In children with facial nerve palsy caused by Lyme disease, there may be bilateral involvement in contrast to Bell palsy, in which weakness is always unilateral Additionally, facial nerve palsy can be the sole presenting symptom of Lyme disease Thus, even in the absence of other findings, serologic evidence for systemic Lyme infection should be sought in all children with isolated cranial nerve VII paresis in endemic areas The sensitivity of serologic testing increases with time after infection, so repeat titers are indicated in circumstances where suspicion is high but initial titers are negative An LP should be performed if there is evidence of meningoencephalitis such as severe headache or nuchal rigidity; however, the need for LP in a child at risk for Lyme disease with isolated facial nerve palsy is controversial For patients with facial nerve palsy due to Lyme disease, oral antibiotic treatment for 14 to 21 days is indicated as for other manifestations of early-disseminated Lyme disease (see Chapter 94 Infectious Disease Emergencies ) Parenteral antibiotics are reserved for those with findings of meningitis The effectiveness of steroids in such patients has not been evaluated Suggested Readings and Key References Seizures Bye A, Kok D, Ferenschild F Paroxysmal non-epileptic events in children: a retrospective study over a period of 10 years J Paediatr Child Health 2000;36(3):244–248 Committee on Quality Improvement; 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PJ Treatment of pediatric migraine in the emergency room Pediatr Neurol 2012;47:233–241 Kaar CR, Gerard JM, Nakanishi AK The use of a pediatric migraine practice guideline in an emergency department... differential diagnosis and evaluation in the emergency department Pediatr Neurol 2016;65:14–30 Garone G, Reale A, Vanacore N, et al Acute ataxia in paediatric emergency departments: a multicentre Italian... M, Kannikeswaran N, Sivaswamy L, et al Utility of neuroimaging in children presenting to a pediatric emergency department with ataxia Pediatr Emerg Care 2019;35:335–340 Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo