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(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) An Exploration into difficulties faced by the teachers in teaching listening to non - English major students at Hanoi University of Industry

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VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ĐẶNG THỊ HỒNG NHUNG AN EXPLORATION INTO DIFFICULTIES FACED BY THE TEACHERS IN TEACHING LISTENING TO NON –ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY (Nghiên cứu khó khăn giáo viên việc dạy nghe cho hệ không chuyên trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: Methodology Code: 601410 Course: 16 Hanoi - 2010 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ĐẶNG THỊ HỒNG NHUNG AN EXPLORATION INTO DIFFICULTIES FACED BY THE TEACHERS IN TEACHING LISTENING TO NON –ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY (Nghiên cứu khó khăn giáo viên việc dạy nghe cho hệ không chuyên trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: Methodology Code: 601410 Course: 16 Supervior: Phạm Minh Tâm, M.Ed Hanoi - 2010 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate i Acknowledgements ii Table of contents iii List of tables, charts and pie charts v CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the study and research problem statement 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Design of the study CHATER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions of Listening 2.2 Nature of Listening Comprehension 2.2.1 Listening Comprehension 2.2.2 Listening Process 2.2.3 The Features of Spoken English 2.3 Procedure of Listening Lessons 11 2.3.1 Pre – listening stage 11 2.3.2 While – listening stage 12 2.3.3 Post – listening stage 13 2.4 Roles of Teachers in Listening Lessons 13 2.5 An Overview of Common Difficulties in Teaching Listening 14 2.6 Previous Studies 14 2.7 Conclusive Remarks 15 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 16 3.1 Research Context 16 3.2 Research Questions 16 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iv 3.3 Research Approach 16 3.4 Participants 17 3.5 Data Collection Instrument 17 3.6 Data Collection Procedure 17 3.7 Data Analysis Procedure 18 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 19 4.1 Data Analysis and Results 19 4.1.1 The teachers’ opinions towards teaching listening comprehension 19 4.1.2 The teachers’ perception of factors making their teaching of listening difficult 19 4.1.3 The teachers’ perception towards the importance of the features of spoken English in learning listening comprehension 20 4.1.4 The teachers’ exploitation of the features of spoken English into teaching listening 21 4.1.5 The teachers’ activities in pre – listening stage 23 4.1.6 The teachers’ activities in while– listening stage 24 4.1.7 The teachers’ activities in post – listening stage 25 4.1.8 The teachers’ exploitation of teaching aids 26 4.1.9 The teachers’ exploitation of the listening materials 27 4.2 Findings and Discussion 28 4.2.1 The teachers’ lack of experience in teaching 28 4.2.2 The inefficiency in the teaching methodology 28 4.2.3 The teachers’ limitations in exploiting teaching materials and teaching aids 30 CHAPTER 5: SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS 31 5.1 Developing the listening materials 31 5.2 Encouraging the students’ internal factors 32 5.3 Combining intensive listening with extensive listening 32 5.4 Applying three stages in teaching listening effectively 33 5.5 Teaching listening strategies for students 34 5.6 Combining teaching listening comprehension with teaching other aspects of English 36 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com v CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 36 6.1 Summary of the findings 36 6.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study 37 REFERENCES APPENDIX TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com vi LIST OF TABLES AND PIE CHARTS List of pie charts Pie chart 1: The teachers’ view of the importance of teaching listening comprehension Page 14 compared with other skills List of tables Table 1: The teachers’ perception of factors making their teaching difficult 14 Table 2: The teachers’ perception towards the importance of the features of spoken 15 English in learning listening comprehension Table 3: The teachers’ exploitation of the features of spoken English into teaching 16 listening Table 4: The teachers’ activities in Pre – listening stage 16 Table 5: The teachers’ activities in while listening stage 19 Table 6: The teachers’ activities in post – listening stage 20 Table 7: The teachers’ use of teaching aids in teaching listening comprehension 21 Table 8: The teachers’ exploitation of the course books 22 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the study and research problem statement As an international language, English has been remarked with many changes, notably the changes in the movement towards the teaching of English Teaching and learning English in Vietnam is not excluded from the international trend as Vietnam is broadening and improving the relationship and co – operation with other countries in many fields of life As a result, English has become a compulsory subject at various schools and universities Teaching a foreign language refers to teaching different aspects including: grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and four skills which are: writing, reading, speaking and listening These different aspects are equally significant in mastering a language and they should be developed thoroughly Along with other skills, listening has been of great importance as Brett (1997, p.39) stated that “listening is a key language skill, it has a vital role in the language acquisition process” The research by Morley (2001) concluded that average people can expect to listen “twice as much as we speak, four times more than what we read and five times more than