2020-2021 PSU-AAUP At-a-Glance PSU-AAUP represents instructional and research faculty, and academic professionals employed by Portland State University at 0.5 FTE and above We are the largest bargaining unit at Portland State University BARGAINING UNIT STATISITCS Total bargaining unit population: 1,216 Total membership rate: 86% 83 Tenured & Tenure Track Faculty 270 524 Total number of departments in bargaining unit: 171 Academic Professionals Non-Tenure Track Instructors Non-Tenure Track Researchers 339 Year Chapter formed: 1978 Affiliated with: AAUP National, AAUP-Collective Bargaining Congress, AAUP-Oregon, Oregon PERS Coalition, Together4PSU Staff: Phil Lesch, Executive Director (503) 343-6082, phil@psuaaup.net Internal Organizer, position vacant Heather Nahmias, Administrative Coordinator (503) 725-4414, heather@psuaaup.net Telephone: (503) 725-4414 Fax: (503) 725-8124 Email: aaup@psuaaup.net http://www.psuaaup.net 2020-2022 Executive Council Officers Jennifer Kerns President History (503) 725-3006 jkernspsuaaup@gmail.com Courtney Bailey Vice President for Membership & Organizing Advising & Career Services (ACS) (503) 725-4964 cbaileyaaup@gmail.com Vacant Vice President for Legislative & Political Action David Hansen Treasurer School of Business Administration (SBA) (503) 725-5213 / (503) 818-5774 pager hansend@zoho.com Theresa McCormick Vice President for Collective Bargaining Chemistry (503) 725-2332 theresa.aaup@gmail.com Aaron Roussell Vice President for Grievances & Academic Freedom Sociology roussellaaron@gmail.com Emily Ford Acting Vice President for Communications & Public Relations (Ellie Harmon on leave until Sept ’21) Library (503) 725-3689 emilyfpsuaaup@gmail.com Veronica Hotton Secretary University Studies (UNST) (503) 725-8430 horstmegana@gmail.com 2020-2022 Executive Council Members Kareem Anderson Councilor University Financial Services (UFS) (503) 725-9961 tallmankaa@gmail.com Tina Burdsall Councilor Sociology (503) 725-3927 tinaburdsall@gmail.com Kellie Gallagher Councilor Intensive English Language Program (IELP) (503) 725-2466 kelliegaaup@gmail.com Evguenia Davidova Councilor International & Global Studies (INTL) (503) 725-8992 edavidova@hotmail.com Erica Geller Councilor Student Conduct/Dean of Student Life (DOSL) (503) 725-5341 emgeller@icloud.com Emily Melgoza Councilor Student Activities & Leadership Programs (SALP) (503) 725-5654 emily.ann.melgoza@gmail.com / emelgoza@pdx.edu José Padín Immediate Past President Sociology (503) 725-8504 Jose.aaup@gmail.com Unit Representative Directory NAME DEPARTMENT EMAIL Lindsay Murphy Academic Innovation, Office of lrm6@pdx.edu Luke Reyes White Admissions lukehwhite@gmail.com Crystal Tenty Admissions ctenty@pdx.edu Shelby Anderson Anthropology shelbya88@gmail.com Aaron Whelton Architecture awhelton@pdx.edu Erik Geschke Art & Design egeschke@pdx.edu Thomas Hancock Biology thancock@pdx.edu Erin Shortlidge Biology eshortlidge@pdx.edu Pedro Ferbel-Azcarate Black Studies pedro@pdx.edu Becky Einolf Business (SBA) APs beckyepdx@gmail.com Michael Dimond Business (SBA) Faculty mcdimond@pdx.edu Piman Limpaphayom Business (SBA) Faculty piman@pdx.edu Kristi Yuthas Business (SBA) Faculty yuthask@pdx.edu Peter Kramer Campus Recreation pkramer@pdx.edu Telephone: (503) 725-4414 Fax: (503) 725-8124 Email: aaup@psuaaup.net http://www.psuaaup.net NAME DEPARTMENT EMAIL Mauryn Q Sehrer Center for Improvement of Child & Family Services mauryn.aaup@gmail.com Theresa McCormick Chemistry theresa.aaup@gmail.com Bernd Ferner COE – Curriculum & Instruction fernerb@pdx.edu Dot McElhone COE – Curriculum & Instruction mcelhone@me.com Yasin Tunc COE – Curriculum & Instruction tunc2@pdx.edu Kimberlee Douglas COE – Counselor Education hattigk@pdx.edu Sonia Thomas COE – Oregon Center for Career Development soniat@pdx.edu Tracy Williams-Murphy COE – ROSS, Dean’s, Marketing, Prof Ed twill2@pdx.edu Tanner Cooke Communications tcooke@pdx.edu Amanda Byron Conflict