realities free from the thirty-two superim positions, w hich implicitly covers the h lnayan a paths of seeing The eleven poin ts o f the co m p lete tr a in in g in all aspects 1) The definition of th e aspects: the distinct objective or cognitive features that serve as the factors to familiarize with throu gh the trainings 2) The definition of th e train in g s: the yogas o f familiarizing with the three knowledges in a com bined m a n n e r in order to gain m astery over realizing them 3) The definition of th e qualities: w hat is to be attained tem porarily and ulti m ately th ro u g h cultivating the trainings 4) The definition of the flaws: the activities of maras that disrupt the arising of the yogas and their becom ing special A p p e n d ix V 623 5) T h e definition o f th e defining characteristics: th e knowledges that define the nature or the capacity o f the trainings 6) The definition o f th e factors conducive to lib eratio n : the path that consists o f the phase o f not having the nature o f the faculties o f purified ph enom ena and is the path to progress tow ard unsurpassable enlightenm ent 7) The definition o f th e factors conducive to p e n e tra tio n : the w isdom o f the engagem ent th ro u g h aspiration th a t entails the special aspect o f focus ing on sentient beings and represents the principal [wisdom] th a t arises from m editation 8) The definition o f th e assem bly o f irreversible learners: the bodhisattvas who possess the signs o f the certainty o f not falling into either [samsaric] existence or peace 9) The definition o f th e tra in in g in th e equality o f [samsaric] existence an d peace: the training o f realizing, and then familiarizing with, both samsara and nirvana as being w ithout nature 10) The definition o f th e tra in in g in u n su rp a ssa b le p u re realms: the training that frees ones ow n twofold pure realm (container an d contents) from flaws 11) T he definition o f th e tra in in g in skill in m eans: the training in know ing w hether or not it is the right tim e to m anifest the ten objects o f skill in means T he e ig h t p o in ts o f th e cu lm in a tin g tra in in g 1) The definition o f th e signs o f th e c u lm in a tio n o f h av in g gained m astery over th e realization o f nonarising: that w hich consists o f [the level of] heat [of the path o f preparation] and defines the highest level o f fam iliarization in a com bined m anner 2) The definition o f increase: th a t w hich consists o f the peak o f the p ath of preparation an d represents th e factor th a t is the increase o f the highest level o f familiarization in a com bined m anner 3) The definition o f stability: th a t w hich consists o f the poised readiness of the p a th o f preparation and represents the culm ination o f attaining stability in the respectively appropriate realization o f the three knowledges and in not abandon in g the welfare o f sentient beings 4) The definition o f th e a biding o f the m ind: th a t w hich consists of the suprem e d h a rm a [of the path of preparation] and represents the c ulm ination o f the m in d one-pointedly abiding in the actuality o f rejoicing in the genera tion o f bodhicitta o f the four [types of] bodhisattvas (such as those w ho have given rise to bodhicitta for the first time) ... 5) The definition of th e focal objects: the focal objects that serve as the knowable objects of the practitioners who are bodhisattvas 6) The definition o f th e aim: the final fruition for the. .. nature or the capacity o f the trainings 6) The definition o f th e factors conducive to lib eratio n : the path that consists o f the phase o f not having the nature o f the faculties o f purified... path of preparation] and represents the c ulm ination o f the m in d one-pointedly abiding in the actuality o f rejoicing in the genera tion o f bodhicitta o f the four [types of] bodhisattvas (such