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Søknaden er godkjent av stedfortredende instituttleder Jon SØKNADSSKJEMA FOR STATUS SOM FORSKERSKOLE VED UMB SIDE AV 15 Landvik, IPM-UMB Søknadsskjema1 for status som forskerskole ved UMB Biogeochemistry in a Changing Environment ORGANISASJON Navn på faglig leder2 Vertsinstitutt Partnerinstitutt(e r) Jan Mulder IPM-UMB INA-UMB, Geo-UiO, Bio-UiO, Kjemi-UiO, NIVA, Bioforsk, Skog & landskap Vitenskapelig ansatte3 ved UMB som skal inngå i forskerskolen Navn Tittel Institutt Jan Mulder Professor IPM-UMB Lars Bakken Professor IPM-UMB Arne Stuanes Professor IPM-UMB Tore Krogstad Professor IPM-UMB Bal Ram Singh Professor IPM-UMB Line Tau Strand F amanuensis IPM-UMB Trine Sogn Professor IPM-UMB Lars Egil Haugen F amanuensis IPM-UMB Marina, Azarroli Bleken F.amanuensis IPM-UMB Gunnhild Riise Professor IPM-UMB Mikael Ohlson Professor INA-UMB Knut Asbjørn Solhaug F amanuensis INA-UMB Yngvar Gauslaa Professor INA-UMB Erik Næsset Professor INA-UMB Forskere utenfor UMB som skal inngå i forskerskolen Navn Tittel Richard F Wright Senior forsker Heleen de Wit Forsker Daniel Rasse Senior forsker Institusjon/bedrift NIVA NIVA Bioforsk Søknadsskjemaet er ment som et utgangspunkt for søknaden og kan tilpasses etter behov Faglig leder må være fast ansatt ved UMB i professor eller førsteamanuensis stilling Med vitenskapelig ansatte menes alle i fagmiljøet som har fullført doktorgrad, også midlertidige ansatte Erik Joner Holger Lange Per Aagaard Gijs Breedveld Dag Hessen Rolf D Vogt Senior forsker Senior forsker Professor F amanuensis Professor Professor Bioforsk Skog & Landskap Geo, UiO Geo, UiO / NGI Bio, UiO Miljøkjemi, UiO Hvor mange stipendiater inngår i forskningsmiljøet4 nå? Stipendiat Institusjon Veileder Mulder Mulder Mulder Mulder Forve ntet dispu tas Kari Austnes Hilary Mobbs Vegard Martinsen Yang Yongsen (tilsettes i 2007) Pål Tore Mørktvedt Manju Chaudhary Ambachev D Wele Bharat Shrestha Sigrun Kværnøy Trond Bakke IPM IPM IPM IPM Jan Jan Jan Jan 08.08 05.07 10.10 01.11 IPM (IFE) IPM IPM IPM IPM (Bioforsk) IPM 11.06 01.10 07.08 05.07 11.07 08.08 Ståle Haaland Thomas Hartnik NN (bevilget og vil bli tilsatt IPM IPM (Bioforsk) IPM Lars Bakken Balram Singh Balram Singh Balram Singh Lars Egil Haugen Marina Azarroli Bleken/LarsBakken Gunnhild Riise Gunnhild Riise Gunnhild Riise INA INA INA INA Mikael Mikael Mikael Mikael 09.07 03.07 10.07 01.11 INA INA Yngvar Gauslaa Yngvar Gauslaa 03.10 01.11 Espen Ek Yu Jia Julian Declercq Pengxin Zhang Mohammed Bagher Farmani Anne Merete Sjøeng UiO-Geo UiO-Geo UiO-Geo UiO-Geo UiO-Geo (Bioforsk) UiO-Bio (NIVA) Per Per Per Per Per 12.07 10.06 12.09 06.08 09.08 Heidi Mestl Zhao Daisheng UiO-Miljøkjemi UiO-Miljøkjemi 12.07 10.07 12.10 i 2006) Marit Helene Lie Knut Anders Hovstad Lisbet Bach NN (bevilget og vil bli tilsatt Ohlson Ohlson Ohlson Ohlson i 2007) Johan Asplund NN (bevilget og vil bli tilsatt i 2007) Aagaard Aagaard Aagaard Aagaard Aagaard Dag Hessen / Richard F Wright Rolf Vogt Rolf Vogt 01.08 01.07 05.08 Hvor mange stipendiater har disputert fra forskningsmiljøetError: Reference source not found de siste år? (sett X) Under Mellom og 10 Mellom 10 og 20 Med forskningsmiljø menes ansatte og studenter, faste og midlertidige, som naturlig hører med til fagmiljøet rundt de forskerne (både UMB ansatte og eksterne forskere) som inngår i forskerskolen Over 20 X FAGLIG PROFIL Gi en kort beskrivelse av forskningsmiljøets faglige profil Biogeochemistry, which studies the integrated biological, physical and geochemical regulation of ecological structures and functions, is of crucial importance for the assessment of the impacts of local and global changes on land and water and of feedbacks to the atmosphere Examples of environmental changes that receive considerable attention include climate change, long range transport of nitrogen, large scale changes in land-use and local as well as global pollution The research group responsible for the current proposal has its major focus on carbon, nitrogen and other nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems – from photosynthesis and carbon fixation, to storage and turnover of carbon and nutrients in soils and their transfer to atmosphere and surface waters The research school builds on close collaboration between plant physiologists (with expertise in photosynthesis and carbon gain), soil scientists, and experts in ground water and surface water These links are of strategic importance, for example because of the interdependence of the plant microbe - soil system with respect to carbon cycling Another example of this is nitrogen cycling in intimately linked plant - soil - ground water surface water systems It should be emphasized that the research school combines process understanding with a spatial multi scale approach – for example, with respect to carbon from chlorophyll pigments and carbon fixation to the landscape scale as monitored by remote sensing techniques Research involves long-term monitoring, site inventories, experimental system manipulation in the lab and in the field, as well as advanced data analysis and modelling The individual groups in the research school have access to a large range of well-established and emerging technologies Members of the research school are all highly productive and internationally well-respected in their respective disciplines (see list of selected publications below) I hvilken grad vil forskerskolen gi merverdi i forhold til eksisterende PhD utdanning på området? Assessment of the impact of environmental changes on ecosystems requires in-depth understanding of the dominant biogeochemical processes at different scales in space and time Biogeochemistry builds to a large extent on research approaches and methodologies developed by different research disciplines, including biological- and geo-sciences, atmospheric sciences, agricultural sciences, environmental chemistry and mathematics A major hindrance for further development of the field is a lack of integration across disciplines and institutes Therefore, establishing a research school in Biogeochemistry is highly needed and it will serve four main purposes: It will create a platform for scientific exchange and discussion among staff and students from the participating research groups It will facilitate the development of more integrated approaches in the PhD training programs It will strengthen the research in Biogeochemistry in general and increase our visibility and attractiveness as a partner in international research and training programs It will facilitate interactions between students and “market” (e.g authorities, industry) The individual research groups involved in this proposal are small and by themselves they have too little resources to present the full width of biogeochemistry in their often disciplinary oriented training programs Several of the groups responsible for the current proposal have been involved in past and ongoing bilateral or multilateral research projects, often including PhD students Many of the groups were also actively involved in the development of proposals for a Centre of Excellence (CoE) and a Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) on Biogeochemistry Both proposals were reviewed favourably, however, without being funded SAMARBEID Gi en kort beskrivelse av planer for samarbeid5     Innad på UMB Med andre FoU institusjoner i Norge Med FoU institusjoner i utlandet Med forvaltning/næringsliv In the short run, and within the framework of the current proposal, our main aim is to bring together staff and students from the different disciplines central to biogeochemistry So far, a Norwegian research school in biogeochemistry, focusing on effects of environmental changes, is lacking Within the framework of the current call, our plans for collaboration are as follows: To bring together staff and students of the participating groups, both from the UMB and external, to create a full overview of all graduate-level courses available To reorganize graduate courses in the participating research group’s portfolio, through re-focusing and