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Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Simon Fraser University Note: This manuscript is based on a forthcoming book by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, c 2000 c Morgan Kaufmann Publishers All rights reserved TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Preface Our capabilities of both generating and collecting data have been increasing rapidly in the last several decades Contributing factors include the widespread use of bar codes for most commercial products, the computerization of many business, scienti c and government transactions and managements, and advances in data collection tools ranging from scanned texture and image platforms, to on-line instrumentation in manufacturing and shopping, and to satellite remote sensing systems In addition, popular use of the World Wide Web as a global information system has ooded us with a tremendous amount of data and information This explosive growth in stored data has generated an urgent need for new techniques and automated tools that can intelligently assist us in transforming the vast amounts of data into useful information and knowledge This book explores the concepts and techniques of data mining, a promising and ourishing frontier in database systems and new database applications Data mining, also popularly referred to as knowledge discovery in databases KDD, is the automated or convenient extraction of patterns representing knowledge implicitly stored in large databases, data warehouses, and other massive information repositories Data mining is a multidisciplinary eld, drawing work from areas including database technology, arti cial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, statistics, pattern recognition, knowledge based systems, knowledge acquisition, information retrieval, high performance computing, and data visualization We present the material in this book from a database perspective That is, we focus on issues relating to the feasibility, usefulness, e ciency, and scalability of techniques for the discovery of patterns hidden in large databases As a result, this book is not intended as an introduction to database systems, machine learning, or statistics, etc., although we provide the background necessary in these areas in order to facilitate the reader's comprehension of their respective roles in data mining Rather, the book is a comprehensive introduction to data mining, presented with database issues in focus It should be useful for computing science students, application developers, and business professionals, as well as researchers involved in any of the disciplines listed above Data mining emerged during the late 1980's, has made great strides during the 1990's, and is expected to continue to ourish into the new millennium This book presents an overall picture of the eld from a database researcher's point of view, introducing interesting data mining techniques and systems, and discussing applications and research directions An important motivation for writing this book was the need to build an organized framework for the study of data mining | a challenging task owing to the extensive multidisciplinary nature of this fast developing eld We hope that this book will encourage people with di erent backgrounds and experiences to exchange their views regarding data mining so as to contribute towards the further promotion and shaping of this exciting and dynamic eld To the teacher This book is designed to give a broad, yet in depth overview of the eld of data mining You will nd it useful for teaching a course on data mining at an advanced undergraduate level, or the rst-year graduate level In addition, individual chapters may be included as material for courses on selected topics in database systems or in arti cial intelligence We have tried to make the chapters as self-contained as possible For a course taught at the undergraduate level, you might use chapters to as the core course material Remaining class material may be selected from among the more advanced topics described in chapters and 10 For a graduate level course, you may choose to cover the entire book in one semester Each chapter ends with a set of exercises, suitable as assigned homework The exercises are either short questions i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ii that test basic mastery of the material covered, or longer questions which require analytical thinking To the student We hope that this textbook will spark your interest in the fresh, yet evolving eld of data mining We have attempted to present the material in a clear manner, with careful explanation of the topics covered Each chapter ends with a summary describing the main points We have included many gures and illustrations throughout the text in order to make the book more enjoyable and reader-friendly" Although this book was designed as a textbook, we have tried to organize it so that it will also be useful to you as a reference book or handbook, should you later decide to pursue a career in data mining What you need to know in order to read this book? You should have some knowledge of the concepts and terminology associated with database systems However, we try to provide enough background of the basics in database technology, so that if your memory is a bit rusty, you will not have trouble following the discussions in the book You should have some knowledge of database querying, although knowledge of any speci c query language is not required You should have some programming experience In particular, you should be able to read pseudo-code, and understand simple data structures such as multidimensional arrays It will be helpful to have some preliminary background in statistics, machine learning, or pattern recognition However, we will familiarize you with the basic concepts of these areas that are relevant to data mining from a database perspective To the professional This book was designed to cover a broad range of topics in the eld of data mining As a result, it is a good handbook on the subject Because each chapter is designed to be as stand-alone as possible, you can focus on the topics that most interest you Much of the book is suited to applications programmers or information service managers like yourself who wish to learn about the key ideas of data mining on their own The techniques and algorithms presented are of practical utility Rather than selecting algorithms that perform well on small toy" databases, the algorithms described in the book are geared for the discovery of data patterns hidden in large, real databases In Chapter 10, we brie y discuss data mining systems in commercial use, as well as promising research prototypes Each algorithm presented in the book is illustrated in pseudo-code The pseudocode is similar to the C programming language, yet is designed so that it should be easy to follow by programmers unfamiliar with C or C++ If you wish to implement any of the algorithms, you should nd the translation of our pseudo-code into the programming language of your choice to be a fairly straightforward task Organization of the book The book is organized as follows Chapter provides an introduction to the multidisciplinary eld of data mining It discusses the evolutionary path of database technology which led up to the need for data mining, and the importance of its application potential The basic architecture of data mining systems is described, and a brief introduction to the concepts of database systems and data warehouses is given A detailed classi cation of data mining tasks is presented, based on the di erent kinds of knowledge to be mined A classi cation of data mining systems is presented, and major challenges in the eld are discussed Chapter is an introduction to data warehouses and OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing Topics include the concept of data warehouses and multidimensional databases, the construction of data cubes, the implementation of on-line analytical processing, and the relationship between data warehousing and data mining Chapter describes techniques for preprocessing the data prior to mining Methods of data cleaning, data integration and transformation, and data reduction are discussed, including the use of concept hierarchies for dynamic and static discretization The automatic generation of concept hierarchies is also described TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iii Chapter introduces the primitives of data mining which de ne the speci cation of a data mining task It describes a data mining query language DMQL, and provides examples of data mining queries Other topics include the construction of graphical user interfaces, and the speci cation and manipulation of concept hierarchies Chapter describes techniques for concept description, including characterization and discrimination An attribute-oriented generalization technique is introduced, as well as its di erent implementations including a generalized relation technique and a multidimensional data cube technique Several forms of knowledge presentation and visualization are illustrated Relevance