Robyn E Lebron Science studies the universe of matter and it discovers the integrating principle called energy that underlies material diversity It begins with the thought that matter has no mind, but later, it concludes that it does, although in a limited sense A typical scientific process begins with rejecting anything imperceptible to the senses but eventually relies on sense perception for validation of its findings Then science uses technology to extend the range of human senses and mathematics to extend the range of human reason It concludes that material diversity is underlain by an identical, imperceptible reality called energy: all sense-perceptible matter emerges from totally imperceptible energy The further away from the perceptible reality, the harder it is for a definite scientific conclusion We believe that modern science has unwittingly come to the same conclusion that is spoken of in the ancient wisdom traditions in discovering that the infinite diversity in the material world is underlain by one reality, which wisdom traditions call spirit and science calls energy It amounts to saying that material existence results from material nonexistence, or material reality proceeds from something that, in itself, is not perceptible at all by the senses or conceived by the mind We see the light turn on and the light is real…but we cannot perceive the energy that is the source Because we can’t see it, touch it or smell it, it intellectually becomes harder to grasp as understandable You know for sure that it is there, but you never know what it is, in itself Energy implies stirring, vibration, movement, change, growth, emergence, formation, beginning, development, evolution, expansion, reduction, contraction, devolution, decline, ending, dissolution, and so forth If we tried to imagine its incessant movement and change, it might cause the sensation of space and time Having given rise to time and space, it is energy that grows, gels, congeals, or solidifies in diverse forms of material existence, both inanimate and animate It is the “mind,” the constant companion of energy, which 10