integration To organize three thematic meetings per year with staff and students, including one 2-day meeting per year with invited international experts and representatives from industry, policy and management The long term ambition of the research school “Biogeochemistry in a Changing Environment”, also involves the development of new integrated PhD training courses on selected topics For these courses, we envision the active collaboration of our own staff with internationally leading scientists The courses will take to weeks full days, they are open for all and in principle they will be taught only once Each year new topics will Det er ikke et krav at det skal være samarbeid med alle disse grupperingene Det er et krav at det må være samarbeid med minst en annen gruppering (enten intern eller ekstern), og det er ønskelig at forskerskolen er et reelt nettverk med både eksterne og interne grupperinger representert Planer for samarbeid vil bli lagt til grunn for prioritering av søknadene (se Kriterier for forskerskoler ved UMB) be selected by the steering group The realization of this depends on additional funding (e.g from the Norwegian Research Council and the EU’s Marie Curie Research Training Networks) The research school integrates research at IPM (biogeochemical processes in soils and water, catchment processes, nutrient cycling, trace gas emissions and ecosystem modelling), and INA (photosynthesis, ecophysiology, forest ecology, estimation of carbon stocks at landscape level using remote sensing) In this sense the school represents a major step forward, building upon past and current collaborative research programs between the two departments In addition, external research groups are integrated in the school in order to widen our base of expertise These groups are from the University of Oslo (Geosciences – biogeochemical processes ground water; Biological sciences – biogeochemical processes in surface water, ecological stoichiometry; Environmental Chemistry – Dissolved organic carbon in surface water), NIVA (catchment processes, long-term monitoring, time series analysis and ecosystem modelling), Bioforsk (soil biology, modelling of carbon balances), Skog & landskap (time series analysis, statistics, ecosystem modelling, environmental monitoring, remote sensing) Apart from permanent staff, many of the research groups involved have one or more post-doctoral researchers, which are an asset for the research school International research groups will be included as associated members to widen our perspective both with respect to methodology, type of ecosystems, variations of the main drivers of global change and applications Extensive research collaboration exists with several international groups, of which many previously have indicated their interest in participating in the proposed CoE and CAS on Biogeochemistry Within the current limited call there is no room for extensive international activity in the school However, in the long run internationalization is a major objective of the school and we will actively apply for additional funding to cover also this part (e.g through the EU’s Marie Curie Research Training Networks) An important aim of the research school is to facilitate discussions about industrial applications and policy implications of biogeochemical research with responsible authorities (e.g SFT and Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning) BUDSJETT Utgiftspost Støtte til organisering Felles dag for PhD studenter med presentasjoner Internasjonale foredragsholdere Beløp 50.000 25.000 25.000 Søknadssum 100.000 PLANER FOR FORSKERSKOLEN The department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, (IPM-UMB), acts as host institution of the research school Leader of the school is prof Jan Mulder The school is organized as a network with partners from the Institute of Nature Management (INA-UMB), the University of Oslo (Departments of Geosciences, Biology and Chemistry) and three national research institutes (NIVA, Bioforsk, Skog & landskap) The school will have a