Index MacArthur–Levins species packing model 4:645 MacArthur model 1:402, 2:180–181, 2:180F, 2:181F MacArthur, Robert H 1:583–585, 2:539–540, 3:5, 3:588 MacArthur–Wilson equilibrium theory 1:25, 1:583–585, 2:239, 2:239F, 3:5, 3:508, 4:395–396, 4:396F MacCarthy, Cormac 4:654 Macedonia 6:519 Macfadyena 5:489 mackerel 3:467–471, 6:422T Macleay’s honeyeater 2:75F Macoma inconspicua 3:364 Macquarie Island 1:180–181, 1:186T Macrauchenia 4:727T Macraucheniidae 4:727T macroalgae estuarine ecosystems 3:358–359 freshwater ecosystems 3:358 seagrass ecosystems 6:547 ultraviolet radiation effects 7:299–300 Macrocystis 2:642 Macrocystis pyrifera 3:283, 3:359, 5:51 Macrodactylus sp 1:120 macroecology 6:651 macrofauna marine invertebrates 4:380–381, 4:381T sandy beaches 2:129–131, 2:130F soil fauna 6:588, 6:590T macrofungi 1:142F Macroglossus minimus 5:14 Macrohectopus 6:26 Macroheterocera 5:386F, 5:387–388T macroinvertebrates 3:571–572, 3:572T Macrolepidoptera 5:386–389, 5:387–388T Macrolobium acaciaefolium 4:286–287 macronuclear destined sequences (MDSs) 5:569, 5:570F, 5:571F macroparasites 2:524T, 2:525–527, 2:526F, 5:657 macrophytes 5:305–306, 6:477–478 macroplankton 4:383T, 5:133F Macropodidae 4:683, 4:688–689 macropods 4:689 Macroprotodon cu-cullatus 5:472 Macropus birdselli 5:364F Macropus ferragus 5:363–364, 5:364F Macropus gouldi 5:364F Macropus pitonensis 5:364F Macropus rama 5:364F Macropus rufogriseus 4:728 Macropus siva 5:364F Macropus spp 6:333 Macropus stirtoni 5:364F Macropus thor 5:364F Macropus titan 5:363–364, 5:364F Macropygia mackinlayi 2:189–190, 2:189F Macroscelidea 4:690T, 4:697–698 Macroscelides proboscideusi 4:697–698 Macrosoma nigramacula 5:385F Macrostomida 7:439–440T, 7:440–443, 7:441F, 7:442–443F Macrotermes 4:409T Macrotermes bellicosus 4:419 Macrotermes michaelseni 4:418, 4:420F Macrotermes subhyalinus 4:419 Macrotermitinae 4:409T, 4:410F, 4:410T, 4:417F, 4:430T Macrotis leucura 4:363–364 Macroxenus enghoffi 5:423F macrozooplankton 3:362 Mactan Bay 1:276T Maculina arion 4:363 Madagascar biodiversity richness 1:501F botanical gardens 6:519 butterflies 1:658, 1:659T coral reef ecosystems 1:500T deforestation 1:502T, 1:677F desert ecosystems 2:467–468 domesticated ruminants 1:702–703 ecosystems 1:55–56 endangered mammals 3:193–194, 3:194T endemism 1:501F, 3:232T, 3:233, 4:271T first-contact extinctions 5:365 fish diversity 3:472–473 habitat destruction 3:216–217 institutional collections and capacity 1:505T invasive species aquatic ferns (Salvinia molesta) 4:346–347 exotic fish 4:663 Lantana camara 4:352–353 late Quaternary extinction event (LQEE) 4:657, 4:658F, 4:723F, 4:728–729 mammalian evolution 4:701T plant species 6:82T primates endemism 6:252T primate diversity 6:250–252, 6:251T, 6:252T threatened species 6:258T protected area systems 6:493–494 Ranomafana National Park 4:437–438 rice production 1:88 species richness 1:501F, 4:271T termites 4:409T threatened species 7:204F tourism industry 7:224 tropical rain forests 6:314T, 6:316T, 6:317T urbanization 4:560F Madagascar periwinkle 1:594 Madais fausta 5:463T Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur 6:256–258T Madhuca indica 6:226 Madia 1:30F Madoqua 1:51 Madoqua kirkii 6:572–573 Madrean pine–oak woodlands 6:82T madrone 7:118 Maerua crassifolia 5:486 Magelonodae 7:417F magenta petrel 7:184 Maggiore (Lake) 4:461T Magnaporthe grisea 6:361T magnesium (Mg) elemental partitioning 1:554T relative abundance 1:553F 725 river water composition 3:562T root–soil interface 6:114F Magnolia 7:118 Magnoliaceae 1:270–271, 5:618F Magnoliales 5:621F Magnolia obovata 1:271 Magnolidae 4:72F Magonia glabrescens 1:161 Maha Lewaya 1:276T Mahanadian monsoon forest 1:262–263T Mahasena corbetti 5:603–604 Mahaweli Ganga floodplain system 1:276T mahogany 7:273 mahua 6:226 Maiasaura 2:519T maidenhair tree 2:47, 6:59–60 Maimonides 3:321 mainland drill 6:256–258T maitake mushrooms 3:637T maitotoxin 6:131, 6:133F maize crop production 1:86 crop rotation systems 1:116T genetic diversity commercialization effects general discussion 1:91–92 intensified environments 1:92 non-intensified environments 1:92–93 genetic narrowing 1:89–90 genetic trends 1:90 landrace–modern varieties comparisons 1:89 remaining gene pool percentage 1:132T research summary 1:93 intercropping systems 2:383, 2:384F North and South America 2:663–664 phenotypic variation 1:462, 1:462F plant conservation 6:85–86 regional cultivars 3:32F root–soil interface 6:113T seed industries 1:91 slash-and-burn systems 6:553 spatial distribution 1:87–89, 1:88, 1:88T termites 4:432T Majorana syriaca 5:482 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) 2:534, 2:629 majority-rule consensus analysis 2:42–44, 2:43F Malabar rain forest 1:262–263T Malacoherpesviridae 5:134T, 5:135 Malacoihrix fendleri 2:373T Malacostraca 2:400–401, 2:401T, 3:681F, 3:685F, 6:25 Malaise trapping 1:330 malaria 1:593–594, 3:349, 5:668, 5:671T malaria parasites 2:529–530, 5:660T, 5:671T Malassezia furfur 3:634T malathion 5:693–694, 5:699T Malawi botanical gardens 6:519 energy efficiency measures 3:254F woodland savannas 1:67–68 Malawi (Lake) 3:444, 4:463–464, 4:463T Malayan rain forest 1:262–263T