1 First scan the book, observing such things as the number of chapters, length of chapters, and type of content Concerning content, how much of the following is found in Ezra: action, conversation, description, listings, letters, prayers? Mark your Bible wherever blocks of the last three types appear What are some of your rst impressions of the book? Next read the book chapter by chapter As you read, become aware of the reasons for each new chapter division as the book progresses Assign chapter titles, and record these on paper (Note: 8:33 replaces 9:1 as the beginning of a new unit of thought.) Where are references made to kings? Mark these places in your Bible, and locate these kings on Chart 57 Mark in your Bible the letters recorded in Ezra Compare the beginning and ending of the book Does the beginning introduce, and does the ending conclude? Where is the rst appearance of the man Ezra in the book? Who is the leader mentioned in 2:2a? How often does he appear in chapters 1-6? Does he appear in chapters 7-10? (An exhaustive concordance will quickly answer this.) Where is the decree of Cyrus recorded? The rst journey to Canaan? The decree of Artaxerxes? The second journey? Try to identify groupings of content: a) the main subjects of the two divisions (chaps 1-6 and 7-10) b) the main subjects of the four sections (chaps 1-2; 3-6; 7-8; 9-10) Compare your conclusions with the outlines shown on Chart 59 In your own words, what is the main theme of Ezra? 10 Compare your survey studies with the items shown on Chart 59 11 The ten chapters of Ezra are divided into two main parts, with 7:1 beginning the new section The rst section concerns the rst return of exiles under the leadership of Governor Zerubbabel; the second section is about the second return, under the leadership of Ezra the priest How many years elapsed between the two returns? 12 The main work accomplished on the rst return was the rebuilding of the Temple On the second return, Ezra’s main task was to bring his people to a place of ... beginning the new section The rst section concerns the rst return of exiles under the leadership of Governor Zerubbabel; the second section is about the second return, under the leadership of Ezra the. .. to Canaan? The decree of Artaxerxes? The second journey? Try to identify groupings of content: a) the main subjects of the two divisions (chaps 1-6 and 7-10) b) the main subjects of the four sections... in Ezra Compare the beginning and ending of the book Does the beginning introduce, and does the ending conclude? Where is the rst appearance of the man Ezra in the book? Who is the leader mentioned