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Tiêu đề Key Skills Assessment: Communication
Trường học The Open University
Chuyên ngành Education
Thể loại Course
Năm xuất bản 2019
Thành phố Milton Keynes
Định dạng
Số trang 79
Dung lượng 1,04 MB

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Key skills assessment: communication U072_1 Key skills assessment: communication Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication About this free course This free course provides a sample of Level study in Education www.open.ac.uk/courses/find/education-childhood-andyouth This version of the content may include video, images and interactive content that may not be optimised for your device You can experience this free course as it was originally designed on OpenLearn, the home of free learning from The Open University – http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/keyskill-assessment-communication/content-section-0 There you’ll also be able to track your progress via your activity record, which you can use to demonstrate your learning The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Copyright © 2016 The Open University Intellectual property Unless otherwise stated, this resource is released under the terms of the Creative Commons Licence v4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ncsa/4.0/deed.en_GB Within that The Open University interprets this licence in the following way: www.open.edu/openlearn/about-openlearn/frequentlyPage of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication asked-questions-on-openlearn Copyright and rights falling outside the terms of the Creative Commons Licence are retained or controlled by The Open University Please read the full text before using any of the content We believe the primary barrier to accessing high-quality educational experiences is cost, which is why we aim to publish as much free content as possible under an open licence If it proves difficult to release content under our preferred Creative Commons licence (e.g because we can’t afford or gain the clearances or find suitable alternatives), we will still release the materials for free under a personal end-user licence This is because the learning experience will always be the same high quality offering and that should always be seen as positive – even if at times the licensing is different to Creative Commons When using the content you must attribute us (The Open University) (the OU) and any identified author in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Licence The Acknowledgements section is used to list, amongst other things, third party (Proprietary), licensed content which is not subject to Creative Commons licensing Proprietary content must be used (retained) intact and in context to the content at all times The Acknowledgements section is also used to bring to your attention any other Special Restrictions which may apply to the Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication content For example there may be times when the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Sharealike licence does not apply to any of the content even if owned by us (The Open University) In these instances, unless stated otherwise, the content may be used for personal and non-commercial use We have also identified as Proprietary other material included in the content which is not subject to Creative Commons Licence These are OU logos, trading names and may extend to certain photographic and video images and sound recordings and any other material as may be brought to your attention Unauthorised use of any of the content may constitute a breach of the terms and conditions and/or intellectual property laws We reserve the right to alter, amend or bring to an end any terms and conditions provided here without notice All rights falling outside the terms of the Creative Commons licence are retained or controlled by The Open University Head of Intellectual Property, The Open University Designed and edited by The Open University 978-1-4730-1681-1 (.kdl) 978-1-4730-0913-4 (.epub) Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Contents • Introduction • Learning outcomes • Information and communication • Sources of help • Key skills assessment courses • Structure of the assessment courses • Effective communication • What you should present • Part A: Evidencing skills to develop a strategy, monitor progress and evaluate performance • 7.1 Evidence required • 7.2 Developing a strategy • 7.3 Monitoring your progress • 7.4 Evaluating your strategy and assessing your work • • Part B: Evidencing your communication skills • 8.1 Evidence required • 8.2 Extended written communication • 8.3 Synthesis of information Notes to help you complete your assessment Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication • Conclusion • Keep on learning • Acknowledgements Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Introduction This key skill focuses on the ways in which you receive and respond to information and communicate with other people in your work, study and everyday life Communication skills include speaking, listening, reading and writing for different purposes Techniques such as note taking and writing summaries are important, but so, too, are the techniques of evaluation and application, such as evaluating the relevance and quality of information Communication is part of everyone's life and improving your skills also involves you being able to integrate changes in the way you communicate into your study or work Essentially, this means you will be improving your skills while communicating what you are learning This is much more than developing your presentation skills or tackling an essay It is also about strategically planning how to communicate, applying your skills in different situations, and critically reflecting on your performance, that is being consciously aware of what you are doing and how well you are doing it This course is designed to be studied for hour per week over 50 weeks This OpenLearn course provides a sample of Level study in Education Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Learning outcomes After studying this course, you should be able to: • demonstrate a strategy for using communication skills over an extended period of time • monitor and critically reflect on these communication skills, adapting the strategy as necessary, to produce the quality of outcomes required • evaluate this overall strategy and present outcomes Page of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Information and communication This Key