173rd SUNY Faculty Senate Spring Plenary SUNY Brockport May 5-7, 2016 Upstate Attendees: Jay Brenner, Kerry Greene-Donnelly, Robert Roger Lebel, Susan Wojcik, Dale Avers This is a summary of activities that took place during the plenary Links have been provided to the SUNY Faculty Senate Web Page when additional materials are available Plenary Report: http://www.system.suny.edu/media/suny/content-assets/documents/facultysenate/plenary/Brockportplenary.pdf Pre Plenary Meeting of the Health Science Sector Senator’s and Campus Governance Leaders with SUNY BOT Chair of the Academic Medical Centers and Hospitals Committee – Dr Marshall Lichtman History/Evolution of consideration of local hospital governance bodies outside the BOT – Results are that there will not be any New focus is on pursuing additional SUNY central administration along the lines of a Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs He was support of this body pursuing additional meetings to provide support to SUNY Administration and the BOT on behalf of the Health Science Sector President’s Report, Peter Knuepfer $18 M in budget still to be determined how to be utilized Decided at June BOT meeting Advocacy – Jt statement (SUNY/CUNY/CC) maintains of effort, base funding CC, tuition Step up provide necessary funding, predictable increase in tuition Hiring process for leadership in Research, New appt pres to RF, June state, operation of RF, Appointing VC economical development, outgrowth of research, improve recruit obtain top grad students Change in president search process put off to June meeting Clarify faculty role in search committee CGL with council chair working together Ban the box movement – going to move the box to a later point in the process Resolutions http://www.system.suny.edu/facultysenate/plenary-meetings/ Resolution to Revisit Amendment to Article VII of Policies of Board of Trustees - PASSED Resolution of the University Faculty Senate Programs and Awards Committee on the Inclusion of NonTenured and Non-Tenure Track Faculty for the Chancellor’s Award in Teaching - PASSED Resolution of the University Faculty Senate Programs and Awards Committee on the inclusion of Clinical Faculty for the Chancellor’s Awards for Service and the Chancellor’s Award for Scholarship and Creative Activities -PASSED Resolution of SUNY’s Need for a Public Statement of Ethical Values - PASSED Thomas Mastro, President SUNY Student Assembly State and National issue affecting SUNY students,voting delegates based on campus size Ban the box – 3-4yrs, resolution supported, 60% students check that box don’t finish application More application process if box is checked, often don’t have access to this additional material CC resolution, improve student voice, shared governance Advocacy Efforts – 30 students SUNY DC Day – White House Visit – Pell, Perkins, Student Debt, (Kyle Lierman – Director of public engagement, WH) Schumer, Gillebrand meetings as well College debt $1.3 T, Ave $29K, SUNY $26K Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campus – It’s on Us campaign Building partnerships – SU advocate to change Uber and Lift (Ride sharing) to Upstate NY Safety concerns with ride sharing study Online Education Committee Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Get Real Training impact, Campus safety – Peaceful protests Forward Thinking (resolution)– shared governance, faculty/student collaboration, faculty to sit on student committees Advising – Online Ed, Reverse Transfer Creating a system of student government assemblies – presidential summit (SG more than 2x a yr) Cobalt – publication – student achievements, campus announcements of happenings, port system for cross campus online chatting for SG leader discussions across SUNY Academic Health Science Sector Meeting Campus reports Buffalo HSC - Philip Glick The corporate discussions between Kaleida Health and ECMC conscerning the following areas were discussed o Joint IMT, marketing, purchasing o Maintain separate Medicare numbers o Similar to Roswell alliance o Will get us closer to the $6 Billion/Year to become sustainable The new medical school and the ambulatory care center are schedule to be completed in 2017 Although paying rent already Downstate Medical Center -Stephan Rinnert (CGL), Helen Durkin, Henry Flax, Farhad Haeri, Virginia Anderson They have settled on a search firm for the Presidential Search Committee Faculty are represented on the committee, including CGL, one from each of the colleges, and one from professional staff Also includes clergy (ministers, rabbi), SUNY-Farmingdale president The Governor asked Northwell to study the Brooklyn Health Care Delivery systems It was discussed that academic medical centers need to acquire community hospitals to survive and that Downstate is missing out on this Northwell is looking west to Brooklyn Concerns were raised if Downstate is looking out for this especially since there is considerable turnover in the administration at this time Expectation are that the new president will address these issues There was discussion regarding a rumor of $750 million for a new facility It is not clear at this time if that is a rumor or not It is certainly needed and another rumor was that there would be one large facility built for all of Brooklyn New Dean of College of Medicine and multiple searches for Chairs (Psych, Surgery, Path) have ensued The morale among faculty and staff has improved College of Optometry - Rebecca Marinoff They are redoing the lobby The search for new faculty has continued for both clinical and research faculty The new Chief Medical Officer has started There are now faculty forums (sans administration) after faculty meetings Administration has expressed confusion It was mentioned that there are meetings at Stony Brook without administration as well Stony Brook HSC - Ed Feldman Stony Brook is financially stable There is a movement to affiliate with Eastern Long Island hospitals in spite of Northwell’s movement eastwardly Internally, mergers of departments require Senate approval The Dean has pushed to merge Family Med and Prev Med and Pharmacology and Physiology This would save the cost of a chair There is more of a story about Anatomy, which has an International reputation for Anthropological