analysis is discussed Methods for class comparison at multiple abstraction levels, and methods for the extraction of characteristic rules and discriminant rules with interestingness measurements are presented In addition, statistical measures for descriptive mining are discussed Chapter presents methods for mining association rules in transaction databases as well as relational databases and data warehouses It includes a classi cation of association rules, a presentation of the basic Apriori algorithm and its variations, and techniques for mining multiple-level association rules, multidimensional association rules, quantitative association rules, and correlation rules Strategies for nding interesting rules by constraint-based mining and the use of interestingness measures to focus the rule search are also described Chapter describes methods for data classi cation and predictive modeling Major methods of classi cation and prediction are explained, including decision tree induction, Bayesian classi cation, the neural network technique of backpropagation, k-nearest neighbor classi ers, case-based reasoning, genetic algorithms, rough set theory, and fuzzy set approaches Association-based classi cation, which applies association rule mining to the problem of classi cation, is presented Methods of regression are introduced, and issues regarding classi er accuracy are discussed Chapter describes methods of clustering analysis It rst introduces the concept of data clustering and then presents several major data clustering approaches, including partition-based clustering, hierarchical clustering, and model-based clustering Methods for clustering continuous data, discrete data, and data in multidimensional data cubes are presented The scalability of clustering algorithms is discussed in detail Chapter discusses methods for data mining in advanced database systems It includes data mining in objectoriented databases, spatial databases, text databases, multimedia databases, active databases, temporal databases, heterogeneous and legacy databases, and resource and knowledge discovery in the Internet information base Finally, in Chapter 10, we summarize the concepts presented in this book and discuss applications of data mining and some challenging research issues Errors It is likely that this book may contain typos, errors, or omissions If you notice any errors, have suggestions regarding additional exercises or have other constructive criticism, we would be very happy to hear from you We welcome and appreciate your suggestions You can send your comments to: Data Mining: Concept and Techniques Intelligent Database Systems Research Laboratory Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5A 1S6 Fax: 604 291-3045 Alternatively, you can use electronic mails to submit bug reports, request a list of known errors, or make constructive suggestions To receive instructions, send email to with Subject: help" in the message header We regret that we cannot personally respond to all e-mails The errata of the book and other updated information related to the book can be found by referencing the Web address: http: db.cs.sfu.ca Book dk@cs.sfu.ca Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the members of the data mining research group who have been working with us at Simon Fraser University on data mining related research, and to all the members of the system development team, who have been working on an exciting data mining project, , and have made it a real success The data mining research team currently consists of the following active members: Julia Gitline, DBMiner DBMiner TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iv Kan Hu, Jean Hou, Pei Jian, Micheline Kamber, Eddie Kim, Jin Li, Xuebin Lu, Behzad Mortazav-Asl, Helen Pinto, Yiwen Yin, Zhaoxia Wang, and Hua Zhu The development team currently consists of the following active members: Kan Hu, Behzad Mortazav-Asl, and Hua Zhu, and some partime workers from the data mining research team We are also grateful to Helen Pinto, Hua Zhu, and Lara Winstone for their help with some of the gures in this book More acknowledgements will be given at the nal stage of the writing DBMiner TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Contents Introduction 1.1 What motivated data mining? Why is it important? 1.2 So, what is data mining? 1.3 Data mining | on what kind of data? 1.3.1 Relational databases 1.3.2 Data warehouses 1.3.3 Transactional databases 1.3.4 Advanced database systems and advanced database applications 1.4 Data mining functionalities | what kinds of patterns can be mined? 1.4.1 Concept class description: characterization and discrimination 1.4.2 Association analysis 1.4.3 Classi cation and prediction 1.4.4 Clustering analysis 1.4.5 Evolution and deviation analysis 1.5 Are all of the patterns interesting? 1.6 A classi cation of data mining systems 1.7 Major issues in data mining 1.8 Summary TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 3 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 21 CONTENTS TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com c J Han and M Kamber, 1998, DRAFT!! DO NOT COPY!! DO NOT DISTRIBUTE!! September 7, 1999 Chapter Introduction This book is an introduction to what has come to be known as data mining and knowledge discovery in databases The material in this book is presented from a database perspective, where emphasis is placed on basic data mining concepts and techniques for uncovering interesting data patterns hidden in large data sets The implementation methods discussed are particularly oriented towards the development of scalable and e cient data mining tools In this chapter, you will learn how data mining is part of the natural evolution of database technology, why data mining is important, and how it is de ned You will learn about the general architecture of data mining systems, as well as gain insight into the kinds of data on which mining can be performed, the types of patterns that can be found, and how to tell which patterns represent useful knowledge In addition to studying a classi cation of data mining systems, you will read about challenging research issues for building data mining tools of the future 1.1 What motivated data mining? Why is it important? Necessity is the mother of invention | English proverb The major reason that data mining has attracted a great deal of attention in information industry in recent years is due to the wide availability of huge amounts of data and the imminent need for turning such data into useful information and knowledge The information and knowledge gained can be used for applications ranging from business management, production control, and market analysis, to engineering design and science exploration Data mining can be viewed as a result of the natural evolution of information technology An evolutionary path has been witnessed in the database industry in the development of the following functionalities Figure 1.1: data collection and database creation, data management including data storage and retrieval, and database transaction processing, and data analysis and understanding involving data warehousing and data mining For instance, the early development of data collection and database creation mechanisms served as a prerequisite for later development of e ective mechanisms for data storage and retrieval, and query and transaction processing With numerous database systems o ering query and transaction processing as common practice, data analysis and understanding has naturally become the next target Since the 1960's, database and information technology has been evolving systematically from primitive le processing systems to sophisticated and powerful databases systems The research and development in database systems since the 1970's has led to the development of relational database systems where data are stored in relational table structures; see Section 1.3.1, data modeling tools, and indexing and data organization techniques In addition, users gained convenient and exible data access through query languages, query processing, and user interfaces E cient methods for on-line transaction processing OLTP, where a query is viewed as a read-only transaction, have contributed substantially to the evolution and wide acceptance of relational technology as a major tool for e cient storage, retrieval, and management of large amounts of data Database technology since the mid-1980s has been characterized by the popular adoption of relational technology and an upsurge of research and development activities on new and powerful database systems These employ ad3 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Data collection and database creation (1960’s and earlier) - primitive file processing Database management systems (1970’s) - network and relational database systems - data modeling tools - indexing and data organization techniques - query languages and query processing - user interfaces - optimization methods - on-line transactional processing (OLTP) Advanced databases systems (mid-1980’s - present) Data warehousing and data mining (late-1980’s - present) - advanced data models: extended-relational, objectoriented, object-relational - application-oriented: spatial, temporal, multimedia, active, scientific, knowledge-bases, World Wide Web - data warehouse and OLAP technology - data mining and knowledge discovery New generation of information systems (2000 - ) Figure 1.1: The evolution of database technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 1.1 WHAT MOTIVATED DATA MINING? