Credits Table of Contents Chapter I: Getting Started vi Using This Book What is the Cthulhu Mythos? How to Bring Horror to Heroic Fantasy Chapter II: Mythos R aces The Mythos Player Character R aces Dreamlands Cats 10 Ghouls 18 Gnorri 28 Zoogs 40 Chapter III: Character Options 52 Character Options Companion Options New Profession and Feats R ace Options 53 70 75 80 Chapter IV: Insanity and Dreams 88 Insanity and Dreams 89 Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn: A n A klo Primer 100 The Dreamlands 103 Chapter V: M agic 106 M agic and the Mythos 107 R ituals 126 Chapter VI: Mythos Items and A rtifacts 142 Introduction to Mythos Items and A rtifacts A lchemical Items A lien and Bizarre Technology A rtifacts Books of the Cthulhu Mythos Mythos M agic Items and A rtifacts 143 144 149 154 155 163 Chapter VII: Cults 170 Introduction to Cults 171 Black Goat Cult 172 Crawling Chaos Cult 174 Cthulhu Cult 178 A zathoth Cult 180 Opener of the Way Cult 181 Cult of the Sleeper 182 Windwalker Cult 184 Yellow Sign Cult 186 Lesser Cults 188 Tcho -Tcho Culture 192 Deep One Culture 195 Mythos Entities and R eligion 198 Other R aces and the Mythos 200 Chapter VIII: Great Old Ones and Outer Gods 202 A s a Foulness Shall Ye Know Them 203 Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and Their Ilk 204 Abhoth 208 Atlach-Nacha 212 Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan 215 Bokrug, the Water Lizard .218 Byatis the Serpent-Bearded 222 Chaugnar Faugn 225 Cthugha 228 Great Cthulhu 232 Father Dagon 236 Ghatanothoa 239 Gobogeg 243 Hastur the Unspeakable 246 Ithaqua the Windwalker 250 The King in Yellow 254 Mother Hydra 259 iii