Anatomy including discoveries in Madagascar The Vice President wants that research to be affiliated with the Undergraduate Department of Anthropology not in the Medical School renown faculty have left Ed has talked to the President and Vice President to share his sadness about this push that discourages research Helen said that pharm and physio merged under a neuroscience chair and has led to a slippery slope of influence of neuroscience throughout the university How was the faculty senate given the authority to approve department mergers if that was the individual college business? There was a policy covering this role after the individual college senate approves Stony Brook had a poor patient safety rating that was explained away by how the data was collected Upstate Medical University – Dale Avers (CGL), Jay Brenner, Kerry Greene Donnelly, Robert Lebel, Susan Wojcik The inauguration for our new president was wonderful Special thanks to Dale’s for your service in planning the event Now have search committees for a dean of COM and CON The new president is restructuring the leadership council into a university executive committee without faculty representation Senator’s meeting with the President prior to the plenary, spoke about the importance of representation in restructuring The President is hiring a new VP for Strategic Planning and expressed interest in exploring plans for a unified Faculty Practice Plan through a new restructured set of committees There has been an announcement that the Chair of Pediatrics will be stepping down once a replacement is found There was discussion regarding the academic background on the new president is There was also discussion regarding the new President and shared governance versus faculty engagement It was suggested that SUNY should have a President’s Retreat on shared governance Which was also discussed at the CGL meeting and that the Chancellor discussed this concept with UFS We decided that we should also bring the suggestion to the attention of Pete and Gwen Discussion with SUNY Faculty Senate President Peter Knuefer We discussed the three potential areas for questions to the Chancellor: Northwell and Downstate DISH payments Sector involvement in search for Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs Peter encouraged us that the third question is not premature to ask There will be a different title in order to bring in the kind of person that would be qualified Concern was raised as to whether nor not it might involve payment from the Health Sector campuses It was suggested that we should nominate a Senator from our Sector to be on the search committee for this position Peter agreed that sometimes there is suboptimal involvement in search committees for positions other than chancellor or president Concern that Downstate was left out of DSRIP, and this should be addressed was raised Peter said that the hospitals’ funding would predominate the vice chancellors’ charge Fact2 (Faculty Advisory Council on Teaching & Technology) Panel Presentation: mark McBride, Monroe CC; Tony DeFranco, Tompkins Cortland CC; Kate Pitcher, SUNY Geneseo http://www.system.suny.edu/media/suny/content-assets/documents/faculty-senate/plenary/FACT2USFOER-Presentation.pdf Open Educational Resources task Group – o Little or no cost teaching, learning, research, sims, games, quizzes, assessment tools, syllabi, etc o assist implementation on campuses per program or institution wide o subgroups of faculty, support (instructional design/librarians), institutional readiness (quality in online programs) o Rubric, process and assessment tools – allows campuses to explore benefits from an OER implementation with a successful implementation strategy o Frame work for support to faculty to enable adoption of OER Open SUNY textbooks – o Existing infrastructure, reduce cost for students, faculty ability to experiment with new teaching/learning environment, digital publishing model (openly licensed) o Hosted at SUNY Geneseo – per review process, published as pdf (can’t currently be unpacked for customization) o Challenges to accomplish – discovery, training, LMS integration, platform for creation, editorial support, peer review process, lack of campus support (people and funding), time to redesign o Developing services to support faculty through adoption, building, and creation o Tier membership support model for different levels of support desired $10 student fee for electronic access + $10 if wants a hard copy of materials HeForShe – Charles Robbins, Stony Brook University Campaign for gender equality United Nations movement started by UN Women Reject gender binary, heteronormative default, Strives to engage all people of all genders, including men in working toward full equality eliminating the wage gap unequal access to goods and services including in education and elimination of gender based violence IMPACT 10x10x10 concept – engage key leaders in public, private and academia., heads of state and corporations, universities (Georgetown and Stony Brook) o Commitments Close gap of matriculation to graduation by gender – 50/50 at yr graduation Center for the study of mean & masculinities to build global understanding of the role for men in achieving gender equality Integrate gender equality into the academic and social experience of Stony Book University 1st year seminar lesson and orientation discussion of gender issues and importance Held meeting of all 10 impact institutions Hosted 1st SUNY wide conference posted on Stony Brook HeForShe website into Recent Activities o Men’s Rugby Team o HeForShe Arts Week o Teach In/Speak Out – integration into classes o Coalition building meeting o SUNY Listening Tour SUNY Budget Report – Eileen McLoughlin, CFO SUNY System Administration http://www.system.suny.edu/media/suny/content-assets/documents/faculty-senate/plenary/EileenMcLoughlin -UFS-5.6.16.pdf Remaining legislative session request items o Revenue items o Efficiency items o Competiveness items o Investment items Asking for Maintenance of Effort bill that would grantee not to cut going forward budget stays flat but not to cover increases Impact on programs, faculty, students of current budget, - currently discussion with pres and financial officers Most not looking at initial