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CHAPTER Answer each question by drawing the appropriate supply and demand diagrams *6 An important way in which the Bank of Canada decreases the money supply is by selling bonds to the public Using a supply and demand analysis for bonds, show what effect this action has on interest rates Is your answer consistent with what you would expect to find with the liquidity preference framework? Using both the liquidity preference and supply and demand for bonds frameworks, show why interest rates are procyclical (rising when the economy is expanding and falling during recessions) *8 Why should a rise in the price level (but not in expected inflation) cause interest rates to rise when the nominal money supply is fixed? What effect will a sharp increase in personal savings rates have on Canadian interest rates? 10 What effect will a sudden increase in the volatility of gold prices have on interest rates? *11 How might a sudden increase in people s expectations of future real estate prices affect interest rates? 12 Explain what effect a large federal deficit might have on interest rates *13 Using both the supply and demand for bonds and liquidity preference frameworks, show what the effect is on interest rates when the riskiness of bonds rises Are the results the same in the two frameworks? The Behaviour of Interest Rates 111 14 If the price level falls next year, remaining fixed thereafter, and the money supply is fixed, what is likely to happen to interest rates over the next two years? (Hint: Take account of both the price-level effect and the expected-inflation effect.) *15 Will there be an effect on interest rates if brokerage commissions on stocks fall? Explain your answer Predicting the Future 16 The governor of the Bank of Canada announces in a press conference that he will fight the higher inflation rate with a new anti-inflation program Predict what will happen to interest rates if the public believes him *17 The governor of the Bank of Canada announces that interest rates will rise sharply next year, and the market believes him What will happen to today s interest rate on long-term corporate bonds? 18 Predict what will happen to interest rates if the public suddenly expects a large increase in stock prices *19 Predict what will happen to interest rates if prices in the bond market become more volatile 20 If the next governor of the Bank of Canada has a reputation for advocating an even slower rate of money growth than the current governor, what will happen to interest rates? Discuss the possible resulting situations Q U A N T I TAT I V E P R O B L E M S The demand curve and supply curve for one-year T-bills (with a face value of $1000) were estimated using the following equations: Bd: Price B s: Price Quantity Quantity 940 100 CANSIM Questions a What is the expected equilibrium price and quantity of T-bills in this market? b Given your answer in (a), which is the expected interest rate in this market? *2 The demand curve and supply curve for one-year T-bills (with a face value of $1000) were estimated using the following equations: Bd: Price s B : Price Quantity Quantity resulted in a parallel shift in the demand curve for bonds, such as the price of bonds at all quantities increased $100 Assuming no change in the supply function for bonds, what is the new equilibrium price and quantity? What is the new market interest rate? 940 100 Following a dramatic decline in the value of the stock market, the demand for bonds increased and this Get the monthly data from 1976 to 2009 on the M2 (gross) monetary aggregate (CANSIM series V41552796) and the three-month T-bill rate (series V122531) from the Textbook Resources area of the MyEconLab a Calculate the annual money growth rate, using the formula mt 100 (Mt 12 Mt ) /Mt b Plot the monetary growth rate, mt, and the nominal interest rate, it c What is the correlation coefficient between the money growth, mt, and the nominal interest rate, it ? Do you find anything interesting?

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 09:06