we usually write” In addition, Michael Lewis (1993, p.32) emphasized that “Almost all the world‟s natural language output is spoken rather written” Therefore, there has also been an increase in the number of studies on the role of listening in communication and in language learning (Dunkel, 1991; Anderson and Lynch, 1988) Listening provides input, consequently, improving listening ability helps to widen students‟ input Thus, teaching listening effectively is very necessary and important in order to support students‟ input and improve students‟ language acquisition However, listening seems to get less attention by a number of learners as they suppose that listening is the most difficult skill among four skills At Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI), listening is a big challenge for many first year students who rarely have chance to practice listening at high schools The students have the habit of ignoring listening which makes the teaching of listening become a challenge for the teachers Moreover, the ineffectiveness in teaching listening is the key reason that creates troubles for the teachers in their work TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 1.2 Aims of the Study The study is intended to examine the teachers‟ difficulties in teaching listening comprehension to the first students The study will find the answers to the following questions: What are the difficulties as perceived by the teachers in teaching listening at Hanoi University of Industry? What are the possible suggestions and recommendations to overcome the difficulties perceived by the teachers in teaching listening comprehension? 1.3 Methodology The study was conducted in accordance with the survey approach That is because the study focused on the teachers‟ attitude at HaUI towards the teaching of listening comprehension to find out their difficulties The data was collected from the survey questionnaire done on 30 full time teachers of English at HaUI 1.4 Scope of the study This minor thesis was conducted in Hanoi University of Industry in order to investigate the difficulties as perceived by the teachers in teaching listening comprehension The study focused on surveying the methods that the teachers at HaUI use to teaching listening comprehension which has created troubles for themselves The thesis also offered some suggestions and recommendations to overcome the problems 1.5 Significance of the study This study contributed to list out the difficulties faced by the teachers at Hanoi University of Industry in teaching listening comprehension More importantly, the results of the research are believed to serve the purpose of improving the teaching of listening to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) 1.6 Design of the study The study contains of six chapters Chapter 1: presents the background, the significance, the aims and scope of the study Chapter 2: presents the theoretical background relevant to the study Chapter 3: describes the setting of the study which is the current situation of teaching and learning listening comprehension at Hanoi, University of Industry Chapter 4: deals with analyzing the data collected TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Chapter 5: provides the findings of the study and recommends suggestions for improving the teaching of listening comprehension at HaUI Chapter 6: gives the summary of the thesis and suggestions for further study TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions of listening Listening is one of the four important skills in learning a foreign language which are: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing For years, listening and reading were thought of as passive skills while speaking and writing were active skills Indeed, until the late 1970s, listening received not much attention as other skills Present studies on listening have different views from the former one According to Helgesen (2003, p.24) “listening is an active, purposeful of making sense of what we hear” Similarly, Rubin (1995, p.7) defined listening as “an active process of understanding speech in which listeners select and interpret information which comes from auditory and visual clues in order to define what is going on and what the speakers are trying to express” Following Anderson and Lynch„s definition (1988), “listening is really a receptive skill along side reading skills and the role of the listeners is no – longer passive but active” Listening is quite different from hearing In Cambridge Advanced Learners‟ Dictionary, listening is defined as “to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them” while hearing is defined as “the ability to hear” In other words, “listening requires the active attention – and an active intention – on the part of the hearer” (Helgesen, 2003, p 4) In teaching listening, it is necessary to mention about listening skills and listening strategies Rost (1991) emphasized the skills necessary for listening comprehension which are perception skill (for example: discriminating between sounds or recognizing words…), analysis skill (such as identifying grammatical grouping of words) and synthesis skill (for instance: connecting linguistic cues like intonation and stress and non – linguistic cues like gestures and relevant objects to construct the meaning of spoken texts In addition, Rost (1991) mentioned about using background knowledge and context to predict and understand spoken texts These above factors make up a person‟s listening ability Thus, in order to improve learners‟ listening skill, teachers should encourage their students to use listening strategies which help them become better listeners “Strategies are effort to compensate for uncertainties in understanding, and could include inferences, realizing where misunderstandings have occurred, and asking for clarification.” (Mary Underwood, TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 