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(SKKN mới NHẤT) methods to innovate oral examination in grade 10 english at nhu xuan high school

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TABLE OF CONTENT Part I II 2.1 III IV V Content INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the topic Aims of the study Research subjects and research scope Methods of study CONTENTS Theoretical basis Reality 2.1 Advantages and difficulties 2.2 Solutions and methods a Preparing for oral examination: b Pedagogical requirements on how to organize oral examination:  c Oral tests: + For vocabulary checking + For Reading lesson + For Speaking lesson + For Listening lessons + For Writing lessons + For grammar class (language focus) d Research results CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: Summary of the main findings Implication for more effective Limitations and suggestions for further research Conclusion REFERECES TABLE OF CONTENT Page 2 2 2 2 14 14 14 15 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com I INTRODUCTION: REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC: Our country is entering the stage of industrialization, modernization and integration with the international community, especially our country has officially become a member of the WTO Factors determining the success of the industrialization and modernization process are the resources of Vietnamese people who are developed in quantity and quality on the basis of improved intellectual standards Therefore, the education and training of our country has also changed from the goals of education and training to teaching and learning methods to effectively contribute to the process of preparing the country's human resources in the first decade of the 21st century In order to meet the new educational goals, the program to replace general education textbooks has had a positive change: focusing on innovating teaching methods, implementing teaching and learning based on the positive activities of students under the proper organization and guidance of teachers to develop creative independent thinking that contributes to forming methods and demands for self-study and fostering learning interest , create trust and joy in learning Along with the renovation of the textbook program, the renewal of teaching methods, the issue of innovation and assessment is very important in the teaching and learning process Innovating teaching methods and innovating tests are two closely related activities Renewal and assessment are motivations for innovating teaching methods, contributing to realizing goals as the Minister of education- Phung Xuan Nha suggesting that localities should pay attention to propaganda to change awareness from teachers and students To achieve the main goal of the Project "Teaching and learning foreign languages in the National Education System in the period of 2015-2020") is "Foreign language becomes a means to work in an international environment, making foreign languages become strength of the Vietnamese people ” For this, it is necessary to change the motivation of the word "learn to test" into "learn to use" In the short term, we need to focus on teaching and learning English because this is a common language and the language of some of the world's strongest economies     The innovation and assessment includes many stages, many contents, in which the innovation of oral examination is very important because this is an ongoing activity Taking an oral test not only checks at the beginning of each class but also happens throughout a lesson If the teacher neglects not to perform good oral examination, the process of acquiring students' knowledge will be interrupted, they will fail the knowledge and skills needed in each lesson This will affect the results of the periodic tests (1 period, semester, ) In fact, the oral examination in the current English lessons is still inadequate due to the pressure of the knowledge and skills that need to be downloaded in each lesson, so the time for oral examination is very little Besides, most students are passive, rote learning to cope, even some children lose their basic skills should be lazy in studying old lessons To that reality, I boldly researched the topic "Methods to innovate oral examination in grade 10 English at Nhu Xuan High School" TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com to help them be more active in learning and accumulating knowledge , skills and create a lively atmosphere during the lessons AIMS OF THE STUDY The major aims of the study are: - To improve the quality of the lessons, help teachers to evaluate students easily - Help the learning environment lively and help students to avoid the rote learning method, passive learning, learning to cope with it and promote the activeness and initiative of students and bring high efficiency in teaching and learning - To contribute a small part to the improvement of teaching and learning at Nhu Xuan high school RESEARCH SUBJECTS AND RESEARCH SCOPE: The subjects chosen for the research include students in class 10A6,10A7 of Nhu Xuan High School with the survey questionnaires, and teachers who are currently teaching English Their experience of teaching English varied from 10 years to 18 years The research was carried out during the first term of the academic year 2019 – 2020 at Nhu Xuan High School METHODS OF STUDY: - Method of observation - Method of practical investigation - Method of research and practice - Integrated approach - Using different types of exercises and activities to get oral examination marks - Using comparison in