List of Tables Breeding and Selling of Companion Animals Table Table Summary of main legislation relating to the trade, sale and breeding of dogs in the UK Priority recommendations to improve pedigree dog welfare (adapted from Rooney and Sargan 2010) 27 30 Animal Sexual Assault Table Table Categories of animal sexual assault studies Categories of animal sexual assault offenders 64 74 Collecting Wildlife Table UK reported collecting offences by year 210 Fish used in Aquariums: Nemo’s Plight Table Examples of sources of abuse, morbidity, and mortality in ornamental fish keeping practices (adapted from Huntingford et al [2006]) 325 Animal Fighting Table Table Total dog fighting prosecutions and convictions recorded by the Ministry of Justice, 2009–2014 Total dog fighting complaints and convictions recorded by the RSPCA from 2006–2015 345 346 xiii