31 In current teaching situation, the teachers are not really successful in applying three stages: pre – listening stage, while – listening stage and post – listening stage In each stage, various changes should be conducted to improve the teaching and learning‟ results As mentioned above, the purpose of pre – listening stage is to help students ““focus their minds on the topic” (Mary Underwood, 1989, p.31) It means that the teachers should narrow down the things that the students expect to hear and activate relevant prior knowledge and already known language Teachers must also make sure that their students know exactly what is required for them in this stage All the students need to know what they have to before they start listening Before listening, it is necessary for students to be provided with meaning and pronunciation of new words which have been taken into consideration by most of the teachers In addition, the teachers should employ other activities more regularly so that the students can have a best preparation before listening  Exploiting visual aids such as pictures, drawings, tables or charts relevant to the topics  Raising questions for pair or group discussion to explore the topic  Brainstorming words, terms, phrases or providing students with new words, terms, phrases they may meet during listening  Asking students to make prediction of the topics  Giving students time to read through the exercise they need to complete in during their listening In the while – listening stage, it is advisable for teachers to concentrate on develop students‟ listening comprehension strategies and make use of their background knowledge It‟s obviously useful when students have more than once chance to listen For each time, they need to complete specific goals The levels of difficulty for goals should be increased After the first time, teachers give students to report the main ideas or check through the answers Reminding them about the next goal they need to complete before the second listening helps students pay more attention to their work Pair checking or group checking before the last time of listening can maintain the students‟ interest by creating doubt or comparison Predicting should still be maintained in this stage, using both general knowledge and what they have heard as clues Guiding students to recognize transition TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 32 words is very beneficial to help students keep up with spoken texts and get main information Giving feedback is also essential in this stage It is time for the teachers to see how well their students have done the tasks Positive feedback is important when students perform the tasks successfully It helps to generate more confidence, motivation and interest In cases when students‟ answers are incorrect, the teachers‟ feedback needs to save them from being hurt and encourage them to better in the next time Post – listening stage will be much more effective when the teachers balance the use of post listening activities Along with employing oral activities like discussion in pair or group, role – play…the teachers may create more activities for students to after each lesson to enhance the knowledge they have just gained after listening, for example: written work or using information to complete charts or tables g It is also important that in this stage, the teachers need to give prompt and critical feedback on students‟ performance Helping the students recognize and practice new forms or structures, stress and intonation or different phenomenon of sounds is very necessary in this stage in order to get better results for further listening 5.5 Teaching listening strategies for students The goal of teaching listening comprehension is to train them to become effective listeners Lacking of listening strategies leads to obstacles for students and for teachers during listening lessons Paying attention to introduce listening strategies can contribute greatly to improve the listening teaching and learning quality Here are some of the most important strategies that the teachers should employ to teach their students Predicting: Knowing what they are going to listen can help students be more attentive Training students how to predict about the topics is activating their background and knowledge It is useful for the students to know the type of listening task, whether it is a story, a conversation or a lecture In addition, the teachers should ask students to predict vocabularies and ideas which may be heard in lectures from the title or a picture or any clues they have (maps, charts, outlines…) to prepare for what they are going to listen After raising the questions, the teachers need to give students a few minutes to think it over before asking for their responses Obviously, prediction can not always be correct, TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 33 therefore, students should be warned about that before they start listening, which prevent them from being confused when the information does not match with their prediction Moreover, predicting should be maintained in while – listening stage as well Students should be asked to make prediction about what kind of information might come next based on the clues they have heard and based on context, stress and intonation Listening for main ideas Listening for main ideas is a very useful strategy that students need to be trained so that they can be successful in learning listening The students at HaUI often have the habits of paying attention to separate words While they are listening, they tend to try to catch familiar words As a result, it is very hard for them to catch the main ideas of the listening text To train students this strategy, the teachers should help students recognize discourse markers or certain phrases that tell listeners a main idea is coming Here are some examples: The main point is……… What I’m going