1282 Index Thutmose I (king of Egypt) government organization 512 migration and population movements 696–697 Thutmose III (king of Egypt) borders and frontiers 142 crafts 287 exploration 438 seafaring and navigation 954 war and conquest 1129– 1130 Tiahuanaco education 386 family 457–458 Tiberius (emperor of Rome) 415 Tiber River 260–261 Tibet 249 tibia (wind instrument) 772 Tierra del Fuego 268 Tiglath-pileser I (king of Assyria) 399 Tiglath-pileser III (king of Assyria) 399 Tigris River agriculture 28 climate and geography 244–246 transportation 1114–1115 Tikal cities 232–233 empires and dynasties 420–421 resistance and dissent 882 scandals and corruption 918–919 tiles 161 Timgad (Thamugadi) 228 Timkat 462, 463f tin climate and geography 256 empires and dynasties 389 metallurgy 682, 683 mining, quarrying, and salt making 745 trade and exchange 1097 tithi 168 Titicaca, Lake climate and geography 267 ships and shipbuilding 984 titles 512 Titus (emperor of Rome) economy 370 foreigners and barbarians 490 migration and population movements 700 natural disasters 781 religion and cosmology 861 sacred sites 901 Titus, Arch of 115 Tiwanaku cities 233 climate and geography 267 Tlatilco 282 tobacco 374 Tocharian people See Yuezhi toddlers 191, 192 toga praetexta children 196, 197 clothing and footwear 282 togas 281, 282 toilet seats 563 tomb(s) architecture 58, 67 art 103 astronomy 129 building techniques and materials 152–153 calendars and clocks 169 crafts 291 death and burial practices 313–315, 317, 318, 323 literature 643, 645, 646 social organization 1017– 1018 Tomb A (La Venta) 83 tomb autobiographies 643, 645, 646 tomb paintings 94, 95f tomb robbery 298 Tomb Robbery Papyri 911 tomb scenes children 189 death and burial practices 313 tools agriculture 16, 31, 34, 39, 43 crafts 287f, 288 economy 360–361 household goods 564, 570 inventions 593, 594, 604 mining, quarrying, and salt making 749 money and coinage 752 science 922–923 torches 584, 585, 589, 590 torque (ring) clothing and footwear 279 money and coinage 758 tortoiseshell 10–11 torture 1133 Tower of the Winds 171 towns and villages 1085– 1095 Africa 725, 1086–1087 agriculture 28, 31 Americas 457, 973, 1094– 1095 architecture 72 Asia and the Pacific 1089– 1090 Egypt 206, 1087–1088 Europe 1091–1092 Greece 1092–1093 Middle East 1088–1089 Rome 1093–1094 toys 189, 192, 195 track and field 1055 Trackers (Sophocles) 335 trade and exchange 1095– 1110 Africa 1096–1097 Americas 1107–1108 Asia and the Pacific 1100– 1101 cities 219, 220 economy 344–346, 353– 354, 357–359, 361–362, 372–374 Egypt 1097–1098 empires and dynasties 389–391 employment and labor 426 Europe 1101–1103 exploration 441, 442 food and diet 473 foreigners and barbarians 482, 490 Greece 1103, 1105, 1108– 1109 Middle East 1098–1100 migration and population movements 691, 707 money and coinage 752 nomadic and pastoral societies 790 Rome 1105–1107, 1109– 1110 seafaring and navigation 953 ships and shipbuilding 976 towns and villages 1086 war and conquest 1125 trade routes borders and frontiers 139 climate and geography 246, 248, 256 economy 372, 374 empires and dynasties 393 exploration 436, 439, 444 foreigners and barbarians 484, 487 migration and population movements 691 military 726 trade and exchange 1096, 1102 traders 388–390 trading outposts 711–712 trading vessels 975, 981 tragedies 335, 336 trails 883 “Training of Children, The” (Plutarch) 200–201 Trajan (emperor of Rome) borders and frontiers 147 economy 370 empires and dynasties 416 natural disasters 782 trance-dances 833 Transalpine Gaul 263 transhumance agriculture 38 nomadic and pastoral societies 789, 790, 793, 795 transmigration of souls 850 transportation 1110–1120 See also roads and bridges; seafaring and navigation Africa 1111–1112 Americas 1120 Asia and the Pacific 1115– 1116 Egypt 1112–1113 Europe 1116–1117 Greece 1117–1118 Middle East 1113–1115 Rome 1118–1119 traps 574, 577, 578 treasuries economy 368 government organization 513–514 Treaty of Apamea 367 tree rings 254 trepanation health and disease 552 science 936 triads (religious) 836 trials 625 triarii 734 tribal territories 401–402 tribes government organization 522, 524–526 social organization 1013– 1014, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1033–1034 war and conquest 1144 tribon 281 tribulum 43 tribunes 414 Tribuni Plebis 532–533 Tribunus Militum 532 tributes economy 350, 352–354, 357, 366 trade and exchange 1098, 1107 tributum 367, 368 triclinium architecture 81 food and diet 481 Trier 229 trierarchy 366 trigonometry 125 Trinidad 266 triremes 974, 981 trittys 1033–1034 “Triumph of Horus” 330 triumvirate (architecture) 85 trousers 278, 279 Troy 246 trumpets 769, 772 Trundholm bog 566 trypanosomiasis 820 tsetse fly 16, 18