percent before and after studying to assess the quality of the method II CONTENTS: THEORETICAL BASIS: Teaching and learning activities always need feedback to adjust in time to create the highest efficiency shown in the quality of students' learning Regular testing helps teachers adjust and supplement the knowledge, skills and attitudes set by the subject and will help students develop the right motivation and learning attitude from which to accumulate knowledge, The necessary oral exam in the classroom not only helps the learning atmosphere be lively but also helps the students avoid rote, passive learning, and coping skills, thus promoting positive and positive activities of students and bring high efficiency in teaching and learning REALITY 2.1 Advantages and difficulties Most of my students are ethnic minority children, knowledge of English subjects is still weak, so many of them are not really interested in this subject This leads to a high sense of self-discipline of many children In order to deal with teachers, they often use rote learning without having to study vocabulary or practice skills TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Examining the traditional old lesson is usually to call or students on the board to answer the question This is time consuming, stressful for students even more, and it is impossible to check many children at once Therefore, it is impossible to assess students' abilities as well as their skills All of these factors make students lazy and passive in learning, the quality of teaching and learning is not high These facilities have helped me apply innovative methods of oral examination in English 2.2 Solutions and methods:   As mentioned above, the test to get a score is not only done at the beginning of each lesson but also depends on each skill, knowledge can be done at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson In order to achieve a verbal examination of results, the following contents are required: a Preparing for oral examination: - Preparing first is to determine the exact need to check if Teachers need to determine the minimum level of knowledge and skills that students have acquired in the learning process The question for students must be accurate and clear so that students not understand in two different meanings that lead to the answer to the topic - Teachers must redesign requirements, exercises in textbooks or create similar exercises to prevent them from using the keys in the book "Good guide for study" to deal with teachers - Oral points column in personal score book is divided into two columns M1 & M2 M1 column will score students directly on the board to answer or homework M2 columns are scored for students who sit under the class to answer or homework The official score of students is the average score of M1 & M2 Grade 10 A7 Nhu Xuan High School (1st term / 2019-2020) M Full name of sudents Number M1 M2 Lê Thi Minh Anh Lê Thị Minh Ánh Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Lê Phú Thế Lê Anh Đức Lương Thị Oanh b Pedagogical requirements on how to organize oral examination: - Base on oral answers and students' practical activities that detect the true state of their knowledge and skills - Create favorable conditions for students to fully reveal their understanding - In the process of students answering questions that have many shortcomings or errors, if there is no reason why the teacher should not interrupt TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com the students The same is a mistake but the teacher must know what errors should be corrected immediately and what errors should be left for students to answer - The attitude and treatment of teachers with students is of great significance during the oral examination Teachers need to listen to answers, monitor student activities and draw conclusions about students' knowledge status on that basis Teacher's understanding of the student's personality, sensitivity and pedagogical sensitivity in many cases is a fundamental factor that helps to clearly see the student's level of knowledge and skills tested - It is recommended to coordinate tests and at the same time can test many students while calling some students on the board, the teacher gives the students below the other questions and then collects the notes of some children to correct - When organizing tests, teachers must deal with the following major problems: When one or more students are assigned to the board, what other students in the class need to and how to it Teachers call many children at the same time, make different requests that match each student's level, then ask questions for the whole class after they complete their tasks as follows: "Do you answer the same?", "Do you agree with your answer?", "Is there any wrong or missing points?", In addition to the basic sentences, teachers have additional questions may be used during the oral examination Thanks to these additional questions, teachers can visualize the quality of students' knowledge c Oral tests: As we know, oral examination is a regular and continuous process in teaching periods Because this activity must be diverse to avoid monotonous boredom, create a lively atmosphere in the classroom and help students learn more effectively Depending on each lesson and depending on the requirements of testing knowledge and skills, teachers may apply oral examination methods as follows: + For vocabulary checking: Method 1: Call students to the board The teacher gives general questions to all students and the sudent who knows th answer first will be allowed to answer The remaining students