to talk about today is……… The important thing here is……… Another key to help students develop the ability to listen for main ideas is drawing their attention to repetition or how many times a word or phrase is repeated When something is repeated several times, it is usually important Once you know important words and phrases through repetition, it is much easier to identify main ideas of lectures Moreover, visual aids such as outlines, pictures, charts…often provide obvious clues to main points in spoken texts These types of visual aids should be taken advantage of by the students when they practice listening Making inferences Inferences are largely based on background knowledge; consequently, it is of much use if the students are provided background knowledge about topics which help them make inference during their listening In case of lacking background knowledge, students can learn to rely on the visual or auditory cues It is a good idea that the teachers guide students to pay attention to maps, charts, photographs or the background noises, then they will be able to draw logical conclusion and interpret the messages TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 34 Learning to infer from types of listening texts is also of great use for students For example, when listening to a conversation, students should have the information about who, where, when the conversation involve in; when listening to a play, the major events is important Guessing from context It is the fact that learners can not catch every word while they listen, therefore guessing meaning from context is an important skill Teachers should sometimes give help by identifying a word or idea that students have missed, and asking them to find related ideas which they have caught or understood When guessing words from context, it is useful to ask students to identify the clues that help them guess For example, the students should be encouraged to use the words and phrases surrounding the unknown words to make guesses about its general meaning In case speakers use unfamiliar terms, they usually offer definition or an explanation of such terms Students should know and realize this clue 5.6 Combining teaching listening comprehension with teaching other aspects of English Listening comprehensive ability plays an important role in acquisition and improvement of language skills Therefore, in listening teaching, there is a need to combine the development of listening ability with the development of other skills On the other hand, the course book New Headway is an integrated book in which four skills are combined with each other In all units, listening is usually combined with speaking or reading When listening is along with reading, reading is often the pre – activity It is essential for teachers to exploit reading task effectively to lead to listening task The reading texts always provide learners with the context and certain knowledge for listening activity Students may meet some words that they are going to hear from the listening task later Teachers should take the chance to help students be familiar to those words in terms of both pronunciation and meaning This can be done by explanation and practice for pronunciation Furthermore, students need to practice reading aloud amongst themselves By such activity students will learn to combine the act of listening with reading It is important to strengthen listening through speaking and to improve speaking through listening Students need to retell and discuss the material they have just heard in order to TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 35 synthesize their understanding In this way they learn to combine listening with speaking properly In the textbooks, when listening is combined with speaking, speaking is often the post – listening activity However, to prepare for listening activity, there are always pictures, charts or maps…Making students focus on these means by raising questions for them to guess or analyze the information is a good pre – listening activity After listening, students should be supported by the amount of knowledge they have caught through listening which helps them the speaking tasks Students who are able to this can overcome their passive response to the situation and gradually they learn to feel safe when they respond The interaction between teachers - students and students - students should be emphasized as opportunities for a free exchange of opinions when participants can consolidate their listening approaches and skills during the process of communication The outcome of listening can be seen clearly in this part, which brings students the feeling of success for what they have done Similarly, by combining listening with writing, teachers can help students develop the two skills thoroughly First, students might answer teachers‟ questions in written English after listening to spoken language material Then, students should be asked to write a summary about the topics they have listened In Every day English part in all units, there are always listening activities The situations happen in daily life, for example: the conversation in the shops, asking and giving directions on the street, asking for information at the airport or train station… To make the listening teaching of this part effectively, students should be clear about the context, purpose of listening They should be provided certain structures or prompts which are often used in those situations Thanks to this, it is possible and easy for them to catch the popular expressions Practicing the conversations after listening activities is necessary to produce the authentic result Through a variety of listening-reading, listening-writing and listening-speaking activities, students can not only strengthen their language skills but also develop their interests and raise their motivation to improve their learning efficiency TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 36 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION This chapter aims to give the summary of the study, and then it discusses the limitations and provides some suggestions for further research 6.1 Summary of the findings Through the five chapters, the study investigates the difficulties of the teachers in teaching listening skill at Hanoi University of Industry The research leads to these main conclusions The teachers at HaUI meet certain problems in teaching listening comprehension Three reasons could be blamed Firstly, the lack of experience in teaching creates obstacles for the teachers in managing class and conducting listening lessons effectively Secondly, the teachers‟ work is becoming more challenging as a result of the inefficiency in teaching methodology It is the way the teachers conduct the three stages (pre, while and post) creates difficulties for themselves Moreover, a number of the teachers lack of adequate reorganization on the importance of features of spoken language, which prevents them from applying these features in teaching listening Thirdly, the teachers‟ limitations in exploiting the materials and using different means of teaching aid make the teaching less effective In short, teaching listening comprehension is really a challenging work for the teachers at HaUI It is the teachers‟ responsibility to find and apply suitable solutions to overcome the difficulties Helping students to deal with their problem and improving the teaching methods are suggested as the main ways to improve the teaching and learning work 6.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study In doing a research, limitations are inevitable This study is of no exception The research has mainly based on one questionnaire with 30 informants at HaUI The ideas from a small number of participants may not be totally typical for all teachers‟ ideas In terms of time, the research was carried at the end of the semester, thus some of the suggestions are the writers‟ subjective opinions without being applied yet TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 37 In addition, as the researcher‟ practical experience in teaching listening and knowledge of this field is limited, the suggestions and recommendations are likely to be subjective and incomplete Further work, therefore, should overcome the shortcomings TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 38 REFERENCES Anderson, A & Lynch, T 1988 Listening Oxford: Oxford University Press Berman, M 2003 Advanced Listening DynEd International, Inc Boyle, J.P 1984 Factors affecting listening comprehension ELT Journal 38 Brette, P 1985 Multimedia for listening comprehension: The Design of multimedia – based resources for developing listening skills System 23 (1), 77- 85 Buck, G 2001 Accessing Listening Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Gillham, B 2000 Developing a Questionnaire London and New York: Continuum Helgesen, M and Brown, S 2003 Practical English Language Teaching: Listening Canh, Le Van 2004 Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, Vietnam National University Press Clark, Herbert H & Clark, Eve V 1977 Psychology and language: An introduction to psycholinguistics New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 10 Dornyei, Z 2003 Questionnaires in Second Language Research Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers 11 Dunkel, P 1991b Listening in the native and second/ foreign language: Toward an integration of research an practice TESOL Quartely 12 Lewis, M & Hill, J 1985 Practical Techniques for Language Teaching London: Commercial Color Press 13 Larsen, D 1986 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press 14 Morley, J.1991 Listening Comprehension in Second, Foreign Language Instruction Newbury House 15 Nunan, D 1999 Second Language Teaching and Learning Heinle and Heinle Publication 16 Nunan, D & Miller, L 1995 New ways in Teaching Listening Illinois: Pantograph 17 Rixon, S Developing listening skills London: Macmillan Publishers 18 Rost, M 1994 Introducing Listening London: Penguin 19 Rubin, J.1994 A review of Second Language Listening Comprehension Research TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 39 Modern Language Journal 20 Ton, Nu Xuan Huong 2007 An Investigation into the Difficulties in Teaching Listening Comprehension Skill to non – major English learners Dai hoc Da Nang 21 Underwood, M 1989, Teaching Listening London and New York: Longman 22 Ur, P.1996 A course in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 23 Ur, P 1994 Teaching Listening Comprehension Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge University Press 24 White, G 1998, Listening Oxford: Oxford University Press 25 Widdowson, H G 1972 Teaching Foreign Language Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 26 Wolvin, A.D & Coakly, C.1985 Listening Dubuque: William C Brown TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com I APPENDIX TEACHERS’ DIFFICULTIES IN TEACHING LISTENING AT HANOI, UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY We would like to ask you to help us by answering the following questions concerning the teachers’ difficulties in teaching listening at Hanoi, University of Industry This is not a test, so there are no “right” or “wrong” answers and you don’t even have to write your name on it We are interested in your personal opinion Please give your answers sincerely as only this will guarantee the success of the investigation Thank you very much for your help! Please put a tick in the appropriate box (es) and write answer in the space provided Personal information Genders:  Male  Female Age:  Under 24  24 – 35  Over 35 Years of teaching: Questions: In your opinion, how important is teaching listening comprehension in comparison with other skills?  more important  equally important  less important  don‟t know In your opinion, what factors create difficulties in your teaching of listening?  