Does It Sink or Float? A Reading A–Z Level F Leveled Book Word Count: 140 LEVELED BOOK • F Does It Sink or Float? Written by Chuck Garofano Visit for thousands of books and materials Does It Sink or Float? Written by Chuck Garofano Photo Credits: Title page: © Maxime VIGE/; all other photos by Craig Frederick/© Learning A–Z Does It Sink or Float? Level F Leveled Book © Learning A–Z Written by Chuck Garofano All rights reserved Correlation LEVEL F Fountas & Pinnell Reading Recovery DRA F 9–10 10 Some things sink in water Some things float in water Will the rock sink or float? Will the paper wad sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The paper wad floats on the water The rock sinks in the water Some things sink in water Some things float in water Will the rock sink or float? Will the paper wad sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The paper wad floats on the water The rock sinks in the water Will the cork sink or float? Will the marble sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The cork floats on the water The marble sinks in the water Will the cork sink or float? Will the marble sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The cork floats on the water The marble sinks in the water The golf ball sinks in the water The coin sinks in the water Will the golf ball sink or float? Will the coin sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The golf ball sinks in the water The coin sinks in the water Will the golf ball sink or float? Will the coin sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F Will the watermelon sink or float? Will the apple sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The apple floats on the water The watermelon floats, too 10 Will the watermelon sink or float? Will the apple sink or float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F The apple floats on the water The watermelon floats, too 10 sink sink sink sink or or or or float float float float sink sink sink sink or or or or float float float float sink sink sink sink or or or or float float X X X float Which of these things might sink? Which of these things might float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F X X X float Look at the pictures Which things sink in the water? Which ones float on the water? Did you guess right? 11 12 sink sink sink sink or or or or float float float float sink sink sink sink or or or or float float float float sink sink sink sink or or or or float float X X X float Which of these things might sink? Which of these things might float? Does It Sink or Float? • Level F X X X float Look at the pictures Which things sink in the water? Which ones float on the water? Did you guess right? 11 12 Does It Sink or Float? A Reading A–Z Level F Leveled Book Word Count: 140 LEVELED BOOK • F Does It Sink or Float? Written by Chuck Garofano Visit for thousands of books and materials Does It Sink or Float? Written by Chuck Garofano Photo Credits: Title page: © Maxime VIGE/; all other photos by Craig Frederick/© Learning A–Z Does It Sink or Float? Level F Leveled Book © Learning A–Z Written by Chuck Garofano All rights reserved Correlation LEVEL F Fountas & Pinnell Reading Recovery DRA F 9–10 10