CONTENTS xxxiii MINERALS Definition and Classification E H Nickel 498 Amphiboles R A Howie Arsenates K Hudson-Edwards 506 Borates C Helvaci Carbonates B Jones Chromates PA Williams Feldspars R A Howie Feldspathoids M D Welch Glauconites J M Huggett 542 Micas R A Howie Molybdates P A Williams Native Elements P A Williams Nitrates PA Williams Olivines G Cressey, R A Howie Other Silicates R A Howie Phosphates See SEDIMENTARY ROCKS: Phosphates Pyroxenes R A Howie Quartz R A Howie Sulphates G Cressey Sulphides D J Vaughan Tungstates P A Williams Vanadates P A Williams Zeolites W S Wise Zircons G J H McCall 498 503 506 510 522 532 534 539 542 548 551 553 555 557 561 567 569 572 574 586 588 591 601 MINING GEOLOGY Exploration Boreholes M Vanecek Exploration N C White Mineral Reserves M Vanecek Hydrothermal Ores M A McKibben Magmatic Ores / £ Mungall 609 613 623 628 637 MOHO DISCONTINUITY 645 P Giese MOON See SOLAR SYSTEM: Moon Volume N NEW ZEALAND N Mortimer NORTH AMERICA Precambrian Continental Nucleus W Bleeker Continental Interior D F Merriam Northern Cordillera J W H Monger, R A Price, W J Nokleberg 36 Southern Cordillera AWSnoke Ouachitas K C Nielsen Southern and Central Appalachians R D Hatcher, Jr Northern Appalachians C R van Staal Atlantic Margin D R Hutchinson 21 36 48 61 72 81 92