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TÀI LIỆU ƠN KIỂM TRA GIỮA KÌ I LỚP Giáo viên: Cô Trang Anh I Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each line A discover B empathize C decorate D concentrate A cognitive B skyscraper C discipline D poetic A adolescence B disappointment C embarrassment D entertainment A botanical B emotional C embroidery D comfortable A communicator B multicultural C metropolitan D recreational A specific B attraction C souvenir D expensive A region B unique C eggshell D bracelet A examine B department C religion D organise A patient B affect C hometown D harbour II Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line A control B adolescence C emotion D convince A peace B leave C reach D break A support B budget C column D focus A student B medical C guidance D graduate A ensure B measure C leisure D treasure A knit B silk C kitchen D look A pottery B cost C modern D wonder A carve B warm C hard D far A weave B thread C feature D deal 10.A stressed B relaxed C annoyed D asked III Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions John has taken swimming as he wants to keep fit A up B on C in D off Many people move to the cities to get jobs because they can earn two to ten times people in the country A more than B as much as C as many as D most of Hair colour is one of characteristics to be used in identifying people A the most obviously B the more obvious C obviously the most D the most obvious Scientists are warning that we have to focus on developing alternative sources of energy, since we may fossil fuels before the end of the century A run out of B get into C make up for D come up against Big cities many opportunities and challenges, especially for the young A offer B give C provide D present A colourful design was on the sleeve of her blouse A sewn B carved C embroidered D knit A(n) is someone who does skilled work or someone who is skilled in making things with their hands A artisan B artist C creator D workman I never saw anything as beautiful as that stone you were A moulding B carving C weaving D casting I think we should make a greater effort to our traditional handicraft villages A preserve 10 B store C arrange D keep He tried to finish the writing assignment today he could hand it in on time A whereas B even though C so that D in order 11 Some films about violence have negative on children and teenagers A pressure B offer C aim D influence 12 Children to new environments easily A adjust B adopt C adapt D admit 13 Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister charge of the house A take B hold C make D get 14 If we can our present difficulties, then everything should be all right A take off B go across C come over D get over 15 The men practised various traditional crafts, such as _ toys out of wood A weave B carve C knit D embroider 16 In rural areas, the school is often one of the focal points for the _ community A local B national C international D global 17 Frank easily gets _ when people don’t understand what he’s trying to say A frustrated B delighted C excited D relaxed 18 Van Phuc Village went into poetry and music as a beautiful cultural village of Vietnam A Wood B Silk C Stone D Clay 19 This city’s economy is _ on tourism, so the residents here treat tourists very well A modern B fascinating C dependent D ancient 20 The developments in this town will create spillovers for several _ regions A bordering B urban C downtown D neighbouring 21 The new programme aims to make the country _ in food production and to cut energy imports A self-sufficient B self-disciplined C self-aware D self-care 22 The Cham ethnic minority in Ninh Thuan province uses clay to make their famous _ products A hat B lacquerware C painting D pottery 23 Flying is _ the first time you it, but you soon become jaded and bored A calm B exciting C frightening D tense 24 Please stop making that noise or go away for a while! It’s getting _ A depressed B stressful C annoying D exhausted 25 The designer says the new monument will be 120 meters high, the old one A as high as twice B twice as high as C as twice high as D as high twice as 26 Helen asked for an explanation _ the committee acted unreasonably when they turned down her application A though B why C so that D because 27 Most people have no real idea _ healthy habits, and Mike was no exception A how to change to B how can change to C how change to D to how to change 28 Watching sport was _ activity on Saturday afternoons in Britain A most popular by far B by the far most popular C by far the most popular D the most popular by far 29 Dad said, “Mom’s kind of down in the dumps at the moment - why don’t you buy something to _?” A cheer her off B cheer her up C cheer of her D cheer on her 30 He remembered the date but forgot to _ an alert for the event and _ an hour late A set off - turned off B set - turned up C set up - showed up D set - showed off