Jordon and Cody Wright: Jordon and Cody Wright are the two black sheep of the Wright family They recently fled from Wright Town, and are described on pages 96 and 97 Other Members of the Wright Family: Jed Wright has four surviving siblings, all of whom have children This means there are over a dozen Wrights in the generation currently entering adulthood These other Wrights might be player characters, or they could serve the plot in other ways, such as potential love interests Wright Family Member CR XP 600 Human aristocrat LN Medium humanoid (human) Init +0; Senses Perception +10 DEFENSE AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor) hp 14 (4d8-4) Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +5 OFFENSE Speed 30 ft Melee longsword +2 (1d8-1/19-20/x2) Ranged revolver +3 (1d8/x4) STATISTICS Str 9, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 12 Feats Alertness, Animal Affinity, Persuasive Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (technology) +5, Perception +10, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 Languages English Gear undercover vest, longsword, revolver, 12 bullets, 100 worth of personal goods Other NPCs in Wright Town Rose Levy: Rose Levy is the sister of Cray Levy, who the heroes saved from slavers in Rapid Town Cray wants Rose to leave Wright Town and join the heroes, but she’s worried Rose won’t listen to her so she asks the group to intervene Cray is correct in her fears Rose is reluctant to leave Wright Town, because she’s in love with Cal Wright (the same Cal Wright who escaped the attack by Mr Fix-It) She’s pregnant with his child, and insists it’s proof he loves her in return If the heroes try to convince Rose to leave Wright Town, they must make a successful DC 15 Diplomacy check Rose is a woman in her mid-teens with fair skin, curly brown hair, and green eyes Rose uses the statistics for a scrapper (page 109) Honea: While the Wright Trading Company controls all official trade in Wright Town, a small gray market exists in the shadow of the Wrights These traders buy and sell high-end items at more competitive prices than the Wrights, and can supply the few goods the Wrights consider off-limits These dealers always keep a watchful eye out for the Wrights, since the family doesn’t tolerate unlicensed traders Honea is one such renegade dealer He specializes in pre-war items and technology, including weapons, armor, and machines, but he can find just about anything for the right price Honea operates out of a small sail boat that also doubles as his home 108 He moves the boat frequently, and sometimes travels to Agate or Madeline, but the most common place to find the boat is a few miles north of Wright Town Honea operates under the front of a ferry service to take people to Agate, Madeline or other locations around Lake Superior Honea is friendly, but slightly paranoid He is always looking for a deal, and whenever somebody talks to him, he’s mentally running the numbers to see if there’s a profit to be made Honea is a tall, broad man with a bushy black beard and black hair He’s wears a weathered pre-war cap with a large red “B” embroidered on it, and a pair of glasses he made by salvaging lenses from two different pairs of pre-war glasses and constructing wooden frames for them Honea CR XP 800 Human expert 3/waste warrior (fighter) N Medium humanoid (human) Init -1; Senses Perception +11 DEFENSE AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+3 armor, -1 Dex) hp 35 (2d10+3d8+5) Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +6 (+1 vs fear) Defensive Abilities bravery +1 OFFENSE Speed 30 ft Melee +1 mastercraft battleaxe +8 (1d8+3/x3) Ranged revolver +3 (1d8/x4) STATISTICS Str 15, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14 Base Atk +4; CMB +6 (+8 Disarming); CMD 15 (17 vs Disarm) Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise +/-2, Great Fortitude, Improved Disarm, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (battleaxe) Skills Appraise +10, Bluff +10, Craft (blacksmith) +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (technology) +10, Perception +11, Profession (sailor) +7, Ride -2, Sense Motive +11 Languages English Combat Gear HealUp II (cure moderate wounds); Other Gear studded leather armor, +1 mastercraft battleaxe, revolver, blacksmith’s tools, pre-war baseball cap Scrapper: Scrappers are the teeming masses of Wright Town who make their living searching ruins for pre-war items or just raw materials You can use these stats for just about anybody who searches for scrap regardless of their origin