Resolution aabyron@gmail.com Kathryn Wuschke Criminology & Criminal Justice katie.wuschke@gmail.com John Hall Economics hallj@pdx.edu Ellie Harmon Engineering & Computer Science harmon8@pdx.edu Karen Kennedy Engineering APs klkenned@pdx.edu Evan Kristof Engineering, Civil & Environmental ekristof@pdx.edu Melinda Holtzman Engineering, Electrical & Computer holtzman@pdx.edu Lemmy Meekisho Engineering, Mechanical lemmy@pdx.edu Hormoz Zareh Engineering, Mechanical hormoz@pdx.edu Bishupal Limbu English limbu@pdx.edu Susan Reese English reesesusan@msn.com Patrick Edwards Environmental Science (ESR, ESM, SCC) padrick.edwards@pdx.edu Jeff Gerwing Environmental Science (ESR, ESM, SCC) jgerwing@pdx.edu NAME DEPARTMENT EMAIL Aaron Raz Link EXITO alink@pdx.edu Kristin Hole Film hole@pdx.edu Kent Sybrant Financial Aid sybie602@gmail.com Kareem Anderson Financial Services kareem@pdx.edu Alida Cantor Geography acantor@pdx.edu Alexander Ruzicka Geology ruzickaa@pdx.edu Joseph Bohling History jbohling@pdx.edu Jennifer Kerns History jkernspsuaaup@gmail.com Kellie Gallagher Intensive English Language Program kelliegaaup@gmail.com Evguenia Davidova International and Global Studies evguenia@pdx.edu Priya Kapoor International and Global Studies kappriya@gmail.com Jonna Lynn Bransford International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) jonnalynn@gmail.com Christine Igarta International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) csigarta@hotmail.com Loren Spielman Judaic Studies lospielman@gmail.com Emily Ford Library forder@pdx.edu Rick Mikulski Library richard.m.mikulski@gmail.com Rachel Webb Math rachellwebb@aol.com Leia Young Math lny@pdx.edu Karin Magaldi Music & Theater magaldk@pdx.edu Sarah Giles National Policy Consensus Center sarahgiles@pdx.edu Telephone: (503) 725-4414 Fax: (503) 725-8124 Email: aaup@psuaaup.net http://www.psuaaup.net NAME DEPARTMENT EMAIL Brian Elliott Philosophy brian.elliott@pdx.edu Andrew Rice Physics arice@pdx.edu David Kinsella Political Science kinsella@pdx.edu Jason Newsom Psychology newsomj@pdx.edu Jack Corbett Public Administration corbettj@pdx.edu Richard Dozal-Lockwood Public Health, School of lockwoodaaup@gmail.com Julia Goodman Public Health, School of julia.goodman@pdx.edu Holly Hein Regional Research Institute (RRI) heinh@pdx.edu Mark Peaslee RGS/SPA (Research & Grad Studies; Sponsored Projects Admin mpeaslee@pdx.edu Ted Donlan School of Social Work tedoregon@gmail.com Sam Gioia School of Social Work gioia@pdx.edu Carolyn Quam Speech & Hearing Science cquam@pdx.edu Melia Tichenor SALP - AP Coordinators tichenor@pdx.edu Marcos Villanueva SALP - Advisors mvillan2@pdx.edu Jennifer Dahlin Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) jdahlin@pdx.edu Noelle Savatta Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) nsavatta@pdx.edu Erica Geller Student Conduct/Dean of Student Life emgeller@icloud.com Ahmed El Mansouri Student Support Services – SSS & DMSS elman@pdx.edu Rosalyn Taylor Student Support Services – SSS & DMSS taylorr778@gmail.com Alyssa Plesser University Advising Resource Center (ACS) plesser@pdx.edu Abby Schmidt University Advising Resource Center (ACS) abig6@pdx.edu Courtney Bailey University Career Center cbaileyaaup@gmail.com Sarah Dougher University Studies sed@pdx.edu NAME DEPARTMENT EMAIL Lydia Fisher University Studies lydiaindira@gmail.com Veronica Hotton University Studies psuaaup.veronica@gmail.com Marlene Howell Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies mhowell@pdx.edu Yasmeen Hanoosh World Languages & Literature yhanoosh@pdx.edu Stephanie Roulon World Languages & Literature sroulon@pdx.edu Angela Zagarella World Languages & Literature zagarea@pdx.edu If you wish to contact your unit representative but not see your department or unit listed, contact VP of Membership & Organizing, Courtney Bailey (cbaileyaaup@gmail.com) Telephone: (503) 725-4414 Fax: (503) 725-8124 Email: aaup@psuaaup.net http://www.psuaaup.net