will answer additional questions or support the answers for their friends Example: Check the vocabulary of Unit - English 10 Required by the teacher: "Write a word in English that means: ring Student 1: Insert word (go off) Student 2: Identify the word type (V) In this way, students will lessen the fear and fear of checking their knowledge and have more choices Method 2: Game 1: Slap the board We use the game: “Slap the board” to check if our students could remember the new words in the lessons they’ve learnt or not - The teacher writes 10 Vietnames words on the board then calls students go to the board to play the game One student will read randomly aloud TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com the words in English , the two others have to remember the meanings of those words and try to slap them on the board as fast as possible The person who slap the wright word will get points And who gets more points will be the winner This activity will interest students and help student to improve their memories when learning vocabulary as well as their pronunciation After finishing the game, teacher will give mark for students  Example: Unit 4: Special education - A Reading khuyết tật phản đối mù tốn nhiều thời gian câm tự hào điếc cộng khuyết tật 10 trừ ( This is the illustration of the game “ Slap the board”) Game 2: Matching: Teacher prepare handouts including colums( A and B) In colum A , teacher write the English words, Colum B is Vietnamese meaning Then in the first fifteen minutes of the lesson, teacher can test or students at the same time by giving them the hand out After testing, teacher gives them feedback and marks for their result In this way, teacher is able to check the student’s understanding and memories of the new words in the lesson without asking them to go to the board and writing down some new words as usual This interesting game will motivate students to remember new words longer For students in the moutainous area, I often give them from to 10 words to test Example : Match the following words with their meaningin Vietnamese: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ( Unit 2: School talk A- Reading English 10) A B International a Lo lắng Have to + V b Xa… từ …đến hard word c Quốc tế Be far from… to d Công việc vất vả Worry about e Phải làm Answer: 1c, 2e, 3d, 4b, 5a Example 2: Match these environmental problems to the pictures ( Unit 5: Consevation A – Reading) 1.garbage dump 3.water pollution 5.dynamite fishing 2.air pollution Deforestation 6.spraying pesticides a) b) c) d) e) f) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Answer: 1c, 2a 3d, 4e, 5f, 6b Method 3: Checking pronunciation Teacher can also check the pronunciation part of the student by handing out handouts with a few words and asking the students to choose words that have a different underlined section than the other words or choose the word that has accents different from the remaining words In this method, we can have an oral examination for about or students at the same time The students who gets more correct answer will get high mark    * Choose the word that has the underlined part from the others (English 10, unit 6) A attend B plane C celebration D.organization A stripe B tidy C idea D circus A comic B volunteer C model D together A scout B group C couch D house A teenager B together C guitar D game Method 4: + For Reading lesson:        In the activities while - reading, teachers can also check to get oral examination points by using these kind of exercises: Multiple choice, T/F statement, or game: lucky number       Example 1: Unit 4: special education - A Reading - English 10        Multiple choice: Thuy’s class is different from other classes because the children …… A are from large family B are less mentally retarded C love Maths very much D are disabled At first the parents were …………………the idea of sending their children to the special class A interested in C sastisfied with B opposed to D worried about Example 2: Unit 3; People’s Back ground– English 10 (True - False statements)       Give some statements (handout) and ask to read these carefully and read the text to decide if each statement is true or false Marie went to school in Warsaw T Her dream was to become a private tutor F At the Sorbonne, she studied very well T She married Pierre Curie in 1894 F She was the first woman professor at the Sorbonne T How to it: After handing out the hanout, the teacher asks students to follow the individual, read the text and then these exercises for about minutes During this time the teacher goes around the classroom to support the children and observe them not to look at each other After the set time, the teachers collect some of the lessons, then ask the class to answer and mark at the class And this column will go into the M2 column TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Game: Lucky number ( Unit 10 : Conservation – A: Reading) LUCKY ANIMAL Question 1: FOR PICTURE OF THE LIONS What is the area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park ?  (The area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park is) 200 square kilometres Question 2: FOR PICTURE OF THE ELEPHANTS What can people learn in Nairobi National Park? ( They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival.) Question 3: FOR PICTURE OF THE DOLPHIN What kinds of animals are taken care of in the Orphanage ? ( In the Orphanage, orphaned or abandoned animals are taken care of.) Question 4: FOR THE PICTURE OF THE TURTLE Why is Everglades National Park endangered?  