784 INDEX surface processes (continued] basic processes chronofunctions 5:194, 5:195f chronosequence 5:194 climatic effects 5:194-195, S:196f developmental stages 5:194f general discussion 5:194 lessivage 5:194, 5:194f, 5:195f soil-horizon terminology 5:197t taxonomy 5:196t biocycling 5:197 calcification 5:194f, 5:196f, 5:200 cryoturbation 5:201 ferrallitization 5:196f, 5:197 gleization 5:195, S:198f glossary information 5:201 lessivage 5:194f, 5:195f, 5:l96f, 5:198, 5:198f lixiviation 5:198 melanization 5:199, 5:199f paludization 5:194f, 5:195 podzolization 5:195, 5:196f salinization 5:196f, 5:201 solodization 5:200 solonization 5:200, 5:201f vertization 5:199, 5:200f weathering reactions 5:197t palaeosols 5:203-208 burial alteration processes 5:204, 5:204f color banding 5:203f erosion surfaces 5:207f facies analysis 4:490-491 formation duration 5:207 fossils 5:206, 5:206^ geosol 5:203 gleization 5:204 identification process 5:203 peds 5:204, 5:204f root traces 5:203 soil horizons 5:204, 5:204f soil structure 5:204 lateritic palaeosols S:203f nomenclature 5:203, 5:207 palaeoclimate 5:205, 5:206f palaeoecology 5:205 palaeogeography 5:206, 5:206f palaeogully 5:207f parent materials 5:206, 5:207f pedoderm 5:203 pedolith 5:203 pedotype 5:203 sedimentation rate 5:207 volcanic materials 5:206-207 post-depositional sedimentary structures 4:602-611 climatically induced structures desiccation 4:609, 4:609f evaporite pseudomorphs 4:610, 4:610f periglacial deformation 4:610 raindrop impressions 4:610 concretions 4:610f, 4:611, 4:611 f deforming forces burial alteration processes 4:604 density inversions 4:604, 4:60Sf down-slope gravitational forces 4:603-604, 4:605f glaciation 4:604 liquefaction 1:525-534, 4:604, 4:605f, 4:606 soft-sediment deformation processes deforming forces 4:603, 4:605f general discussion 4:602 shear strength loss 4:603, 4:605f soft-sediment deformation structures convolute lamination 4:604, 4:606f descriptions 4:605f dish and pillar structures 4:606, 4:607f extruded sheets 4:607 general discussion 4:604 load casts 4:604, 4:605f mud diapirs 4:607, 4:608f overturned cross-bedding 4:606, 4:606f pseudonodules 4:604 sand injection structures 4:607 sand volcanoes 4:607, 4:608f sedimentary growth faults 4:608, 4:609f slumps and slides 4:607 reef environments 4:562-570 background information 4:562 bafflestone 3:527/j 4:562-563, 4:563f bindstone 3:527/i 4:562-563, 4:563f Cambrian 4:565 Carboniferous 4:565-566 Cretaceous 3:365, 3:367-368, 3:371, 4:567f, 4:567-568 Devonian 4:194, 4:198, 4:565 extinction events 4:565-566, 4:566-567 floatstone 3:527/", 4:562-563, 4:S64f framestone 3:527f, 4:5 62f, 4:562-563, 4:568f, 4:S69f Jurassic 3:356, 4:567, 4:567f Miocene 4:568f, 4:569f modern reef formation atolls 4:481, 4:564 barrier reefs 4:564 carbonate sedimentation 1:343f, 3:523f, 3:529 corals 4:562 fringing reefs 4:564, 4:568f lagoons 4:564 morphology 4:562 morphology 4:568f patch reefs 3:526/i 4:562f, 4:564 Permian 4:565-566, 4:566f rudists 4:567/i 4:567-568 rudstone 3:527/", 4:562-563, 4:564f Silurian 4:565 stromatolites 3:524f, 4:565 Tertiary 4:568-569 Triassic 4:566f, 4:566-567 Walther, Johannes 2:244 zonation 4:562 sediment deposition processes 5:8-17 bedforms aeolian systems 4:599 antidunes 4:597 bars 4:597 compound bedforms 4:597 cross-bedding 4:595f, 4:596, 4:597f, 4:600 cross-lamination 4:594, 4:595f current-controlled bedforms 5:15, 5:15 f current ripples 4:594, 4:594f dunes 4:596, 4:596f heterolithic lamination 4:599, 4:599f hummocky cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:576f, 4:578f, 4:599f longitudinal ripples 5:15, 5:15f mud waves 5:15 occurrence criteria 4:595f parting lineation 4:598, 4:598f reactivation surfaces 4:597f ripple lamination 4:594 sand waves 4:596, 4:596f, 4:597f standing waves 4:597, 4:598f swaley cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:576f, 4:599f undulating lamination 4:599, 4:599f wave-current interactions 4:599 wave ripples 4:598, 4:598f, 4:599f controlling factors aggregation 5:9, 5:10f boundary layer turbulence 5:10, 5:11 f flocculation factor 5:10f flow characteristics 5:10, 5:11 f settling velocity 5:8, 5:9f critical suspension conditions 5:11, 5:12f currents 5:14 deposition rates 5:13, 5:14f erosion diagram 5:12f fractionation 5:14 general discussion 5:13 nepheloid layers 5:13, 5:14 pelagic flux 5:12 shear stress limitations 5:14 suspension transport criteria 5:11, 5:12f turbulent boundary layers 5:13 viscous sublayer 5:10-11, 5:llf shorelines and shelves See shorelines and shelves storms 4:580-587 carbonate systems flat-pebble conglomerate beds 4:586 shell beds 4:586 facies models 4:580 oceanographic studies 4:580, 4:581f storm deposits bypass flows 4:582-583, 4:585f facies analysis 4:580 geostrophic flow 4:581, 4:582f hummocky cross-stratification 4:581-582, 4:582f, 4:584f, 4:585f, 4:599f