steering group, in which all partner institutions will be represented At present the school has more than 25 PhD students, about 2/3 from UMB Of the PhD students slightly less than 40% are women and nearly 50% are recruited from abroad During the last years more than 30 PhD candidates finished their degree New PhD students will be recruited using direct funding from projects, and PhD fellowships made available by the universities and the kunnskapsdepartementet In addition, we will apply for PhD fellowships through EU programs and the national quota program (Statens Lånekasse) In the short run, and with the budget made available in the present call, the steering group will develop a common platform for discussion and social activities In addition, we will improve the links and the integration of the graduate courses, which currently are in the research school’s portfolio Apart from two seminars per year at UMB and the other partner institutions, the school will be responsible for organizing one 2-day symposium each year with one or two invited speakers (research, policy, private industry) and presentations by staff and PhD students Setting up new PhD courses reflecting recent developments in the field will be done in cooperation with international experts Realization of this depends primarily on additional funding that is required to cover the costs involved Key Publications Research School “Biogeochemistry in a Changing Environment” Mulder, J., de Wit, H.A., Boonen, H.W.J., and Bakken, L.R., 2001 Increased levels of aluminium in forest soils: Effects on the stores of soil organic carbon Water, Air, Soil Pollut 130, 989-994 De Wit, H.A., Mulder, J., Hygaard, P.H., and Aamlid, D., 2001 Testing the aluminium toxicity hypothesis: A field manipulation experiment in mature spruce forest in Norway Water, Air, Soil Pollut 130, 995-1000 Michalzik, B., Tipping, E., Mulder, J., Gallardo, J.F., Matzner, E., Bryant, C., Clarke, N., Lofts, S and Ampero, M., 2003 Modelling the production and transport of dissolved organic carbon in forest soils Biogeochemistry 66, 241-264 Almås, Å., Bakken, L.R and Mulder, J., 2004 Changes in tolerance of soil microbial communities in Zn and Cd contaminated soils Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36, 805813 Tipping, E., Fröberg, M., Berggren, D., Mulder, J & Bergkvist, B 2005 DOC leaching from a coniferous forest floor – modelling a manipulation experiment J Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168, 316-324 Mulder, J., Chen, X., Zhao, D & Xiang, R., 2005 Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems, dominated by Masson pine: Nitrogen fluxes and budgets at the plot and catchment scale In: 3rd International Nitrogen Conference, Contributed Papers, October 12-16, 2004, Nanjing China (Zhu, Z, Minami, K & Xing, G., eds.) p 637643 Science Press USA Inc Monmouth Jct, NJ 08852, USA Fröberg, M., Berggren, D., Bergkvist, B., Tipping, E & Mulder, J 2005 Dissolved organic carbon leaching from a coniferous forest floor – a field manipulation experiment Biogeochemistry 75, 271-287 Yagasaki, Y., Mulder, J & Okazaki, M 2006 Comparing the activity of aluminum in two B horizons developed from volcanic ash deposits in Japan, dominated by short-range ordered aluminosilicates and crystalline clay minerals, respectively Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 147-163 Fröberg, M., Berggren, D., Bergkvist, B, Bryant, C and Mulder, J., 2006 Concentration and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in three Norway spruces stands along a climatic gradient in Sweden Biogeochemistry 77, 1-23 Rasse, D.P., Mulder, J., Moni, C & Chenu, C Carbon turnover kinetics with depth in a French loamy soil Soil Science Society of America Journal (in press) Smelhus Sjøeng, A.M., Kaste, Ø., Tørseth, K & Mulder, J N leaching from small upland headwater catchments in southwestern Norway Water, Air and Soil Pollution (in press) Chen, X.Y & Mulder, J Indicators for nitrogen status and leaching in subtropical forest ecosystems, south China Biogeochemistry (in