7.3 Higher-Order Systems 141 'l'liib ih illso triic as slmtvn in Figiues 7.5 and 7.6 hi with ally number ui iriput s aiitl out puts ( ) c m be intcrpreted in Figu a vector of tIaii4br functions from klie 11 It of the irrtttagrator to tho output and (7.tiS) caii ) directly ~ n ritt eii down from this ify the cwmectioii btwecn clctermining the sFst pnr fiurction from a rtiirc as in (7.65) and tld rrrriiiriiig it froni R differential equation, forni 1 in Exmiple 7.2 The A firsh ordrr svsteni is rcprcsmtcd ixi diic stdtedescriptioii ~'2111be tlprir vcl directly from Figure 7.2: (7.69) (7.70) (7.72) The state-space tlrsc.riptiori of a stwrid-ort1t.r syst erit in direct form JI I (see li'igiire 7.3) is: (7.73) (7.71) (7.73)