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Encyclopedia of geology, five volume set, volume 1 5 (encyclopedia of geology series) ( PDFDrive ) 3272

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INDEX 735 Palaeozoic (continued) Notre Dame subzone 4:#2f, 4:84f, 4:85, 4:87f tectonic evolution 4:89 ostracods (Ostracoda) 3:459, 3:460f palaeogeographic reconstruction 2;77f, 4:155f, 4:155-156 Parana basin l:319f, l:320f Pechora Basin 2:53f polarity-bias superchrons 3:331f porifera (Porifera) 2:408-417 Rheic Ocean 2:78 sea-level changes 4:26f Soom Shale, South Africa 2:274-275, 3:441, 3:441 f subdivisions Arenigian 4:177, 4:177f Ashgillian 4:179, 4:179f Caradocian 4:178 index fossils 4:176 Llanvirnian 4:178 Tremadocian 4:177 Tasman Orogenic Belt 1:237-251 time-scale scaling concepts 5:516f Tornquist Ocean 2:78 trilobites (Trilobita) 2:164, 2:292/", 2:293,4:176-177 orogenic events l:238f, 4:50 Ouachita Mountains 4:61 Pangaea 4:225 Parana basin l:319f, l:320f Pennsylvanian Angaran flora 4:206f Atokian stage 4:209f Chesterian stage 4:209f chronostratigraphy 4:25f climatic effects 4:207, 4:210f continent formation 4:204, 4:205f Desmoinian stage 4:209f Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary 4:201 Missourian stage 4:209f Ouachita Mountains 4:61 palaeobiogeography 4:206f Pangaea 4:226f porifera (Porifera) 2:408-417 sea-level changes 4:26f southern Cordillera 4:50 trilobites (Trilobita) 2:294 Virgilian stage 4:209f Permian 4:214-218 acritarchs 3:418-428 amniotes 2:478 Angaran flora 4:217 Antarctica l:134f, 1:135, 1:136 Appalachians 4:79, 4:80f Arabia 1:142f, l:144f arthropods (Arthropoda) 2:277 Artinskian stage 4:208f, 4:209f, 4:215f, 5:51 If, 5:517f Asselian stage 4:208f, 4:209f, 4:215f, 5:511 f, 5:517f background information 4:214 brachiopods 2:306f calcareous algae 2:428f Capitanian stage 4:215t, 4:219f, 4:221f, 5:51 If, 5:517f carbon cycle 1:206 Cathaysian flora 4:217 Cedar Mesa Sandstone, Utah 4:547f Changxingian stage 4:214, 4:21 St., 4:219, 4:219f, 4:220, 4:221f, 5:51 If, 5:517f China 1:347f, 1:3 52f chronostratigraphy 4:25f Cisuralian series 4:214, 4:215t, 4:219f, 5:51 If, 5:517f climate 4:216 coal 3:142, 3:14Sf conodonts 4:219 corals 2:325f crinoids 2:346, 2:347f Dorashamian stage 4:214, 4:215t Dzhulfian stage 4:214, 4:215* East European Craton 2:36, 2:38f echinoderms 2:336/", 2:337 end-Guadalupian extinction event 4:217, 4:221, 4:223, 4:223f end-Permian extinctions 2:309, 2:317, 2:377,2:387,2:516,4:217, 4:219-225 Europe See Europe; Permian fish 2:463f gastropods 2:386f, 2:387 glaciation 4:131, 4:216, 4:663 Global Standard Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) 5:51 If Gondwana coal 3:142, 3:14Sf Indian Sub-Continent 3:292t palaeogeographic reconstruction 3:144f,3:146f Parana basin 1:319f, l:320f Permian, early 3:142 Permian, late 3:142 Permo-Carboniferous basin formation 2:101 f terranes 3:13Of Guadalupian series 4:214, 4:2151, 4:219f, 4:221, 4:221 f, 5:51 If, 5:517f Guadalupian stage 4:209f insects 2:3 OOt International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS) 5:517 f ironstones 5:106 Japan 3:302, 3:303f Kazanian stage 4:208f, 4:209f Kungurian stage 4:208f, 4:209f, 4:215*, 5:51 If, 5:517f Leonardian stage 4:209f Lopingian series 4:214, 4:215*, 4:219f, 4:221f, 5:51 If, 5:517f marine fossils 4:216 North Africa l:14f, l:15f, l:19f, 1:21 ostracods (Ostracoda) 3:460f, 3:461 palaeogeographic reconstruction 2:77f,4:215f Pangaea 3:130f, 4:214, 4:215f, 4:226f, 4:227 Permian-Triassic boundary general discussion 4:219 palaeogeographic reconstruction 4:219 f radiometric dating 4:219 stratigraphy 4:219f Permo-Carboniferous basins Central Armorican Basin 2:96 evolutionary history 2:9'5', 2:101 f, 3:653 foreland 2:97 hydrocarbon reservoirs 2:124 isopachs 2:103f Ivrea Zone, Italy 2:100 magmatism 2:96/", 2:97 Mohorovicic discontinuity 3:653 North German Basin 2:97, 2:99-100, 2:101f Oslo Rift 2:97, 2:1 Olf petrogenesis 2:99 Saar-Nahe Basin 2:96, 2:97, 2:98-99, 2:101f Variscan internides 2:98 volcanic centres 2:101 f western/central Europe 2:102 phylloid algae 2:434 polarity-bias superchrons 3:33If porifera (Porifera) 2:408-417 predation 4:145-146 reef environments 4:565-566, 4:566f Roadian stage 4:215*, 4:219f, 5:51 If, 5:517f Sakmarian stage 4:20£f, 4:209f, 4:215*, 5:51 If, 5:517f sea-level changes 4:2 6f Siberian craton 4:462 southern Cordillera 4:50 Stratigraphic subdivisions 4:214, 4:215* superanoxic event 4:499 Tasman Orogenic Belt 1:237-251 Tatarian stage 4:20Sf, 4:209f tectonic processes 4:214 temnospondyls general description 2:476-477 Micropholis 2:519-520, 2:520f skeletal material 2:477f Thabanchuia oomie 2:520f terrestrial biota 4:217 terrestrial vegetation 4:217, 4:218f tetrapods amniotes 2:468 amphibians 2:468 anthracosaurs 2:476-477 baphetids 2:476-477 capitosauroids 2:476-477, 2:477f diadectomorphs 2:477f, 2:477-478 dissorophoids 2:477f end-Permian extinctions 4:220 general discussion 2:476, 4:217 lepospondyls 2:478 lissamphibians 2:468 nectrideans 2:477f, 2:478 seymouriamorphs 2:477f, 2:477-478

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 11:11