press) Holtan-Hartwig L, Dörsch P, Bakken LR (2000) Comparison of denitrifying communities in organic soils: kinetics of NO3- and N2O reduction Soil Biol Biochem 32: 833-843 Aakra Å, Hesselsøe M, Bakken LR (2000) Surface attachment of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in soil Microbial Ecology 39:222-235 Smith K, Dobbie KE, Ball BC, Bakken LR, et al (2000) Oxidation of atmospheric methane in northern European soils, comparison with other ecosystems, and uncertainties in the global terrestrial sink Global Change Biology 6:791-803 Korsaeth A, Molstad L, Bakken LR (2001) Modelling the competition for nitrogen between plants and microflora as a function of soil heterogeneity Soil Biol Biochem 33:215-226 Holtan-Hartwig L, Dörsch P, Bakken LR (2002) Low temperature control of soil denitrifying communities Soil Biol Biochem 34:1797-1806 Almås, Å.R., J.Mulder, and L.R.Bakken (2005) The trace metal exposure of soil bacteria depends on their position in the soil matrix Environ Sci & Technol (In Press) Abrahamsen, G., Stuanes, A.O & Tveite B (Eds.) 1994 Long-term experiments with acid rain in Norwegian forest ecosystems Ecological Studies 104, Springer-Verlag New York 342pp Stuanes, A.O., & O.J Kjønaas 1998 Soil solution chemistry during four years of NH 4NO3 addition to a forested catchment at Gårdsjön, Sweden Forest Ecology and Management 101: 215-226 Sogn, T A., Stuanes, A.O & Abrahamsen, G 1999 The capacity of forest soil to absorb anthropogenic N Ambio 28: 346-349 Strand, L T., Abrahamsen, G & Stuanes, A.O 2002 Leaching from organic matter-rich soils by rain of different qualities: I Concentrations Journal of Environmental Qualality 31: 547-556 Vestgarden, L S., Selle, L T & Stuanes, A.O 2003 In situ soil nitrogen mineralisation in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand: effects of increased nitrogen input Forest Ecology and Management 176: 205-216 Mörth, C.-M., Torssander, P., Kjønaas, O J., Stuanes, A.O., Moldan, F & Giesler, R 2005 Mineralization of organic sulfur delays recovery from anthropogenic acidification Environmental Science & Technology 39: 5234-5240 Moldan, F., Kjønaas, O.J., Stuanes, A.O & Wright, R.F Increased nitrogen in runoff and soil following thirteen years of experimentally-increased nitrogen deposition to a coniferousforested catchment at Gårdsjön, Sweden Environmental Pollution (in press) Krogstad, T., Sogn, T., Asdal, Å & Sæbø, A 2005 Influence of the sewage sludge purification process on plant available phosphorus in soil Ecological engineering 25: 51-60 Øgaard, A.F & Krogstad, T 2005 Release of interlayer potassium in Norwegian grassland soils J Plant Nutrition and Soil Sci 168: 80-88 Singh, B.R., Krogstad, T., Shivay, Y.S., Shivakumar, B.G and Bakkegard, M (2005) Phosphorus fractionation and sorption in P-enriched soils of Norway Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 73: 245-256 Vadas, P A., Krogstad, T & Sharpley, A N (2006) Modeling phosphorus transfer between labile and nonlabile soil pools: Updating the EPIC model Soil Sci Soc Am J 70 (3):736743 Adam, K., Søvik, A.K & Krogstad, T (2006) Sorption of phosphorus to Filtralite-PTM - The effect of different scales Water Research 40: 1143-1154 Kabala C and Singh, BR 2001 Fractionation and mobility of copper, lead and zinc in soil profiles in the vicinity of a copper smelter J Environ Qual 30:485:492 Singh BR, Krogstad T, Shivay YS, Shivakumar BG, Bakkegard M, 2005 Phosphorus fractionation and sorption in P-enriched soils of Norway Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 73, 245-256 Vaje PI, Singh BR, Lal R, 2005 Soil erosion and nutrient losses from a volcanic ash soil in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26, 95-117 Awasthi KD, Sitaula BK, Singh BR, Bajracharya RM 2005 Fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide from soil under forest, grazing land, irrigated rice and rainfed field crops in a watershed of Nepal Biology and Fertility of Soils 41, 163-172 Yang.Z , Singh BR, Hansen S., Hu, Z and Riley, H 2006 Aggregate associated sulphur