Big class size  Lack of necessary facilities  Lack of time  Students‟ inexperience in listening  Students‟ activities in class  Students‟ language problems TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com II  Students‟ mixed levels of English  Teachers‟ methodology Teachers‟ experience in teaching  Others…………… In your opinion, how important is being aware of the features of spoken language in learning listening comprehension? 1.Very important Important Not very important Not important Being aware of phenomenon of sound (assimilation, elision…) Being aware of stress and intonation Being aware of “markers” (e.g: “Er/ Erm/ Well…” and their meaning Being aware of pauses and “fillers” (for example: “Er…/ and er….”) during long silences and their meaning Being aware of formal and informal language in situations How often you help your students make use of the features of spoken English to learn listening comprehension? Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely Never ( to times a (4 to times a ( to times a (1 to times a (no times ) month) month) month) month) Explain and provide practice for different phenomenon of sound when there are such kinds in listening texts Interpret the use of stress, intonation Help the students recognize “markers” and their meaning Help students recognize and understand the meaning of pauses and filler (“Er/ Erm….”) during long silences TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com III Provide and explain formal and informal language used in listening texts Interpret the use of stress, intonation How often you use these activities in pre – listening stage? Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely ( to times a (4 to times a ( to times a (1 to times a month) month) month) Never (no times ) month) 5 Design some activities or games to help students activate your knowledge Pre teach new words and structures related to listening texts Guide students to discover pictures related to listening texts Give students time to discuss or predict in pairs or group of the topics they are going to listen Provide students background information or knowledge of the topics they are going to listen Explain instructions about what and how to with the tasks clearly Ask students to read through questions and exercises (done in while listening) Others How often you use these activities in while – listening stage? Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely Never ( to times (4 to times a ( to times (1 to times a (no times ) a month) month) a month) month) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com IV Guide students make connections with ideas and information they know Decide what is and is not important to understand Ask students to predict what is coming next, using both their general knowledge and the clues they have heard Encourage students to make guesses based on the context, the intonation Help students recognize transition words (e.g: although, but, for example…” and what they indicate Encourage students to examine how or why their answers are not correct Others……… How often you use these activities in post – listening stage? Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely Never ( to times (4 to times a ( to times (1 to times a (no times ) a month) month) a month) month) Tell students to compare their notes and discuss in pairs or in groups about the topics Encourage students to respond to what they‟ve listened Ask students to write a summary of the main points Ask students to review their notes and add more information after giving feedback to their answer in while – listening stage Ask students to look at typescripts and help them deal with stress words or new structures Give students extra listening tasks Give students role – play activities Others……… How you make use of the course book “New Headway Elementary” and “New Headway Pre – Intermediate” in your listening lesson? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com V Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely Never ( to times (4 to times a ( to times a (1 to times a (no times ) a month) month) month) month) Use only the textbook and its procedure without creating or designing others listening materials or activities (due to the lack of time) Make advantage of the procedure in the textbook and add more tasks/ activities Replace some inappropriate parts with other listening tasks/ activities to motivate students‟ interests Use the teachers‟ voice because the students not understand the speakers „voice Provide students with more listening tasks based on the available text to practice and change the listening atmosphere (use handouts) How often you use the following teaching aids in listening lesson to motivate your students? Always Often 3.Sometimes Rarely Never ( to times (4 to times a ( to times (1 to times a (no times ) a month) month) a month) month) CD player and CDs VCD/ Projector Tasks in the course books Pictures, handouts Music, games TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VI Others………………… 10 Can you give suggestions to teach listening comprehension at your university more effectively? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... interesting materials for the students in the process of teaching and they have to know how to apply them The influence of the materials and the methods of the English teacher in teaching listening is... investigates the difficulties of the teachers in teaching listening skill at Hanoi University of Industry The research leads to these main conclusions The teachers at HaUI meet certain problems in teaching. .. listening into two types: intensive and extensive listening Intensive listening is listening for detailed information, for example: listening to the announcement or listening to the weather forecast Intensive

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