Chapter 10 Cereal Doughs and Batters Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pasta The Evolution of Bread Prehistoric Times Greece and Rome The Middle Ages Early Modern Times The Decline and Revival of Traditional Breads The Basic Structure of Doughs, Batters, and Their Products Gluten Starch Gas Bubbles Fats: Shortening Dough and Batter Ingredients: Wheat Flours Kinds of Wheat Turning Wheat into Flour Minor Flour Components Kinds of Flour Dough and Batter Ingredients: Yeasts and Chemical Leavenings Yeasts Baking Powders and Other Chemical Leaveners Breads The Choice of Ingredients Preparing the Dough: Mixing and Kneading Fermentation, or Rising Baking Cooling The Staling Process; Storing and Refreshing Bread Bread Flavor Mass-Produced Breads ... Baking Powders and Other Chemical Leaveners Breads The Choice of Ingredients Preparing the Dough: Mixing and Kneading Fermentation, or Rising Baking Cooling The Staling Process; Storing and Refreshing Bread...Dough and Batter Ingredients: Wheat Flours Kinds of Wheat Turning Wheat into Flour Minor Flour Components Kinds of Flour Dough and Batter Ingredients: Yeasts and Chemical Leavenings