fractions in long-term (>80 years) fertilized soils Soil Sci.Soc Am J (in press) Callesen,I., Liski,J., Raulund-Rassmussen,K., Olsson,M., Strand,L.T., Vesterdal,L., Westman,C.J., 2003 Soil carbon stores in Nordic well-drained forest soils - relationships with climate and texture class Global Change Biology 9, 358-371 Holmström,S.J.M., Riise,G., Strand,L.T., Geibe,C., van Hees,P., Wu,Q., Lundstrom,U., 2003 Effects of lime and ash on DOC fractions and Low molecular weight organic acids in soil solution of acidified podzolic soils Water Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 3, 97-120 Strand , L T., Abrahamsen,G., Stuanes,A.O., 2005 Lysimeter study on the effects of different rain qualities on element fluxes from shallow mountain soils in southern norway Water Air and Soil Pollution 165, 379-402 Eich-Greatorex, S and Strand, L T 2006 Soil chemistry in the vicinity of pores with and without roots Soil Sci Soc Am J 70:778-785 Callesen, I., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Westman, C-J., and Strand L.T Nitrogen pools and Carbon:Nitrogen ratios in well-drained Nordic forest soils related to climate and soil texture, Boreal Environment Research (in press) Sogn, T.A., Stuanes, A.O & Abrahamsen, G 1999 The capacity of forest soil to absorb anthropogenic N AMBIO 28, 346-349 Johnson, D.W., Sogn, T.A and Kvindesland, S 2000 The Nutrient Cycling Model (NuCM): Lessons learned Forest Ecology and Management 138, 91-106 Almaas, Å R., Lombnæs, P., Sogn, T.A and Mulder, J 2005 Prediction of Cd and Zn chemical species in contaminated soils using WHAM Model/ VI and DGT, and their uptake by Spinach and Ryegrass Chemosphere 62, 1647-1655 Vatn, A., Bakken, L., Bleken, M., Baadshaug, O.H., Fykse, H., Haugen, L.E., Lundekvam, H., Morken, J., Romstad, E., Rørstad, P.K., Skjelvåg, A.O and Sogn, T 2006 A methodology of integrated economic and environmental analysis of pollution from agriculture Agricultural Systems 88, 270-293 Sogn, T.A., Govasmark, E., Eich- Greatorex, S., and MacLeod, J A 2006 Low plant availability of the selenium in selenium rich seafood processing waste Acta Agric Scand (in press) Schurgers G, Dorsch P, Bakken L, Leffelaar P, Haugen LE, 2006 Modelling soil anaerobiosis from water retention characteristics and soil respiration Soil Biology and Biochemistry38, 2637-2644 Hoj L, Rusten M, Haugen LE, Olsen RA, Torsvik VL, 2006 Effects of water regime on archaeal community composition in Arctic soils Environmental Microbiology 8, 984-996 Vatn, A., Bakken, L., Bleken, M., Baadshaug, O.H., Fykse, H., Haugen, L.E., Lundekvam, H., Morken, J., Romstad, E., Rørstad, P.K., Skjelvåg, A.O and Sogn, T 2006 A methodology of integrated economic and environmental analysis of pollution from agriculture Agricultural Systems 88, 270-293 Abu Hammad AH, Borresen T, Haugen LE 2006 Effects of rain characteristics and terracing on runoff and erosion under the Mediterranean Soil & Tillage Research 87, 39-47 Riise G, Lundekvam H, Wu QL, Haugen LE, Mulder J 2004 Loss of pesticides from agricultural fields in SE Norway - runoff through surface and drainage water Environmental Geochemistry and Health 26, 269-276 Marina Azarroli Bleken Wu QL, Riise G, Pflugmacher S, Greulich K, Steinberg CEW 2006 Combined effects of the fungicide propiconazole and agricultural runoff sediments on the aquatic bryophyte Vesicularia dubyana Environmetal Toxicology and Chemistry 24, 2285-2290 Riise G, Lundekvam H, Wu QL, Haugen LE, Mulder J 2004 Loss of pesticides from agricultural fields in SE Norway - runoff through surface and drainage water Environmental Geochemistry and Health 26, 269-276 Wu Q, Riise G, Lundekvam H, Mulder J, Haugen LE 2004 Influences of suspended particles on the runoff of pesticides from an agricultural field at Askim, SE-Norway Environmental Geochemistry and Health 26, 295-302 Hongve D, Riise G, Kristiansen JF 2004 Increased colour and organic acid concentrations in Norwegian forest lakes and drinking water - a result of increased precipitation? 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