Skills Assessment Course offers an opportunity for you to select and prepare work that demonstrates your key skills in the area of communication This course provides you with advice and information on how to go about presenting your key skills work as a portfolio In presenting work that demonstrates your key skills you are taking the initiative to show that you can develop and improve a particular set of skills, and are able to use your skills more generally in your studies or at work Skills development is all about taking responsibility for extending and improving your learning and performance in a wide range of contexts We hope, therefore, that you will see this guide as a way of supporting your learning and skills development while you are studying, working and in your other activities However you view it, we hope that they will help make skills development something you value personally Page 10 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication w t yo u sa y in wa ys th at sui t yo ur pu rp os e, su bj ect an d au di en ce • inte grat e verb al and visu al ele men ts to crea te a who le; Page 65 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication • pace the use of ima ges/ visu al aids to allo w the audi ence time to vie w the m; • und erst and and give an enth usia stic pres enta tion; • dra w com pari sons and give exa Page 66 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication mpl es to mai ntai n inter est Use ima ges to help the audi ence to foll ow and und erst and the pres enta tion: • ensu re you can use any equi pme nt nee ded; • use ima ges that are Page 67 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication clea r and mak e sens e; • stru ctur e your wor k with a begi nnin g, mid dle and end Va ry us e of vo ca bu lar y an d gr a m m ati cal ex pr es Mak e cont act with the audi ence Page 68 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication sio n to co nv ey pa rti cu lar eff ect s; en ab le fin e dis tin cti on s to be m ad e; ac hi ev e e m ph asi s an d en ga ge th e au Page 69 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication di en ce Ens ure pres enta tion can be hear d clea rly Pac e the pres enta tion, mak ing use of cues to iden tify begi nnin g, mid dle and end Wor k with in allot ted time Use Page 70 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication appr opri ate lang uag e, incl udin g spec ialis t term s Sho w sens itivi ty to othe rs As se ss th e eff ect iv en es s of yo ur str ate gy, in cl ud in g fa Ass ess the qual ity of your com mun icati on wor k by mak ing nect ions bet wee n crite ria, Page 71 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication ct or s th at d an im pa ct on th e ou tc o m es, an d id en tif y wa ys of fur th er de ve lo p yo ur co m m un ica tio n ski feed bac k, com men ts, and your own judg eme nt of your perf orm ance Page 72 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication lls Iden tify thos e fact ors that affe cted the prod ucti on and pres enta tion of your wor k Rela te goal s for imp rove men t to prog ress so far and to poss ibili ties for futu re dev elop Page 73 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication men t Page 74 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Notes to help you complete your assessment To complete your assessment portfolio, include a contents page to show what evidence you have included for each part An example of a suitable format for the contents page is shown in Figure above Click here to view Figure (PDF, page, 0.1MB) Although the requirements of Parts A and B are listed separately you should think of them as parts of a whole in which each part relates to the others Parts A and B together must show that you can plan strategically to improve your learning and performance, monitor your progress and evaluate your overall strategy as you produce a piece of work The work you present should meet the criteria given in Table As you work on this assessment course, use the criteria to help you keep track of your progress and to check that it meets the required standard Your evidence and commentary should be sufficient to allow an assessor to verify your achievements Page 75 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Conclusion This free course provided an introduction to studying education It took you through a series of exercises designed to develop your approach to study and learning at a distance and helped to improve your confidence as an independent learner Page 76 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Keep on learning Study another free course There are more than 800 courses on OpenLearn for you to choose from on a range of subjects Find out more about all our free courses Take your studies further Find out more about studying with The Open University by visiting our online prospectus If you are new to university study, you may be interested in our Access Courses or Certificates What’s new from OpenLearn? Sign up to our newsletter or view a sample Page 77 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication For reference, full URLs to pages listed above: OpenLearn – www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses Visiting our online prospectus – www.open.ac.uk/courses Access Courses – www.open.ac.uk/courses/do-it/access Certificates – www.open.ac.uk/courses/certificates-he Newsletter – www.open.edu/openlearn/aboutopenlearn/subscribe-the-openlearn-newsletter Page 78 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019 Key skills assessment: communication Acknowledgements The content acknowledged below is Proprietary (see terms and conditions) This content is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence Course image: tom.arthur in Flickr made available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence Adapted from pixelfrenzy: www.flickr.com/photos/pixelfrenzy/374498454/ [Details correct as of 10th July 2007] All other materials included in this course are derived from content originated at the Open University Don't miss out: If reading this text has inspired you to learn more, you may be interested in joining the millions of people who discover our free learning resources and qualifications by visiting The Open University - www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses Page 79 of 79 https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/key-skill-assessmentcommunication/content-section-0 8th July 2019

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 00:02


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