Because there are toxic levels of chemicals in the water Question 5: FOR THE PICTURE OF THE BUTTERFLIES lucky animal Question 6: FOR THE PICTURE OF THE TIGERS lucky animal For answering the questions after learning a reading text, one of the most interesting games is Lucky animals It TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com helps students learning by playing games and helps teacher test students’ comprehension sklill This kind of games is interesting because of its rules In order that students can play the game, teacher should divide the class into groups of students : A and B Rules of game: Each group have right choosing the picture from to There are question relating to the text and there are also some Pictures of animal that students don’t have to answer The group choose number containing the question have to answer the question If the group gives correct answer within 10 seconds , they will get 10 mark for each sentence In case group A have wrong answer, group B will have chance to answer and on the contrary If any group choose picture including Lucky Picture, they don’t have to answer the question, but they still get 10 points Game: Story telling ( We can apply this game to have an oral points for student in Unit 13 : Film and Cinema- A: Reading by retelling the content of the lesson using suggested important cues) 19th century 1910s 1920s 1905 1915 This kind of exercise will help student to summarize the main points of the passage they have just learned basing on the given cues Teacher also test students’s speaking skill by making some simple sentences using the given cues Teacher calls or students to go to the board and this task then gives them feedback and marks Suggested answer: - The history of cinema began in the early 19th century - By 1905, films were about five or ten minutes - In 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films - It was not until 1915 that cinema became an industry - In 1920s,the cinema changed completely, from old silent films to musical cinema + For Speaking lesson: This is a very important skill, if it is done well, the oral examination of students' in this skill will have a great effect on encouraging them to learn English However, depending on their qualifications, teachers should make appropriate requests to encourage and encourage them to practice English During Speaking, depending on the task, I will ask them to practice in pairs, groups or individuals I also give students practice points of this skill For this skill, I only apply the tasks that are just right for them Or you can give a plus for students to volunteer to practice before class in pairs or groups  Example 1: Unit 4: Special education- B Speaking - English 10 Work with a partner Ask and anser the questions: What were your subjects then? What was your timetable? What about homework? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Which part of school did you enjoy? What part of the school life didn't you like then? After giving instructions, suggestions and modeling to a good student in class, I ask students to practice in pairs During the time they are practicing, I can go around to help them if necessary After about 8-10 minutes I call some couples to stand up for practice then comment and give points Example 2: Unit 3: People’s back ground Task 3: Talk about the person you have learnt about from the interview Teacher ask students to work in pairs, then after minutes teacher call some students to present their answer and give marks * Suggested answer: At that time, I have interviewed Minh She was born on February 16 th, 1994 in Camau Province Her family lives in Dam Doi Town, Camau Province Her parents are farmers Minh has only a younger brother She usually takes part in many activities of school English is the subject that Minh likes best For Listening lessons: This is a difficult skill because their vocabulary is limited and they are not familiar with the native voice, so it is very difficult to test them in this new lesson Instead, I will check for oral examination points through the knowledge they have learned from the old lesson This test is done at the beginning of the following period How to it: Call students to answer a question they have learned and reinforce it very well in the previous period (5 points), the second sentence you choose a friend (sitting under the class) to ask you a question in the lesson is then answered (2 points), the third one is asked by another student (sitting under the class) (3 points) The number of points that this student will score will be recorded in the M1 column, the number of points that the other two students ask the right question or the correct answer will be recorded in the M2 column After a period of familiarity, it is necessary to raise the students' questions for their friends For example: Taking oral points after students finish Part C - Listening section, (P67 - 68) unit 6- English 10 What was the weather like that day? Was the Botanical Garden far from the school? What other classes does Thu have on Thursday? What’s Thu’s favorite subject? Why? What’s Hoa’s favorite subject? Why? Obviously, the above test has followed the direction of innovating and evaluating and promoting students' activeness and creativity, creating conditions to stimulate thinking, dynamism about all activities in the class, reducing "teachers Centered "that enhances" student-centered " However, teachers must be flexible to suggest students to ask questions in accordance with the content to be checked, so as not to digress and save time on new lessons + For Writing lessons: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 10 This skill