1284 Index villages See towns and villages villas agriculture 42, 43 architecture 82 economy 360 nomadic and pastoral societies 795 vineyards 42 Virgil astronomy 133 empires and dynasties 390 literature 663, 674 virginity 498 Vishnu 847 Vishnu Trivikrama 650f Visigothic law 627–628 Visigoths 408–409, 417–418 vitamin deficiencies 555 Vitruvius, Marcus architecture 78, 81 astronomy 133 inventions 602 Vix burial mound 219, 220 viziers government organization 513–514 laws and legal codes 624 occupations 809 vocal music 763, 764 volcanoes climate and geography 250–251, 262, 267 natural disasters 775, 776, 778, 780, 781, 783 volume 1175, 1176 voting rights 1037 vulcanization 604 W Wadi Hammamat 884 Wagadu Kingdom 92 wage labor 432–434 wages See also compensation; rations employment and labor 426–428, 432 gender structures and roles 495 wagons inventions 600 transportation 1116, 1117 Wagy 464 Wailing Wall 901 walled cities 207, 208, 212, 213, 215–217 wall paintings 115 walls, fortified See fortifications “Walls of Princes” 208 Walls of the Ruler 142 Wangcheng 217 Wang Xizhi 103 Wa people military 730 social organization 1026 Warak vase 98 war and conquest 1121–1161 Africa 1122–1126, 1156 and agriculture 40 Americas 1153–1155 Asia and the Pacific 1136– 1140 Egypt 1126–1130, 1156– 1158 Europe 1140–1145 family 454 Greece 1145–1149 Middle East 1130–1134, 1136, 1158–1159 migration and population movements 689, 698, 707, 714 military 725, 728–730, 732 Rome 1149–1153, 1159– 1160 ships and shipbuilding 974, 978, 979 slaves and slavery 985– 987, 991, 993 social collapse and abandonment 999–1000, 1006 wardum 1020, 1021 war galley 983f warlords 526 Warm Mineral Springs 321 Warring States Period (China) economy 356 empires and dynasties 403 government organization 520 inventions 598 laws and legal codes 625 resistance and dissent 874 social collapse and abandonment 1003 social organization 1025 war and conquest 1137 warrior(s) employment and labor 434 exploration 442 government organization 525 military 731 occupations 817 social organization 1025 war and conquest 1140, 1141, 1145f weaponry and armor 1167 warrior-dancers 338 warships seafaring and navigation 959 ships and shipbuilding 974, 977 waste management 1093 watchtowers 727–728 water agriculture 30 calendars and clocks 166f, 167–172 economy 373 food and diet 480 health and disease 546, 555 migration and population movements 698, 699, 706–707, 722 sacred sites 899 science 922 settlement patterns 970 storage and preservation 1066 transportation 1112, 1115, 1120 weights and measures 1174 water buffaloes 31 water carriers 815f water management See also irrigation agriculture 16, 19, 20, 28 storage and preservation 1062 waterproofing 603 water shortages 268 waterwheel inventions 602–603 mining, quarrying, and salt making 749 Watson Brake Mound Group 86 wattle and daub architecture 70, 71 building techniques and materials 150, 151, 151f, 157, 161 Wawat 1123 wax tablets 1191 Ways of Horus military 727–728 roads and bridges 885 way stations military 727–728 roads and bridges 886 transportation 1114 wealth xxviii agriculture 36 death and burial practices 313 economy 365 social organization 1016 weaning 191 weaponry and armor 1161– 1172 Africa 1161–1162 Americas 1171–1172 art 108, 117 Asia and the Pacific 1165– 1166 crafts 288 Egypt 1162–1164 Europe 1166–1167 Greece 1168–1169 inventions 601 Middle East 1164–1165 military 733–736 nomadic and pastoral societies 794 Rome 1169–1170 ships and shipbuilding 978 war and conquest 1138, 1140, 1154 weather military 729 seafaring and navigation 958 weaving See also card weaving clothing and footwear 278, 284 occupations 808, 811, 812, 814f science 928 textiles and needlework 1075–1077, 1080 wedding costumes 282 weddings drama and theater 331 family 455, 456 week, length of 170 weights and measures 1172– 1183 Africa 1173–1174 Americas 1181–1182 Asia and the Pacific 1176– 1177 economy 352, 356 Egypt 1174–1175 employment and labor 429 Europe 1177–1179 Greece 1179–1180 Middle East 1175–1176 Rome 1180–1181 weight sports 1053 weir traps 574 Weiyanggong palaces 67 Weni 1127 Wep Renpet 464 werejaguar art 120 children 198 Wessex culture 318 West Africa art 91–92 economy 344 Western Han Dynasty architecture 67 calendars and clocks 168 cities 217 Western Zhou Dynasty cities 217 empires and dynasties 403 government organization 520 wet nurses children 189, 191–193, 195, 196 family 455–457 occupations 810 we xing 66 wheat agriculture 25, 38, 40–41, 48 food and diet 473, 474, 480