cuts to academic programs those with more difficulty will work with on a to basis Shared services initiative – achieve $108M goal over years Re-launched under operation excellence strategic sourcing focusing for contracts Xerox, lab supplies Campus back office sharing Minimum wage – BOT passes higher than state of NY passed yr $29 M impact to system looking to see if we should go back to what the government has passed No plan to address Workstudy cap with increasing wage resulting in a loss of hrs worked concern Chancellor Nancy Zimpher Recent conviening of the presidents, recovering for disappointing budget session, worked so hard for the outcome of the Govners address could count on legislature to bring back some things cut out of executive budget We fell short and have real disappointments in legislative Outdated public finances of 2ndary education.Lack political will In a danger spot without MOE Very difficult to separate SUNY 2020 and reality of tuition Tuition freeze was the driver Lost on the political process Still alive until publicly said to be dead Brand couldn’t be stronger, lifted national presence and across the state Regional presence is reasonably strng Regional community college councils formed by the governor Systemness – EU, Canada and honk Kong higher education found they were using the terminology Responding to commitment to be more transparent on performance Incentive program for accomplishing our commitments Fused or braided funding, resource allocation, ESSA education student success act, higher education act, creat a pipeline if you fund in two separate processes Still receiving underprepared students Eradicate need for remediation need to fund both sides since we teach those that teach in primary ed Help with implementation of public policy Answers Health Science Sector Questions The health care environment is changing rapidly and radically In the private health care industry, there is a lot of consolidation to create sustainable health care systems Given reduced state support for SUNY hospitals, including the threat of decreased DSH (Disproportionate payments, what are SUNY System Administration’s plans to aid the SUNY health science sector to develop innovative strategies to grow and become more competitive The rapid changes in the health care environment has left SUNY in a state of evolution and confusion She feels there is a lack of clarity of where we are going, mostly downstate and Brooklyn, She has been hearing that things are going well at Upstate and Stony Brook and Buffalo has a different arrangement She can say that the executive branch is trying to get a plan to address this issue in Brooklyn Don’t know any more today but executive branch is very engaged May be good news or not Trying to make sure we stay in the loop We have had a success at engaging in a process that we were initially left out of The health science sector would like to be represented in the search process and ongoing advisement of the proposed SUNY System Administration incumbent to support the academic medical centers (potentially Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs?) We believe we would provide a valuable faculty perspective across institutions of the health science sector What are your thoughts on engaging us in this process? Haven’t crystallized recruitment plan for Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Do have tentative support from the Health Science campuses for support for this position Thinking about securing a consultant to further this process She welcomes insight from faculty leaders and will make sure those in charge of moving this endeavor forward includes input from the sector faculty governance leaders Provost’s Office Report, Alex Cartwright, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor http://www.system.suny.edu/media/suny/content-assets/documents/faculty-senate/plenary/AlexCartwright-UFS-Plenary -5-6-16.pdf Minimize admin burden, excellent support Dr Jeffrey Cheek, president for Research Foundation for SUNY – new Commitment to having a Vice Chancellor for Research and economic development SUNY Excels , Diversity and Inclusion, ACSIE – access, completion, success, inquiry, engagement, Process for looking at initiatives, how we drive improvement, how to measure impact Ways to maximize funds we have Diversity Plans deadline extended to November 1st , to allow faculty input, also a May 20 meeting to explain what needs to be included in the plans Initiatives o SUNY inquires o SUNY Includes o SUNY Innovates/Crates o SUNY Impacts Asked for input of taskforce on micro credentialing Open suny 2.0 Ideas/innovations, SUNY Path predictive, analytics, transforming higher education -suny wide predictive analytics United University Professions – Jamie Dangler VP for Academics New paid family leave law – not public sector employees, allows public sector unions to bundle collective bargaining with this law Hopefully that this represents a political readiness for this in the public sector Patten policy changes – discussions with SUNY, member input, interviews with patent holders, studied patent policies, SUNY RF proposal with have to go out for public comment, will inform members so they can take this opportunity to provide additional comments UUP attorneys’ working on the language to make sure it is optimal for its members UUP not support tuition increase – clear that in election year not going to happen since futile effort no win proposal therefore not want to organize effort for this matter Pushed for MOE Not giving up on this Including funding for collective bargaining unit raises Proposal for an endowment – not successful, pressing now for the architecture been without funding now so that more likely to get funding next year Fund full time and transition part to full time positions Academic and professional positions Looking for sources for this endowment Permanent ways to fund public universities Written Committee Reports Provided http://www.system.suny.edu/facultysenate/plenary-meetings/ Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Ethics and Institutional Integrity Committee Governance Committee Graduate and Research Committee Operations Committee Programs and Awards Committee Student Life Committee Undergraduate Committee