is rarely applied to regular classroom tests because it takes a lot of time and is not suitable for testing Therefore, to help children be more active in learning Writing skills, teachers can redesign some of the content to avoid students using reference books to cope with or offer forms exercises more suitable as sentence building, sentence transformation for you to then the teacher corrects and gives you some marks or points in groups Example: Writing unit - English 10: Task 4Guided sentence building How to it: After I suggest helping students get the necessary vocabulary and ideas, I ask students to work individually, build the sentences using given words After minutes, teacher collects students’writing, gives feedback and marks Task 4: Write a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control Use the suggested words to build sentences (Writing unit - English 10) If/ you/ want/ operate/ TV/ remote control, /you/ sure/ the cord/ plug in/ the main/ turn on turn on/ TV, / press/ power select/ programme/ press/ programme watch / VTV1/VTV2/VTV3/VTV4, /press/ number/1/2/3/4 adjust /volume/ press/ volume Suggested answer: If you want to operate a Tv with a remote control, you will be sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is on To turn on the TV, press button “ POWER” To select programme, press button “ PROGRAMME” To watch VTV 1, VTV 2, VTV 3, VTV4, press number 1,2,3,4 To adjust Volumne, press the button “ VOLUMNE” For this kind of exercise teacher can examine student’s writing skill as well as their grammatical knowledge - Teacher gives students about sentences and student will get points for each sentence Teacher gives students handouts for students, then ask them to the task in minutes, after that teacher collects the answers and gives feedback and marks + For grammar class (language focus): For the new lesson, I often redesign some of the textbook exercises (to prevent students from using the manual to answer) and also add some multiple choice exercises in production Then ask students to come up to the board to get points or collect some of their lessons to score For example, Language focus Unit - English 10 in the production part, I put in a multiple choice test to check students' understanding while strengthening their knowledge about using Relative pronoun: WHO, WHOM,WHICH, THAT, WHEN… Exercise 3: Choose the best option ( Unit – E Language focus English 10) A clock is an instrument………tells you the time TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 11 A who B which C what D where A fridge is a machine ……….is used for keeping food fresh A which B when C who D whose st April is the day ………is called April Fool’s Day in the West A that B when C which D who A nurse is a person ……….looks after patients A who B why C whom D whose A teacher is a person…… gives lessons to students A whom B which C who D what Suggested answer: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5C Thus, this is a form of examination that promotes the activeness and activeness of students, reducing stress in oral examination and promoting innovation in assessing both forms of autism and monitoring Test, just take the oral points, just review Another kind of exercise to have a quick oral points for student in grammatical lesson I often use is a word form exercise like this - First teacher introduces students the use of adjectives ending with -ed and- ing • Adjectives ending in –ing tell you about the nature of something My job is boring The film was disappointing I expected it to be better • Adjectives ending in –ed tell you how someone feels about something I'm not satisfied with my job Julia is interested in politics I'm bored • Other adjectives ending in –ing and –ed are: Fascinating - fascinated Exciting - excited Amusing - amused Amazing - amazed Embarrassing - Embarrassing Terrifying - terrified Worrying - worried Exhausting - exhausted Astonishing – astonished - Then teacher gives students some exercises to check their understanding as well as motivates them with some oral points by asking them to this word form exercise Exercise 1: Use the correct word form to comolete the following sentence: We were all (horrify) when we heard about the disaster Awareness (embarrass) when you have to ask people for money Are you (interest) in football? I enjoyed the football match It was quite (excite) It was a really (terrify) experience Afterwards everybody was very (shock) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 12 I had never expected to be offered the job I was really (amaze) when I was offered it The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages It was really (disgust) Do you easily get (embarrass)? Suggested answer: horrified  embarrassing  interested  exciting terrifying  amazed  disgusting  get embarrassed  d Research results: In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of this topic, I compared and statistics the results as follows: d.1 The year does not apply the topic: - Their oral test scores are not high, many children have a bad score (because they are lazy to learn old lessons) - Their grade point average is lower Statistics of oral examination scores for the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year Result before applying the research The 1st term -School year: 2019-2020 Cla Number Good Rather Average Weak ss of Amount (%) Amount (%) Amount (%) Amount (%) students 10A6 40 0.0 10 25.0 25 62.5 10.0 10A7 42 0.0 22.0 17 41.0 16 38.0 d.2 Year of application: - After half a year of applying this new method, most of my students have a higher oral test score than the previous