DKA or any other condition that causes ketosis Odor of sweaty feet syndrome (isovaleric acidemia) Systemic diseases Uremia Hepatic failure Gastrointestinal obstructions Foreign body Nasal foreign body disease odors Fruity or sweet General Foreign body Sweaty feet or Rectal foreign body socks, ripe Pus cheese Systemic disease odors Fishy, ammonia Musty fish, raw liver, clover, feculent Foul, feculent General Foreign body odors Foul, putrid Pus Infectious diseases Infectious disease odors Gas gangrene Sweet, rotten apples Fetid, putrid Feculent, ripe cheese Foreign body Proteolytic bacteria Clostridium gas gangrene Foreign body Proteus odors Foul, putrid Proteolytic bacteria Vaginal discharge Infectious diseases Vaginitis, foreign body Systemic diseases Rotten apples Mousy Overripe cheese Vaginal Infectious disease odors Fishy, foul Systemic disease odors Malignancy Fetid Foreign body Foreign body odors Vaginal foreign body Foul, putrid