IV Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions The harder he tried, the worst he spoke before the large audience A B C D → worse Unemployment is a very large problem for most countries have come to face with A B C D → that/ which I think novelists are among the most imaginary people in the world A B C D → imaginative I get off very well with my cousin, Jessie We have never fought over toys or argued about anything A B C D → get on In the Industrial Revolution, many teenagers were in pressure to work very long hours with low A B C D wages → under pressure V Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one “We’ll pay for the damage!” They offered _ to pay for the damage _ I think that German is a very difficult language to learn I find _ German a very difficult language to learn _ “I’ll leave tonight if you don’t keep your words,” said Leonie Leonie _ threatened to leave that night if I didn’t keep my words It isn’t compulsory to wear a helmet on a bike We don’t have to wear a helmet on a bike _ If we finish the work sooner, it will be better for all of us The sooner we finish the work, the better it will be for all of us Our flight is going to be delayed Let’s relax and enjoy a quiet dinner (as) As our flight is going to be delayed, let’s relax and enjoy a quiet dinner Peter arrived at the station early He did not want to miss his train (so that) Peter arrived at the station early so that he would not miss his train Schools in cities tend to be better equipped Those in the mountainous regions are relatively poor (while) Schools in cities tend to be better equipped while those in the mountainous regions are relatively poor We decided to go to Trang An It was a nice day (since) We decided to go to Trang An since it was a nice day 10 The traffic was heavy We were late for the meeting (so) The traffic was heavy, so we were late for the meeting 11 The forest area is quite dry this summer It is prohibited to light camp fires (because) Because the forest area is quite dry this summer, it is prohibited to light camp fires 12 We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing We know we will not win a prize (even though) We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing even though we know we will not win a prize 13 Francis is going to take a map with her She may lose her way to the craft village (in case) Francis is going to take a map with her in case she loses her way to the craft village 14 Deciding what they should wear at a wedding nowadays can be a problem for the guests Deciding what to wear at a wedding nowadays can be a problem for the guests 15 Can you tell me who I ought to go to in order to get the right information? Can you tell me who to go to in order to get the right information? 16 There were so many kinds of cameras to choose from, and I didn’t know which one I needed to buy There were so many kinds of cameras to choose from, and I didn’t know which one to buy 17 “Don’t worry, you’ll make a complete recovery,” the doctor told me The doctor reassured _ me that I would make a complete recovery _ 18 “I’ll definitely finish the work by the end of next week!” Maria promised _ to finish the work by the end of the next/ following week 19 “Your train is about to leave, Matthew.” I said I reminded _ Mathew that his train was about to leave 20 “The roads are wet and dangerous.” The police warned us that the roads were wet and dangerous 21 Lola said: “I’m so sorry I didn’t attend the meeting” Lola apologised for not attending/ for not having attended the meeting _ VI Complete the following sentences with proper preposition(s) I can’t stop now I am on my way to school to pick up the children Why don’t you take up _ yoga? It would help you to keep fit and relax I’m sorry I won’t be able to see you tomorrow Something urgent has _ come up _ I was having a quiet coffee when a man came over and tried to _ chat with me We _ set off very early in the morning since we had a long trip to go I mustn’t smoke in this room - otherwise my boss will tell me _ off _ My friend has cut down on _ sweets because she wants to lose some weight When I was watching this film, which was a real tear jerker, I burst out crying The party is going to be formal, so I suppose we’d better _ dress up _ 10 The council has failed to deal with the problem of homelessness in the city ... We decided to go to Trang An It was a nice day (since) We decided to go to Trang An since it was a nice day 10 The traffic was heavy We were late for the meeting (so) The traffic was heavy, so... arrived at the station early He did not want to miss his train (so that) Peter arrived at the station early so that he would not miss his train Schools in cities tend to be better equipped Those... the work by the end of the next/ following week 19 “Your train is about to leave, Matthew.” I said I reminded _ Mathew that his train was about to leave 20 “The roads are wet and

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 20:43