year, the number of children with poor grades is very low, no one has a score of - Grade point average of the semester is also significantly increased Results after applying the research in teaching The 2st term School year: 2019-2020 Cl Number Good Rather ass of Amount (%) Amount (%) students 10A6 40 20.0 17 44.0 10A7 42 14.0 18 43.0 Average Amount (%) 13 10 Weak Amount (%) 31.0 24.0 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 5.0 19.0 13 The above tables disclosed that the good students accounted percent after applying the research in teaching helps students interested in increased 14% to 20%, rather students accounted from 20-26 % increased 19-30 % and bad students decreased just -19% * Lessons Learned: However, in order to apply these improvements effectively, a very careful preparation of teachers is required Teachers must redesign Exercise, Tasks in the textbook, and add exercises that are close to the test questions and exams In addition, teachers must evaluate them fairly, objectively, and behaviors must be sensitive, encouraging them to be timely While checking students' lessons, teachers must have a way to attract other students to participate to solve the problem, avoiding the situation of teachers asking questions with a person Teachers set up a system of questions for the whole class to think and mobilize knowledge, thus being able to test the knowledge level of students in the class III CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: SUMMARY OF THE MAIN FINDINGS The issue of reforming educational methods must be associated with innovation and assessment, in which innovation of oral examination is an extremely important and urgent step that teachers must regularly implement to improve quality the amount of education and promotion of students' activeness in the process of acquiring knowledge Obviously, after a year of applying this topic, I realized that the classroom atmosphere was lively, their learning attitude was highly self-conscious, they no longer had the idea of learning only to cope Moreover, students' learning results have also improved significantly That is also the motivation for me to be more enthusiastic and excited in the teaching hours Through regular oral tests like this, I will discover students' abilities as well as know which children are weak to help them in time to supplement their knowledge and skills In addition, it helps me to adjust my teaching process to suit students' level of knowledge and awareness IMPLICATIONS FOR MORE EFFECTIVE Through practical teaching and implementation of this topic, I would like to propose some things as follows: To the school side: - The school library should add more reference books for students and teachers - Create conditions for teachers to participate in many training courses, workshops, seminars to improve professional capacity To the Department of Education side: - Funding to build a foreign language room If our school has a foreign language room we will have better conditions to encourage students to participate in useful playgrounds such as organizing extracurricular activities, English-speaking clubs… - Organize many topics at district level so that teachers can participate in learning and exchanging experiences TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 14 - Regularly organize training courses for teachers to have timely access to new changes LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The study still has some limitations First of all, this study is very small – scale, which focuses on only the way students motivate the lessons Secondly, the study basically bases on one source of data, questionnaires, which might be subjective on the side of the informants, so the researcher can not guarantee the reliability of the information collected CONCLUSION The content that I presented above is just gathering, summarizing my own experience, narrow scope of research, short time, little material, so many shortcomings But with the aim of improving the quality of education, I hope this topic can contribute to improving the quality of assessment and evaluation Looking forward to receiving many valuable comments from teachers and colleagues CERTIFIED BY THE HEAD OF THE OFFICE Thanh Hoa, June 30, 2020 I assure you that this is my experience idea , not copy the content of others DO THI PHUONG TRAN THI THUY TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 15 IV REFERENCES Hoang Van Van textbook, teacher book, teaching manual of English10, published by Education Publisher in 2006 Le Thi Thanh Quy and Le Thi Diem Tu, a book of English lesson design by the University of Education Publishing House, published in 2004 Regular Fostering Materials for High School Teachers (2018) English subject published by Education Publishing House 2018 The 2008 ELTTP Methodology Course TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 16 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 17 ... the topic "Methods to innovate oral examination in grade 10 English at Nhu Xuan High School" TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com to help them be more active in learning and accumulating... are motivations for innovating teaching methods, contributing to realizing goals as the Minister of education- Phung Xuan Nha suggesting that localities should pay attention to propaganda to change... form of examination that promotes the activeness and activeness of students, reducing stress in oral examination and promoting innovation in assessing both forms of autism and monitoring Test,

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2022, 06:37
