LONGMAN PREPARATION SERIES FOR THE NEW TOEIC® TEST Intermediate Course Pourth E d ỉtio n Lin Lougheed Sk n h a xuất b ả n T o iẼ N b íc h k h o a CONTENTS IN ÍT R O D U C T IO N Vlll XV XVlll xx To the Siudent Self-Study Guide To the Teacher Classroom Study Giiide Questions abouỉ the New TOEIC^ Test Guiòelines ỉor Preparing íọr and Takmg the New TOEĨC Test Nevv TOEIC Test Dưections New TOÊIC Tést Answcf Sheels XXI XXÌỈ L IS T E N IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N 28 35 Pabt ỉ : P h o to s Photo Strategy Practice Review Part P a b t : Q e s t io n - R e s p o n s e Staíements Who What When VVhere Why HoVd* Auxiỉianes Review Part2 39 40 44 48 $3 57 61 65 69 73 P a r t : CONVERSATIONS Occupahors Achvihes Time Locaítons ReASorii Reviốvv Part 74 75 81 88 94 100 106 P art : Ta l k s Advertỉsements Weatner News Recorded Announcements Specỉal Announcements Business Announcements Keview Part 111 L iSTENINGCOMPREHENSION REV!EW 153 112 118 124 130 137 144 150 CONTOỈTS 111 READING P a r t 5: INCOMPLETE S e n te n c e s Word Choico Nouns Word Chaice Verbâ Word Choice Ađjectives Word Choice Adverbs Word Choice Cor>junctions Word C h o ic e Prepositions VVord Form Nouns Word Porm Verbs Word Form A.d]ectives Word Form Adverbs Word Form Pronouns Review P a rts 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 P art 6; T ext C om pletio k 196 Reíerencv [Vumber Part of speech Pronoun Verb Teni»e Verbs 196 196 196 197 197 199 T h e S im p le P r e s e n t 199 TKe Present Contm uous The Present Períect The ?re&\t Períect Contmuous T K eSinìp leP ast The Past Contm uọus Tho Pasí Perfect The Simple Puture The PưtLire Períect Modal Auxiliaries 199 200 200 202 202 202 204 204 206 Review Verbs 3t\à Reíerence Mơdiíiers Ad]ectives Cotnpđrđtive and Superlative Forms Advẹrbs ’ Prequerìcy Verbal Adjechves Presenr and Paốt Participles Review M odiíiers andReíerence Rcvifc»w Pai t P art 7: R eading C omprehension Advertìscrnents Forms Lelters, E-maiì, Faxes, and Memos IV 168 CONTENTS 208 212 212 215 217 219 223 227 229 237 245 Tables, ỉndexes, and Charts Insíructions and Notices Review Part? Reading Review 2S2 259 2Ổ6 270 PRACTICE TESTS Practice Test One Practice Test Two 299 34: ANSWER SHEETS ỉ istcning Comprehensiorx Revỉew Readmg Review Practice Test One Practice Tcst Two 3S? 3Ố7 3^1 AUDIOSCRIPTS Listening Comprehension Listẹning Comprehension Review Practice Test One Pracíice TestTwo 3^4 433 43^ ANSWER KEYS AND CONVERSION CHẪRTS Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension Revievv Reading Reacỉirg Review Practice Trsi One PracticeTeĩỉlTwo Practice Tesí Conversion Table Practice TesE Estimated Conversioiì Charí 446 4Ổ1 468 472 m m 503 504 CONTENTS V PHOTO CREDITS Xádỉsor* Wesley Longman, New York page 22, page 34 (top), page 38 (top), page 302 (boltom) Australidn Embassy, VVashington D c pagc 30 (botlom), page í54 (bottom), page 303 (top), page 343 (top), page 344 (bottom), page 345 (top), page 347 (bottom) CORẸÍS cttver (right) © Darrei\ Modncker, cover (left) © Lucidio Studio, In c, page 157 (íop) © Roỵalty-Free, page 343 (bottoĩĩi) © Brooklyn Production, page 345 (bottom) Gail Mooncy, pagơ 347 (top) © AFP Educatianal ĩnâtitute o í AH&MAy Eas( Lansing, Michỉgan paị-c 304 (top), page 305 (bottom) Educst)0nâỉ Testing Service, Pnnceton, NJ pages , 153, 300,342 G eiìy ]niages cover (middle) ©Triangle Images, page 29 (bottom) PhotoLink, page 31 (top) © Graeme Harris / Stone, page 32 (top)€> Bruce Ayres / Stone, page 33 (bottom) © DíiVid Harnman*/ Stone, page 34 (bottom) © Ryan McVay / PhotoDisc page 156 (íop) Ũ Ịubhn Pưmírey / Taxi, page 158 (bottcm) ũ EyeWire Colỉechon, page 344 (top) Cliase ịarvis / PhotoDisc ínstructional Design International, In c, Washmgton, D c page 4, page 7, p3ge 10, page 13, page 16, page 19, pâge 29 (tủp), page 30 (top), page 31 (bo«om) page 32 (bottom), page 33 (top), page 35 (both), page 36 (both), page 37 (both), page Ì54 (top), page 155 (both), page 156 (bottom), page 157 (bottom), page 158 (top), page 301 (top), page 302 {tỏp), page 303 (bottom), page 304 (bottom), page 305 (top), pagc 346 (both) Inter-Amencan Development Bank, Washmg!on, D c paj;e '^01 (bottom) NASA, Washington, o c page 25, pagc 38 (bottom) VI PHOTO CREOITS TO THE STƯDENT: SELF-STUDY GUIDE E x a m in e i k e B o o k Borc you begin to síudy for the new TOEIC® íest, you shod look through this bk from the íirst page to the lasí You Will karn hơw the book IS orgaiìi2 ed and how It will help you Nơtice the headphone Symbol uscd throughouí the book This Symbol means thai :'.eed thộ apprcpriate ơudic foĩ that secticĩx Now ScLÍ-Studỵ Quiỏe compleiely Ceneĩâĩ ìnformatioỉỉ Thiằ ỉntroductĩon has iníormation about the new TOEIC (Test of Enghsh for ỉnternãtional Communication^'^) test Parts through of the test are đescrtbed, and ihe tesí đirections are given With the permission of Educdtional Testing Service (ETS) Level Whcn you take the new TOEIC test yOM may be surpnsed at how diíítcult the test JS T h e test m ea su res the p ro íicien cy k v e fe of b eg m n m g , m te rm e d ia te , and advanced students of Enghsh You wiU iiná sonie