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? How can I analyze ??? this data? ??? Figure 1.2: We are data rich, but information poor vanced data models such as extended-relational, object-oriented, object-relational, and deductive models Applicationoriented database systems, including spatial, temporal, multimedia, active, and scienti c databases, knowledge bases, and o ce information bases, have ourished Issues related to the distribution, diversi cation, and sharing of data have been studied extensively Heterogeneous database systems and Internet-based global information systems such as the World-Wide Web WWW also emerged and play a vital role in the information industry The steady and amazing progress of computer hardware technology in the past three decades has led to powerful, a ordable, and large supplies of computers, data collection equipment, and storage media This technology provides a great boost to the database and information industry, and makes a huge number of databases and information repositories available for transaction management, information retrieval, and data analysis Data can now be stored in many di erent types of databases One database architecture that has recently emerged is the data warehouse Section 1.3.2, a repository of multiple heterogeneous data sources, organized under a uni ed schema at a single site in order to facilitate management decision making Data warehouse technology includes data cleansing, data integration, and On-Line Analytical Processing OLAP, that is, analysis techniques with functionalities such as summarization, consolidation and aggregation, as well as the ability to view information at di erent angles Although OLAP tools support multidimensional analysis and decision making, additional data analysis tools are required for in-depth analysis, such as data classi cation, clustering, and the characterization of data changes over time The abundance of data, coupled with the need for powerful data analysis tools, has been described as a data rich but information poor" situation The fast-growing, tremendous amount of data, collected and stored in large and numerous databases, has far exceeded our human ability for comprehension without powerful tools Figure 1.2 As a result, data collected in large databases become data tombs" | data archives that are seldom revisited Consequently, important decisions are often made based not on the information-rich data stored in databases but rather on a decision maker's intuition, simply because the decision maker does not have the tools to extract the valuable knowledge embedded in the vast amounts of data In addition, consider current expert system technologies, which typically rely on users or domain experts to manually input knowledge into knowledge bases Unfortunately, this procedure is prone to biases and errors, and is extremely time-consuming and costly Data mining tools which perform data analysis may uncover important data patterns, contributing greatly to business strategies, knowledge bases, and scienti c and medical research The 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❀★✹▲❑✶❱▲▼✒✷❅◆✣✹✿✹◗✳✶✷❅✵❖❲❙✳❉✷❅✷❅✼❳❃€✳✶❁✿✺❖✷❅✵◗✼❅✾✣✷❨❀★✹✿✹❩✵◗❀★✳❚❁✿❃❏✷❅❃✣◆❬❘❙✹✿✷❅✳❚❲❙❃❏✳✶✷❅✼❳✼❅✳✶❄✘❁◗✹✿✷❅✷❅✵✿✹❉✷❨❀✔✬✍✹✖❭✦✬✍❪❫✬❉❀❴✬✍✳✶✹✿✬✍✾✭✬❉❁✿✷❅❃✣✬✍❘✚✬❂✵✿✬✍✱✭❀❛✬❉❵❜✬✍✾❏✬✍✳✶✬❉✼❅✷❅✵✩✬✍❄❛✬✍❑❚▼❩✬✍✺❖✬❉✼❅✾✣✬✍✹✿✵◗✬❂❀★❁✿✬❈✷❅❃✣✬❂❘❝✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✬ ❯❞ ✭✫✭✫ ✬✬ ❋✭❋✭✬❡✬❡❋❊ ❢✩♥♦❃✘✷❅✵◗❃❏❀★✳✶❁✿❁◗❣❤❄❙✳❚✼❨❣❤✐✩✹❇✳❚✺✔❁✿✳✶✷❳✳✶✼❅❀✖❦✣◆❬✼❅❀★❣❤✹♣✳✶❁◗✷❥✬❂✳❚❦✣✬❈✼❅✬❂❀★✹❧✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✬ ♠q ✭✫✭✫ ✬✬ ❋✭❋✭✬✬❡❯❞ ②✸rs✳✶❑❤❁✿❲❬✷❳✳❚✷✯❦✣❃✴✼❅✳✶❀★✼✩✹❩t✶❑❤❑❚❁❖▼③◆✘❲❬✷❅❃❏✷❨④✣✳✶✼✩❀✖t✘◆✈✳✶✵✩❃❏❄✘◆❬■❏❁❖❀★✳✶✹✚✵✿✷❅✬❉❑❚✐✉✬✍✹❖✺★✬✍✳✶✬✍✼❅❀✖✬❉◆✈✬✍❣❤✳✶✬✍❁✿✷❳✬❉✳❚❦✣✬✍✼❅✬❂❀★✹✇✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✡✬ ✮✖⑤① ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ❯❊❍⑥❧⑩✢✳✶★✺◗❁ ✳❚✵✿✷❅✵✿✵✿❀★✷❅❘❜❑❜❑❤❃✣❁◗✷❅✷✯❃✣⑦❴❘❉✳✶✵✿❲❙✷❅❑❜❀✔❃⑧✵✿✱✣❑❚❑✣▼③◆✘❲❫✹✚✳★✬✍⑨❖❑❤✬✍❁✸✬❂✺❖✼❅✬❈✾✣✬❂✹✿✵◗✬✍❀★❁✿✬❉✷❅❃✣✬✍❘❬✬✍❲❙✬✍❀★✵◗✬❉✱✣✬✍❑✣◆✘✬✍✹❝✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✡✬✡✮✖✮❤❋✮ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ❯✴❯✴❅✬❡✬ ❋✮ ❶✸⑩✢✳❚✼❳✳❚❁✿✹✿✵✿✹✿✷❅✵◗✷❳✺★✷✯❑❜✳❚❃✣✼❷✷❅■❏❃✣✳✶❘❉❁◗✵✿❲❬✷❅✵✿❀★✷❅✵✿❑❜✱✣❃✣❑✣✷❅❃✣◆✘❘❉✹❻❲❙✷❅❃❬❀✔✼❥✵✿✳❚✱✣❁✿❑✣❘❜◆✘❀❼✹❴◆✭❭✒✳✶❸❜✵❇✐✉✳❚❲❬❦❏✳✶❀✖✹◗✳✶❀★❃✭✹✖✹❹❭❽✳❚▼✥❁✿❃❏❑❤◆❫❲❾❸❜✐✉❸❜❲❬✐✩❲❙❀✖◆✘❀✖❑❜◆❺✷❥❑❤◆❺✷❳✹❝◆✘✹✒✬❉✵◗❑❙✬✍❶❻✬❂❿❷✬❈⑥❂✬❂➀s✬✍⑥❂✬✍r▲✬❉➁➂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✡✬✡✮✖✮✖❋❞ ✫✭✬ ❞➄✫✭➃s✬ ✷✯❞✭❀✔✬❅❇❁ ✮ ✳✶❁❖✺◗✱✣⑥▲✷❳❘❤✺★❘❜✳✶✼❽✼✯❑❜❲❙❲❙❀★❀★✵◗❁❖✱✣✳✶❑✣✵◗✷✯◆✘❣❜✹❙❀✻✬✍✳✶❃❏✬✍◆❬✬❂◆✘✬❈✷❅❣✘✬❂✷✯✹◗✬✍✷❅❣❤✬❉❀✻✬✍✱✭✷✯✬✍❀✔❁❇✬✍✳✶✬❉❁❖✺◗✬✍✱✣✷❳✬✍✺★✳✶✬❉✼✢✬✍✺❖✼❅✬❂✾✣✹✿✬✍✵◗❀★✬❉❁✿✷❅✬✍❃✣❘✚✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✡✬✡✮✖✮✖♠♠ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ❞✭❞✭✬❡✬❡❋❊ ♦♥❻❶ ❢✿➆▲➀❻➀✻❶❻➇❻➃❉❭✣❭✣❶✸♥✸✼❅✾✣✳✶✹◗✼❳✳❚✵✿❀★❃❏❁◗✺❖✷❅❀✖❃✣◆❬❘❙❢✩➆❻✵✿❀✔✹◗❁❇✷✯✳✶❃✭✵◗❘❙✷❅❣❤➀✻❀❛➇✢➀s■✣❀✖❁◗◆✘❀★✹✿✾❏❀✔✺❖❃➈✷❅❃✣✵❖✳✶❘❙✵◗✷✯✳❚❣❜❃❏❀★◆❙✹➉❶✸✬✍✼❅✾✣✬❉✹◗✵✿✬✍❀★✬✍❁◗✷❅❃✣✬❉❘✚✬✍✾✣✬✍✹✿✷❅✬✍❃✣❘❙✬❉✬✍➃s✬❂✷❅❀★❁❇✬❈✳❚✬❂❁❇✺◗✬✍✱✣✷❅✬✍❀★✹➅✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✡✬✡✮✖✮✖✫q ✫✭✬ ♠➄✫✭✫✭❱▲✬✬ ❀★❞✭♠✭❃✣✬✬❅❯✮ ✹◗✷❅✵✩❄❤❻❶❱✍✩✐ ❦❏➃s✸♥ ✳❚⑥❂➁✣✹✿❀✖❶✸❪€◆❫⑥❂➇♦✺❖r❈✼❅❿✦✾✣❭✶➇✒✹◗⑥✲✵✿➊✍❀★❁◗◆✘r❉✷✯❀★❃✭❭✭❃✣❘❙⑥➋✹◗✷❅❲❙✵✩✱✣❄❤❀✔✷❅✐✩✵✿❀★❦❏✱✣❁❇✳❚✳❚❑✣✹✿❁❇◆✘❀✖✺◗✹❙◆✚✱✣✷❳✺❖✬✍✺★✼❅✳❚✾✣✬✍✼③✹◗✬✍✵✿✺❖❀★✼❅✬❉✾✣❁◗✷❅✹◗✬✍❃✣✵✿❘✍❀★✬✍❁◗❲❙✷✯✬❉❃✭❀★❘⑧✬✍✵◗✱✣✬❂✳✶❑✣✼❅✬✍❘❜◆❉❑❤✬❉❦❏❁✿✷❅✬✍✳❚✵◗✹✿✱✣✬✍❀✖❲✡◆❈✬❉❑❤✾✣✬✍❃✚✹✿✬✍✷❅❃✣✺❖✬✍❑❜❘✚❃✣✬❉◆✘❃✣✬✍❄✘❀✖❃❏✺❖✬❂✵◗✳✶❀✖✬❈❲❬◆✚✬❂✷❳❁◗✺❻❀★✬✍❘❤❲❙✬✍✷❅❑❜❑✣✬❉❃✣◆✘✹✢✬✍❀✔✼✯➌❻✷❅✬✍❃✣✷✯✬❉✵◗❘ ✱❛✬✍✹◗✬✍✬✍✾✘➍⑧✬❂✬❂✺❖✬❈✬❈✷❅❀★✬❂✬❂❃✘✬✍✬✍✵✿✼❅❄❉✬❉✬❉✱✭✬✍✬✍✷✯✬✍❘❜✬✍✱ ✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋❋✣❋❤⑤✮ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ♠✭♠✭✬❡✬❡❋❊ ◆❺➊✍❱✍❀★⑩✢➇✒✣❃ ❻●▲r✹✿✷❅❢✿❶❻✵✩❶❻❄ ❿✦➁➎➆▲❭❏✬✍➇❻➊▲✬✍❭❏❁❇❶✸◆✘✬❉❀✔✼❅✬✍❁✿✾✣✷❅✹◗❃✣✬✍✵✿❘❙❀★✬❂❁◗⑩❽✷✯✬❈❃✭❑❤❘✚✬❂✷❅❃✘✬✍❦❏✵✿✳✶✹❻✬❉✹◗●✢❀✖✬✍◆❬❑➏✬✍❑❤❢✿✬✍◆✘❃€❀★✬❉❃✘◆✘✵✿✬✍❀★✷➐❃✣▼✏✬✍❄❬✹◗✷❅✬❉✵✩✵✿❄⑧✱✣✬✍❀❉◆✘✬❂✷❅❶✸✹✿✬✍✵◗✼❅✾✣❁✿✬❉✷❅✹✿❦✣✬✍✵◗✾✣❀★✬✍❁✿✵◗✷❅✷❅✬❉❃✣❑❤❃✚❘❙✬✍▼✥➁❺✬✍✾✣✵✿❃❏✬✍❁✿✾✴✺❖✬❉✵◗✺❖✷✯✵✿✬✍❑❜✾✣❃✣❁◗✬❂✹➑❀❾✬❈✬❂✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋✬➋❋✣❋❤❋❤❊❋✮ ✫✭✬ q➄✫✭➒✍✬ ❁◗q✭✷❳✬❅◆❜✮ ✐✉❦✴✳✶➁❺✹✿●❻❀❴◆⑧❢✿r✻✽✺ ✼✯✚➒ ✾✭✹✿❭✘✵✿⑥❧❀✔❁✿✷❅➁✘❃✣✵❖❘✚✳✶✵◗❲❙✷✯✹◗❀✔✵✿✷❳✵✿✺★✱✣✳❚❑✣✼❷◆✘❢✩✹➓❃✘▼✏❑❤✬❉❁◗❲⑧✬✍✳❚✬✍✵✿✷❅✬✍❑❤❃❙✬❉✬✍➒✍✬✍❁◗✷❳◆✚✬❉✬✍⑥✻■✭✬❂■✣✬✍❁✿❑✘✬❉✳❤✬✍✺◗✱➅✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋❋✶❋❤❯❞ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ q✭q✭✬❡✬❡❋❊ ✰➅❶❻❿➎✳❴❢✿❣❜→✍❀✖✸❶ ✻➆ ✼❅➇❻✾✣✹✿❭✴✵◗❶✸❀★❁✖✼✯✾✭❭✒✹✿❶✸✵✿❀✔✼❅✾✣❁✿✷❅✹◗❃✣✵✿❘✚❀★❁◗✱✣✷❅❃✣✷❅❘❤❘✚✱❺✾✣✐➣◆✘✹✿✷❅✷❅❃✣❲❬❘➏❀★➌❻❃✣✹✿✳❴✷❅❣❤❑❜❀★❃❏✼❅✳✶❀★✵❻✼✣✹◗✵◗■❏❁❇✳✶✳❤❃✭✺✽❀❂✹✩▼✏✬❉❑❜❁✿✬✍❲⑧✬✍✳❚✵✿✬❉✷❅❑❤✬✍❃➔✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋❋❤❋❤✫♠ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ✫➄ ❫ ❪ ✣ ❑ ✘ ◆ ✔ ❀ ❨ ✼ ✩ ✐ ❏ ❦ ❚ ✳ ✿ ✹ ✖ ❀ ❫ ◆ ✺ ❖ ❅ ✼ ✣ ✾ ◗ ✹ ✿ ✵ ★ ❀ ◗ ❁ ✯ ✷ ✭ ❃ ❙ ❘ ❙ ❲ ✔ ❀ ✿ ✵ ✣ ✱ ✣ ❑ ✘ ◆ ↔ ✹ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❂ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❂ ✬ ❈ ✬ ❂ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❂ ✬ ❈ ✬ ❂ ✬ ✍ ✬ ❉ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ✍ ✬ ➋ ✬ ❤ ❋ ① ①➄✫✭➊▲✬ ✾✣①✭✵◗✬❅✮✼✯✷❅❀★❁✻➁❺✳❚✵❇❃❏✳✶✳✶✵◗✼❅✷❅❄✘✹✿✵✿✹✿✷❳❅✷ ★✺ ✹€✳❚✼✦✬✍✳✶✬✍■✣✬❉■✭❁✿✬✍❑➈✳❜✬✍✺◗✬❂✱❙✬❈▼✥❑❤✬❂❁✸✬✍❑❤✾✣✬❉✵◗✬✍✼✯✷❅❀★✬✍❁✻✬✍◆❺❀★✬❉✵✿✬✍❀✖✺✽✬✍✵✿✷❅✬❉❑❤❃↕✬✍✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋❋❤❊❤①⑤ ✫✭✫✭✬✬ ①✭①✭✬❡✬❡❋❊ ❱▲❱▲✷❅❀★✹✿❣✘✵❖✷❳✳✶✳✶❃❏✵◗✺✽✷❅❑❤❖❀ ✘❃✐✉❦✴✐✩❦❏✳✶✹✿✳✶❀❴✹◗◆❫❀✖◆✚❑❤❑❜✾✣✾✣✵◗✼❅✵✿✷✯✼❅❀✔✷❅❁❹❀★❁✻◆✘◆✘❀✔✵✿❀✔❀✖✵✿✺❖❀✖✵◗✺❖✷❅✵◗❑❤✷❅❑❤❃ ❃❝✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❂✬❈✬❈✬❂✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋✬➋❊✣❊❤❋✮ ✫✭✬✯✮❴⑤➅➁✘✾✭❲❙❲⑧✳❚❁✿❄➙✬✍✬✍✬❉✍✬ ✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❈✬❂✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬❂✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬❂✬❈✬❂✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬❂✬❈✬❂✬✍✬❉✬✍✬✍✬✍✬➋❊❤❊ ✮ TIEU LUAN MOI download : 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❦✣✷❅◆✘❃✣✷❅✷❅✹❇❑❤✹✿✷❅✺✽✼❅❘❜❑❜❑✶✱➈❣❤❘❤✵♦❀★❄✘❁✍t❤✷✯❃✘✷❅◆✘✵✻✵◗✷❅❑❛✹✿✺★✵✿✳❚✹◗✷❅❃€✵✿❃❏❁✿✺✽✾✴❦❏✵❻✺❖❀❈✵✿❘❤✾✣✾✣❁✿❁◗❑❜✹✿❀★✾✣❀✖✹✻◆■✣✷❅✹❻❃✣✵✿❑❙✷❅✱✭❃❙❀★◆✘❁✿✵◗❀★❀★✱✣❁◗❃✘❀★✷❅✵❻❣❤✷❅❁❂❀❉✷❅❃✚✺✽■✣✾✣■✴✼❳✹✿✳❚❑❤✵◗❃➈❑❤■✣✵✻❲❙✾✣✳❚✼❳❀✔✳❚❃❏❁❩✵✿◆❫✷❅❦❏❑❤✳✶✳❚❃✣❃✣✹✿✹❴❀★✷❅✬③❲❫✹✍❶✸✳✶✳✶✼❅❃❏✼✣✾✣◆❫✵❖✹◗✳❴✵✿❀★✺◗④✣✱❏❁◗❑❤✷❅✳❚❃✣❃✣❁❇❑❜❘❛✳❤❲❙✺✽❲❫✵✿✷❅❀★❀★✳❴❁◗✹❴❄❛✷✯t➈⑦✔✳✶✺★❀ ✼❅✳❚✹◗✺❖✵✿❑❉✾✭❀★❘❜✹✿✱✣✵✿❑❤❀★❑❜❁◗✼❅❲❙✷✯■❙⑦✔❀❛❀★✷❅❃❬❁❻❘❜❘❜✵✿❀★✱✣❁✿❃✣❑❜❀▲❀★✾✣✹▲✷❥■✣◆❺➌❻✹❻❀★✷✯❃✘❦❏✵◗✵✿✱❫✳❚✷ ✹✿✹✿❀✖✺★✷❅◆❬❲❙✳❚✵✿❑❤✷❅✷❅✼❳❑❤❃❫✳✶❃✚❁✢■✣❑❚▼✥✾✭✾✣▼ ❁❇❃❏✳✶✺◗✺❖✱❏❁◗✵◗❀✖✳✶✷✯✳✶✹◗❑❜✹✸✷❅❃❏❃✣❑✶✳✶❘✚▼✦✼❅✷❅■❏✵✩✹◗❄✘✷❅✳✶❲❙t➈✵◗✵✿✳❚✷❅❀★✼❳❃❏✳✶❁◗◆❬❃✣❁✢✹✖✼❳❘➈✬♦✳✶✳✶❃❏❢✩✷❅❃❃◆ ✾✣✱✣✹◗✷❅❘❤❀✚✱❙✷✯❃➷✳❴❣❜✳✶❀★❃➫❁❇✳❚❀✖❘❤✳❚❀✍❁✿✺❖✵✿✱➷✼❳✳✶✷❅❑❜❲➧❦✣✹✿✺❖❀✔❑❜❁✿✹✿❣❤✵❴✳✶t❏✵◗✳✶✷❅❑❤✹♦❃ ➌❩◆✣❀★✼❅✳❚✼❷✵❇✳✶✳❚✹✸❦❏✳✶✵✿✹◗✱✣❀❤❀▲t③✷❳✳❚◆✘❃❏❀★❃✘◆ ✵✿✷✷✯❃ ✺★✵✿✳❚✱✣✵✿❀✚✷❅❑❤❃✚✷❳◆✘❑❚❀★❃✘▼✦✵◗❘❤✷ ❁◗❷❑❤✺★✾✣✳✶■✣✵◗✷✯✹✸❑❜❑✶❃ ▼✦❑❚✱✭▼❩❑❤✾✣❘❤❁◗✹◗❑❤❀★✹❻✾✣■✭✷❅❃❙✹❉✳❛❑✶▼❩✺❖✷❅❲❬✵✩❄✚❑❤✵◗✳❤❑❤✺★❁✻✺✽❑❤✷❅❃✣❁❇◆❺✹◗✾✣✷✯❃✭❁❇❘❛✳❚❃❏✵◗✺❖❑❉❀✚✱✣■✴❑❤❑❤✾✭✼❅✹✿✷❳❀✍✺❖❄❫✵✩❄✘✱✣■❏❑❤❀❤✼❳◆✘t✘❀✔❣❤❁✿✳❚✹❉✼❅✾✣➌❻❀❤✷❅t❤✵✿✳❚✱➷❃❏◆✳ ▼✏❘❤✵✿✾✣✱✭❀✔❃✴❑❤❀ ❘❤✺❖✺◗✵✿❁❖✱❏✷❅✳✶❑❤✳❚■✣❃❽❁❇✱✭✳❤t ✷❥✺✽✺✔✺✽✵✿✼✯✳✶❀★✾✭✼✣❁◗✹✿✼❅✷✯✵✿❑✣✹◗❀✔✵✿✺★❁❼✷❳✳✶✺❖✵◗✳❚✹❉✷❅❃❏❑❤❑❚✳✶❃✦▼✒✼❅✬❷❄✘❀✖✹✿❢✩✳❤✵✢✷❅✺◗✹✻✱➷❲❫✺★✳❚✳❴✺❖✼❅❃€❄❼✾✣✳❚✹✿❦✴✵◗✼❅❀❛✹✿❀★❑✻❁✖✾✣t✦✱✭✹◗✳❚❀✖❀★❃❏◆➫✼❅■❙◆❫✳✶✺❖✵◗✹❂✼❳❑✚✳✶✳➏✹✿▼✏✹◗❑✣✹◗✷➐✵❇▼✏✺❖❄❉✳❚✾✣❃❏✹▲◆✘◆❜❑✣❑❤✐✿✺❖❃✳✶✾✣✼❅❑❤❲❙✳✈❃✣❀✔■❏❀❈❃➈✳✶✵✿✵◗❁◗❑✘✹✒✵✿❑❤✷❳❑❤✺❖✼❽❃➏✾✣✵✿✼❳✵✿❑❙✳❚✱✭❁❻❘✘❀❻✹✿✳✶✰✲❀★✷❅✵✍❃❫✰✲❑✶✷❅❃✣▼❻✰➑✹✿✺❖✷❅✼❅❘❤✾✣▼✏✱✘❑❜✹✿✵❻✵◗❁✢❀★✷❅✷✯❁✿❃✘❃❺✹▲✵✿▼✏❑❬❑❤▼✏❑❜❁◗✵✿❲⑧❁❻✱✣▼✏❀❛✳✶✾✣✵◗❁◗◆❺✷❅✵✿❑❤✷✯✱✣✹◗❃❂✵✿❀✔❁◗◆❺❁❼✷✯✷✯❦✭✹❖✳❚✾✣✺❖❃❏❑✶✵✿✳✶✷❅❣❤❑❤✼❅❀✔❄✘❃ ❁✿✹✿❄✘✷❅❑✶✹❴✬✦▼❩✬❻⑥▲◆✣⑥✻✹❩✳✶✼❅✵❖✳✍✵✿✳✣❀✔◆✣❁✿t✭❃❏✳✶✵✿✵❖✳❚❑❙✳✻✵✿✷❅❑❜❲❬❣❤❦✣❀★✹✿✷❅✼❅❃✣❀✔❄✘❁✿✷❅t✣❃✣❣❤✷❅❀❘✵ ❲⑧◆✘❀★✳❴✵◗❄➏❀✖✺❖✹✿✵◗❀✔❀✖❁✿◆ ❣❤❀✚✺✽✼✯✳✶✾✭✹✻✹✿✵✿✳❈❀✔❁✿■✣✹✖❁◗✬ ❀★■✣❁✿❑✣✺❖❀✔✹✿✹✿✷❅❃✣❘❫✹◗✵✿❀★■❫▼✥❑❤❁❻❑❤✵◗✱✣❀★❁✻✳❚✼✯❘❜❑❤❁◗✷✯✵◗✱✣❲❙✹❴t❤✹◗✾❏✺◗✱€✳✶✹✻✺❖✼❳✳✶✹◗✹✿✷ ✺★✳❚✵✿✷❅❑❤❃€✳❚❃❏◆❫✺✿✱✴✳✶❁❇✳❜✺❖✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❅⑦✖✳✶✵◗✷❅❑❤❃✦t✭❑❤■✴❀★❁❇✳❚✵✿✷❅❃✣❘✚❑❤❃❫✵◗✱✣❀ ■❏❲⑧✳❚✳❜■❏✺◗❱✍❀★✱✣❁◗✳✶✷❅✹❙❃✣✵❖❀✻✳❉✹❖✺★✼❅✺❖✳✶❀✖✼❅✵◗✳❚✾✣✵✿❁✿✹◗❀★❃✣✵✿❁◗❀★✷❅❀✖❃✣❁◗◆✲✷✯❘✴❃✭t❤❘❛✷❅❃ù✹◗■❏✷❅✹❻✳✶❲⑧✵◗✳✍✷❥✳✶✳❚❄❤❃✘✼✦❑❜❄➷◆✣✾✣✳✶❃✣✺❖❑❤✵❖❘❉✳✶❃❺✹❖❦❏▼✏✺❖❀★✳❚✷❅❁✿✹✿❀★❀✔❀❤❃✘❃❏t✭✵✿✺❖✷❦✣❀➫✷❅✺✍❑❤■✣✼❅◆✘❑❤❁✿❑✣✷❅❘❜✹❇✺❖❄➈✺❖❀★t❚✷❅❀❴■✣❲⑧◆✘✼❅✷❅✷❅✳✶❃✣❃✣❁ ❀❻❘❤❤✹❫✾✣❀★✵◗❃✴✳✶✷❅❃✣◆✘❃❏❀★❘❏◆ù❁❻t✘✳✶❣✘■✴❃❏✷❅❀★❘❤◆✈❁✿❑❤✷❅❑✣❁◗✹✿❑❤❑✚◆✘✾✣✷❳❑❜✺★✹✸✳✶❃✦◆✘✼❅t✘✹❴❀★➌❻t✒❣❤❲❙❀✔✷❅✵✿✼✯✱€❑❜❑❜■✣✹✿◆✘✵◗❲❙✼✯✷ ❄➫❀✔❀✔❃➈✷❅❁✿✵❴❃ ❀★✬✦❃✘✵✿●❻✵❻✱✣✱✭❀★❀ ❲❬❀★❁✿❏❀❉■✣❀★✱❏✼❳✳✶◆✘✳✶❁◗✹✚✹◗❀❂❀★❑❚✳❈✹✻▼❼✳✶✼❳✳✶◆✣❃✴❁✿✳❚◆⑧❘❜✵❇❀❻✳➫◆❺❃✘✷ ❷❲❬✾✣❀★❲✚✷✯❁◗❃✭❀★❦❏✷✯❃✘❃✭❀✔✵❻❁✒❘❏✵✿t❽❑✶❀✖▼✦✹✿✺◗✵❇✱✣❁◗✳❚❀★❃✣✵✿✹✿✷❳✷❅❀✖❵❜✹✿✳❚✵◗✾✣✷❳❁❇❀★✺❖✺◗✹❴✹✖✱ ✬t ✷❅➊▲❃€➌❻◆✣✷❅⑥▲✳✶❃✣✵❖✹⑧❘❛✳❉✵◗✳➫❲❬❑❉❦✣✷✯✵✿❃✭❁❖✱✭✳✶✷✯❀✻❃✭❃❏❘❉✱✘✺◗✱↕✾✣❁✿❘❤❀★❑✶❀✍✹◗❀✖▼❉✳✶✳✶✹✿❲❬❁❖✵❖✺◗✳✶❑❤✱✦✵✿✾✣✬ ✷❅❃✘✹◗✵✿✵✿✷❳✹✢✺❖✹✖❑❚t✍▼ ◆✣✺❖✼❅✳❚✾✣✵❇✹◗✳❉✵✿❀★✺❖❁€❑❜✼❅✳✶✼✯❀❴❃✴✺❖✳✶✵✿✼❅❀✖❄✘◆✈✹✿✷❅✷❅✹✚❃⑧✱❏◆✣✳✶✳❚✹❬✵❇✳✶❦❏❦✴❀✔✳✶❀★✹✿❃✇❀✔✹✖✹◗t✣✵✿✺❖✾❏✼❅✾✣◆❺✹◗✷✯❀❴✵✿❀★◆ ❁✻❀❖✳❚④✣❃❏✵✿✳✶❀★✼❅❃✭❄✘✹✿✹✿✷❅✷❅❣❤✹✒❀★✱❏✼❅❄ù✳❚✹✒▼✏❑❜❁✿❀❴❁❙✺❖❀★❲⑧❃✘✳❚✵✿✼❅❃✘❄❙❄➷❦✴❄❤❀✖❀✖✺❖✳❚❑❜❁✿❲❙✹✖t❹❀✍▼✏✳✍❑✣✺❖✱✣✾✣✷❅❘❤✹✿✹◗✱✣✷❅✼❅❃✣❄✚❘➅✳❤❲❫✺❖✵◗✷❅✳✶❣❤✷❅❀❻❃✣✼❅✵✿❄ ❑❜■✣❑❜✷❳❃ ✺ ◆✘✳✶✼❅✷❅✹◗✹✿❑✚✵❖✳✶❦❏❃❏❀★✺✽❀✔❀❖❃€✐✉❦✴❦✣✳✶✹✿✾✣❀❴✷❅◆⑧✼❅✵❩✺✽✷❅❃❬✼✯✾✭✹✿❲⑧✵✿❀✔✳✶❁✻❃✘❄➏✳✶❃❏✹✿✳❚✵❖✼✯✳✶❄✘✵✿✹◗✷❅✹◗✷✯✹❴✵✿✬✦✷❳✺★❶✸✳✶✼✢✼❅✾✣✳✶✹✿❃❏✵◗✳❚❀★❁✻✼❅❄➈✳✶✹◗❃✴✷❅✹❩✳✶✹◗✼❅❄✘❑✶✹✿▼✏✵✩✷❅✹✢➌❻✵✿✳✶❑✘❁◗❑❤❀❂✼❅✹✒■✴✳❤❦❏✺ ✳❚❤✹✿✳✶❀✖❘❜◆✈❀★❑❤✹❻❃❙❑❤❁❻❸❜✐✩✹◗❲❙❄➈✹◗❀❴✵✿✳✶❀★❃✣❲❬✹❴✹✖t➈t✘❸❜✹◗✐✩✾❏❲❙✺◗✱❀❴◆✘✳✶❑❤✹✻✷❳◆✘➁❜✹❴✐✿t ⑩✢✳❚✼❅❃❏✾✣◆✚✹❴t✣✹◗➁✣❀★❣❤⑩✒❀✔➁✣❁❇➁❷✳✶✼✴t✴❑❤✳✶✵◗❃❏✱✣◆❫❀★❁✸➁✘⑥✍❲❙➁❷❀★✵◗✬ ✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✒✱❏✳❴❣❜❀ t t ỵ ý ✕ ✼✯❀✔✹✖✌✏✬✎✒✌✥✕➈✑✔✭✓✖✜✭❑❤✕✘✗✶❁✍✗✶✛③✧✥✵✿✧✥✛ ✱✭✛ ✷✯✹❈t✣✬✚❁✿✳❬❀✖➆s✳❚❘❤❃✣✹✿❁◗❑❤❑❤✼❅✷❃❽✾✣❜t✢■➷❀❙✷✯✵✍✺❖❑❚✼❳▼❹✷❅✳✶✹❛❑❜✹◗✹✿❦❤✳❬✷ ⑨❖❀✖▼✥✺★❑❤✺❖✳❚✵◗❁✿✵✿✹✍❲ ✷❅❑❤▼✏❃✦❑❤❑✶❁◗t✢▼ ❲❙✺❖✌✏✼❅✕✘✹❉✾✣✜✣✹◗✳❫✗✶✵✿❀★✛✢✺❖❁◗✼❳✧✥✷✯✳✶✛ ❃✭✹◗❘ ✹ ❑❤❘❤❃✭❀✔❑❤✼✯❄❫❲❙✷➐❀✔▼✒✵✿❁✿✷❅✵✻✷❳✺✍✷❅✹❂◆✘✷❅◆✘✹✿✵❖❀✔✳✶✹❇✺❖❃❏❁◗✺✽✷✯❀❤❦✴✬✻✳✶❦✣❶✸✼❅❑❤❀➏❃✴❦➈✺❖❄€❀★■✣✳❬✵◗✾❏✺❖✳✶❑❤✼✒❃❏✺❖✺✽✼❅❀★✾✣■✣✹◗✵✖✵✿✬✍❀★❁◗●❻✷✯❃✭✱✭❘⑧✷✯✹✍✺❖◆✘❑❜❃✣✷ ✹✿❀✔✷❅✹✿❁✿✵◗✹▲✹✍▼✏❑✶❁✿❑❜▼✒❲ ✵✩➌❩✺❖❑❙❑❤❃✘✺✽❑❤❣❜❲❙❀★❃✘■✴✵✿❑❤✷❅❑❤❃✭❃❏❀★✳❚❃✘✼③✵✿✹✖✺❖❭✼❅✾✣❇✹◗✮ ✵✿✸❀★❁◗✷✯✷❅✵✍❃✣❘❫◆✘✷❅✹❇➌❻✺❖✱✣❑✶❣❜✷❳✺✿❀★✱ ❁✿✹▲❲❙✵✿✱✣❀✖✳❚❀➏✹✿✾✣✳✶■✣❁◗❀★■✣✹✻❁◗❑❤✹◗■✣✷✯❲❬❁◗✷❳✷❅✳✶✼❥✵✿✳❚❀➏❁✿✷❅✵✩✺❖❄✚✼❳✳✶❦❏✹✿✹◗✳❚❀★✹✿✹✖❀✖t❷◆❫✳❚❃❏❑❜❃◆ ✼❅✉❑✶❋ ➌✲✒❢✩✷❅✷❅❃€✵✢❃✘▼✥✵✿◆✣❑❤❀★✳❚❁✿❁❖❲❬✵❇✺❖✳❈✼❳✳✶✹✒❲❙✹✿◆✘✹▲❀★✷❅✹✿❃✣✹❇✷❅✺✽✷❅❲❙❃✣❁✿✷❅❘❏✷❅■✣✼❳t❜✵✿✳✶■✴✷❅❁◗❑❜✷❅❀★✵✩❃✣❑❤❄❉✹✒■✣✹✿▼✥✼❅✵◗❀✍❑❤✷✯❁✒✼❅✱❏✼✦❀✖✳❴✳❚✳❜❣❜■✣✺◗❀❂✱⑧■✣❦✴✼❅✺❖✷❅❀★❀★✼❳❀★✳✶✹✖❃ ✹◗✬ ✹✖✹✿t✘✵✿✳✶✾✴✹✸◆✘✷❅❄✘❃❙✷✯❃✭✺❖❘✚✼❳✳✶❲❙✹✿✹◗✷❀★✵◗✺★✱✣✳✶❑✣✵◗◆✘✷❅❑❤✹✸❃✦▼✏❑❤✬❽❁✸●❻❀❖✱✣➍⑧❀✻✺❖❘❜✷❅✾✣❀★❃✘✷❳◆✘✵✍❀★✳✶✼❅✷❅❃❏❃✣◆❬❀✸❑✶❀ ❷▼✦❀✖✹✿✵◗✺❖❁✿✵◗✷❅✷✯❣✘❣❜✷❅❀❛❃✣✺❖❘✍✼❅✾✣▼✏❑❜✹◗❁✒✵✿❀★✱✣❁❉✷❅❘❤✳✶✱✚❃✴✳✶✷❅❃✘✼❅❄✘✵✿✹✿❁❖✷❅✳❤✹❩✺❖✷❅✼❳❃✳✶✹◗✹✒✹✿✷❅❲❬✷✯✼❳✳❚❁✿✷❅✵✩❄❂❴✳❚ý ❃❏❖ý★◆ ✬ ❊ ✁ ✄✂✆☎ ✝ ✞✝ ✡ ✄✂☛☎ ✠✟ ✞☞ ✁ ✄✂✆☎ ✍✌ ✏✎ ✏✎ ✍✌ ✑✌ ✍✌ ✍✌ ✍✌ ✒✌ ✓✎ ✍✔ ✑✔ ✓✎ ✖✕ ☛✗ ✙✘ ✢ ✚✌ ✤✣ ✢ ☛✗ ✥✣ ✖✟ ✄✎ ✍✌ ✜✛ ✦ ✄✧✚✂☛☎✩★ ✁★✫✪✭✬✯✮✰✧✚✱✲✂ ✴✳✵ ✶✧ ✷✝ ✣ ✝ ✸✕ ✝ ✖✟ ✠✟ ✍✔ ✺✹ ✼✻ ✹ ✽✻ ✍✌ ✚✔ ✾ ✄✂✆☎✿✪✲✧❀☞✲✂❂❁❃✂✽✬✚✂ ❄✧ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ❯ ➛ ❻➞✒➟ ➪➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ❂➝ ♦➠ ✿➠ ⑥❂✶✺✽ÿ ✵✿✷❅❣❤❀➏▲✵✿✱✣ý ý ý t ỵ ỵý ýỵ ỵ ỵ tt ỵ ỵ ỵ ❅ ✼ ✣ ✾ ◗ ✹ ✿ ✵ ★ ❀ ◗ ❁ ●❻✱✣❀✍▼✥❑❤✼❅✼❅❑✶➌❻✷✯❃✭❘❼✳❚❁✿❀✍✵✩❄✘■✣✷❳✺★✳✶✼❷❁◗❀✖❵❜✾✣✷❅❁✿❀★❲❬❀★❃✘✵✿✹❻❑❚▼♦✺✽✼✯✾✭✹✿✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❅❃✣❘✚✷❅❃€◆✣✳✶✵❖✳❉❲❬✷✯❃✭✷✯❃✭❘❏✬ ✮❜✬ ✱✣❑✶➌❩✜✣✌✥❀✔✜ ❣❤❀★❁❴✧✏t➈✌✥✧✏✳✍✓❖✤ ✼❳✳❚❭✸❁✿❪€❘❤❀❻✳✶◆✣❃✘✳❚❄ ✵❇✳✶✺❖❦✴✼❅✾✣✳✶✹◗✹✿✵✿❀❻❀★❁◗❲❫✷❅❃✣✳❴❘ ❄❉✺❖✳✶❑❤✼❅❘❜❃✘❑❤✵❇❁✿✳❚✷❅✷❅✵◗❃❛✱✣❲❙❲❬✹✸✷✯✼❅✼❅➌❩✷❅❑❤❑❜❃✣❁ ✹❷€❑❚➌✸▼ ❀★❑❜✼❅❦❤✼✒⑨❖✷❅❀✖❃€✺❖✵◗✹◗✹✖❲⑧✬✸❶✸✳✶✼❅✼✯✼✢✾✭◆✣✹✿✵✿✳✶❀✔✵❖❁✿✳❙✷❅❃✣✹◗❘❉❀★✵✿❑❜✹➏❃ ✺❖✳➏❑❤❃✘ý ✵❇❚✳❚ÿ ✷❅❃✣✷❅❃✣✢❘❙❑❚▼➎✼❅❀★✳▲✹◗✹❉❘❜✷✯✵✿❣❜✱❏❀★✳❚❃✚❃ ✼❳✳✶❋❜❁◗⑤❤❘❤⑤❬❀❻◆✣◆✣✳✶✳✶✵❖✵❖✳❙✳✻✹◗❑❜❀★❦❤✵✸⑨❖❀✖❲⑧✺❖✵◗✳❴✹ ❄ ✼✯❀❴✳❤◆❬✵✿❑➏❦✣✷❳✳✶✹◗❀✖◆❬❁✿❀★✹◗✾✣✼❅✵✿✹✖✬❻➃s❑✶➌✇✺★✳✶❃❫➌✸❀❉◆✘❀★❣❤❀✔✼✯❑❜■€✺❖✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿✷❅❃✣❘❫✳✶✼❅❘❤❑❜❁✿✷❅✵✿✱✣❲❬✹✢✵✿✱❏✳❚✵✻✳✶❁✿❀❈✱✣✷❅❘❤✱✣✼❅❄➏✹❇✺★✳❚✼❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀✍✷✯❃❬✼❳✳✶❁✿❘❜❀❉◆✣✳✶✵❖✳✶❦❏✳❚✹✿❀★✹❖❆ ❋✭✬ ❦❏✙ ✳✶✹◗❀✖✧✏✌✥◆ ✧✥✓★✤✥❃✘✾✣✓ ❲❙❀★❽❁◗✷❳✕➈✺★✜✭✳✶✌ ✼ ✚➏◆✣✧✏✳❚✓ ✵❇✳✣✬✞❽✧ ➃❻❩❑✶✕✘➌✸✗✶✕✘❀★❣❤✛✦❀★✓❫❁❴t✻✓★✤ ❲❫✒✳✶✕✣❃✘✑ ❄➅✳✶❙■✭■✣✜✣✼❅✓❴✷❥✓✖✺✔✗✶✳✶✧✵✿✷❅❑❜✎③❃✣✓❴✹✚✕✣❲⑧✑ ❭❉✳❴❪❄➷✳✶❁◗❀✖❃✘❵❜❄➅✾✣✷❅✳✶❁✿✼❅❀➷❘❤❑❜✺❖❁✿✼❅✷❅✾✣✵✿✱✭✹✿✵◗❲❙❀★❁✿✹❂✷❅❃✣✳❚❘ ❁✿❀€❑❤✵◗◆✘✱✣❀★❀★✹◗✷❅❁❫❘❤❃✣✵✩❄✘❀✖◆■❏❀✔✵✿✹⑧❑➷❑❚✺❖▼❛✼❅✾✣◆✣✹✿✳✶✵◗✵❖❀★✳✣❁✚t❻✷❅❃✘✹◗✾❏✵✿❀★✺◗❁◗✱ ❣❤✳✶✳❚✼➐✹✐ ❦✣✷❅❃❏✳✶❁◗❄➈t✣✺★✳❚✵✿❀★❘❜❑❤❁◗✷❥✺✔✳✶✼ ✏❃✭❑❤❲❙✷❅❃❏✳❚✼ ★t❤✳❚❃❏◆❬❑❤❁❇◆❺✷✯❃✴✳✶✼✦◆✣✳❚✵❇✳✣t✘❑❜❁❻❲❙✷➐④✣✵✿✾✣❁◗❀★✹✸❑✶▼③✵◗✱✣❀★✹◗❀❛◆✣✳✶✵❖✳➏✵✩❄✘■❏❀★✹❴✬ ❊✭✬ ➇✢✾❏✧✩✑✺❖✼❅✷❳◆✘✴❀✖✳❚✕✘❃✚✗✶✤ ❑❤❁❩❪€✳❚❃✣✌✥✎✱❏✳❚✑✔✵✿✓❴✵❇✕➈✳❚✗❤❃ ✑ ◆❺➏✷✯✹◗✧✏✵❇✓ ✳❚❝❃❏✺❖✜✣❀✻✗ ❲❬❀✖✧✥✓✖✳✶✗✶✹◗✾✣✜✣❁✿✗✶❀✔✤➋✹✖✬❽✑ ⑥✻③✼❅✜ ❘❤✒❑❜✕❁✿✷❅❭€✵✿✱✣❪€❲❬✳✶✹✦❃✘❦❏❄ò✳❚✹✿✺✽❀✖✼✯◆➏✾✭✹✿❑❜✵✿❃✚❀✔❁✿✹✿✷❅❃✣✾❏❘➅✺◗✱❙✳✶◆✘✼❅❘❜✷❅✹◗❑❤✵❇❁✿✳✶✷❅❃✴✵◗✱✣✺❖❀✻❲❙❲❬✹❛❀✖◆❺✳✶❀★✹◗✵✿✾✣❀★❁◗❁✿❲❙❀★✹♦✷❅✵✿❃✣❀★❀€❃❏◆➏✺❖✼❅✾✣✵◗❑ ✹◗✵✿❏❀★❃❏❁◗✹⑧◆➏❦✴✹◗■✣✳✶✱✣✹✿❀❴❀★◆➅❁◗✷❳✺★❑❜✳✶❃ ✼ ✺❖✳✶✼❅✼❅✾✣❘❤✹✿❑❜✵◗❁✿❀★✷❅❁✿✵✿✹➏✱✣❲❬➌❻✹✒✷❅✵✿➌❻✱➫✱✣✹✿✷❳✷❅✺◗❲❙✱⑧✷❅✺★✼❳✳✶✳❚❁❻❃ ✹◗◆✘✷✯⑦✔❀★❀❙✵◗❀✖✳✶✺❖❃❏✵✍◆➷✺❖✼❅◆✘✾✣❀✔✹✿✵◗❃✣❀★✹✿❁✿✷❅✹✍✵✩❄✘❑✶✬ ▼✒➃s✳✶❁◗❑✶❦✣➌❩✷❅✵✿❀✔❁❇❣❤✳❚❀★❁✿❁❴❄❬t③✳❫✹✿✱❏✺❖✳❚✼❅■❏✾✣❀❤✹◗✬✵✿❀★❁✚✺❖❑❤✾✭✼❥◆ ❦✴❀✚❑✶▼✻✳✶❃✘❄€✹✿✱✴✳✶■✴❀❤✬✚❢✩✵❉✷❅✹✍✷❅❲❙■✴❑❤❁✿✵❖✳✶❃✘✵✻✵◗❑€◆✘❀★❣❤❀✔✼✯❑❜■ ❯✴✬ ✳✶✼❅❘❤✧✏❑❜✛✢❁✿✧ ✷❅➷✵✿✱✣✜✣❲❬✌✚✹❷✗✶❁✿✕❀✖❵❜✴✾✣✎③✷❅✧✥❁◗✗✶❀❻✕ ✾✣➷✹✿❀★✕✘❁◗✛✦✹❩✓✖✵◗✑❑✍✷✯❃✭❏■✣✗ ✾✣✵✒✺❖❀★➷❁◗✵❇✜✣✳✶✷❅✧✏❃✚✛ ■❏❷✳❚✛❁❇✳❚❲❙❛❀★✌✥✵◗✕ ❀★❁✿✹✢✴✷❅✕↕❃ ✓✺✽✼✯✾✭✹✿✦✵✿❀✔✕✘❁❩✓❴✕✘✳✶❃❏✗ ➷✳❚✼❅❄➈✧✏✛✢✹◗✷❅✕ ✹ ✏✧✏✹◗✛ ✾❏✢✺◗✱❙✎✢✓✳✶✹✒✢✵◗✱✣✜✣❀❻✗✶✜ ❃✘➷✾✣❲✚✕➈✓❴❦✴✕✘❀★✗❤❁✦✑ ❑❚❭➫▼➎◆✘❪€❀✔✹✿✳✶✷❅❃✘❁✿❀✖❄✲◆✚✺❖✺✽✼❅✼✯✾✣✾✭✹◗✹✿✵✿✵✿❀★❀✔❁◗❁✿✷✯✹❃✭✔❘ ✬ ●❻❀★✹✿✱✣■✴❀❛❀✖✺❖✺❖✷❳✼❅✳✶✾✣✼❅✼❅✹◗❄❬✵✿❀★▼✏❁◗❑❤✷✯❃✭❁✻❘❙◆✭✳✶❁✿❀✔✵❇✹✿✳✈✾✣✹✿✼❅✵✿❀★✹❉✵◗✹❉✳❚❁✿✺❖❀❉❑❤❃✘❑❚✵❇▼✏✳❚✵✿✷❅❀★❃✣❃€✷❅❃✣❵❜❘❛✾✣✷❅✱✭✵✿✷✯❀❈❘❜✱✘✹✿❀★✐✿❃✣◆✘✹◗✷❅❲❙✷❅✵✿✷❅❀★❣❤❃✣❀❉✹◗✷❅✵◗❑❤❑❙❃❏✷❅✳❚❃✣✼❏■✣❑❜✾✭❦❤✵❻⑨❖❀✖■❏✺❖✳✶✵◗❁❖✹✖✳✶✬▲❲❙●❻❀✔✱✣✵✿✷❅❀★✹❻❁◗✹✖❃✣✬❻❑❤✵▲❪€❑❤✳✶❃✣❃✘✼❅❄❬❄❙■❏❦✭✳✶✾✣❁❖❁❇✳✶◆✘❲❙❀✔❃✣❀✔✹✍✵✿❀★✾✣❁◗✹❂✹✿❀★✳✶❁◗❁◗✹✖❀❉t❷❦✭✱❏✾✣✳❚✵❂❁❇◆❬✳❚✼✯✵✿✹◗❑❫❑✚◆✘❲⑧❀★✵✿✳ ❀✔❤❁✿❀★❲❙✹❻✷❅✵◗❃✣✱✣❀❜❀ t ❵❤✾✴✳✶✼❅✷❅✵✩❄✚❑✶▼ ✺✽✼✯✾✭✹✿✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❅❃✣❘❙◆✘✷➐➍⑧✺❖✾✣✼❅✵❻✵◗❑ ✺❖❑❜❃✘✵✿❁✿❑❜✼✩✬ ❞✭✬ ❀★✙ ❁✿❁◗❑❤✧✏❃✣✌✥✧✥❀★✓★❑❜✤➋✾✣✹✻✓ ◆✣✳❚✵❇❽✳✣✕✘✬✢✜✣➁✘✌ ❑❜❲❙➏✧✥❀✻✓ ✺❖❝✼❅✾✣✛✹◗✵✿✴❀★✧✉❁◗✑✔✷✯❃✭✤ ❘ ❽✳❚✜✣✼✯❘❜✓✖❑❤✜ ❁◗❭✷✯✵◗✱✣❪ ❲❙❑❤✹✒✹✿✵❫✳❚❁✿❁◗❀✻❀✖✹◗✳✶❀★✼➐✐✩❃✣➌❩✹◗✷✯❑❜✵◗❁✿✷❅❣❤✼❳◆ ❀✻✵◗◆✣❑❉✳✶✵❖✹✿✳✶✾✴❦❏✺✿✱€✳❚✹✿◆✣❀★✹€✳❚✵❇✺❖✳❉❑❜✳❚❃➈❃❏✵❖✳✶◆✚✷❅❃✲❲❫✳❴❑❜❄✍✾✣✵✿✼✯✼❅❀❴✷❅✳❤❀★❁✿◆✚✹❬✵◗❑❛❑❤❁❬✺❖✼❅❲❙✾✣✹◗✷❅✵✿✹✿❀★✹◗❁◗✷✯❃✭✹✻❘❏❑✶t✒▼✦✾✭■✴❃ ❑✘✘❑❤❃✣❁❻❑✶❵❜➌❻✾❏❃✦✳✶✼❅t❻✷❅✵✩❑❜❄➈❁ ✬ ♠✭✬ ◆✣✛✒✳✶✵❖✑★✳✣✕✘t✴✛✒❀❤✑★✬✧✥❘❏✓❴✬❅✧ t✴❷✵✿✧❳✱✣✓✔✤❙❀➏✓✹❇✳❚⑧❲❙✓ ❀❉✢✕ ✹◗❀★✴✵✍✗ ❑✶❽▼❹✕➈◆✭✗ ✳✶✵❇✳✭❹t❷✧✥✛➌❻✢✱✣❀★✎③❃➫✓▲■✣✗✶✕❁◗❀★✹✿✴❀★✗❃✘③✵◗❀✖✑ ◆➫❭❷➁✘➌❻❑❤✷❅❲❬✵✿✱➷❀✻◆✘✺❖✷✼❅✾✣❀★✹✿✵◗❁◗❀★❀★❁✿❃✘✷❅✵✍❃✣❘✚❑❤❁❇✳✶◆❺✼❅❀★❘❜❁✿❑❤✷❅❁✿❃✣✷❅❘❜✵◗✱✣✹❂❲❙✵◗❑❫✹✢✹✿✳✶✾❏❁✿❀❻✺◗✱➷✹◗❀★✳✶❃✣❃ ✹◗✷✯✵◗✳❚✷❅✼✯❣❤❘❜❀✻❑❤❁◗✵◗✷✯❑❛✵◗✱✣✵◗❲✱✣❀✻t✘❑❜❲❫❁❇◆✘✳❴❀✔❄❙❁❩❘❜❑❚❀★▼ ❃✣✷❅❀★❃✣❁❖■✣✳✶✾✭✵✿❀✵ ◆✘❁❇✳❚❲⑧✳✶✵◗✷❳✺★✳✶✼❅✼❅❄❂◆✘✷ ❷❀★❁✿❀✔❃➈✵✸✺❖✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿✹❴✬✒❢✩✵✢✷❅✹③✷❅❲❬■❏❑❜❁✿✵❇✳❚❃✘✵✦✵✿❑❉◆✘❀✔❣❤❀★✼❅❑❤■✚✳✶✼❅❘❜❑❤❁✿✷❅✵◗✱✣❲❙✹❷➌❻✱✣✷❳✺◗✱✚✳✶❁✿❀❻✷❅❃✣✹◗❀★❃✣✹◗✷✯✵◗✷❅❣❤❀✸✵✿❑✍✵✿✱✣❀❻❑❜❁❇◆✘❀✔❁✒❑✶▼❷✷❅❃✣■✣✾✣✵❴✬ q✭✬ ✺❖✼❅✾✣✧ ✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿❽✷❅❃✣✧ ❘ ➷✳✶✕✘✼❅✛ ❘❤✑✔❑❜✧ ❁✿❏✷❅✵✿✛✢✱✣✜✣❲❬✌❳✧×✹ ✓★✤ ✳❚❭✴❁✿❀€⑥❧❘❜◆✣❑✘✳✶❑❺✵❖◆➪✳✶❦❏✳✶✳❚✵✚✹✿❀✍✱❏❑❤✳❚❁✻❃❏◆✘✳✚✼❅✷❅◆✣❃✣✳❚❘➷✵❇✳➏✼❅❑✶➌❻➌ ✳✶❁◗◆✘❀★✷❅✱✣❲❬❑❤❀★✾✭❃✣✹✿❀❉✹✿✷❅❑❜❲❫❃❏✳❴✳✶❄ ✼✻✺❖◆✣❑❜✳❚❃✘✵❇✳✭✵❇✳✶t❩✷❅❃❬✷❅❃✘✹✿❣❤❀★❑❜❣❜✼❅❣➈❀★❁❇✷❅❃✣✳❚✼❘➫◆❺❑❤✷✯❃✭❲❬✼✯❄ù❀★❃✣✵✩✹◗➌❩✷✯❑❜❑➷❃✣✹✒✵◗❑➅❑❜❁✻✵◗✳✶✱✣✵✿❁✿✵◗❀★❁✿❀➷✷❅❦✣◆✘✾✣✷❅✵◗❲❙❀★✹✖❀✔✬❻❃✣❪€✹✿✷❅❑❤✳❚❃✭❃✘✹✖❄ ✬ ➃❻◆✣✳✶✾✣✵❖❲❫✳❉✳✶❑❜❃❉❦❤⑨❖❀★❀✖❄❜✺❖❀★✵◗✹❻✹❻✳✶✷✯❃❬❁✿❀❻✱✣❘❜✷❅❘❤❑✘✱❫❑❺◆✚◆✘✳❚✷❅❲❙✵✣⑨❖❀★✾❏❃✣◆✘✹◗✷❅❘❜❑❤✷✯❃❏❃✭✳❚❘❂✼➈✵◗✹◗✱✣■❏❀✻✳❤❵❜✺✽❀❤✾❏t✣✳✶❀★✼❅✷❅✹◗✵✩■❏❄❉❀❴❑❚✺❖✷❳▼➎✳✶✺❖✼❅✼❅✼❅✾✣❄⑧✹◗✺❖✵✿❀★❑❜❁◗❃✣✷❅✹✿❃✣✷❳❘✍◆✘❀★▼✏❁◗❑❜✷❅❁✒❃✣✾✣❘❛■✚✵◗✱❏✵✿❑✍✳✶✵❻✵◗✱✣◆✣❁✿✳❚❀★✵❇❀✍✳❈◆✘✷✯❃❬✷❅❲❙✱✣❀★✷❅❃✭❘❤✱❫✹✿✷❅❑❤◆✘❃✣✷❅❲❙✹❴✬❷❀★❢✩❃✣✵✒✹◗✷❅✷❅✹❩❑❤❃❏✺◗✱❏✳❚✳❚✼➈✼✯✹◗❅■❏❀★❃✭✳❤✺✽❘❤❀❛✷❅❃✣✺★❘✻✳✶❃❬✵◗❑❛❦❏✺❖❀✍✼❅✾✣❣❜✹◗❀★✵✿❁✿❀★❄ ❁ ✹✿■❏✳❚❁✿✹✿❀➏✳✶❃❏◆❬✱✣✷❅❘❤✱✭✼✯❄✚✹ ❤❀★➌✸❀✖◆❷✬ ✫✭✬ ❑✶☞ ▼❂✴✺❖✛✒❑❜✑★❃✣✓❴✹✿✗✶✵◗✜✣❁❇✳✶✧✥✛✦✷❅❃✘✓ ✵✿✹❴✬ ✜❏➁✘✑✔✕✾✭■✣■❏❑❜✌✏✹✿✎✒❀❬✑✔✓✖✵✿✱❏✕✘✗✶✳❚✧✥✵❉✛ ❄❤❑❜❭✢✾✣➀❻❁❩❀✖⑨❖✳❚❑❜✼➐❦➷✐✉➌✸✷✯✹❈❑❤❁◗✵✿✼❥❑➷◆❬✳✶✺✿✱✭■✣❑➈■✭❑❜✼✯✷❳✹✿✺★❀❬✳❚✵✿✵✿✷❅✱✣❑❤❀❬❃✭✹❻✼✯❑✣❲⑧✺★✳❚✳❴✵✿❄✚✷❅❑❤❃✣❃✭❀★✹✻❀❴◆❫▼✥❑❤✵✿❁❛❑❬✳❫■❏❘❜❀★❁➣✷❅❣❤▼✏❑❤❀★❁◗❃➷❲ ❃✘✾✣✺❖✼❅❲✚✾✣✹✿❦✴✵◗❀★❀★❁❉❁✿✷❅❃✣❑❚▼❹❘❫❃✣✾✣❀✔❃✴➌➉◆✘❀★✳✶❁✻✾✣❣❤✵◗✳❚❑❤❁✿❲❫✷❅❑❤✳✶✾✭✵✿✹✷❳✺➏➈✺★✷❅❃❏✳✶✹◗◆❺✱ ✹ ✹✿✳✶✵❇❃❏✳❚◆ ✵✿✷❅❑❤✱✣❃✭✷❅❘❤✹ ✱✘✏➌❹⑥✒✳❴●✻❄➫❪❫❃✣✹ ❀★❻✵✩➌✸✷❅❃⑧❑❤❁ ✳✚✘✹✖✺✽t❩✷✯✵✩❄✘✳❚❃❏✬✢◆➅●✢❑ ✺✽✾✣◆❺✹✿❀✖✵◗✺❖❑❤✷❳❲❙◆✘❀❉❀✔❁✚✾✣■✴❁✿❑❤❀✖❵❜❃❫✾✣✵◗✷❅✱✣❁✿❀✔✷❅✹✖❲❙t✣❀★❄❜❃✘❑❤✵✿✾❬✹➏❲⑧■✴❀★✳❴❁✚❄❙❁✿✺❖❀★✼❅❘❜✾✣✷❅✹◗❑❤✵✿❃ò❀★❁▲✳❚✱✣✹❙❑❤✾✣✺❖❑❤✹◗❃✭❀★✱✣✹✿✵✿❑❜❁❖✼❥✳✶◆❺✷❅✹❻❃✘✵✿➌❻✹❴✱✣✬➷✷❅✼✯⑥ ❀❉✺❖✺◗❑❜✱❏❃✣✳✶✹✿✼❅✷❳✼❅◆✘❀★❀✔❃✣❁✿❘❜✷❅❃✣✷✯❃✭❘✚❘€✵✿✱✭✵❇✳❚❀❛✹ ➷✺❖✷❅✵✩✷❅❄ ✹❛✹❻✵◗❑ ❁◗✷❅❣❤✴❀★❃❏❁◗◆ ✹ ❘❤❁✿❑❜✾✣■✣✹❻❑❚▼ ◆✣✳❚✵❇✳➏➌❻✷❅✵✿✱❫❘❤❑✘❑✣◆❙✺✽✼✯✾✭✹✿✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❅❃✣❘✚❦✴❀★✱❏✳❴❣✘✷❅❑❤❁✻✳✶❃✴◆❙✹❖✳✶✵◗✷✯✹➣▼✏❄✘✷❅❃✣❘❛❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❅❑❤✾✭✹❹✺❖❑❜❃✣✹✿✵◗❁❇✳❚✷✯❃✘✵◗✹✖✬ ①✭✬ ✾✣✛✦✹❇✳❚✓❴❦✣✕✘✼❅✗ ❀❤③✬❻✗✶●❻✕✘✓❴✱❏✜ ✳❚✵✻✧❳✷❅✌❳✹✖✧✥t✴✓❖✤✚✺❖✼❅✜✣✾✣✛✹✿✵◗€❀★❁✿✎✒✷❅❃✣✑✔❘❫✜ ❲⑧✧✏✳❴✌✥✧✏❄✚✓❖✤ ❃✭❭✴❀★❀✖➆❻◆❫✹✿❀✔✵◗❁✿❑❙✹✸❦✴❲⑧❀❉✳❴✵✿❄✻✷❅❀✖❀✽◆❫④❺■✴✾✭❀✖■€✺❖✵❻➌❻✺❖✷❅✼❅✵✿✾✣✱€✹◗✵✿✹◗❀★■❏❁◗❀✖✷✯❃✭✺✽❘❉✷ ❷❁✿✺❉❀★✹◗✹◗✾✣❀★❲⑧✼❅✵✿✹✒✳❚❃➈✵◗❑✍✵◗✷❳❦❏✺✻❀❻✷❅❃✘✷❅❃✘✵✿❀✔✵✿❁✿❀★■✣❁◗■✣❁◗❀★❁✿✵❇❀✔✳❚✵❇✵✿✳✶✷❅❦✭❑❤✼✯❃✣❀❜✹❉t➈✺❖✳❚❑❜❃❏❲❙◆❫■✣✳✶❁◗■✣❀★■✣✱✣✼❅❀★✷❳❃✭✺★✳❚✹✿✷❅✵✿❦✣✷❅❑❤✼❅❀❤❃✣t❤✹❴✳❚✬✸❃❏❢✩◆ ✵ ✷✯✹❻✷❅❲❬■❏❑❜❁✿✵❇✳❚❃✘✵✒✵✿❑✚✹◗✵✿✾❏◆✘❄❬✱✣❑✶➌➋✳✶❃⑧✳❚■✣■✣✼❅✷❳✺★✳✶✵◗✷❅❑❤❃❙❘❜❑➈✳❚✼❏❲❫✳❴❄❛✷❅❃ ❏✾✭❀★❃❏✺❖❀❉✵◗✱✣❀❉✹◗❀★✼❅❀✖✺❖✵✿✷❅❑❜❃⑧❑❚▼❩✺❖✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿✷❅❃✣❘✚❲❬❀★✵✿✱✣❑✣◆✘✹❴✬ ❑✶❲❙▼✻❀✔◆✣✵✿✰✲✱✣✳❚❑✣✵❇✷❅✳€◆✘✵◗✱❛✹❴✳❚✬❫✵◗❃❏✱✣◆€✰➷❀★✹✿✱✭❀✚❀▲❑✶✵✿❁✿➌❧✱✣❀✖❵❜❀★✵✿❃ù✾✣✱✭✷❅❀★❁◗✹✿❄❀★✵◗❲❙✾❏✺✔◆✘❀★✳✶❄➫❃✘❃➷✵◗❀✖✹✒✷❅✳❤❃ ✷❅✺◗❏❃❛✱ò✾✣❲❬❀✔✺✽❃❏✷✯✼✯❃✴✾✭✺❖✹✿❀⑧◆❷✵✿t★❀✔✺✽❑❜❁✿✼✯✾✣✷❅✾✭❃✣❁✒✹✿❘➫✵✿✹✿❀✔✵◗❁✿❲❙✾❏✷❅❃✣◆✘❀★❘€❄➏✵◗✱✣❑✶❲❬❑✣▼✦◆€❀★✺❖✵✿✼❅✷❅✱✣✾✣❃➅❑✣✹✿✵◗◆✘◆✘❀★✹❴❀★❁❻✬❙✵❖✳✶✳✶➁✘✷❅❃❏✼✩❀✖✳❚t✦✺✽✼✯✷❅❑❤❄✘❃❏❃❏✹◗✺✽✷✯◆❷✼✯✹✢✾✴t❽■✣◆✘➌✸❁◗✷❅❑✣❃✣❀✚✺❖❘❫❀★■✣❀✖■❏❁✿◆✘❀★✳✶✹❻✹◗❁◗❀★✵✿✳✶❃✘✷❅✹✵✿✵ ✷❅▼✏❑❤✳❑❤❃✭✼❅✷✯✼❅❘❤❃✭❑✶❀★➌❻❘⑧❃✣✹✖❀✔❲❬✬❁❇✳✶❽❀★✼✸✵✿✷❅✱✭❁✿✺★✹◗❑❺✳✶✵✖◆❺✵◗t❜❀★✹✖➌❩❘❤t❽❑❜❀❻✱✣❁✿✹◗✷❅✷❅❀★✵✿⑦✖❁❇✾❏✳✶✳❚✵◗◆❺❁❇✷❅❄ ❑❤✺◗✱✣❃➷◆✘✷❳✷✺★❑✶❷✳✶▼✻❀★✼✸❁✿✺❖❲❙❀✔✼❅❃➈✾✣❀✔✵♦✹◗✵✿✵✿✵✩✱✣❀★❄➈❁◗❑✣■✴✷✯◆✘❃✭❀★✹❴❘ ✹ t ✹✿◆✘✷❅❀★❑❜❃✭❃❏✹✿✳✶✷❅✵✩✼❷❄❜✹◗✐✉■❏❦❏✳❤✳❚✺❖✹✿❀➏❀✖◆ ✳✶❃❏❲❙◆❫❀★◆✘✵◗✱✣✷❅✹❇❑✣✺✽◆✘✾✣✹✖✹✿t✭✹▲❘❤❣❤❁✿✳✶✷❳◆❜❁✿✷❳✐✩✳❚❦❏✵✿✳❚✷❅❑❤✹✿❀✖❃✣◆❬✹♦❑✶❲❙▼❩❀✔◆✘✵✿✱✣✷ ❑✣❀✔◆✘❁✿✹❴❀★t❏❃✘✵✻✳✶❃✴❲❬◆❙❀★❲❬✵✿✱✭❑✣❑❺◆✘◆❺❀★✹✖✼➐✬✐✉❦✴✳✶✹✿❀❴◆❙❲❬❀★✵✿✱✭❑❺◆❺✹✖✬✒✰➷❀✍✳✶✼❅✹✿❑✚❀✽④✭✳❚❲❙✷❅❃✣❀✍✺❖✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿✷❅❃✣❘❬✷✯❃❫✱✣✷❅❘❜✱ ◆❺✷✯❲❬❀★❃✘✐ é❻ê ❬û ❉÷❽ó ▲ï✦ð✣ï✞đ✿ú➔ơ❷õ✿ư✻ó❜ð✣÷✦ø✭đ✿ú ✞ï✢ú✻ï✢õ✩û✻ó✘đ✿ó ❢✩✹✿❃€✾✴✺✿✵◗✱➷✱✣✷❅✳✶✹✻❃➫✹✿❀❴✳✶✺❖❃❏✵✿✳❚✷❅❑❤✼✯❄✘❃❽✹◗t❏✷✯✹❴➌✸✬✻❀❉➁✘✹◗✾✣✵✿■✭✾❏■❏◆✘❑❜❄ ✹✿❀➏✵✿✱✣✵✿❀❉✱❏✳❚✵✩❄✘✵❂■✴✳❙❀★✹✍◆✭✳✶❑✶✵❇▼❩✳✈◆✣✹✿✳❚❀★✵❇✵✍✳✚✵◗➌❻❑❙✱✭❦✴✷❥✺◗❀ ✱❫✺❖❑✶✼❅✾✣▼✥✵✿✹◗❀★✵✿❀★❁▲❁◗❑❺❀✖◆➫✺✔✺❖✾✣✺❖❑❤❁✍❃✘✷❅✵❇❃ ✳❚✷❅✺❖❃✣✼❅✹✾✣✹✿➫✵◗❀★❑❜❁✿✷❅❦❤❃✣⑨❖❘❫❀✖✺❖✳✶✵◗❃❏✹❉✳❚➌❻✼❅❄➈✱✣✹◗✷❳✷❅✺◗✹✻✱€✳✶❲⑧❃❏◆❫✳❴❄✚✱✭❑✶❁◗➌✇❀★■✣❁✿✵◗❀✔❑❙✹✿❀★■✣❃✘❁◗✵❉❀★■✣■✴❁✿❀★❑✣❁✿✺❖✹◗❀✔❑❤✹✿❃✣✹➏✹❴✵✿t✦✱✣✱✭❀★❑❤❲➔✾✣✹◗▼✥❀★❑❤✹✖❁ t ❆❅❈❇❊❉ ❄€✚✂☛ ✶✂✲✬ ✁  ✶❁✿✮ €✚◗ ✴✳✵ ✶✧✚✱ ❙❘✙✂✚✳✙✧ ▲✂✆★✵☞✴❁✿✮✚✳❚✧ ❯◗✿❱❯☞✲✂❂❁❃✂ ✫❘ ❲✪❄❘✽❳❙☞ ❨✧✩★ ❆❋❍●✸■ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✤❇ ✺❇▲❏◆▼ ✫❖ ✚✔ ✥◗☛★✵✂✆  ❲✱✆✧✚☞❊★✙❩ ❨✧✩☎ ❬€✚✂☛  ✂☛★❭☞❪€✚✂❂❁❃✧❃✪✲◗☛☎ ❬€✚✂✆ ◆☞✲✂✼❁✏✂ ❊✌ ✢ ✴❫❴✝ ✏✎ ❄❵ ❄✂ ❯✳❭ ✄✧ ✢ ❄✣❛✘ ❝❜ ❛✹ ✼❞❡✘ ✡❢ ❣✕ ✖✹ ❈❥ ✢ ✞✣✐❤ ✁✻ ✝ ✣✙✗ ✁✻ ✝ ❛✣✙❤ ❦❜ ✢ ✼❞ ✯❞ ✐✕ ❊✌ ❈❧ ✥♠ ✙♥ ✫♠ ✭❤✏✣ ✦✘♦✣❭♠ q♣ ✠✣✐❜ ✙✘◆✟ ❄✣r✘ ☛♠ ✖✕ s✕ ✐♠ ❆✹ ❙✻ ✆✎ ✢ ❄✣t✘ ✈✉ ❬✗ ✜❜ ✼✣ ❄❞ ✼❞ ✖✣ ✙✎ ✜✣ ✲✘ t✘ ❊✣✐❤ ✖✕ ✝ ✣ ✲✘ ✍✔ ✍✔ ❈✇ ✥✟❭❞①✘ ✥♠ ✥✣ ✓✎ ✼② ✢ ▲✣ ❊✹ ❚✘ ✝ ❈✎ ✖✟ ✚✻ ❣③ ✓✎ ✈✉ ☛✕ ✢ ✏✎ ✢ ❆✘ ✑✌ ✫④ ◆✛ ✍✔ ✫④ ✍✔ ❃⑤ ⑥ ❯⑦ ✾⑧✖⑨❪⑩ ❯❶ ▲❷ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✰✌ ✲➞ ✒➟♦➠➷➜ ▲➞ ✿➝✡➛ ✢➠❷➞✒➟ ✿➝ ✍➝ ✒➠ ✿➠ ❞ ◆✘◆✣❑✣✳❚✵❇✺❖✳➏✾✣❲❬✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿❃✘✾❏✵✿✺✽✹❴✵✿t➈✾✣✺❖❁◗❑❜❀★✾✣✹✖✬ ❃✘✵✿❁◗✷✯❀✔✹✖t✘❀★✵❖✺✶✬❩❪€✳❚✷❅❃❛❲❬❀★❲❙❑❜❁✿❄❜✐✉❦✴✳✶✹✿❀❴◆❛✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗✵✿❀★❁◗✷❅❃✣❘❛✳✶✼❅❘❜❑❤❁✿✷❅✵◗✱✣❲❙✹❽✵✩❄➈■✭✷❥✺✔✳✶✼❅✼❅❄❉❑❤■✴❀★❁❇✳❚✵✿❀▲❑❤❃❙❀✔✷✯✵◗✱✣❀★❁✸❑✶▼❷✵✿✱✣❀s▼✏❑❤✼❅✼❅❑✶➌❻✷❅❃✣❘✻✵✩➌✸❑ ✮❜✬ ✉✳✶✜✭✼❅✹◗✓✖❑ ✜ ✺★✳❚➷✼❅✼✯✜✣❀❴◆€✓❴✗✶ÿ✧ ý ý ỵ ỵ ýý t ttttttt ✷✯❃❬✵✿✱✣❀❼▼✏❑❤❁◗❲❝❑✶▼✢❁✿❀★✼❳✳✶✵◗✷❅❑❤❃❏✳❚✼❷✵❇✳✶❦✭✼✯❀❜t✘❑❤❁ ✭✐✩❦➈❄❜✐ ❙❲❫✳✶✵◗❁✿✷➐④ €❑❜❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺❖✵◗✹ ❫❣❤✳✶❁✿✷❳✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹ ✔t✣✳✶✹❻✹✿✱✭❑✶➌❻❃⑧✷❅❃ ✉✫✣✬❅✮ ★✬ ●✸■❹❸✐■ ❯▼❆❉ ❈❺❼❻❈❇ ❈❥ ✾♠ ✹ ✥❾ ✹ ✵❇✤❖ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✺❖ ❀❽✦❇ ✜◗✲✬✡❿❄✧✚€✚❁✥❳❙✬✯✮✼❳✏➀❂✂✆☎ ❬✂✲✬✯ ✄✧ ❨✧❙✂ ✩❩✸☎✚✧ ❨✧✯★✫❁ ❈❇❊❏◆▼ ✫❖ ✚❁✿☎✩❩✙€✚❁✿❩✫☎❙✧✓✻ ❨❷ ✞➁ ✢ ✗ ❝✂❂❁❬❁✿☎ ❬✬✯❩✽❁❃✧ ✏✻ ❯❷ ✁➁ ➄➅ ❪✹✿❷ ✜➂➃➁ ➅ ➇❴➈❙➈ ➅ ➉✼➉❄➉➎➉✼➉❄➉➎➉✼➉✼➉➏➉✼➉❄➉➐➉❄➉✼➉ ➅ ➉✼➉❄➉➊➇❣➈✿➋ ❙✻ ➇✐➑✥➈ ✉✫✭✬❅✮ ↔ ↔ ↔ ✹ ❄✻ ➉✼➉❄➉➒➇✙➑❹➍ ➉✼➉❄➉➎➉✼➉❄➉➎➉✼➉✼➉➏➉✼➉❄➉➐➉❄➉✼➉ ➆ ✼✻ ➣✑↔ ➉✼➉❄➉➌➇❣➈✁➍ ➉✼➉❄➉➒➇✙➑✶➋ ❦✹ ➇✐➓✙➈➏➉✼➉❄➉➔➇✙➓✽➋ ↕ ➉✼➉❄➉→➇✐➓❄➍ ❋✭✬ ▼✏❑❤❁✻✧✩✑❴✳❚✑★✼✯✧ ✴➷■❏✧✏✳❚✌×✷✯✜✣❁◗✗✶✹❻✧❳❑✶✓★▼✤ €➷❑❜✜✣❦❤✓❴⑨❖✗✶❀✖✧ ✺❖✵◗✹✖✏✬✒❑❜❢✩❁ ✵❻✷❅✹❻❑❚▼✏✵✿❀★❃❫❁◗❀★■✣❁✿❀✔✹✿✒❀★❃✘ý ✵✿❀❴◆➫❦➈❄❙✳❚✔❃ ❭✦●❻✭✐✉✱✣❦✘✷❅❄❜✹✸✐ ✹✿✵◗❑❤✵❇❁✿✳✶❀✔❦✭✹✻✼✯❀❉✳❉✳❚✺❖✹❻❑❤✼❅✹✿✼❅❀✖✱✣✺❖❑✶✵◗➌❻✷❅❑❤❃❫❃❙❦✴❑❚❀★▼✦✼❅❑✶■✣➌❉❁✿❑❴t ④✣✷❅❲❙✷❅✵◗✷✯❀✔✹③✵◗✱❏✳✶✵❻✳✶❁◗❀❂✳❴❣❤✳❚✷✯✼❳✳❚❦✣✼❅❀ ✉✉❋❊ ⑤ ✖✖✮✮ ✉❊ ⑤ ❖❋ ⑤ ✉✫✭✬❡❋ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✖✮ ❖❋ ⑤ ➌❻✱✣❀★❁✿❀ ✲⑤✣t✘➌✸✸❀❉✷✯✹✸✱❏✵✿✳❴✱✭❣❜❀❂❀✻❲❬✵◗✱✣❀✖❀❉✳✶✹◗❲⑧✾✣❁✿✳❚❀❴✵✿◆❁◗✷❨④✚❽✧✷❅❩❃ ✕✘✩✗✶✫✣✕✘✬❡❋ ✛ ✔✬✒✕ ❪❫❑❤❀✖❁ ✳✶❽✹◗✾✣✧✩✑✖❁✿❀✔✑✔✹✻✧ ➷❑✶▼✒✧❳✌✏◆✘✜✭✷❅✗✖✹✿✧✥✹◗✓❖✷✯✤❲❬❦✴✷❅✼❥❀★✳❚✵✩❁✿➌❩✷❅✵✩❀✔❄❛❀★❃€✳❚❁✿❀❛❑❤❦❤◆✘⑨✽✷❅❀✖✹❖✺❖✺❖✵✿✾✣✹ ✹✿✹◗✒❀✖✳✶◆❫❃✴✵◗◆ ✱✣✣❁✿❑❜✬❩✾✣➁✘❘❤✷❅✱✣❃❏❑❜✺❖❀✾✣✵❻✵✿✱✭✷✯✹❻✹◗❀✖✺❖✵◗✷✯❑❜❃✦✬ ★t✣✳❚❃❏◆ ●❻✹✿✷❅❃❏✱✣✺✽❀✍❀⑧◆✣✵◗✳✶✱✣✵❖✳❉❀❙❲❫❁◗❑✶✳✶➌❻✵✿✹ ❁◗✷➐④❛✳❚❃❏✷❅✹✒◆➷❑✶✺❖▼✏❑❜✵◗❀★✼✯✾✭❃⑧❲❙✺✔❃✣✳✶✼❅✹✍✼❅❀✖❑✶◆❙▼✻✳ ✵◗✱✣✓ ❀✚▼✥❑❤❁✿❲❬❀★❁❉❽✕ ❁◗❀★❲⑧■✣❁✿✳❚❀✔✵✿✹✿❁✿❀★✷➐❃✘④✦✵⑧t✶➌❻◆❺✱✣✷ ❷❀✔❀★❁✿❁◗❀✖❀★✳❚❃✘✹❻✵❛✵✿✱✣❀★❃✘❀✍✵◗◆✘✷✯✵◗✷❅✷❅✹✿❀★✹✿✹✖✷❅❲❬t♦➌❻✷✯✼❳✳❚✱✣❁✿✷❅✼✯✷❅❀✚✵✩❄✍✵◗❲⑧✱❏✳✶✳✶✵❈✵◗❁✿❑✶✷➐④❛▼✻✵✿✷❅✹❩✱✭❀❙✺★✳❚✼❳✼❅✳✶✼✯❀❴✵◗✵✿◆❙❀★❁➏✳ ❁✿✴❀★✛✢■✭✕ ❁✿❀★✹◗❀★❃✘✵❙❽✕✵✿✱✭❲❫❀❙✳✶✹❇✵✿✳❚❁◗❲❙✷➐④➎❀ t ❀★❲⑧❃✘✳❚✵✿✷❅✵✿✵✩❁◗❄✘✷❨④✦✬③t❜❪ ỵ ỵýýỵỵ ỵỵ ýự ỵỵ ýt t ỵýý ỵìỵ ỵ ý t ỵ st ỵ ỵ t ỵ ý t ộờ ờở ủúúủ ủừùứủủữúùỳ úủ ủừùứủủữú ữùúửứủỳ ớữ ửùừủỷ ụừửúữứủỳ ỵýýỵìỵ ỵ ỵýýỵỵ ỵỵ ý t t t 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✹➜❷✖➞ ✲✻ ➅ ➆ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✲✻ ✘ ✝ ✡❢ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞✚➟✥✻❆➢ ↔ ➅ ✰✹ ↔ ✘ ↔ ↔ ✹ ✲✻ ↕ ➉✼➉❄➉➌➉✼➉❄➉ ❊➟ ✥♠ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞❃➠✆✻❆➢ ➡➠ ➝ ✹✡➠✲➞❙➟✥✻ ✲✻ ✯❜❀✣✵②✓♠✾✣◆✘ ✣ ✸②✓♠✾✣◆✘ ✑✔ ✒✌ ➡✌ ✦€✚◗☛☎✩☎✚✧✩ ✶✂✼❁ ❬◗☛★✾€✚◗❄✧✡➤✦€ ❬✧✯★✫❁  ✄✂✆☎ ✶❁✿✮✰€❙◗✼✧✡➤①€ ❬✧✯★✫❁ ✁★✫❁✏✧✩☎✯➀❂✂✆ ❹❳ ❄€✚✂☛ ✄✧✚☞ ❃⑤ ➧ ✏➨ s✬ ✡★✵✂☛☎✩✮ ❯⑩ ➙☞ ✘ ✁ ✶✂☛☎ ❲❁➜✮ ➯☞ ✏➨ ✰★✵◗ ❭➩✜➫ ❯❶ ✁★✵✂✆ ❹➥➦◗✆☎❙☞ ✡★✵✂☛  ❛➭ ✶❳ ➃☎❙✂✼❁ ❬◗❂❳ ✯€✚✂✆ ✄✧✚☞ t⑧✖⑨ ❯❶ ✡ ✄✂☛☎ ✶❁➜✮✜€✚◗✼✧✁➤✦€ ❬✧✯★✫❁ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✲✻ ❬♠ ❼☞ ✁ ✶✂☛☎ ✶❁✿✮❪€✚◗✼✧✁➤✦€ ❬✧✯★✫❁ ❪➟ ➙➠ ✍✔ ✍✔ ❼✛ ✞❷ ✝ ✣ ➺❨➋ ▲➳ ✥✣ ❆➳ ➺➯➻ ✠➵ ❯➲ ✞➵ ➛✌ ✾✹ ✽✻ ✒➵ ➸➳ ✩✣ ❼✕ ☛✣◆✘ ✝ ✼②✏♠✾✣❭♠ ❦➵ ➼➳ ➇✐➑✄➋ ❝➟ ➇✙➑✶➻ ❝➟ ➓ ➽➾✹➜➳❭➞✏➵✫✻➚➢ ➘ ➑✁➶♦➈ ➑✁➶♦➈ ✹ ➇✙➑✶➋ ➓ ➪ ➪ ✹ ➇ ➑✶➋❀➹ ➹ ➾➬✲✳✙✧✚✂☛☎ ❨✂☛★✾€✚◗☛☎✩☎✚✧✩ ✶✂✼❁ ❬◗☛★ ➺ ✻ ➴ ➘ ➺ ➋ ✓ ❨ ➋ ✻✚✹ ➇ ➑✶➻❯➹ ➪ ➓ ➑❲➶♦➈ ➺ ✹ ➇✐➑✶➻ ➻ ✻ ➹ ✹ ➺❨➻ ✻✏➴♦➷ ▲➽ ➙➮ ✓✎ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✲✻ ♠ ➛ ❻➞✒➟ ➪➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ❂➝ ♦➠ ✿➠ ❃✣❑❜❃✣❶✸■❏✳✶❑❜❁❖❃➈✳✶❣❜❲❬❀★❁✿❀★✹◗✵✿✷❅❁◗❑❤✷❥❃➷✺▲✺❖▼✥❑❤❑❤❁✿❁◗❲✚❁✿❀★✾✭✼❳✳❚✼❥✵✿✳ ✷❅❑❤✉❃€✫✭✬ ❯✺❖❑✘❛❀❖✺✔➍⑧✳✶✺❖❃ ✷❅❀★❦❏❃✘❀❬✵◗✹✖✾✣t ✹✿❀❴◆ ✵✿❑➷★❭✺❖❑❤❲❬■✣✾✣✵◗❀⑧◆✘✷❅✹✿✹◗✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁✿✷❅✵✩❄€✺❖❑✘❀❖➍⑧✺❖✷❅❀★❃✘✵◗✹✖t ★t ▼✏❁✿❑❜❲➂❀★✷❅✵✿✱✣❀✔❁✚■❏✳✶❁❖✳✶❲❙❀✔✵✿❁✿✷❳✺➏❑❜❁ ❇✮ ❤❋ ✉✫✭✬ ❯ ➌❻➒✍✳✶❁◗✷❅✷❅❀❉✵✿❣❤✱✚❀✔❣❤❃✚❀✔✳✍❁✿❣❤✹✿❄⑧✳✶✵◗❁✿❁✿◆❺❑❜✷❳✷✯✳❚❃✣✹◗❦✣✹✿❘✍✷❅✼❅❲❙❀★❃✣✹✒❀★✷❅✼❳❘➈➌❻✳✶✳❚✷❅❁ ✵✿✵✿★✱❙✷❅✬ ❣❤❀✻✳✍✺✽✱✭❑❤✷✯❁✿❘❜❁◗✱✚❀★✼❳■❏✳✶❑❜✵◗✷✯✹✿❑❜✷❅✵✿❃ ✷❅❣❜✳❚❀✻❁✿❀✻✺❖❑❤✳❚❁◗✹✿❁✿✹✿❀★✷❅✼❳❘❜✳✶❃✣✵◗❀✖✷❅❑❤◆✚❃✦✳✍t❜✵✿◆✘✱✣✷❅✹✿✷❅✹◗✹❻✷✯❲❬✳✶✹◗✷❅✹✿✼❥✷❅✳❚❘❤❁✿❃✣✷❅✵✩✹✸❄✻✳❛✺❖❑✘◆✘❀❖✷❅✹◗➍⑧✹✿✷❅✺❖❲❙✷❅❀★✷❅❃✘✼❳✳✶✵✒❁◗✵◗✷✯✵✩✱❏❄✍✳✶✵♦✺❖❑✘✷✯✹✒❀❖➍⑧✺❖✼❅✺❖❑❜✷❅✹✿❀★❀❻❃✘✵✿✵✸❑✚✵✿✱❏✮ ✳❚✥✵❩❲❙✷❅✹❩❀✖✳❚✺❖❃✣✼❅❑❜✷❅❃✣✹✿❀✻❘❻✵◗✵✿❑❉✱✴✳✶⑦★✵✒❀★❁◗✵◗❑❏✱✣✬♦❀❻②❩❣❤✳✶✳✶❁◗❁◗✷❥✷❥✳❚✳❚❦✣❦✣✼❅✼❅❀★❀★✹✹ ❃✣❀★❘✘❢✩✳✶❃€✵◗✷✯❣❜✹◗❑❤❀❉❲❬✺❖❑❤❀❛❁◗❁✿✳✶❀★■✣✼❳■✭✳✶✵◗✼✯✷❳✷❅✺★❑❤✳❚❃€✵✿✷❅✳✶❑❤❁◗❃✭❀❼✹✖✳❚t✴✹✿✾✣✹◗✹✿✷✯❀✔❘❜❁✿❃✣✹➏❀✖◆❬❲⑧✵✿✳❴✱✭❄✚❀❉■✣✹❇❁◗✳❚❀❖❲❙▼✏❀★❀✻❁❉✱✭✵◗❑❫✷✯❘❜✱❙✾✣✹✿✹◗❀❙✷✯❲❬✺❖❑❜✷❅✼❥❃✘✳❚❣❤❁✿❀★✷❅✵✩❁◗❄❉✹✿✷❅❑❤❣❤❃✳❚✼✯✾✭▼✏❑❤❀❤❁◗✬ ❲✚✾✣✼❳✳ ✩✫✣✬❡❞ ✔t✴➌❻✱✣❀★❁✿❀✚❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✭✼✯❀✔✹✻➌❻✷❅✵✿✱➷✳❬✱✣✷❅❘❤✱€■✴❑❤✹◗✷✯✵◗✷❅❣❤❀❉❑❜❁ t ýỵỵ ỵ ỵ ✣❑❜❁✿❲✚✾✣✼❳✳ ✉✫✭✬❡♠ ✮ ✉✫✭✬❡♠ ✳✵✿▲✱✭❘❤❀❉✷❅rs❣❤✵✿❀✔❀★❑❤❃❛✼❅✵✿❀★✷❳■✭✺❖✺❖✼❅✱✣❀❻✾✣❑❤✹✿✵◗❃✣✵◗✱❏❀★❀❈✳✶❁✿✵♦✷❅❃➈❃✣❃✣✾✭❘✍❑❤❲✚✵✒✷❅✹✦❦❏✳✶➌✸❀★✼❅❁❻✼✣❑❤❑❚❑❚❁◗▼✹✿▼❩❀✸✵◗✳➏✱✣✵✿✱❏❀❻■❏✳❚❀★❣❤❃❛❁◗✳✶✹✿❁◗✾✭❑❜✷❳❃€✹✿✳✶❀★❦✣✼❅✷❅✼❅❀★✹❻❀★✹◗✹✢❑✶✹✖t❜▼✏✹✿✵◗✱✭✹✿❀★✷❅❑❤❃€❃❏✾✣✺❖✼❳✾✣❀❻◆➏✹◗✷❅❀★❦✴✵✦✼❅❀❻❀★✱✭✹✿✷❥✷✯✹▲◆❺❃✴❀★✷✯✺❖❃❫✹✢✼❅✾❏✵✿✵◗◆✘✱✣✱✣❀✖❀✸❀❛◆➏✾✣✺❖✷❅✹✿✼❅❃✚❀✽✾✣▼✏✹◗✵✿✾✣✵✿✱✭✼✣❀★❀✻❁◗✷❅❃✘✷✯✺❖❃✭▼✏✼❅❑❜✾✣❘❙❁✿✹✿❲❫❑✶✵◗❀★▼✒✳✶❁✿■✴✷❅✵✿❃✣✷❅❀★❑❜❘❛❑❤❃✻■✭✳❚✼✯■✣❃❏❀➏❁◗✳✶❑✶✳❤✼❅❣➈❄✘✺★✷❳✺❖✹✿◆✘✷❅❑❜✹❴❀❴❁❇✬✦◆✍◆✘⑥✲✷❅❦✘❃✣❄❂❘✚❣❤❑❜✳❚✵◗❁✿✵✿❑✚✷❳✱✣✳✶❀✔✵✿❦✭✱✣❁✒✼✯❀✔❀♦❣❤✷✯✳✶❁✍✵✿❁◗✱❏✺◗✷❥✳❚✳❚✱❏✵✒❦✣✳✶✼❅✷❅❁❖❀★✹✒✳❤✹✖✺❖❲❙✬ ✵◗❀★✣❀✖❁✿✳❚❑❜✷❅❃✣❁✦✹✿✵◗✷❅❀❖❃✣✷❳④❏✺❖❘❤✹✖✳✶✼❅t✴❲❬❀★✹✿✹◗✾✴✹✦■✣✺✿✼❅✵◗❀❤✱❑ t ✳✶✺❖✼❅✹✍✾✣✳✶✹◗✵✿❘❜❀★❀❤❁◗t✴✷✯❃✭✱✣❘❙❀★✷❅■✣❘❤✱✘❁◗❑❺✵✖✺✽t✭❀★➌❩✹✿✹❴❀✔✬✷✯❘❜✱✘✵✖t❷✳✶❃❏◆❬✹◗❑❙❑❤❃❽✬✻➁✘✾❏✺◗✱ ✘✷❅❃❏◆❫❑❚▼ ◗✵✿❁❖✳✶✹✿✱ ❙❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀✍✹✿✱✣❑❜✾✣✼❳◆❬❦❏❀➏❘❤✷❅❣❤❀✔❃⑧⑦✔❀★❁✿❑❫➌✸❀★✷❅❘❤✱✘✵✖t✭❀❖④❏✺❖✼❅✾❏◆✘✷❅❃✣❘❙✷❅✵✸▼✏❁◗❑❤❲❾✵◗✱✣❀ é❻ê ❩ê ➈ú♦ð✣÷✦ø ✒ï✢õ ✶ó✘ơ❷ï③õ◗÷ ✒ï✢ø✣đ✿ï ✻õ◗÷✦ó ●❻✾✣✹◗✱✣❀✖✷❅◆ ✹✦✹◗▼✏❀✖❑❤✺❖❁❉✵◗✷✯✺❖❑❜❑❜❃ ỵ ý ỵ ý ự ỵ t ỵ ý ỵ ỵýý ✼❅✷❅❃✣❀✖✳❚❁❛✹❖✺★✳✶✼❅❀❤✬➫●✸❄➈■✭✷❥✺✔✳✶✼✒❀❖④❏✳❚❲❙■✣✼❅❀★✹❉✷❅❃❏✺✽✼✯✾✴◆✘❀ ➌✸❀★✷❅❘❤●❻✱✘✱✣✵✻❀❈✳✶❲❙❃❏◆✈❀✖✳❚✱✣✹✿❀★✾✣✷❅❁◗❘❤❀★✱✘❲❙✵❴t✣❀★✼❳❃✘✳✶✵▲✵◗✷✯✾✣✵◗❃✣✾❏✷❅◆✘✵✻❀✍✾✣✳✶✹◗❃❏❀✖◆❬◆➫✼❅✺★❑❤✳✶❃✣❃➷❘❜✷❅✳ ✵✿❷✾❏❀✖◆✘✺❖❀✍✵✍✺❖✵✿❑✘✱✭❑❤❀ ❁❖◆✘✺❖✷❅✼❅❃❏✾✣✳✶✹◗✵✿✵◗❀★❀★❁◗✹ ✷❅❃✣✥❀❤❘€✬ ❘❏✳✶✬❅❃❏t❤✳❚➌❻✼✯✱✭❄✘✹◗❀★✷✯❃ ✹❴✬ ✺❖✼❅✭✾✣❑❤✹◗❁▲✵✿❀★❀❖❁◗④❏✷✯❃✭✳✶❘✚❲❬✱✣■✣❑❤✼❅❀❤✾✣t❏✹◗❀★✺◗✹✱❏✔✳❚t❷❃✣✳✶❘❤❃❏✷❅❃✣◆❬❘❬➌✸❲❙❀✖✳✶❀✖✵◗✳❚✱✣✹✿❀★✾✣❁❻❁◗❀★✵✿❲❙❀✔❲❙❀★❃✘■✴✵❻❀★❁❇✾✣✳❚❃✭✵✿✷✯✾✣✵◗❁◗✹✖❀❤t✴✬ ✹✿✾✴✺✿✱ ✳✶✺❖✼❅✹✍✾✣✺◗✹◗✱❏✵✿❀★✳✶❁◗❃✣✷✯❃✭❘❜❘⑧✷❅❃✣✹◗❘✚✵✿❁◗▼✏✾❏❁◗❑❤✺❖❲➔✵✿✾✭❁✿❲❙❀❤✬✚❀★✵◗❢✩❀★❃ ❁✿✹▲❘❤✵✿❀★❑❬❃✣❀✔✷✯❁❇❃✴✳✶✺✿✼✩✱✭t❷❀★❀✽✹▲④❺▼✏■✭❑❤❁✿❁▲❀★✹◗✱✣✹✿❀★✷❅❃✣✷❅❘❤❘ ✱✘✵✖✳✈t✴❣❤❑❜✳✶❁❻❁✿▼✏✷❳❁◗✳❚❑❤❦✣❲ ✼❅❀❉➈✷❅❃€✷❅✼❅❑❤✹✿❘❜❲❫❁❇✳❚✳✶❲❙✼❅✼❅❀★✹✒❁❻✵◗✾✣❑❙❃✣■✴✷❅✵✿❑❤✹▲✾✣➌❻❃❏◆❺✷❅✼✯✹✻✢✼❅▼✥❀✖❑❤✳❜❁✻◆❫➌✸✵✿❀★❑❫✷❅❘❤✳❙✱✘✵❴✼❳t✣✳❚❁✿❲⑧❘❤❀✔✳❴❁✻❄✚❁❇✼❅✳❚❀✖✳❜❃✣◆❫❘❤❀❈✵✿❑❫▼✏❑❜✳✚❁✻✵✿❣❜✱✴❀★✳✶❁✿❄€✵✍❣❤◆✘✳✶✷ ❷❁◗✷❥❀★✳❚❁✿❦✣❀★✼❅❃✘❀❤✵ t ✾✣●❻✳✶❃✴❃✣✱✣◆➏✷❅✷❅✵◗✹✍✹✖✵✿t✣✱✘✷❅✹✻✵◗✾✣✱✣✹❩■❏❀❉✳❚✳▲❁✿◆✣✼❳✵✿✳✶✳✶✷❳✺❖✵❖❁◗✾✭✳❉❘❤✼❥❀★✹◗✳❚❁✒✱✣❁✿❀✼❅❑❤❄❫✾✭❀✖✼❥✾✣✺✽◆❬✹✿✵❩❀✽❦✴❑❜▼✏❀✍✾✣❃❛✼✒✹✿✵◗✵❇➌❻✱✣✳❚❀❻✱✣❃❏❀✔◆✣❁✿❃ ❀★✳❚✹◗❁❇✾✣❘❜◆✘✷✯✼❅✷❅❣❜✵✿⑦★✷❅❀★❀✖❃✣❃€◆➎❘❛✬❩❃✣✺✽➁✘❑❬✼✯✾✭✵❖■✣✹✿✳✶✵✿❁✿❃❏❀✔✷❅◆✣❑❜❁✿✷❅✳❚❁ ❃✣❁❇❘❉✘◆✘❃✣✷❅✹◗⑦★❑✶✵✿✷❅❁✿➌❻❃✣✾✴❘➏✼❅✺❖❀✖✵✿❲❙◆❺✾✣❘❤❀❴❁◗❀❉❀❤✳✶✬✸✹✿❑❚✾✭▼❩●✢❁✿✵✿❑✻❀★✱✣❲❬✱✣❀✚❀★❀★◆✣✼❅❃✘■❙✳❚✵✿✹❻✵❇✳❴✳✣❣❜✳✶✬❉❑❤✵✿✵◗✷❳➃s❀★◆❉❲❙❑✶◆✘➌❩■✭❀★❀✔■✴✵✿❣❤✹✸❀★❀★❃❏✵✿❁❴❑✚◆❺t❷❀★❘❤✷❅❃❏❃€✷❅✺❖❣❜❀❉✹✿❀❂❑❜❑❜✳✶❲❙❃❛✼❅✼✴❀❛✵◗❣❤✱✣✳❚✳✶❀✻■✣❁◗✷❥■✣✺◗✳❚✱✣✼❅❦✣✷❳❑❤✺★✼❅✷❳❀★✳✶✺❖✹❻✵◗❀❻✷✯✳✶❑❜❑❚❃❫❃✣▼ ✹✖❲❬❀✖t✭❵❜■❏❀✖✾❏✳✶❀✔✳✶❑❤✹◗✼❷✾✣■✣➌✸❁✿✼❅❀➏❀✔❀★❲❙✷❅❲⑧❘❤❀★✱✘✳❴❃✘✵❴❄ ✵ ✬ ✷❅❦❏❃✘✳❚✵✿✹ ❀★❤❃✘❀✔✵✿✵✿✷❅❦❏❑❜✳❚❃❏✼✯✳✶❽✼❅✼❅■✣❄➷✼❳✳❴➌❹❄❤❀★✳❚❁❻❃✘✵✚✺★✳❚✵✿❃❏❑➷◆✘✷❳❘❤◆✣✷❅✳✶❣❜✵◗❀⑧❀★✹✖❲❬t✭❑❤❑❤❁◗❃✣❀⑧❀✍➌✸❲❫❀★✳❴✷❅❄❛❘❤✱✘✼❅✵✚✷ ❤❀▲✵◗❑➅✵✿❑✚✳➷❘❤✺❖✷❅❀★❣❜❁✿❀✻✵❖✳✶❲❙✷❅❃✲❑❜❁✿❀▲✹◗❀★➌❩✵❫❀★❑✶✷❅❘❜▼❉✱➈❣❤✵❻✳✶✵◗❁◗❑❛✷❥✳❚✵◗❦✣✱✣✼❅❀★❀❉✹➏❣❤✵✿✳❚✱❏❁✿✳❚✷❳✳✶❃✲❦✣✼❅❑❤❀▲✵◗✱✣✱✣❀★❀★✷❅❁✿❘❤✹❴✱✘✬ ✵✖✬ ✭❑❤❁✚❀❖④❏✳✶❲❬■✣✼❅❀❤t✒➌❻✱✭❀★❃✇✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗✵✿❀★❁◗✷✯❃✭❘ ❲❙❀❴✳✶●✢✹✿❑❫✾✭❁✿✹✿❀★✵❖❲❬✳✶❃❏❀★❃✘◆✣✵✿✳❚✹✸❁❇◆✘▼✏❑❜✷❅⑦★❁❹❀✚✳➏❲❬❣❤❀✖✳❚✳✶❁✿✷❳✹◗✳✶✾✣❦✣❁✿✼❅❀✔❀ ❲❙❽❀★t✴❃✘✵✿✵✿✱✣✹❴t✦✷❅✹✻❑❜✺★❃✣✳❚❀❙❃⑧✺◗❦✴✱✣❑❤❀✍✷❳■❏✺❖❀❬❀✔❁✩✷❅▼✏✹❂❑❜❁✿✵◗❲❙❑ ❀❴✺❖◆⑧❑❜❃➈✳❚❣❜✹✸❀★▼✏❁✿❑❤✵➏✼❅✼❅✵✿❑✶✱✭➌❻❀✚✹✖✬❑❤❁✿✷❅❘❜✷✯❃✴✳✶✼✢❲❙❀✖✳❚✹✿✾✣❁◗❀★❲❙❀✔❃➈✵◗✹✍✵✿❑€✾✣❃✭✷✯✵◗✼❅❀★✹✿✹➏❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹✖✬❬➒✍✷❅❣❤❀★❃ ✮❜✬❻❶❻✳✶✼❳✺❖✾✣✼❳✳✶✵◗❀✍✵✿✱✣❀ ➷✕✘✜✣✛ ✜ ✑ ✴✌✥✎③✓❴✕ ❽✕ ❷✧✥✜✣✓✖✧ ✴✛ t t ✮ ✉✫✭✬❡q ➌❻✱✣❀★❁✿❀ ✳✶❁◗❀ ❲❙❀✖✳❚✹✿✾✣❁◗❀★✹❻❑✶▼ ✦t✴✳✶❃❏◆ ✷❅✹❩✵◗✱✣❀❙ÿ ➏❣❤✳✶✼❅✾✣❀✻❑❚▼ ✦t✭✷✉✬ ❀❤✬❅t ★✬ ❋✭✬❻❶❻✳✶✼❳✺❖✾✣✼❳✳✶✵◗❀✍✵✿✱✣❀ ✑✔✓✖✜✣✛ ❽✜✣✗ ❽✧ ❤✕ ➷✕✘✜❏✑★✎✢✗✶✕ ➷✕✘✛✦✓ t✶✺★✳✶✼❅✼❅❀✖◆ ❖✑ ❏✗✶✕ tt tt t t t t ỵ ỵ tt ỵ ý t ✺❇▲❏◆▼ ✫❖ ➝ ✹➜➳❭➞✏➵✫✻ ✫✻ ❣➽➾✹➜➳❭➞✏➵✫✻ ➝ ✹➜➳❭➞✓➵✸✻➚➢ ✹ ➽➾✹➜➳❭➞✏➵✫✻✏✻✓➱ ➹ ✹ ✸✻ ✹ ✲✻ ➷ ❊✹ ✚✻ ❨✹ ➝ ✹✿➳❭➞✏➵✫✻➚➢ ✶✎ ✲✻ ➹✦✃ ➽❀✹✿➳❭➞✏➵✫✻ ✃ ✁ ✄✂✆☎ ✶❁✿✮❝€✚◗❄✧✡➤✦€ ❬✧✯★✫❁◆❐✆✹➜➟✓➞✿➠✲✻ ❐☛✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✲✻➚➢ ✈✛ ➾✹ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞❃➠✆✻ ✲✻ ➹ ✹ ✲✻ ♦✛ ✰✎ ❃⑤ ✿⑤ ❰ ✫Ï ✿Ð ◆⑩❍Ï ➙❒ ✐❮ ✖Ñ ✁★✫❁✏✧✯☎✩➀❂✂✆ ❹❳ ❄€✚✂☛ ✶✧❙☞✴➀☛✂☛☎ ✥✂✲✬✯ ✄✧ ỊĨ❩✙€✯  ❬☞✽✧❙✂✆★✫➥❆Ơs✂☛★❚❘❚✂✼❁✥❁✏✂☛★ ✉ ☛✗ ✥② ✝ ✰Ơ ✁★❚Õ✆◗✆Ư ✚Õ Ó☞ ✚❁❃✂✆★✵€✚✧ ✢ ✙✘✦✗ ❀✹ ❙✻ ✼✔ ▲✛ ➔✎ ✍✔ ➛✔ ▲✎ ×✛ ✏✎ ✶✎ ❯➳ ✢ ♠ ✩✣ ❪✘ ❐ ➋ ➇❣➈✿➋ ➞ ➷✶➷ ➞ ➇✐➓✲➋ ✥✣ ➢ ❝❷ ❆✘ ✫✗ ❷ ✹ ✃ ➇ ➈✿➋❊➹ ❆➳ ✲✘ ✥Ù ✙✘➃♠ ✽❐ ➋ ➺ ➋◆✃✩Ø✤✃ ➇ ➴ ➋❊➹ ➺ ➉❄➉✼➉ Ø❛✃ ➇ ➓✲➋✴➹ ➋❴✃✯Ø ❨✧❙✂✆★ ➺❨➋ ✫♠ Ù✲② Ú✯➑✄➋ ➢ Ó➳ ➺❨➋ ➋◆✃ ✻ ➺ ➢ ➓ ➈ ✹ ➇❣➈✿➋ ✹ Ø ➇ ➴ ➋ Ø ➉❄➉✼➉ Ø ✲✻ ➇✐➓✲➋ ✻ ✝ ✣ ➇✙➑✶➋ ➹ ❐ ➋ ➺❨➋ ✹ ✲✻ ➷ ✫❐ ➋ ✽Û ➋ ❦✹ ✃ ➇ ➑✶➋❊➹ ➺ ➋ ✃✻ Ü ✚✔ ❨✧❙☞ ❬✂☛★❼✂✽✬ ❄◗✆ ✑❩✽❁❃✧ ☞✲✧✯➀ ❬✂❂❁ ✥◗☛★ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✲➞ ✒➟♦➠➷➜ ▲➞ ✿➝✡➛ ✢➠❷➞✒➟ ✿➝ ✍➝ ✒➠ ✿➠ q ■✴❀★❁✩▼✏⑥s➁✘❑❜✵❖❁✿▼✏✳✶✵✿❲➔❃❏❀★❁❻◆✭✹✿✳✶✹◗✵❖✵❇✳✶❁❇✳❚◆❺❃❏❃❏✷✯◆✣⑦❴◆✣✳❚✳✶✳✶❁❇✵✿❁❖◆✘✷❅❑❜◆✘✷❅⑦✖❃€✷❅⑦✖✳❚✳✶❲⑧✵✿✵◗✷❅❑❤✷❅✳❴❑❤❃❫❄❬❃✦✹◗t✘❑❤✱✣❑❜❁✻❑❤❁❻❲❫✾✣➌❻✼❳✳❴◆❬✷✯❄❙✵◗❦✴✱✣❃✣❀❂❑❤❑❜✾✭✼❅✵✍❀❖✵❻▼✥❦❏✵❻✹✿✵❇❀✚✵✿✳❚❑➏❃❏✾✣✹◗◆✣✾✣❀❖✳❚✹✿▼✏❀★❁❇✾✣❁◗◆✘✼♦✹✖✷❅⑦✖✬✷✯❃➫✳❚✵✿✳❙✷❅❑❤❃❬■✴✳✶✷✯❁✿❃€✵◗✷❳✺❖✺❖❀✔✾✣❁✿✼❳✵❇✳✶✳❚❁✍✷❅❃ ✳✶■✣✳❚■✣■✣✼❅■✣✷❳✺★✼❅✷❳✳❚✺★✵✿✳✶✷❅✵◗❑❤✷❅❃✦❑❤✬✍❃✣✹❴●❻t✘✱✘➌❩✾✣❀❉✹✍✺❖✵◗❑❜✱✣❲❙❀ ■✣✺◗✾✣✱✣✵◗❑❜❀✻✷❳✺❖✵◗❀✚✱✣❀❛❑✶▼❩◆✘➌❻✷❅✹✿✹◗✱✭✷❅❀★❲❙✵✿✱✣✷❅✼❳❀✔✳✶❁❛❁✿✷❅✳✶✵✩❄❃❏◆ ✏❑❜✱✣❁❻❑✶✹✿➌➋✷❅❲❙✵◗✷➐❑ ✐ ✼❳❑✶✳✶▼✦❁◗❑❜✷✯✵✩❦❤❄ ⑨❖✢❀✖✺❖❦✴✵◗❀★✹✖✵✩✬✢➌✸●❻❀★❀★✱✣❃❫❀✔❁✿✵✿❀❉✱✭✳✶❀❂❁◗❑❜❀✻❦❤✳▲⑨❖❀✖▼✏✺❖❀★✵◗➌✲✹✖✬✒✳✶➒✍■✭■✣✷❅❣❜❁✿❑✘❀★❃❙✳❤✺◗✷❅✱✣❃✘❀★✵✿✹✸❀★❁◗✵✿❣❤❑❛✳✶◆❺✼➐✐✩❀ ✹❇❏✺★✳❚❃✣✼✯✷❅❀❴❃✣◆➏❘❉❣❤✵◗✳✶✱✣❁✿❀❂✷❳✳❚◆❺❦✣✷✯✹◗✼❅❀★✵❇✹✖✳❚t❜❃❏✵✿✺❖✱✣❀✻✷❅✹✒❦✴❀★✷❅✹✸✵✩➌✸✵✩❄✘❀★■✣❀★❃❫✷❳✺★✳✶❑❤✼❅❦❤✼❅⑨✽❄❉❀✖❦❏✺❖✵✿✳❚✹❴✹✿✬✢❀✖◆❬●❻✱✣❑❤❀✻❃✚❲❬✵◗✱✣❑❤❀❉✹◗✵③◆✘✷❅■✴✹✿❑❤✵❖✳✶■✭❃❏✾✣✺❖✼❳✳✶❀▲❁✒❦❏◆✘❀✔✷❅✵✩✹✿➌❩✵❖✳✶❀★❃❏❀✔❃⑧✺❖❀▲❀❴❲❙✳❤✺◗❀✖✱❫✳❚✹✿■❏✾✣✳✶❁◗✷❅❀❁ ✷❅✹ ✎ ✌✥✧ ✦✕✘✜✣✛ ❽✧✉✑✔✓✖✜✭✛ ✕ t✶➌❻✱✣✷❳✺◗✱⑧✷❅✹✻◆✘❀ ❏❃✣❀✖◆€✳❚✹ ✉✫✭✬❡① ➌❻✱✣❀★⑥▲❁◗❀ ❃✣❑❤✵◗✱✣❀★❁❻➌✸❀★✼❅✼❨✐ ✘❃✣❑✶➌❻❃❙❲❬❀★★✵✿t✣❁◗✳❚✷❳✺❻❃❏◆ ✷❅✹ ★t✴✳✶❁✿❀✍✵✩➌✸❑ ✘✐✿◆✘✷❅❲❙❀★❃✭✹✿✷❅❑❤t❤❃❏◆✘✳❚❀ ✼❏✴◆✣❃✣✳❚❀✖✵❇◆❫✳❈❦✘❑❤❄ ❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺✽✵✿✹✖✬ ✜✣✛ ✢✜✣✓✖✓❴✜✣✛ ✴✗ ✧✥✓★✤ ✌ ❽✧✉✑✔✓❴✜✣✛ ✕ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴⑤ ▼✏✾✣❃✴✺❖♥♦✵✿❑❤✷❅❑❤✵◗❃❽✱✚❭ ✵✿✱✣❀✻➇✢✾✴✺❖✼❅✷❥◆❺❀✖✳✶❃❙◆✘✷❅✹◗✵❇✳✶❃✴✺❖❀✻✳✶❃❏◆✚❪ ✳✶❃✣✱❏✳❚✵✿✵❖✳✶❃✚◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❇✳❚❃❏✺❖❀▲✹❇✳✶✵◗✷❅✹✩▼✏❄❉✵◗✱✣❀❻▼✥❑❤✼❅✼❅❑✶➌❻✷✯❃✭❘❻❲⑧✳✶✵◗✱✣❀★❲❫✳✶✵✿✷❳✺❽❁✿❀❴❵❤✾✭✷✯❁◗❀★❲❙❀✔❃➈✵◗✹✒❑✶▼✦✳✍◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❖✳✶❃❏✺❖❀ ✮❜✬ ⑤✭❭✦●❻✱✭✷✯✹❻✹◗✵❇✳❚✵✿❀★✹▲✵✿✱❏✳❚✵✻◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❇✳❚❃❏✺❖❀❉✷❅✹❻✳➏❃✣❑❤❃✭❃✣❀★❘➈✳❚✵✿✷❅❣❤❀✍❃✘✾✣❲✚❦✴❀★❁ ❋✭✬ ✲⑤✣❭✢●❻✱✭✷✯✹❻✹◗✵❇✳❚✵✿❀★✹▲✵✿✱❏✳❚✵❻✵✿✱✣❀❉◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❖✳✶❃❏✺✽❀❉❑✶▼✒✳✶❃❫❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀❴✺❖✵✻✵◗❑❛✷❅✵✿✹◗❀★✼➐▼✒✷✯✹✻⑤ ❊✭✬ ★❭❽●❻✱✣✷❅✹❻✹✿✵❇✳❚✵✿❀★✹▲✵✿✱❏✳❚✵✻◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❖✳✶❃❏✺❖❀❈✷✯✹✻✳❈✹✿❄✘❲❬❲❙❀★✵◗❁✿✷❳✺♦▼✏✾✣❃❏✺✽✵✿✷❅❑❤❃ ✣✳❚❃❏◆ ỵ ỵ ỵ ✚✑ ❷✧ ❽✧✉✑✔✓✖✜✭✛ ✕ ✷❅✹❻✳➏❘❤❀★❃✭❀★❁❇✳❚✼✯✷❅⑦✖✳❚✵✿✷❅❑❤❃❬❑✶▼✒❦✴❑❤✵✿✱€➇✢✾✴✺❖✼❅✷❥◆❺❀✖✳✶❃€◆✘✷❅✹✿✵❖✳✶❃❏✺✽❀❼✳❚❃❏◆❫❪€✳✶❃✭✱❏✳✶✵◗✵❇✳✶❃€◆✘✷❅✹◗✵❇✳✶❃✴✺❖❀❤✬✢❢✩✵❻✷❅✹✻◆✘❀ ❏❃✭❀✖◆€✳✶✹ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❜✮ ➌❻✱✣❀★❢✥❁◗▼✒❀ ❀✖✍✳❜✺✿✷❅✱ ✹✻✳❈❣❤✳✶■❏❁✿❑❜✷❳✳❚✹✿❦✣✷❅✵✿✼❅✷❅❀✻❣❤❀▲✷❅✹✻✷❅❃➈✳✶✵◗✹◗❀★✹✿❘❤✷❅❘❤❀✔❃✣❁✖❀❴✬✢◆€❢✩✵❻✳➏❁✿❀✔➌❩■✣❀✔❁✿✷✯❀★❘❜✹◗✱✘❀★✵✻❃✘✵✿✳❤✹✍✺★✺❖✵✿❑❜✱✭❁❇❀❼◆✘✷❅❪ tt ỵ ộờ ủỳùứỷ ùứủù ừữú ỵ ỵý ý ỵ ý ỵ ý ttt ✵✿✮❈✱✭✳❚❀❉✷✯❁✿❃✴❀❉❣❤◆✘✳✶✷❅✷❳❃✘❁◗✺★✷❥✵✿✳✶✳❚❀✔✵◗❦✣❁✿❀★❣❤✼❅✹✍❀✻✳✶✵✿✼➐✷❅✐✩✱❏✹✻✹❇✳❚✺★✳✶✵✻✳❚❦✭✼❅✵✿✹✿❀✖✱✭❀★◆❙❃✘❀❛✺★✵✖■❏✳❚t❷✳❚❃€✳❚✵✿❃❏✷❅✼❅❀★❀✖◆➫❃✘✳❤✵✻◆❬✮✍✹◗❲❙✵◗❲❙❑✚❀✖❑ ✳❚❲❙❤❃✣✷❅❀★✹❻✹✿✹❴✼❅✵✿t❏❀✖✱❏✳❜➌❻✳❚◆✘✱✭✵✻✷❅❃✣✷✯✼❅✷❅❘❀✵ ✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗➊▲✵✿❀★❃✣❁◗❀✍✷✯❃✭✳✶❘❙■✣❁✿■✣❀✔❁◗✹✿❑➈✾✣✳❜✼❅✵✿✺✿✹❴✱✚✬✒✷❅●❻✹✒✵◗✱✣❑❛❀✔❁✿✺❖❀❖❑❜▼✏❲❙❑❜❁✿■✣❀❤✾✣t✴✵◗❲❬❀✻❀★✳❉✵✿✱✣◆✘❑✣✷❅✹✿◆✘✹◗✹✸✷❅❲❙✹✿■✴✷❅✼❳❀✖✳✶✺❖❁✿✷ ✷❅✵✩✺❼❄▲✵✿❲⑧❑✚✳✶❦✣✵◗❁✿✷❅❃❏✷➐④❉✳❚❁✿▼✏❄⑧❁◗❑❤◆✭❲✞✳✶✵❇✵✿✳➏✱✣❀▲✳✶❁◗❘❤❀✍✷❅❣❤❃✣❀★❀✖❃✚✺❖❀★❦✭✹◗✷✯✹❇❃✴✳❚✳✶❁✿❁✿❄❫❄✚▼✏◆✣❑❜✳❚❁✻✵❇✺❖✳✣❑❤✬❽❲❬❢✥▼③■✣✳✶✾✣✼❅✵◗✼✣✷✯❃✭❦✭❘❛✷✯❃✴◆✘✳✶✷❅❁✿✹✿❄➏✹◗✷✯❣❤❲❬✳✶❁◗✷❅✼❥✷❳✳❚✳✶❁✿❦✣✷❅✼❅✵✿❀★✷❅❀★✹❩✹❴✳❚✬ ❁✿❀❻✵◗✱✣❑❤✾✣❘❜✱✘✵ ❑✶❀✖❵❜▼✒✾❏✳✶✳❚✹✒✼❩✱✴✮▲✳❴❣➈▼✏❑❜✷❅❃✣❁❻❘❈❦❏✵✿❑❜✱✣✵✿❀✍✱❫✹❇❑❤✳❚❦❤❲❙⑨❖❀❴❀❻✺❖✵✿➌✸✹ ❀★✷❅✒❘❤✳❚✱✘❃❏✵✖◆t❜➌✸❺❀✻t ✱❏▲✳❴✷❅❣❜✹❻❀❂✵✿✱✣✳❉❀❉❋ ❃✘✐✉❦✘✾✣❄❜❲✚✐➣❋❈❦✴❀★✺❖❁✸❑❤❃✘❑✶✵✿▼✒✷❅❃✣❣❤✳✶❘❜❁◗❀★✷❳❃❏✳✶✺❖❦✣❄✚✼❅❀★✵❖✹✸✳✶✵✿❦✣✱❏✼❅❀❤✳❚t✘✵✻●✒❀✖✳❚❵❜❦✣✾❏✼❅✳❚❀✻✼✒✫✣✮▲✬❅✮❤▼✏❑❤t❜❁❻➌❻❑❜✱✣❦❤❀★⑨❖❁◗❀❀✖✺❖❈✵ ✷❅✒✹❩❦✭✵◗✾✣✱✣✵❻❀✍✵✿❃✘✱❏✾✣✳❚❲✚✵❂❦❏✳❚❀✔❁✿❁✒❀❉❑✶⑤❈▼✦▼✏❣❤❑❤✳❚❁❻❁✿✷❳❑❜✳✶❦❤❦✣⑨❖✼❅❀✖❀★✺❖✹♦✵ ✵✿❺✱❏t ✳❚✵ ✷❅❀✖✹✻❵❜✾❏✵◗✱✣✳❚❀❛✼③⑤❼❃✘✾✣▼✏❑❤❲✚❁❻❦✴❦✴❀★❑❤❁▲✵◗❑✶✱⑧▼❩❑❜❣❤❦❤✳❚⑨❖❁✿❀✖✷❳✺❖✳✶✵◗❦✣✹ ✼❅❀★✒✹❻✳❚✵◗❃❏✱❏◆ ✳✶✵✍❺✬✢❀✖❵❜●❻✾❏✱✭✳❚❀❉✼✒✵✿⑤➏❑❜▼✏✵❇❑❜✳✶❁❻✼❷❃✘❑❤✾✣❦❤⑨❖❲✚❀✖❦✴✺✽✵ ❀★❁✸✒❑✶❦✭▼✢✾✣❣❤✵✍✳✶❀✖❁✿✷❳❵❜✳❚✾❏❦✣✳✶✼❅✼❻❀★✹❩✮✍✷❅✹▼✥❑❤❽❁✻t✘❑❜➌❻❦❤✱✣⑨❖❀✖❀★✺❖❁✿✵❀ ✣t❷✳✶❃❏◆ ✷❅✹✻✵◗✱✣❀➏❃➈✾✭✬ ❲✚❦❏❀★❁▲❑✶▼❩❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✭✼✯❀✔✹❻✵✿✱❏✳❚✵ ✵✿✱✭❀★❁✿⑥❝❀❉✔✷❅❦✭✹❻✬❛✷✯❃✴❃✣➁✘✳✶❑✚✷❅❁✿❲❙❄■✭✷❅❁✿✼❳❣❤❀❖✳✶▼✏✳✶❁◗❀✔❁✿✷❅❁✿✵✩✷❳❀★✳❚❄❛❃❏❦✣❦❏✺✽✼❅❀❛❀❛✳❚✹✿✷❅❑❜❀✖✹ ❃⑧◆ ✑✔➌❻❑❤✤ ❃➫✱✭✷❥✹✿✺◗➷❄✘✱❬❲❬✕✘❑❤✓✖❲❙✾✣✗✶✵❖✧❀★✺❖❬✵◗❑❤❁✿❲❬✷❨✷❳▼❻✺▲❀✻❦✴❦✣✹✿❑❤✷❅✱✭❃❏✵✿❑❤✱➷✳✶✾✣❁◗❄⑧❑❚✼❳◆❬▼✻❣❤✷❅❦❏✳❚✵✿❀❉❁✿✹❉✷❳✳✶✺❖✹◗❑✣❦✭✵❇✳✶◆✘✼✯❀✔✵◗❀❴✹✻❀★◆€✹✚✷❅✹❂✳✶✳✶✹✻✺★❁✿❀❬✳❚⑤❈✼❅✼✯❀✖❑❤❀❴❵❜❁❉◆ ✾❏✮❜✳✶✧✥✬✒✛ ✼❅✼❅✘❄€➊✻✜✣❃✭❣❤✗✶❀❉✳❚✧✥✜✣✼✯✹✿✾✴✛✦✾❏✳✶✓✚✺◗❦✣✱❫✼❅✑✔❀✚✧❀❖➷④❏✳✶✳✶❃❏✧✥❲❬✌✏◆➷✜✭■✣✗✶✺★✼❅✧❳✳❚❀❂✓★❁✿✤ ❁◗✺❖❄➷❑❜✷❅✾✣❃ ✵✿✼❳✱✣◆✚✵◗❀✚✱❏❦✴✳✶✹❖❀❙✵▲✳✶❲❙ÿ✵✿✱✣❀✚❀✚✍➌✸❁◗❀★❀★✳❚✹✿✷❅❃❏✾✣❘❤◆ ✱✘✼❅✵❉✵❴t✦◆✘✔ÿ✵◗❑✘✱❏❀★✹✍✳✶✵❉✍❃✣✷❅❑❜✷❅✹❴❃ ✵ t ●✸■❹❸✐■ ❯▼❆❉ ❈❺❼❻❈❇ ✵❇✤❖ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✺❖ ❀❽✦❇ ❈❇❊❏◆▼ ✫❖ ➡✹ í ị ìò ❝➟◆➢â✹ ➇ ➑✥➈ ➞ ➇ ➑ ➞ ➴ ✿✎ ➷❄➷✼➷ ➞ ➇ ➑❹➍ ✻ ✹ ✃ ➇✙➑✥➈ ➇✲à✆➈ ✃ ➴ ➹ ➯➠➙➢â✹ ➇ à☛➈ ➞ ➇ ➞ ➴ ❯❧ ➷ ➷✼➷ ✼ ✤ã✏✣ ✖❞ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞❃➠✆✻❆➢ ✃ ➇✐➑✥➈ Øá✃ ➇✙➑ ➴ ➞ ➇ à✏➍ ✻ ➉✼➉❄➉ Ø✤✃ ➇✐➑❹➍ Ø ✢ ❬✣ ✝ ♣✖ä❀✘ ➇✲à ➴ ✃✩Ø ➹ ✝ ✲✻ ➇✽à✏➍ ✃ ➹ ✹ ✲✻ ✹ ❄✻ ➷ ❄❵ ➝ ỗ ố Ø ◆❵ ➝ ✹➜è♦➞❃➠✆✻ ➠ ✒❁➜☎ ❬✂☛★✫✪☛❩✫ ✄✂✆☎ ✡★✵✧✚é✩❩✙✂☛  ✶❁✿✮ ☛✎ ✖♣✵✣✙❜ ✹ ➷ ✚✌ ➉❄➉✼➉ Øá✃ ➇✐➑❹➍ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✲✻✈æ ❧ ➇✽à✏➍ ✃ ➴ ➹ ❀➁ ✝ ➇✽à☛➈ ✃✯Øå✃ ➇✐➑ ➴ ➹ ➇✲à ➴ ✃ ➴ ➹ ❯➟ ❈è ✝ ✯♣ Ó✘ ✚✌ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞✿➠✲✻✖➢❛✹ ✃ ➇ ➑✥➈✖➹ ➇ à✆➈❂✃ ê✠Ø✤✃ ➇ ➑ ➴ ➇ ➴ ✃ ê✖Ø ➹ ➉❄➉✼➉ Øá✃ ➇ ➑❹➍❯➹ ❝ì ➈✏ë ➞ ➇ à✏➍✵✃ ê ✻ ê ✰ì❊➢ ✰ì✴➢ ✜ƯĨ✧ ✶✪✼❘✲❁✏✧✚☞ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✆✻➼➢ ß í ➈✆✃ ➇ ➑❬➈✖➹ ➇ à✆➈❂✃ ➴ í Ø ➴ ✃➇ ➑ ➴ ➹ ✙✎ ❃⑤ ❬ỵ ï ❡Ï ➇ ➴ ✃➴ Ø ➉✼➉✼➉ Ø í ➇ à✏➍❭✃ ➴ ➍❣✃ ➇ ➑❹➍❊➹ ✹ ✲✻ ➷ ✓✎ ✠Ñ ✩✮ ➸✧➛❁✿☎ ❬€ ❯✂ ✩✮ ➸✧➛❁➜☎ ❬€ ✬ ✁★✵✂☛☎✯✮❨➀❂✂✆☎ ❬✂✲✬✯ ✄✧ ✢ ✾✗ ✢ ➸◗❂Õ✆✧✯☎ ✽✎ ✍✌ ➙ð ❀➟ ➯➠ ❣ñ ❊➟ ❝➟ ▲➟ ➯➠ ❣♠✾♠ ❆➁ ✺➠ ❭ị ➝ ✴➠ ✴➁✰➢×ð Ø đ Ø ò Ø ➝ ✝ ❨✂☛ ✄✧ ✪✲✧✩★✵☞✽✧✩☎ ◆✗ ➡❱❄✧ ➸✂✆ ✄✧ ❬♠ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✫ ➛ ❻➞✒➟ ➪➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ❂➝ ♦➠ ✿➠ ❆❅❈❇❊❉ ❑❜✮ ❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺❖✵ ⑤ ✹✿✾✣❲ ❆❋❍●✸■ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✤❇ ✺❇▲❏◆▼ ✫❖ ✈➠ ❤❑ ❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺✽✵ ✹✿✾✣⑤✮ ❲ ●✒✳❚❦✣✼❅❀❂✫✣✬❅✮❜❭✦⑥❧✺❖❑❜❃✘✵✿✷❅❃✣❘❤❀✔❃❏✺❖❄❫✵❇✳❚❦✣✼❅❀❻▼✏❑❜❁❻❦✣✷❅❃❏✳✶❁◗❄✚❣❤✳✶❁✿✷❳✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹✖✬ ✺◗✺❖✱❏❑✘❀❖✳✶➍⑧❃✭❘❤✺❖❀✻✷❅❀★➌❻❃✘✵▲✱✭❀★✷✯✹❻❃❙✵◗✹◗✱✣❑❤❀ ❲❙✑★❀❻✧ ❑❜❁❩✢✳✶✌✏✼❅✕ ✼✣❑❚➷▼✦✵✿✜✣✱✣✓ ❀▲③❦✣✧✥✷❅✛❃❏✳✶❁◗❄❛❷❣❤✕ ✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✭✧✥✕✘✼✯❀✔✛✦✹❩✓ ✳✶t➈❁◗◆✘❀❂❀ ✺❖❏❑✣❃✣◆✘❀✖❀✖◆❫◆❬✷❅❃◆✘✷ ✉✫✣❀✔✬❅❁✿✮❴❀★❊❃✘★✵✿✬✼❅❄✘✬ ✣❑❜❁✒✷❅❃✘❣❤✳✶❁✿✷❳✳❚❃➈✵❽✹✿✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁◗✷❅✵✿✷❅❀★✹✖t❴✵◗✱✣❀✻❲❬❑❤✹✿✵✢➌✸❀★✼❅✼➐✐ ỵ t t ýỵỵ ý tt tỵ t t ýỵ ỵ ❲⑧✺★✳❚✳❚❃ò✵❇✺◗✳❤✱ ✺✽✍✵✿✾❏✷❅✹➏✳❚✼✯❅✵✿❄€✱✣❀✔❦✴❃ ❀⑧✺✽✺✽❑❤❑❤❃✣❃✣✹◗✹◗✷❥✷❥◆❺◆❺❀★❀★❁✿❁✿❀✖❀✖◆ù◆ù❲❬✳✶✹❛❑❤❁✿✳ ❀✚✿✹◗✾✣✷❅❘❤❃❏❃✣✳❚✷ ❁✿❄➫✺★✳❚❣❤❃✘✳✶✵❛❁◗✷❥✵◗✳❚✱❏❦✣✳✶✼❅❀❃ù❏✬❬✵✿✱❏●❻✳❚✵❛✱✣❀✚❑❚▼❂✹◗✷✯✵✩❲❬➌✸✷❅❑€✼❥✳❚⑦★❁✿❀★✷❅✵✩❁◗❄❙❑❤✹ ❦✴✳✶✩✳€✹✿❀❴◆➷❃✭❀★❑❤❘➈❃➷✳❚✵✿✷❅✹◗❣❤✾❏❀✚✺◗✱➅❲❫❣❤✳✶✳❚✵❇❁✿✺◗✷❳✱ ✳✶✔❦✣✬➷✼❅❀★➁✘✹✍✾❏✷❅✹❛✺◗✱ò✺★✳❚✳ ✼❅✼✯❀❴✿◆❦✣✷❅❃❏✛ ✳❚✴❁✿✛✢❄ ✧✏€✛ ✘❣❤✳❚✜✣❁✿✗✶✷❳✧✏✳✶✜✭❦✣✛✦✼❅❀✓ ✑✔✉✫✭✧ ➷✬❅✮★❯✧✥✌✏✔✜✭t❤✗✶➌❻✧✏✓❖✱✭✤ ❀★❁✿✬ ❀✍✣✵✿❑❜✱✭❁❉❀❂❃✣❃✘❑❜✾✣❃✣❲✚✷❅❃➈❦✴❣❤❀★✳❚❁✒❁✿❑❚✷❳✳✶▼③❃✘❃✣✵✍❀✔❘➈✹✿✷❅✳✶❲❬✵◗✷❅✷✯❣❤✼❳✳❚❀✻❁✿❲❫✷❅✵✿✷❅✳✶❀★✵❖✹❴✺✿t❏✱✭✵◗❀★✱✣✹✖❀❙t ❲❬t✘❑❤✷✯✹❻✹◗✵❂✺❖❑❜➌✸❃✣❀★✹✿✼❅✷❳✼➐◆✘✐ ✘❀★❁◗❃✣❀✖❑✶◆❬➌❻✾✣❃➷❃✣✺❖✷❅❲❙❑✘❀❖■✴➍⑧❑❤✺❖❁◗✷❅✵❇❀★✳❚❃✘❃➈✵➏✵✸✷❅✳✶✹❉❃❏✵✿◆✈✱✣✵✿❀ ✱✘✾✣✹✸✜ ✷✯✹✸✜✣✷❅❘❤✗ ❃✣❑❜❁✿❀✖❷◆✈✕ ✷❅❃❙✵✿✱✭✧✥✕✘❀❂✛✦✺❖✓ ❑❜t❷❲❙◆✘■✣❀ ✾✣❏✵❖❃✣✳✶❀❴✵◗◆➅✷✯❑❜✷❅❃✦❃ ✬ ✉✫✣✬❅✮✔❯ ◆✘❀★✹❖✺❖✰✲❁✿✷❅❦✴✱✭❀✖❀★◆❃✚❦❏✷✯❃❫❑❜✵✿➁✘✱✚❀✖✺❖✹◗✵◗❄➈✷❅❲❬❑❤❃ ❲❙✫✭❀★✬ ✵◗❋✭❁✿✬❡✷❳❞❉✺✒✺★✳❚✳✶❃❏❃❫◆✚❦✴✳✶❀❉✹◗❄➈✳✶❲❬■✣❲❙■✣✼❅❀★✷❅❀✖✵◗◆❷❁✿✷❳✬ ✺✢❦✣✷❅❃❏✳❚❁✿❄➏❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹✢❑✣✺★✺❖✾✣❁✸✷❅❃✚✵✿✱✣❀▲✹❇✳✶❲❬❀❹◆✭✳✶✵❇✳❼✹✿❀★✵❴t✘✵✿✱✣❀❻❲❬✷❨④✣❀✖◆❈❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹✒✳✶■✭■✣❁✿❑✘✳❤✺◗✱ ✵✿✹✿✱✭❄✘❷❲❬❀ ✜ ✳❚❲❙✵✿❀★✵✿③❁◗✵◗✷❅❁✿✌✥❦✣✷❳✕€✺❻✾✣☛✵✿✳✶❀✔✵◗✹ ✵✿❁✿✷❅❦✣❚✾✭ÿ ✧✩✵✿✑❴❀❤✑★t✴✧ ➷✳✶❃❏✧✏◆❬✌×✜✣✵✿✗✶✱✭✧❳✓★❀❉✤ ❁✿❀★❲❫✕✘✓ ✳✶❈✷❅❃✣✕➈✷❅❃✣✕✘✛❘❉✳✶✵◗✧✏✵✿✛✢❁◗✽✷✯✜✣❦✭ý ✗✶✾✣✤ ✵✿❀★✘✹✍✜✣✳✶❖✗✶ý❁◗✧✥❀❼✜ ✳❚✹✿✌✏✕✣❄✘❲❙✑✽ý ❲❬➁✘❤✾✭❀★t✴✵✿■✣❁◗✳✶■❏✷❳❃❏✺✶❑❜✬◆ ✹✿❀▲✵✿✽✱❏ý ✳❚✵❩✭t✣✳▲➌❻■❏✱✣✳✶✵◗❀★✷✯❁◗❀✔❀ ❃➈✵♦❚❁✿❀✖ÿ ✺❖❑❜➏❁❇✷❅◆✈✹✻✵❇✳❚✳✶❃€❦✭✼✯❑❤❀❜❦❤t❤⑨❖●✒❀❴✺❖✳✶✵✩❦✭✐✩✼✯✷❳❀❻◆❷t✫✣✬❡❋✭t ✺✽❑❤❃✘➏✵❇✳❚✷❅✷✯✹❂❃✭✳✹ ð ▲➟ ñ ð ð ➝ ị ị Ø đ ➝ Ø ✍✔ ✥♠✾✕ ✝ ❞ ✒♠ ✝ ✣ ✽ó ✖✟ ✝ ➛✌ ð ➙✹ ✫õ❈ư✙÷❨✳✙◗ ✶❁ ✁➀☛✧✏✻ ị đ Ø ị ✹ ✲✻ ➝ Ø ➾✹ ❚õ➦ư✙÷➃★✵✧❃✪✲✂✼❁ ✁➀❂✧✓✻ ✍✌ ✶❁ ✁➀☛✧ ✲③ ✈✹ ✰✹ ✵✻ ø❒ ✫❮ ✩❮ ✠✣ ❨✛ ➜✎ ✒ù ✝✲✝ ✲✘ ✝ ✣ ✽ó ✝ ♦✗ ✚✌ ➝ ✸✻ đ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞✿➠✲✻➚➢ ❾ ✐♠✾✕ Ø Ø ñ ❨✳✙◗ ①❒ Ý ➜✎ ✲✻ ➡❁❃✧ ✚❁ ✵✻ ✹ ➁ ✝ ❣♠✾♠ ✰★✵✧❃✪✲✂✼❁ ✁➀❂✧ ❬♠ Ø ➝ ❆✛ ❦✹ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✲✻ơ➢ đ Ø ò ❣ú✡û ❥ ✢ ✥♠ ✢ ✩❜ ð ✢ ✞✗ ò Ø ñ Ø Ø ✹ ò ✸✻ ✆ú ❝★✵✂ ể ỹể ý ỵ ❘❤❀★❃❏◆❺❀★❁ ▼✏❀★❣❤❀✔❁ ✺✽❑❤✾✣❘❜✱ ✵✿❀★✹◗✵✩✐★✮ ✵◗❀★✹✿✵➣✐➣❋ ✵✿❀✔✹✿✵✩✐✿❊ ✵◗❀★✹✿✵➣✐✉❯ ❪€ ✘ ❤✳❤✷❅✳❚❲ ✺ ❁✿❄ ❪❪ ✁✁✁ rr⑩ r⑩⑩ rrr rr⑩ rrr ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ✬✬ ●✒✳✶❦✣✼❅❀❂✫✭✬❡❋✣❭❽⑥➋❁✿❀★✼❳✳✶✵◗✷❅❑❤❃❏✳❚✼❏✵❖✳✶❦✣✼❅❀❉✺❖❑❤❃✘✵❖✳✶✷❅❃✣✷❅❃✣❘➏❲❙❑❤✹◗✵✿✼❅❄➏❦✣✷❅❃❏✳✶❁◗❄❙✳✶✵✿✵◗❁✿✷❅❦✣✾✣✵◗❀★✹✖✬ ◆✘✺❖❑✘✷❅✹✿❀❖✵❖➍⑧✭✳✶❑❤❃❏✺❖❁✢✷❅✺✽❀★❀❉✳✶❃✘✹✿❦❏✵s❄✘❀✔❲❬▼✏✵✩❑❤➌❩❁◗❲❙❲✚❀★❀★❀✔✾✣✵◗❃ ❁✿✼❳✷❳✳ ❑❜✺✒❦❤✩✳✶✫✣⑨❖✵◗❀✖✬❅✵✿✮★✺❖❁◗❯✵◗✷✯✹❦✭★t✘✾✣✏✵◗■✴✵✿✱✣❀✸✳✶❀❉✵✿❣❤✷❅✳✶◆✘❀★✼❅❃✘✷❅✾✣✹✿✵◗✵❇❀★✹ ✳❚✹❴❻❃❏t✶✷❅✼❅✺❖✹✍❀★❀❉✵✢✺❖❦✴❑❤✵✿✱✣❀★❲❬✵✩❀❻➌✸■✣❣❤✾✣❀★✳❚❀★✵✿✼❅❃€❀❴✾✣◆✚❀★❀❴✄✹ ❦❏✳❤✂❧✺◗✳❚✱€✹✿❀✖✳✶■❏◆❫❃❏✳❚✆◆ ❑❜✷✯❁✸❃✣☎ ✼❅❑✶❄❙▼✢❦✴❀❻✵✿❑❜✱✣❃⑧✹✿❀❈❀★✵◗✵♦✵✿✱✣✱✣✵✿❀❛❑✚❁◗❀★✳❚✮❤❀❉✹✿t❤❄✘■❏✳❚❲❙✳❚❃❏✵✿❲❬◆❈✷❅❀★✵✿❀★❃✘✱✣✵✿✵✿❁◗❀❻✹❴✷❥✺✸✠t ❣❤ ➈✳❚❣❤✳❜✼✯✳❚✾✭✺ ❁✿✞❀ ✷❳✳✶t✣✝❝❦✭❪ ✼✯❀✔❦✴✳✶✹✖❀❻❁✿✬✢❄❫✹✿⑥❂❀✔✳✶✵✒✺✔❃❏✺❖✵✿✡◆❑❤❑❉❁❖ ❜◆✘⑤✣✷✯✷❅✬✢❲➫❃✣➁✘❘❙t❤✾✣✹◗✵◗■✭✱✣❑✚■❏❑❤❑❜✵✿✾✭✱✣✹✿✼❥❀❻❀✟◆✈✵✿ ✘❦❏✱✴✳❤❀❜✳✶✺★t✵✒✺✔✳✶✵◗✱✣❁❇◆ ❀ ⑤❋ ⑤ ✮ ✮ ↕⑤ ❊❜❊ ✔❸ ☞☛ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴❞ ✮✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ↕⑤ ♠❜q ★❸ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴♠ ☞☛ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴q ✮ ✮ ✮ ❋ ❋ ↕⑤ q❜❞ ●❻✳✶❃✴✱✣◆⑧❀★✹◗❪ ❀❛✳✶❲❬❁✿❄❫❀✖✳✶✳✶✹◗✾✣❁◗❀❂❁✿❀✔✵◗❲❙✱✣❀❉❀★❃✘❲❬✵✿✹❻❑❤✹✿✹◗✵♦✾✣❘❤✼✯✷ ❘❜❜❀★❀★✹✿✼❅✵✍❄✚✵◗✵✿✱❏❑✚✳✶✱❏✌✵ ✳❴ ❤❣❜✷❅❀❂❲ ✳➏✳❚✹✿❃❏✷❅❲❬◆❫✷✯❪€✼❳✳❚✳✶❁ ❁◗◆❺❄€✷✯✹◗✳✶❀✖❁✿✳✶❀❈✹◗❀❤✾✣✬ ❃✣✼❅✷ ❤❀★✼❅❄❙✵◗❑✚✱❏✳❴❣❤❀➏✳➏✹✿✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁❻◆✘✷❅✹✿❀✖✳❚✹✿❀❤✬▲➊❻▼✸✵✿✱✣❀❉✵◗✱✣❁✿❀✔❀❛■❏✳❚✵✿✷❅❀★❃✘✵✿✹❴✍t  ➈✳❤✺ ✎ ✓✎ ✛ ✛ ❀✹ ❀✹ ❙✻ ✫✻ ✓✎ ➝ ✹✁➠✲ð✸ò ❣➞ ➺ ➝ ✹✡➠✆ð✫ò ❣➞❃➠✲➟ ➺ ➝ ✹✡➠✆➟ ➺ ➞ ➺ ñ ð✫➮ ✲✻➚➢ ð ñ Ø đ ✻ ð✫➮ ✽✻ ị Ø ➢ ➢ ð ñ ñ Ø Ø Ø Ø ò Ø Ø ✹ ✲✻ ✹ ✲✻ ➷ Ø ➢ ✲✻ ➢ Ø ò ñ ✹ ➷ Ø ➢ ò Ø ➢ Ø ò Ø Ø ð Ø ➢ ò Ø ➢ Ø ➷ ✶✎ ✶✎ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✓✎ ✲➞ ✒➟♦➠➷➜ ▲➞ ✿➝✡➛ ✢➠❷➞✒➟ ✿➝ ✍➝ ✒➠ ✿➠ ① é❻ê ❩✑ê ✏ ✒ ❝đ✿ú▲ï③õ✔✓ ✒ø ✻đ◗ú✻ï✢õ✕✓✍ï✢ú ❾ø✣ï❽ð✣đ ó✘ơ❷ï✢õ✿÷ ✒ï③ø✭đ✿ï ✻õ◗÷✦ó ●❻✹❇✺✔✱✣✳✶✷❅✼❅✹✍❀✖◆❫✹✿❀✖❣❤✺✽✳❚✵✿❁✿✷❅❑❤✷❳✳✶❃➅❦✣✼❅◆✘❀★✷❅✹❴✹❖✬ ✺❖✾✣✹✿✹◗❀★✹➏✱✣❑✶➌❧✵◗❑⑧✺❖❑❜❲❙■✣✾✣✵◗❀❛✵◗✱✣❀❙◆✘✷❅✹✿✹◗✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁✿✷❅✵✩❄✚❦✴❀★✵✩➌✸❀★❀★❃➷❑❤❦❤⑨✽❀✖✺❖✵✿✹➏◆✘❀★✹❇✺✽❁✿✷❅❦❏❀❴◆➷❦✘❄€❃✣❑❜❲❙✷❅❃❏✳✶✼✩t✘❑❜❁❇◆✘✷❅❃❏✳❚✼✉t❷✳❚❃❏◆€❁❖✳✶✵◗✷✯❑❚✐ ✖ ➷✧✥✛✢✜✣✌ ✘✜✣✗✶✧✥✜ ✌✏✕✣✑ ⑥❀❖④❏✳✶✛ ❲❬■✣➷✼❅❀❤✧✏✛✢t✴ÿ✜✣✌ ➈✜✭✗✶✧✏✜ ♦✌✥✷❅✕✹✻✳➏✷❅✹❛❃✣✳❫❑❤❲❬❘❜❀★✷✯❃✴❃✣❀★✳✶❁❖✼✣✳✶❣❤✼❅✳❚✷❅⑦✖❁✿✳✶✷❳✳✶✵◗❦✣✷✯❑❜✼❅❃❀▲✵✿❑❚✱❏▼✻✳❚✵✿✵❻✱✣❲⑧❀❬✳❴❦✣❄➏✷❅❃❏✱❏✳✶✳❴❁◗❣❤❄€❀❤t✘❣❤✳✶✹❖✳❴❁◗✷❳❄➈✳✶t ỵ t t ❦❏✬ ❀★✮❜❁✸t❷❑✶❋✣▼✒t✒✹◗✬★✵❇✬❴✳✶✬★✵◗✙t ❀★✹✻✗✡❑❚✬❉▼ ✳➏rs❑❤❃✣✵◗❑❜✷❥❲❙✺✽❀❛✷❅❃❏✵◗✳❚✱❏✼✣✳✶❣❤✵✍✳✶✹✿❁◗✾✴✷❥✳❚✺✿✱➷❦✣✼❅❀✻✷❅❃✘❦✴✵✿❀✔❀✘❘❤✗✡❀★❁◗✹❼✬✢✳❚●❻❁✿✱✣❀➏❀❉✾✣✹◗✹✿✵❇❀❴✳❚◆✚✵✿❀★⑨❖✹✍✾✣✹✿✺★✵▲✳✶❃❫▼✏❑❜❦✴❁❂❀❛◆✣✳❚◆✘✵❇❀★✳❬❃✣❑❜✱❏✵✿✳❚❀✖❃❏◆ ◆✘❦➈✼❅✷❅❄❬❃✣❘❙✼❅❀★✵✿✳✶✵◗❃❏❀★◆➫❁✿✹❴◆✘t❏❑❬✹◗❄✘❃✣❲✚❑❤❦❏✵✍❑❜❁✿✼✯❀✔✹❴■✣t❤❁✿❑❜❀★❁✻✹◗❀★✳➏❃✘✵✹✿❀★✵▲✳❚❃✘❑✶❄ ▼ ✉✫✭✬❅✮✖●❻✫ ✔✱✣❭ ❀❫◆✘✷❅✹✿✹◗✷✯❲❬✷❅✼❥✳❚❁✿✷❅✵✩❄❫❦❏❀✔✵✩➌❩❀★❀✔❃ò✵✩➌✸❑➫❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺✽✵✿✹ ✍✳✶❃❏◆ ✺★✳✶❃ù❦❏❀€✺❖❑❜❲❙■✣✾✣✵◗❀✖◆➫✾✣✹◗✷✯❃✭❘ ✵◗✱✣❀ ✑✔✧ ✢✌✥✕ ➷✜✣✓ ✢✧✏✛ ✳❚■✣■✣❁✿❑✘✳❤✺◗✱ò✳❚✹❛✷❅❃ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴✫ ➌❻✵✿✱✭✱✣❀❂❀★❁◗✵◗❀❑❤✵❖✳✶✼✴❃➈✷❅✹✻✾✭❲✚✵◗✱✣❦❏❀➏❀★❃➈❁✸✾✭❑✶❲✚▼✦❣❤❦❏✳❚❀★❁✿❁❻✷❳✳✶❑❚❦✭▼❂✼✯❀✔ÿ ✹✖✬❽✰➷❀★❖✷❅ý ❘❤✱✘✥✷✩✵✿✬✹❻❀❜✬✯✺★t✭✳✶✵✿❃❬✱✣❀❈❦❏❀❉❃➈✾✭✳❚❲✚✹✿✹✿✷❅❦❏❘❜❀★❃✣❁▲❀✖◆✚❑✶▼❩✵◗❣❤❑❛✳❚✷❅❁✿❃❏✷❳✳✶✺✽❁✿❦✭❀✖✼✯✳❚❀✔✹✿✹✸❀❉▼✏❑❤✵◗❁▲✱✣❀✻➌❻❀ ✱✣❷✷❳❀✖✺✿✱✺❖✵▲❩❑✶✳❚▼ ❃❏◆ t✘⑧❑❤❁✸✳✶❁◗✵✿❀❛❑✚✷❅✳✶❃❫✹◗✹✿✵✿✷❅✱✭❘❤❀❛❃❬✹❖❘❤✳✶❁◗❲❙❀✖✳✶❀✍✵◗❀★✹◗❁❻✵❇✳✶➌❩✵◗❀✔❀ ✷✯★❘❜t❽✱✘✳✶✵❩❃❏✵◗◆ ❑❛✵◗✱✣✷❅❀✹ ❲⑧✳❚✵❇rs✺◗✱✣❑❤❀★❲❙✹❻✷❅✷❅❃❏❃❬✳❚✼❷❣❤✳✶❣❤❁✿✳✶✷❳❁◗✳❚✷❥❦✣✳❚✼❅❦✣❀★✼❅✹❩❀★✹❂✱✴✳❴✺✔❣➈✳✶❃➫✷❅❃✣❘✚❦❏❀✚✳➏❀★✼❳❃✴✳✶❁◗✺❖❘❤❑✣❀★◆✘❁❻❀✖◆➫❃✘✾✣❦✘❲✚❄ ❦✴✳✚❀★❁✸✼❳✳❚❑✶❁✿▼③❘❤✹◗❀➏✵❇✳❚❃✘✵✿✾✣❀★❲✚✹❴✬ ❦✴❀★❁✻❑❚▼❹✳✶✹◗❄➈❲❬❲❙❀★✵◗❁✿✷❳✺▲❦✣✷❅❃❏✳✶❁◗❄€❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹▲❦➈❄€✺❖❁◗❀✖✳✶✵◗✷❅❃✣❘ ✳✚❃✭❀★➌✡❦✣✷❅❃❏✳✶❁◗❄ ❣❤✵✿✱✴✳✶✳✶❁◗✷❳✵✸✳✶✹✿❦✣✵❇✼❅✳❚❀▲✵✿▼✏❀✍❑❤✷❅❁▲✹❩❀✖✹◗✳❤❀★✺◗✵❻✱€✵✿❑❫❑❚▼✒✮❤✵✿t✘✱✣➌❻✚❀ ✱✭✗✆✷✯✼❅❀❻❃✣✵◗✱✣❑❤❀✍❲❬❁✿✷❅❀★❃❏❲❫✳✶✼✴✳✶✹✿✷❅❃✣✵❖✳✶✷❅❃✣✵✿❀✔❘✍✹✖❦✣✬ ✷❅✣❃❏❑❜✳✶❁❂❁◗❄✚✳✶❃❫❣❤✳✶❑❜❁◗✷❥❦❤✳❚⑨❖❦✣❀✖✼❅✺❖❀★✵✍✹❩➌❻✳❚❁✿✷❅✵✿❀✻✱ ✹◗❀★✳➏✵❻❘❜✵✿✷❅❑✚❣❤❀★⑤✣❃€✬ ✹◗✭✵❇❑❤✳❚❁✸✵✿❀➏❀❖④❏❣❤✳✶✳✶❲❬✼❅✾✣■✣❀❤✼❅t✭❀❤✵✿t✶✱✣✵◗❀❉❑❛❦✭❀★❃✴✷✯❃✴✺❖✳✶❑✣❁✿◆✘❄❫❀✍❣❤✵✿✳❚✱✣❁✿❀✍✷❳✳✶❃✣❦✣❑❜✼❅❲❙❀✍✷❅❁✿❃❏❀✔■✣✳✶✼✘❁✿❀★❣❤✹◗✳❚❀★❁✿❃✘✷❳✵✿✳✶✷❅❦✣❃✣✼❅❘ ❀ ÿ ✒t❤✵◗✱✣★❀ t❷✳✚❦✣✷❅❃❏❫✳❚❁✿❣❤❄❬✳✶❁◗❣❤✷❳✳✶✳✶❁✿❦✣✷❳✼❅✳❚❀✸❦✣✷✯✼❅✹✸❀❛✹✿✺★❀✔✳✶✵❩❃ ✵◗❑⑧❦❏❀✚✮❜t❤✺❖➌❻❁✿❀❴✱✣✳✶✷❅✵✿✼❅❀❴❀❻◆ ✵✿✱✭▼✏❑❤❀✻❁▲❁✿❀✔❀✖❲⑧✳❤✺◗✳✶✱➫✷❅❃✣❑✶✷❅▼✒❃✣❘▲✵✿✱✣▼✏❀ ❑❜✾✣❏❁✒❣❜❣❤❀ ✳❚✺❖❁✿❑❜✷❳✳✶✼❅❑❤❦✣❁✿✼❅✹▲❀★✹✸✼❅✷✯✳✶✹◗❁✿✵✿❀▲❀✖◆ ✹✿❀★✳✶✵✸❦✴✵✿❑✶❑➏❣❤❀❤⑤✣✬✬✢●❻✣❑❜✱✣❁❂❀✍✳❚◆✘❃€✷❅✹✿✹✿❑❤✷❅❦❤❲❬⑨❖❀❴✷✯✼❳✺❖✳❚✵✍❁✿✷❅✱❏✵✩❄❂✳❴❣✘✺❖✷✯❑✘❃✭❀❖❘❙➍⑧✵✿✺✽✱✭✷✯❀❀✔❃➈✺❖✵✸❑❜▼✥✼❅❑❤❑❤❁❁ ✵✿✱✭✷✯✹✸▼✥❑❤❁✿❲ ❑✶▼✒❀★❃❏✺❖❑✣◆✘✷❅❃✣❘❙✺✔✳✶❃❫❦❏❀❉✺★✳❚✼❳✺❖✾✣✼❳✳✶✵◗❀✖◆❬✾✣✹✿✷❅❃✣❘✚✵◗✱✣❀✍❲❙❀★✵◗✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✻◆✘✷❅✹❇✺❖✾✭✹✿✹✿❀❴◆❫✷❅❃ ➁❺❀✖✺❖✵✿✷❅❑❜❃ ✫✭✬❡❋✣✬❡❊✣✬ ✛ ✗ ❽✧✥✛✢✜✣✌ ➈✜✭✗✶✧✏✜ ✌✥✕✣✑ ⑥✷❅❃ ❽✳✈✧✉✑❲❙❀✖✗✶✳❚✕✘❃✣✓❴✕✷❅❃✣❏❘✶▼✥✗ ✾✣❽✼✦✧✥✛✢✹◗❀✖✜✣❵❜✌ ✾✣✘❀★✜✣❃❏✗✶✺❖✧✥❀❜✜ ✬❙➊▲✌✥✕ ❁❇◆✘❁◗❀★✷❅❃❏✹✿❀✔✳❚❲✚✼✒❣❤❦✣✳✶✼❅❀★❁◗✹✒✷❥✳❚✳✻❦✣✼❅❃✭❀★❑❤✹❂❲❙✳❚✷❅❁✿❃❏❀➏✳❚❣❤✼✶❀★❣❤❁◗✳✶❄€❁◗✷❥✾✣✳❚❦✣✹◗❀❖✼❅▼✏❀❤✾✣t❴✼✢❀❖④❏▼✥❑❤✺❖❀★❁✍■✣❁✿✵✸❀★❘❜✵✿✱✴✷❅✹✿✳✶✵✿✵✢❀✔❁✿✵✿✷❅✱✣❃✣✜❀ ❘❫✗ ✹✿✾✣❦❤✹✿⑨✽✵❖❀✖✳✶✺❖✵✿✵✿❀✔✷❅✹✒❣❜❑✶❀⑧▼❏✳✶✵◗✹◗✱✣✹✿❀❻❀★✹◗❑❤✹✿❁❖❲❬◆✘✷❅❀★❃❏❃✘✳✶✵✿✼✘✹❉❣❤❑❚✳❚▼❹✼✯✾✭❵❜❀❩✾❏✳✶✳✶❁◗✼❅❀❻✷❅✵✿✷❅❑❤❀★❁❇✹▲◆❺✵✿❀★✱❏❁✿❀✖✳❚◆ ✵ ✺★✳✶✳❚✹◗✹✿❃✣✷❅❃✣✹✿✵❖❑❤✳✶✵✸❃✘❦✴✵✖t❽❀❂✳✶❲❬✹✿✹◗❀✖❑✣✳✶✺❖✹◗✷❳✾✣✳✶❁✿✵✿❀❴❀❜◆✚t③✳❚❑❤❃❏❦❤⑨✽◆❫❀✖✺❖▼✥✾✣✵✿✷❅✼❅❣❜✼✉✬▲❀★✼❅❄➈⑥ ✬ ✣✴❑❜❁❩✛✦✓❴❀✽✧✏④✭✛❽✳❚✎ ❲❙❏■✣✎✒✼❅❀❤✑ t❚❏■✣✗ ❁✿❑❚❽▼✏✧✥❀★✛③✹✿✹◗✜✭✷❅✌ ❑❤❃❏✘✳❚✜✣✼❷✗✶✧✥❁❇✜ ✳✶❃ ➈✌✏✕ ✹❻✳✶✼❅❑➈❁◗❑❀✍✘❑✶✹❂▼✏✵◗✼❅❀★✷ ❤❃❙❀➏❀★✳✚❃✘✾✣✹✿❲❬❀✔✵❉❀★❁❇❑✶✳❚▼❹✵✿✺✽❀✖❑❤◆✈❃✘✷❅✵✿❃❙✷❅❃✘✳❉✾✣❑❤✹◗❀✖✾✭❵❜✹❼✾✣◆✭❀★❃✘✳✶✵❇✵✿✳❬✷❳✳✶✼❷❑❚▼❹❑❜❁❇✳✶◆✘❃➫❀✔❁✖✾✣t✘❃ ✹✿✘✾✴❃✣✺✿✱€❑✶➌❻✳❚❃ ✹ ✹❇❁❇✺✔✳❚✳✶❃ ✼❅✘❀❤✷❅t✘❃✣✵✿❘✍✱✴✷✯✳✶❃✚✵✒✳▲✷❅✹✖■❏t❚✵✿✳✶✱✣❁◗✵✿❀▲✷❳✺❖❁✿✾✣❀★✼❳✼❳✳✶✳❚✵◗❁③✷❅❣❤✹◗■❏❀✸❑❜❑❤❁✿❁❇✵✒◆❺✷❅❀★✹✢❁✿✷❅❑✶❃✣▼✥❘❉✵✿❀★❑❚❃➏▼✦❲❙✵✿✱✣❑❜❀❻❁✿❀✒❣❤✳❚❀★✹◗✼❅✾✣✹✿❀★❀★❃✘✹✒✵◗✷❅✷❥✹✢✳❚✼❏❀★✹✿✵◗✹◗✱❏❀★✳✶❃✘❃➏✵✿✷❳✵✿✳✶✱✭✼❷❀✻❦✭✾✣✳❤✺❖✵✒✵◗❃✣✾❏❑❜✳✶✵③✼✣❣❤✵◗✱✣✳❚❀★✼❅✾✣✷❅❁❻❀★✹✢✳❤✺❖❑✶✵◗▼✦✾❏✳▲✳✶✼✣■❏❲❫✳✶❁◗✳✶✵✿✷❳❘❜✺❖❃✣✾✣✷❅✼❳✵✿✳✶✾❏❁✢◆✘❲❬❀❜✬ ❀✖✳✶✣✹◗❑❜✾✣❁✢❁✿❀❖❀❤④❏✬↕✳✶❲❙➊▲■✭❁❇◆✘✼✯❀❜✷❅❃❏t✶✵✿✳❚✱✣✼✣❀❻❣❤✳✶❁◗❀★❁◗✷❥✼❳✳❚✳✶❦✣✵◗✷✯✼❅❣❜❀★❀✹ ❲⑧❃✘✾✣✳❴❲✚❄❫❦✴✳✶❀★✼❅❁❩✹✿❑❫❑❚▼ ❦✴✺❖❀✚✼❳✳❚❑❤✹✿❦✣✹✿❀✔✵❖✳✶✹✖✷❅✬✸❃✣●❻❀✖◆ ✱✣❀✍▼✏❁◗❣❤❑❤✳✶❲❾✼❅✾✣❀★✵✿✹✸✱✭❀❙❑✶▼✒◆✘✳✶✷❅✹❇❃❫✺❖❁◗❑❤❀★❁❖✵✿◆✘✷❅⑦✖✷❅❃❏✳❚✵✿✳✶✷❅✼✴❑❤❣❤❃➫✳✶❁◗❑✶✷❳▼❻✳✶❦✣✷❅❃➈✼❅❀❂✵◗❀★✺✔❁✿✳✶❣❤❃❫✳❚✼➐✐✉❦❏✹❖❀✍✺★✳✶❲❫✼❅❀✖✳✶◆€■✣❵❜■✴✾❏❀✖◆✚✳❚❃✘✵◗✵✿❑ ✷❅✵✿✷❅❀★✹✍❴❦✘ý★❄€✬ ✹✿✣■✭❑❜✼✯❁❩✷❅✵◗❀✽✵✿④✭✷❅❃✣✳❚❘❙❲❙✵◗■✣✱✣✼❅❀✚❀❤t❜❣❤✹✿✳✶✾✭✼❅■✣✾✣■❏❀❈❑❜❁❇✹✿✳✶❀❉❃✭✵◗❘❤✱❏❀✚✳✶✷❅✵✻❃✘✳❚✵✿❑⑧❃❙✳❑❜❁❇❏◆✘❃✭✷❅❃❏✷✯✵◗✳❚❀ ✼ ❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳●❻✳✶❦✣✱✣✼❅❀➏❀ ✵✿❁◗❀✖✱❏✳✶✳❚✵◗❲❙✹✜✗❀★❃✘✵✍✹✿❑✶✵❇▼✸✳❚❑❤✵✿❀★❁❇✹❴◆❺✬✸✷✯❃✴●❻✳✶✱✣✼✢❀★❣❤✹✿✳✶❀❈❁◗✷❥❑❤✳❚❁❇❦✣◆❺✼❅❀★❀★❁✿✹✻❀✖✷❅◆ ✹❉✹✿❵❜✵❇✾✣✳❚✷❅✵✿✵✿❀★❀➏✹✍✹✿◆✘✷❅❀❲❙❏✷❅❃✭✼❳✳✶❀❉❁❻✵✿✵◗✱✣❑❫❀✍✵✿❁❖✱❏✳✶✳❚❃ ✵❂✘✷❅❑❚❃✣▼❩❘€✷❅❃✘✮ ✵✿❀★❁◗✢❣❤✗ ✳✶✼➐✐✉✹❖✬ ✺★✳✶✼❅❀✖◆ ❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹▲➌❻✱✣❀★❃➷✺❖❑❤❲❬■✣✾✣✵✿✷❅❃✣❘❬✵✿✱✣❀✚◆✘✷❅✹✩✐ ✹✿✺❖✷❅❑❜❲❬❲❙✷✯■✣✼❳✳❚✾✣❁✿✵❖✷❅✵✩✳✶❄✍✵◗✷✯❦❏❑❜❃✚❀★✵✩➌✸➌❻❀★✷❅✵✿❀★✱❫❃❫❁✿❑❜❀★❦❤✹◗⑨❖■❏❀✖❀❴✺❖✺❖✵◗✵✍✹✖✬❩✵✿❑ ➁❺✾✣■✣✷✯■✴❃✘❑❤❣❜✹✿❑❤❀▲✼❅❣❤✵✿✱❏❀★✹♦✳❚✵✵✿✱✣❀✍✷✯▼✥✹♦❑❤❑❤✼❅✼❅❃✣❑✶❀▲➌❻❑✶✷✯❃✭▼③❘❂✳✍✹◗✹◗✵✿❀★❀★✵❻■✭✹✖❑✶✬ ▼✦❑❜❁❇◆✘✷❅❃❏✳❚✼❏❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹✸◆✘❀★✹❇✺✽❁✿✷❅❦✣✷❅❃✣❘ ❙❑❜❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺❖✵◗✹✖✬♦●❻✱✣❀❂◆✘✷❅✹◗✹✿✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁◗✷✯✵✩❄ ✮❜✬✸●❻❀✖✳❤✱✣✺◗❀❻✱ ❣❤✳✶✼❅✾✣❀✒❦✘❄❙❑❚▼ ✷❅➏✵◗✹✻▼✥❑❤✺❖❑❤❁✢❁◗✵✿❁✿✱✣❀★❀✹◗■❏×❑❜✵✿✱✚❃❏◆✘❑❤✷❅❦❤❃✣⑨✽❘❙❀✖✺❖❁❖✵✒✳✶✷❅❃ ✹ ❷t t❤✳✶❃❏◆ ✮➏✱❏✳❚✣✹ ✤✗ ✗ ❑❤✬ ❁❇◆❺❀★❁✿❀✖◆✈✹✿✵❖✳✶✵✿❀✔✹✖t❜❁✿❀★■✣❁◗❀★✹✿❀✔❃➈✵◗✷❅❃✣❘❛✵◗✱✣❀✸❁❇✳✶❃ ➈✷❅❃✣❘➏✮ ✤✗ ✬✢➀❻❀★■✣✼❳✳❜✺❖❀ ✚✥✧✦ ✠★ ❋✭✬❻❣❤➁✘✳✶✷❅❃❏❁✿✷❳✺❖✳❚❀✻❦✣❀❴✼❅❀❉✳❤✺◗❑❤✱❙❃✘❑❜✵✿❑✪❁❇◆✘✩❡✷❅⑤❴❃❏✐★✳❚✮✤✼❏✫③❣❤✹◗✳❚❑❫❁✿✷❳✵✿✳✶✱❏❦✣✳❚✼❅✵✻❀❻❀✖✺★✳❜✳✶✺✿❃❬✱➫✱❏❣❤✳❴✳✶❣❤❁◗❀✻✷❳✳✶✳❈❦✣◆✘✼❅❀❉✷ ✱❏❀★✳❚❁◗❀★✹✍❃✘❀✖✵❻❵❜❃✘✾❏✾✣✳✶❲✚✼✢➌✸❦❏❀★❀✔✷❅❁✒❘❤❑✶✱✘▼❷✵✖✬✍✹✿✵❖●❻✳✶✵✿✱✣❀✔✷❅✹✖✹✍t✣✺★✷❅✵✒✳✶❃➫✷❅✹✸❦❏❑✶❀❙▼✏✵◗❀★✳❜❃✚✺◗✱✣❃✣✷❅❀✖❀★✺✽❣❤❀★❀✖✹✿◆ ✹❖✳✶❦✘❁✿❄❫❄❫❁✿✵◗❀★❑❉■✣❲⑧✼❳✳❜✳❚✺❖✷❅■❛❃✣❘❙✵◗✱✣✵◗❀✻✱✣❁❖❀✚✳✶❃✣❁❇✳❚❘❜❃ ❀✻❑✶▼✦❀❴✳❤✺◗❑✶✱ ▼ ✵✿✱✣❀ ❥✐✩✵✿✱❫❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀❴✺❖✵❻✷❅❃⑧✵◗✱✣❀ ✘✐✩✵✿✱ ❣❤✳✶❁✿✷❳✳❚❦✣✼❅❀✻❦✘❄ ✮ ✉✫✣✬❅✮❴① ✗ ✮ ❊✭✬❻✹❇❱✻✺★✷❅✳❚✹◗✼✯✹✿❀❴✷❅◆❫❲❙❣❤✷❅✼❳✳✶✳✶❁◗❁◗✷❥✷✯✳❚✵✩❄❉❦✣✼❅✺★❀★✳❚✹✖❃❫t❜✾✣✵✿✹◗✱✣✷✯❃✭❀★❃❘ ❦❏❀❉✺❖✵✿❑❜❑✚❲❙❁◗■✣❀★■✣✾✣❁◗✵◗❀★❀✖✹✿◆✚❀★❃✘✾✭✵✍✹✿✷❅✵✿❃✣✱✭❘❙❀ ✳✶❫❃✘❄✚❣❤✳✶❑❚✼❅▼③✾✣✵✿❀▲✱✭▼✏❀❼❑❜❁❩◆❺✷✯✵◗✹◗✱✣✵❇❀ ✳❚❃❏×✵✿✺❖✱❫❀❉❲❬❑❤❦❤❀✖⑨✽✳✶❀✖✹◗✺❖✾✣✵✖❁✿✬ ❀★✹✻◆❺❀★✹❇✺❖❁◗✷❅❦❏❀✖◆ ✷✯❃€➁✘❀❴✺❖✵✿✷❅❑❤❃€✫✭✬ ❋✭✬❡❋▲▼✏❑❤❁✸✷❅❃✘✵✿❀★❁◗❣❤✳✶✼➐✐ ●✸■❹❸✐■ ❯▼❆❉ ❃⑤ ❈❺❼❻❈❇ á⑧➼➨ ✣✵♠ ❈⑧ ❆❏❈❑ ✙⑩ ❆❋✺❖ ❀❽✦❇ ❯⑩ ✏⑧ ❈❇❊❏◆▼ ✫❖ Ð ♦⑩rÏ ✖Ñ ✢ ❆✗ ✖✣❭♠ ✵❇✤❖ ✴✗ ✢ ➸✂➛✳ €✚◗✆ ✄◗☛☎ ☛✎ ✽✌ ❯☎✚✧✚☞✼➥❆✮✲✧✩ ✡ ✄◗☛Ö s✛ ➥✠✪☛☎❙✧✚✧✯★✫➥❣✳ ✁★❚Õ ✾✬✯ ✑❩✙✧ ✍✌ ✜➟ ✹ ✷➠ ❬♠✾✕ ✝ ❞ ❼♠ ✖✟ ✲✻ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞✿➠✲✻ ➁ ➢ ➺ ➹ ➞ ➁ ✹ ❨✂✼❁✏€✚❘✙✧ ❀✹ ➺ ➃➟ ✒➠ ✚✔ ❄✻ ✲✻ ❨➁ ➺ ❊✛ ❆✛ ❨✂✚✳ €✚◗☛ ✄◗✆☎ ✮✲✧✯ ✁ ✄◗✆Ö ❊✛ ❝✮✲✧✯ ✁ ✶◗☛Ö ✲✘ ✘ ➾✌ ✢ ✖✗ ✝ ❀✣ ✲✘ ✵✗ ✢ ✖✛ t✝ ✣ ✐✎ ✖✣ ➾✣ ✲✘ ✢ Ó✗ ✽✎ ✶✎ ✙✎ ◆✛ ✙✎ ➯✌ ❪☎✚✂☛★✫Õ ▲➳ ✚✌ ➋ ✙✎ ✲➞ ➞ ➷✶➷ ➦➳ ❆✛ ➋ ❨❷ ✜➳ Ü➳ ❈➟ ➡➳ ➇ ➑✶➋ ✙✎ ✙➮ ✶➑ ➋ ➇ ➑✶➋ ✐✎ ➋ ✲➞ ➞ ➷❄➷✼➷ ✲➞ ➞ ➷✶➷ ➋ ➋ ✍✔ ✙✎✰➮ ➑✶➋ ❝➟ ❀➳ Ú✯➑✶➋ Ú ➑✶➋ ❝➳ ➢ ➮ ➑✶➋ ➹ ➋❀➹ ✹ ➷ ❝➟ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✲✻ ✮✖⑤ ➛ ❻➞✒➟ ➪➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ❂➝ ♦➠ ✿➠ ❆❅❈❇❊❉ ❆❋❍●✸■ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✤❇ ✺❇▲❏◆▼ ✫❖ ✭✜ ✓✖✧ ❖✑ ✜✣✌✥✕ ✘✜✣✗✶✧✏✜ ✌✥✕✣✑ ⑥✷❅❲⑧✗✶✳❚✜✣✵✿❀★✓❴✼❅✧ ❄❈❇▼✏✑❑❤✼❅✼❅✜✭❑✶✌✏➌❻✕ ✷❅❃✣❘✍✘✜✣✵✿✱✣✗✶❀✍✧✥✜ ▼✥❑❤✌✏❁✿✕❲✚❲⑧✾✭✼❥✳✳ ❤❀★✹❻✳❉■✴❑❤✹◗✷❅✵✿✷❅❣❤❀✍❲❙❀❴✳✶✹✿✾✭❁✿❀★❲❬❀★❃✘✵✒❑❤❃€✳❈❃✣❑❤❃✣✼❅✷❅❃✣❀✖✳❚❁❩✹❖✺★✳✶✼❅❀❤t✭✹✿✾❏✺◗✱€✳✶✹✻✳❚❃❫❀❖④✣■❏❑❜❃✣❀★❃✘✵✿✷❳✳✶✼❷✹❖✺★✳✶✼❅❀❤t✴✳✶■✣■✭❁✿❑❴④✘✐ ✭✯✮✕✰✲✱✴✳ ✭✯✮☞✵✍✰✙✱ ✉✫✣✬❡❋❜⑤ ➌❻❑✶▼❩✱✣✳❈❀★❁◗❁❇❀ ✳❜✭◆✘✷❅❑✶✳✶✐✿❃✴✳❤✷◆✺❖✵◗✷✯✶✡❣❜❀✻✳❚❀★❁✿✼❅❀✍❀★❲❬■❏❑❜❀★✹✿❃✘✷❅✵✖✵✿✷❅✬ ❣❜❀❂✺❖❑❜❃✣✹✿✵❖✳✶❃✘✵✿✹❴✬✡●❩❄✘■✣✷❳✺★✳❚✼❏❀❖④❏✳❚❲❙■✣✼❅❀★✹✸✷❅❃❏✺❖✼❅✾❏◆✘❀✍✵✿✱✭❀❂❘❜❁✿❑✶➌❻✵◗✱⑧❑❚▼ ✳➏❦❏✳❜✺❖✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❳✳➏■❏❑❜■✣✾✣✼❳✳✶✵◗✷❅❑❤❃✦t❜❑❤❁✸✵✿✱✣❀➏◆✘❀✖✺★✳❴❄ ●❻✱✣❀✔❁✿❀❛✳❚❁✿❀✍✵✿✱✣❁◗❀★❀❉❲❬❀★✵✿✱✣❑✣◆✘✹❻✵◗❑❛✱✴✳✶❃❏◆✘✼❅❀✍❁❇✳❚✵✿✷❅❑✶✐✩✹❇✺✔✳✶✼❅❀✖◆❬❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹♦▼✏❑❤❁❻✺❖❑❤❲❬■✣✾✣✵◗✷✯❃✭❘❛✵◗✱✣❀❉◆✘✷❅✹✿✹✿✷❅❲❬✷✯✼❳✳❚❁✿✷❅✵✩❄❉❦✴❀★✵✩➌❩❀✔❀★❃€❑❤❦❤⑨✽❀✖✺❖✵✿✹❴✬ ✮❜✬✸●③✼✯✷ ❜❁◗❀✖❀★✳✶✼❅❄✚✵✸✵✿❁❇✱❏✳❚✵✿✳❚✷❅✵❻❑✶✐✩✵✿✹❇✱✣✺✔❀✍✳✶✼❅✹❇❀✖✺✔◆✚✳✶✼❅❣❤❀✍✳❚❲⑧❁✿✷❳✳✶✳❴❦✭❄➏✼✯❀✔❦❏✹❩❀❛✼❅✷◆❺❤✷✯❀❻✹◗✵✿✷❅❑❜❃✘❁✿✵✿✵✿❀★❀❴❁◗◆❷❣❤✬✳✶✼➐✐✩✹❇✺★✳❚✼✯❀❴◆✚❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹❴✬✦●❻✱✣✷❅✹❴t❤✱✣❑✶➌✸❀★❣❜❀★❁✖t✘✷❅✹✸❃✣❑❤✵✸✾✣✹✿✾✴✳✶✼❅✼❅❄❙✳✍❘❤❑✘❑✣◆❙✺◗✱✣❑❜✷❥✺✽❀❂✹◗✷❅❃❏✺❖❀✍✷❅✵✒✷❅✹ ❋✭✬✸▼✏⑥✻❑❤■✣❁◗❲✚■✣✼❅✾✣❄ ✼❳✟✳ ✌ ☛ ❏✜✣✗✶↕✧✥✓ ✼❅❑❤➷❘ ✧ ✓❴✔✗✶✬✒✜✣●❻✛✒✱✣✑ ✘❀ ❏☛ ✗ ➷✜✣❣❤✳✶✓❴✧✼❅✾✣❏❀★✛ ✹✻✵◗✺★❑ ✳❚❃❫✳❬❦❏❁❖❀❉✳✶✵✿✵◗✷❅❁✿❑❚❀✖✐✉✳❚✹❖✺★✵✿❀✖✳✶◆✼❅❀✖◆➫✳✶✹✻❣❤✷❅✳❚❃✘❁✿✵✿✷❳❀✔✳✶❁✿❦✣❣❤✼❅✳✶❀ ✼➐✐✩❣❤✳✶✱❏✼❅✾✣✳❴❣✘❀✖◆➎✷❅❃✣t➈❘❙✳❚✹✻❣❤✳❚◆✘✼✯❀★✾✭✹❇❀ ✺✽❁✿✷❅❦❏❀❴◆€▼✥❑❤✷❅❁✍❃€❑❤➁✘❦❤❀✖⑨❖✺❖❀❴✵◗✺❖✷❅✵❑❤❃ ✸✫✭❦✘✬❄€❋✭✬❡✾✭❋✣✹✿✬✢✷❅❃✣r❻❘€❑❤✵◗✵◗✷❳✱✣✺❖❀❀ ✵✿◆✘✱❏❀★✳❚■✴✵✚❀★❃❏▼✏◆✘❑❜✷❅❁❙❃✣❘❬✹✿❑❜❑❤❲❙❃❙❀❫✵◗✱✣❁❇✳❚❀❛✵✿✷❅◆✘❑✶❀ ✐✩❏✹❇✺✔❃✣✳✶✷❅✵✿✼❅❀✖✷❅❑❤◆➪❃❫❣❤✳✶✳✶❃❏❁✿◆❫✷❳✳❚✳❚❦✣■✣✼❅❀★■✣✹✖✼❅t✸✷❳✺★❑❤✳✶❃✭✵◗✷✯❀ ❑❜❃✦❲❫✬ ✳❴❄➅✳✶✼❅✹✿❑➅✳❚■✣■✣✼❅❄ ✼✯❑❜❘✶✐✩✼❅❑❤❘➫✵✿❁❇✳❚❃✣✹✩▼✥❑❤❁✿❲❫✳✶✵◗✷✯❑❜❃✦t✒❑❜❁❙❑❜✵✿✱✣❀★❁❫✵◗❁❇✳✶❃✭✹✩▼✏❑❜❁✿❲⑧✳❚✵✿✷❅❑❤❃✭✹✖t ❊✭✬✸●③❁◗❀✖✳✶✵ ✳✶✹✻✺❖❑❜❃✘✵✿✷❅❃✘✾✣❑❤✾✣✹❻❑❜❁❇◆✘✷❅❃❏✳❚✼ ◆✭✳✶✵❇✳✚✳❚❃❏◆❬✵✿❁◗❀✖✳✶✵❻✵◗✱✣❀★✷❅❁✻❁❖✳✶❃ ✘✹✻✳✶✹❻✷❅❃✘✵✿❀✔❁✿❣❤✳✶✼➐✐✩❣❤✳✶✼❅✾✣❀✖◆➎✬ ●❻✳✶■✭✱✣■✣❀❉✼❅✷❥✼❳✺✔✳❚✳✶✵✿✵✿✵✿✷❅❀✔❑❜❁✻❃✦✵✩✬ ➌✸❑✚❲❙❀★✵◗✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✻✳✶❁◗❀❂✵◗✱✣❀❉❲❬❑❤✹✿✵❻❀ ❀✖✺✽✵✿✷❅❣❤❀❤t❷✳❚✼✯✵◗✱✣❑❤✾✭❘❤✱❙✵◗✱✣❀❛✺◗✱✣❑❜✷❥✺✽❀❉❑✶▼✒❲❙❀✔✵✿✱✣❑✣◆❬✾✣✹✿❀❴◆❫❲⑧✳❴❄➏❦❏❀➏◆✘❀★■✴❀★❃❏◆✘❀★❃✘✵❉❑❜❃❫✵✿✱✣❀❉❘❜✷❅❣❤❀★❃ é❻ê ❩✹ê ùứủù ừữú ủ ữ ỷ ữú ỵ tý st ỵ týtý ỵ ỵ ựýỵ ỵỵt ỵựỵ t t t ▼✏✵✿❑❤✱✣❁✒❀❙❀❴◆✘✳❤✷❅✺◗✹◗✱❙✹✿✷❅❲❙❣❤✳❚✷❅❁✿✼❳✷❳✳✶✳✶❁◗❦✣✷✯✵✩✼❅❄❀ ✵✩✹✿❄✘❀✔■❏■❏✳✶❀❜❁❖✬❛✳✶✵✿●❻❀➏✱✭✺❖✷✯✹✍✼❅✾✣✷❅✹✿✹▲✵◗❀★▼✏❁❂❀✖✳❚✳❚✹✿❃❏✷❅❦✣✳✶✼❅✼❅❀❛❄✘✹✿✷➐✷❅▼❩✹❻✵◗■✴✱✣❀★❀★❁❻✹◗❀❙❣❤✳✶✳✶❁◗❃❏✷❥✳❚✳❚❦✣✼✯❄✘✼❅❀✻✹◗❀★✵✩✹❉❄✘◆✘■✴❀★❀❉❁✿✷❅➌❻❣❜✷❅❀❙✼✯✴✳✶❘❤❘❤❀✔❁◗❃✣❀★❀★❀✖❁❇✳❚✳❚❦✣✵✿✼❅❀❛❀❛✳❚❁◗❘❤❀★✹✿❁◗✾✣❀★❀✖✼❅✵◗✳✶✹✖❦✭✬✚✼✯❀✍➃❻❁◗❑✶❀★➌✸✹✿✾✣❀★✼❅❣❤✵◗❀✔✹✖❁✖✬ t❽✷✯❃ ❁✿❀✖✳❚✼❩✳✶■✣■✭✼✯✷❳✺★✳❚✵✿✷❅❑❤❃✭✹✖t✴✷❅✵❂✷❅✹✍✾✣❃✣✼❅✷ ❤❀✔✼✯❄❬✵✿✱❏✳❚✵❛✳ ✹✿◆✘✾✴✷ ❷✺✿✱➷❀★⑥✡❁✿❀★✵◗❲❙❃✘❀✖✺◗✵✍❑❜✱✣❣❤❁✿❃✣❀❉✳✶✷❳❵❜❁◗■✭✷❳✾✣✳✶❁✿❀❤❀❖❦✣t❽▼✏✼❅❀✔❀★■✣❁❇✹❻❁✿✳✶❑❜✷❅❦✭❃✘■❏✼✯✵✿❀❙❑❜❑❙✹✿✳❚❀✖✳➏■✣◆➫■✣✹◗✷✯❦✘❁◗❃✭❑➈❄ ❘❤✳❤✼❅✺◗✉❀❉❱▲✱➫◆✘✾❏✷❅✷❅✹✻✺✹✿❜✹✿✵✿✷❅❀★❑❫❲❬❁❉■✣✷✯❀★✼❳❁◗✵❉✳❚❑✣❁✿✳✶✺❖✷❅✵✩✼✩❀★❄❛✬✢✹✿✹✚✮✖❲❫①❜✳✶♠❤✳✶✼❅✼✢✵◗❞ ❁✿✻❣❤✷➐④✈✳✶✳✶❁◗❃✴✳❚✷❳✳✶◆€❃❏❦✣◆❫❀❖✼❅❀❉④✣❦✣✵◗❁◗✵✩❀★✷❅❄✘❃❏❃✣■✴◆✘❘❤❀★✹✻❀✖✹❉◆➫✳❚✵✿✼✯❑❜❦✘❽❘❤❄ ✵✿❀★✱✣✵◗✹❀❈✱✣✼✍❀★❲❙✳✶❁❴✾✘t✦❀✖▼✏✳❚■✴❲❫❃✣❀★✷❅✳✶❁✩❃✣▼✥❃€❑❤❘✶❁✿▼✏✳✶✾✭❲❬❃✴✼❏◆✷❅❣❤❃✣✳❚❘❙➀s❁✿❑❤✷❳✳❬✳✶✾✣❦✣✹✿✹◗✷❅✼❅✹✿❃✣❀★❀★✹❻❘❤❀★✾✘✼❅❑❜❀✚➌❾❃✘✺❖✵✿❑❙✼❅✮✖✾✣①❜✹✿✳✚①❤✵◗❀★⑤✺❖❁❛❑❜★t❷❲❙✳❚✺❖❃❏❲❙❑❤✳✶❲✚❑❜✼❅❄✘❃✚❦✭✹✿✷✯✷❅✹❇❃✭✹✖✺★✬❉❀★✳❚✹✻✼❅➊▲❀❉✵◗❃✣✱✣❑✶❀❀ ▼ ✵✿✱✭❀❉➁✘✷❅❃➈✾✭✵◗■✣❀★■❏❁✿❑❜❣❤✳❚✹✿❀✍✼✽✵✿✩❡⑤✣✱✴t❅✳✶✮✤✵✸✫✿✬ ✵✿✱✣❀❉◆✣✳❚✵❇✳❈✹✿❀★✵✍✺❖❑❤❃✘✵❇✳❚✷❅❃✣✹ ❬❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀★✹✸❑✶▼✢❲❙✷➐④✣❀✖◆❉✵✩❄✘■✴❀❤✬✒●❻✱✭❀❼◆❺✷✯✹◗✹✿✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁◗✷❅✵✩❄ ♦❦✴❀★✵✩➌❩❀✔❀★❃€❑❤❦❤⑨✽❀✖✺❖✵✿✹ ✢✳✶❃❏◆ ❉✷❅✹ ◆✘❀ ✴❃✣❀✖◆€✳❚✹ ✤✾☞✿ ❁❀ ✿ ☞❀ ✉✫✣✬❡❋✭✮ ✾ ✿ ❁❀ ➌❻✱✣❀★❁◗❀❉✵✿✱✭❀❉✷❅❃❏◆✘✷❳✺★✳✶✵◗❑❤❂❁ ✾☞✿ ☞❀ ↕⑤❈✷❨▼✢❀★✷❅✵✿✱✣❀✔❁ ❇✮ ❑❤❁ ✷❅✹❻❲❙✷❅✹✿✹◗✷✯❃✭❘ ✥✷✩✬ ❀❜✬✯t✘✵◗✱✣❀★❁◗❀❉✷❅✹❻❃✣❑❛❲❬❀✖✳✶✹◗✾✣❁✿❀✔❲❙☞❀ ❀★❃✘✵✸❑✶▼③❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✭✼✯❀ ❬▼✏❑❜❁❩❑❜❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺❖✵ ✸❑❤❁▲❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀❴✺❖✵ ★t❷❑❜❁ ✉❋ ✞⑤❙✳❚❃❏◆€❣❤✳❚❁✿✷❳✳✶❦✭✼✯❀ ❁➫❀ ✷❅✹❂✳❚✹✿❄✘❲❙❲❬❀★✵✿❁◗✷❳✺✻❦✭✷✯❃✴✳✶❁✿❄ ✴❑❤✵◗✱✣❀★❁◗➌❻✷✯✹◗❀❤✙t ✾☞✿ ❝✮❜✬✍●❻✱✣❀✚✺❖❑❤❃✘✵✿❁◗✷❅❦✣✾✣✵✿✷❅❑❜❃€❑✶▼ ❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❳✳✶❦✣✼❅❀ ✵✿❑➏✵✿✱✭❀❛◆✘✷❅✹✿✹◗✷✯❲❬✷❅✼❥✳❚❁✿✷❅✵✩❄❉❦✴❀★✵✩➌✸❀★❀★❃ ✒✳❚❃❏◆ ❺t ✿ t✘✷❅✹✻✺❖❑❜❲❙■✣✾✭✵✿❀✖◆❬◆✘❀★■✴❀★❃❏◆✘❀★❃✘✵✍❑❤❃❫✷❅✵✿✹✸✵✩❄✘■❏❀❜❭ ✮❜✬✸❢✥▼ ✷✯✹❻❦✭✷✯❃✴✳✶❁✿❄✚❑❜❁❻❃✣❑❤❲❬✷❅❃❏✳✶✼✩❭ ✿ ❁❀ ↕⑤❉✷➐▼ t✘❑❜✵✿✱✣❀★❁◗➌❻✷❅✹✿❀ ✿ ☞❀ ✞✮❤✬ ❋✭✬✸❢✥▼ ✷✯✹❻✷❅❃✘✵✿❀✔❁✿❣❤✳✶✼➐✐✩❦❏✳✶✹◗❀✖◆❷❭ ✿ ☞❀ ●■❍ ❄❁❏❉❃ ❄☞❄❆❏❅ ❇ ❇ ✵✵ ❄❉● ❈❊❇❋❃ ❏✔❄❁❏ ❇ t✘➌❻✱✣❀★❁✿❀ ❫❁✿✾✣❃✭✹✻❑✶❣❤❀✔❁✻✳✶✼❅✼❏❃✭❑❤❃✣❲❬✷✯✹◗✹✿✷❅❃✣❘❉❑❜❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺❖✵◗✹❻▼✏❑❜❁❻❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀ ❽✬ ❊✭✬✸❢✥▼ ✷✯✹❻❑❜❁❇◆✘✷❅❃❏✳❚✼❷❑❤❁❻❁❖✳✶✵✿✷❅❑❚✐✉✹❖✺★✳✶✼❅❀✖◆❷❭✢✺❖❑❜❲❙■✣✾✣✵◗❀✍✵✿✱✣❀✍❁❇✳❚❃ ✘✹ ✳❚❃❏◆ ▲▼❑✤❅ ❇❇ ✵✵ t✣✳✶❃✴◆❙✵◗❁✿❀✖✳❚✵ ✳✶✹❻✷❅❃✘✵✿❀★❁◗❣❤✳✶✼➐✐✉✹❖✺★✳✶✼❅❀✖◆➎✬ ◆✘✷ ❷❀★●❻❁✿❀★✱✘❃✘✾✣✵▲✹❴t❏✵✩❄➈✵◗✱✣■✴❀❙❀★✹❴◆✘✬ ✷❅✹✿✹◗✷❅❲❙✷❅✼❳✳✶❁✿✷❅✵✩❄➏❦❏❀✔✵✩➌❩❀★❀✔❃➷❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀✖✺✽✵✿✹❛✺★✳❚❃ ❦✴❀✚✺❖❑❤❲❬■✣✾✣✵✿❀❴◆❫❀★❣❤❀✔❃ ➌❻✱✣❀✔❃➷✵✿✱✣❀➏❣❤✳✶❁◗✷❥✳❚❦✣✼❅❀★✹❂◆❺❀★✹❇✺❖❁◗✷❅❦✣✷❅❃✣❘❫✵✿✱✣❀➏❑❤❦❤⑨❖❀❴✺❖✵✿✹❛✳❚❁✿❀➏❑✶▼ ✬ ✝ ✥✣✵② ❬✣❭② ❚✘ ✝ ✢ ✗ ✢ ✙✘➃✗ ✆✎ ➮ ➞ ✹ ✲✻ ✶✎ ✶✎ ✥✣❭✟ ✝ ✼❞✠♠ ➢ ➑✶➋ ➛❤✏✣ ☛♠ ✫✹ ➇✐➑✶➋ ✻ ❝➳ ✥✣ ➸➟ ➇✐➑✶➋ ➑✶➋ ➛✌ ✙✎ ➇✐➑✶➋ ➛✔ ❃⑤ ✖Ñ ✾⑧✖⑨✞➨ ♦⑩ ❯⑦ ✁★✫❁✏✧✩☎✯➀❂✂✆ ❹❳ ❄€✚✂☛ ✄✧✚☞ ✩✮ ❨✧✚❁✿☎ ❬€✒✬ ✡★✵✂☛☎✩✮✼➥❀✂ ✩✮ ☎❙✂❂❁ ✥◗✼❳ ❄€✚✂☛ ✄✧✚☞ ➸✧➛❁➜☎ ❬€✜✬ ✁★✵✂✆☎✩✮ Ó★❭◗ ✁★✵✂☛  ➥➙◗✆☎❙☞ ✡★✵✂☛  ✶✱✼❁✿❩✸☎✚✧ ✜✎ ✶✎ ➃✹ ✓✎ ✽✻ ✾✹ ✽✻ ✍✔ ➝ ✹✿➟✏➞❃➠✆✻ ✠➁ ❊➟ ➯➠ ✚✌ ➍ ➝ ✹➜➟✓➞✿➠✲✻➚➢ ➪ ➋❂➶♦➈ ➍ ➪ ➑❹à ➟ ❊➠✲✻ ❀✹ ✽✻ ➋ ➇✐➑✶➋ ➢ ❀✹ ✼✻ ➢ s➟ ➼➳ ➋ ➝ ➝ ➑❹à ➋ ➑❹à ➢ ➑à ➢ ➝ ➯➠ ➢ ➇✐➑✄➋ ➑à ✹ ➋ ❊➳ ❀➳ ▲➳ ➼➳ ➑❹à ➋☛➶♦➈ ➋ ➝ ➑❹à ❝✹ ➇✽à✩➋ ➢ ➇✽à✩➋ ➼➳ ➇✐➑✶➋ ➋ ➞ ❣❵ ➑❹à ➋ ➝ ➇✲à✯➋ ➋ ➋ ➢ ➑❹à ➡è ➑✶➓ ✙✎ ▲➮ ➑✶➋ ➢ ▲➳ Ú ➑✶➋ ➢ ➈ ➈ Ú ➑✶➋ ✍✔ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ❄✻ ❝➛ ✻➞✒➟ ❉➜ ◗€ ✻➞ ★➜❻➝✡➜ ❙❘ ❯❚✭➜ ✡➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ✿➝ ❱❘ ➟❻➞ ❉➜ ✍➠ ✮❤✮ é❻ê ❲❍ơ❷ï✦ð✣÷ ✒ø✣đ❨❳❷ï✦ð✣đ ✒ú ❝ï❬❩ ✒ø➅ơ❷õ◗ư✻ó❜ð✣÷✦ø✣đ◗ú ❝÷➎ð❺í ✻ó ●❻❦✴❑❤✱✣✵✿❀★✱➷❁◗❀❙❑❜❃❀❖④✣✵◗✷❅✹✿✱✣✵➏❀✚✳❫✵✩❄✘✼❳■❏✳✶❁✿❀✚❘❜❑❚❀❛▼s❃✘◆✭✾✣✳✶❲✚✵❇✳ ❦✴❀★✳❴❁✍❣❤✳✶❑✶✷❅▼❂✼❳✳✶✺✽❦✣✼✯✾✭✼❅❀❉✹✿✵✿✳✶❀✔❃❏❁✿✷❅◆ ❃✣❘ ❑❤❃➫✳❚✼✯✵✿❘❜✱✭❑❤❀❙❁◗✷✯✵◗■❏✱✣✳❚❲❙❁✿✵✿✹❻✷❳✺❖✷❅✾✭❃➷✼❥✳❚✵◗❁✍✱✣❀✚■✣✾✣✼❅✷✯❁✿✵◗■✴❀★❑❤❁❇✹◗✳❚❀⑧✵✿✾✣✳❚❁◗❃❏❀❤✬❬◆ ●❻✳❚■✣✱✣■✣❀⑧✼❅✷❳✺◗✺★✱✣✳✶❑❜✵◗✷❅✷❥❑❤✺✽❀✚❃✦✬❈❑✶▼✻❢✥▼❂✺❖✼❅✺❖✾✣✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗✹✿❀★✵◗❁✿❀★✷❅❁❛❃✣❘✳✶❃✴✳❚✳✶✼❅✼❅❘❤❄✘❑❤✹✿❁◗✷❅✷❅✹✍✵✿✱✣✷✯✹✍❲➑✾✣✹◗◆✘❀✖❀★◆➅■✴❀★✳❚❃❏✹❛◆✘✳✹ ◆✘◆✘❀★✷❅✹❇✹❖✺✽✺❖✼✯❁✿❑❜✷❅✹✿■✣❀❤✵◗✬✷❅❣❤❀✚❑❤❁▲❀❖④✣■✣✼❅❑❤❁❖✳✶✵✿❑❜❁✿❄❫✵✿❑✘❑❜✼✉t✴✷❅✵✻✷❅✹✍■✴❑❤✹✿✹◗✷❅❦✣✼❅❀❉✵✿❑❫✵✿❁◗❄❫✹✿❀★❣❜❀★❁❇✳❚✼❩✳✶✼❅❘❤❑❜❁✿✷❅✵✿✱✭❲❙✹❻❑❤❃ ✵✿✱✣❀➏✹❇✳❚❲❙❀❉◆✣✳✶✵❖✳❬✵✿❑❙✹◗❀★❀✚➌❻✱❏✳❚✵✻✵✿✱✭❀ ◆✣✳❚✵❇✳✈❲⑧✳❴❄ ❢✩❃❬❘❤❀★❃✣❀✔❁❇✳✶✼✩t✭❲⑧✳★⑨❖❑❜❁❩✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗✵✿❀★❁◗✷✯❃✭❘❙❲❙❀✔✵✿✱✣❑✣◆✘✹❻✺★✳✶❃❫❦✴❀❛✺❖✼❳✳✶✹◗✹✿✷ ❏❀✖◆❬✷❅❃✘✵✿❑➏✵✿✱✣❀❼▼✏❑❤✼❅✼❅❑✶➌❻✷❅❃✣❘❉✺★✳✶✵◗❀★❘❤❑❜❁✿✷❅❀★✹✖✬ ✮❜✬ ✜✭✗✶✓✖✧✥✓✖✧ ✴✛✦✧✥✛ ➷✕✘✓ ✢✑ ✬ ❀✖✵✿➒✍✱✣✳❤✷❅❀✸✺◗❣❤✱➏❀★▼✏❑❜❃❫■❏✼❅✳✶✼✯✳❛❑✶❁◗➌❻✵✿◆✣✷❅✷❅✳❚✵✿❃✣✷❅✵❇❑❤❘❻✳❚❃❈❦❏❁◗❀✖✳✶❁✿❀★❵❜✹◗■✣❀✻✾✣❁◗✷❅❑✶❁✿❀★▼❀★✹✿❲❬❀✔❫❃➈❀★✵◗❑❤❃✘✹❹❦❤✵✿⑨✽✳▲✹❴❀✖❭ ✺❖✺❖✼❅✵✿❖✾✣✹▲✮ ✹✿✢✵◗❑❤❀★❀✖❁❻❁✖✳❜◆✣t✘✺◗✱✚✳✶✳✶✵❖❃✴❘❤✳❉◆❛❁✿✵◗❑❜❸ ✾✣✾✣■✣■➏✼❅❀★❲✚✢✹❴t❏✬❽✾✣✳❈✹✿●❻✵✢■❏✱❏✺❖✳✶✳❚❑❤❁◗✵✦❃✘✵✿✵❇✷❅✷❅✹✖✳❚✵✿t✶✷❅✷❅❑❤❃❙✷❅✵✢❃✭✳✶✷✯✺❖❃✭✵✢✼❳✳✶❘❉✼❅✹✿❀✖✹◗❲❙✳✶✷ ✹◗❏❀★✵✒❀★✵◗✹✢❑❤✱✣❃✣❑✣✵✿✱✣❀✸◆✚❀❻❑❤✺❖❦❤◆✣❑❤⑨✽✳❚❃✭❀✖✵❇✹✿✺❖✳❻✵✿✵✖❁◗✷❅t✣✾❏❃✘✳❚✺❖✵✿❃❏✵◗❑✍✹❼◆ ❸❉❸✈✉❘❜❋ ■❏❁✿❽❑❜✳✶❀✖✾✣❁◗✳❜✵✿■✣✺◗✷❅✵✿✹✖✱✚✷❅t❚❑❜❑❤➌❻❃✣❦❤✱✣✹❩⑨❖✷❳❀✖❑❚✺✿✺✽✱❈▼✦✵❩✵✿✵✿❲✚✱✣❑❤❀❉❘❜✾✣❀★◆✣✹◗✵✿✵✦✳❚✱✭✵❇❦✴❀★✳✭❀★❁✒t✘✼❅✹❇❑❤➌❻✳❚❃✣✵✿✱✣❘✍✷❅❀★✹✩✵◗❁✿▼✥❑❄❀ ❀❖➌❻④❏✷✯✳❤✼❅✼✴✺❖❦❏✵◗✼✯❀❈❄❬❦✣❑❤❁✿❃✣✷❅❀❀❈❏❘❤❄❫❁✿❑❜◆✘✾✣✷❅✹❇■✦✺❖✬✒✾✭rs✹✿✹✿❑❤❀❴✵✿◆€✷❳✺❖✼❳❀✍✳✶✵◗✵◗❀★✱❏❁❻✳✶✷❅✵▲❃❙✵✿✵◗✱✣✱✣❀✍✷❅✹✻✹✿❀❴✺✿✺❖✱✴❑❤✳✶❃❏■✣◆ ✵◗❀★❁✿❁✖❀❴✬ ❵❤✾✭✷✯❁◗❀★❲❙❀✔❃➈✵❻✷❅✹✸❁✿❀★✼❳✳ tỵ ỵỵ ỵ st ❀❁ ❁✿➈❀★✷❅✼❳❃❏✳✶◆❺✵◗✹❻❀✖◆❫❑✶▼③✵◗❑✚❑❜✵✿❀✖✱✣✳❤❀✔✺◗❁❂✱€✺❖❑❜❁◗✷✯✵✿✵◗✱✣❀★❀★❁✿❁❴✷❳✳❈t✣➌❻▼✏❑❜✱✣❁ ❀✔⑨✽❁✿✾❏❀✖◆✘✳❚✹❂❘❤✷❅❑❜❃✣❦❤❘➏⑨❖❀✖✵✿✱✭✺❖✵◗❀❛✹✻❵❜❑❚✾❏▼♦✳✶◆❺✼❅✷❅✷ ✵✩❷❄❛❀★❁◗❑❚❀★▼③❃✘■❏✵❂✳❚✺❖❁✿✼❅✵◗✾✣✷✯✵◗✹◗✷❅✵✿❑❤❀★❃✣❁◗✹❼✹❴✬ ✳❚❁✿❀ ➣▼✉✳✶❁✻✳❚■❏✳✶❁◗✵ ✚❑❜❁❻❣❤❀★❁◗❄ ◆❺✷ ❷❀★❁◗❀★❃✘✵✖✬✸●❻✱✣❀★❁◗❀❛✳✶❁◗❀❉❣❤✳✶❁◗✷✯❑❜✾✣✹ ●③❑✶▼✻❑❫✵✿✳❤✱✭✺◗❀⑧✱✣✷❅■✴❀★❑❤❣❜✹◗❀❉✹✿✷❅❘❤❦✣✼❅✼❅❑❤❀❙❦✴✳✶■✴✼✦✳✶❁✿❑❜✵◗■✣✷❅✵✿✵✿✷❅✷❅❑❤❲❫❃✣✳✶✹❴✼❅✬➫✷❅✵✩❄❛❢✩❃✣✷❅✹✿❃€✵◗❀✖■❏✳❤✳❚◆❷❁✿t✸✵◗✷✯❲❬✵◗✷❅❑❤❑❤❃✣✹✿✵❉✷❅❃✣✳❚❘❚■✣✐✉❦❏■✣✳❚✼❅✷❳✹✿✺★❀✖✳✶◆ ý ỵ ✱✭❲ý❂✳✶t✴✼❅➌❻❘❜❑❤✱✣❁✿❀★✷❅❁◗✵◗❀⑧✱✣❲ ❀❴✳❤t✭✺◗➌❻✱ò✱✣✺❖❀★✼❅❁✿✾✣❀✚✹◗✵✿❀❴❀★✳❤❁✚✺◗✱➅✷❅✹❉✺❖❁◗✼❅❀★✾✣■✣✹✿✵◗❁◗❀★❀★❁❉✹✿❀★✷❅❃✘✹✍✵◗❀✖❁✿◆❀★■✭❁✿❦✘❀★❄➷✹◗❀★✵✿❃✘✱✣✵✿❀❬❀✖◆ù❲❙❦✘❀✖❄€✳❚❃✣❑❤✹✍❃✭❣❤❀❛✳✶❑❚✼❅✾✣▼❹❀✚✵◗✱✣❑❚❀✚▼✻❑❤✵✿✱✣❦❤❀❬⑨❖❀❴❑❤✺❖✵✿❦❤✹❉⑨❖❀✖✼❅✺✽❑✣✵✿✺★✹✚✳❚✵✿✷❅❀✖❃➷◆ ✵✿❃✣✱✣❀✖❀❫✳❚✺❖❁❉✼❅✾✣✵✿✱✣✹✿✵◗❀❙❀★❁ ✺✽❻❀★❃✘✳❚✵✿❃❏❀★◆ ❁ ❑✶❲❙▼❩❀✖✵◗◆✘✱✣✷❅❀❙✾✣❲➑✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗✹✿✷✯✵◗⑦✔❀★❀✖❁✖◆ ✬✈◆✣●❻✳✶✱✣✵❖✳✶❀★✹✿❦❏❀✚✳❚✹✿✱✭❀★❀★✹❴✾✣✬ ❁✿✷❅✭✹◗✵✿❑❤✷❳❁ ✺✚❏✺❖❃❏✼❅✾✣◆✘✹✿✷❅✵◗❃✣❀★❘➷❁✿✷❅❃✣✺❖❘❫✼❅✾✣✹◗❲❬✵✿❀★❀★❁◗✵✿✹❙✱✣❑✣➌❻◆✘✷❅✹✍✵✿✱ ➌✸❑❤✺❖❑❤❁ €❲❬➌❩■✣✼❅❀✔❀❖✼✯④ ❽▼✏✹◗❑❜✱❏❁ ✳✶❏■✴❃❏❀★✹❙◆✘✷❅✳❚❃✣❃❏❘❬◆ ✹✿■✣▼✏❑❤✱✣❁✚❀✔❁✿✺❖✷❳✺★✼❅✾✣✳✶✹✿✼➐✐✩✵◗✹✿❀★✱❏❁✿✷❅✳❚❃✣■❏❘➷❀❴◆➷❣❜❀★✺❖❁✿✼❅❄➷✾✣✹✿✼❳✵◗✳❚❀★❁✿❁✿❘❤✹➏❀❫✷❅❃ ◆✣✳✶✹◗✵❖❲⑧✳€✳✶✹◗✼❅❀★✼❷✵✿✵◗✹❴❑ t ■❏✷✯❃❫✳✶❁◗➁✘✵✿❀✖✷❅✵✿✺❖✷❅✵◗❑❤✷❅❑❤❃✭❃ ✷✯❃✭✫✭❘✶✐✩✬ ❯✴❦❏✬✳✶✹◗❀✖◆❬❲❙❀★✵◗✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✻❃✣❀✔❀✖◆€✵◗❑❙❦✴❀❉❀❖④✣✵✿❀✔❃❏◆✘❀✖◆❷✬❉⑩✢✳❚❁✿✵✿✷❅✵◗✷✯❑❜❃✣✷❅❃✣❘✶✐✩❦❏✳❚✹✿❀✖◆€✺✽✼✯✾✭✹✿✵✿❀✔❁✿✷❅❃✣❘❙❲❬❀★✵✿✱✭❑❺◆❺✹❂✳✶❁◗❀❉✹✿✵◗✾❏◆✘✷❅❀✖◆ ✷❅❃ ◆✘❀★■✣✵◗✱ ❋✭✬ ✧✥✕✘✗✶✜✣✗ ✢✧ ✜✣✌ ➷✕✘✓ ✢✑ ✬ ⑥➉❲❙❀★✱✣✵◗✱✣✷❅❀★❑✣❁❖◆❛✳✶❁❖✺★✺✿✳❚✱✭❃❙✷❥✺✔❦✴✳✶✼✸❀✻❲❙✺❖✼❳✳✶❀★✵◗✹◗✱✣✹✿✷ ❑✣❏◆➷❀✖◆❬✺❖❁✿✳✶❀✖✹✒✳❚❦✴✵✿❀★❀★✹❙✷❅❃✣✳❘❉❀★✱✣✷❅✷❅✵◗❀★✱✣❁❇❀★✳❚❁ ỵ ỵ ỵýỵ t ỵ ựt tt t t t ỵ ỵýỵ t tựt ❀★✷❅✵✿❁◗✥✹✻❀★❲❙❃✘✹◗✵❩❀★✾❏❁◗✺★✺◗❘❤✱✣✺❖❀➏❀✔❑❤✹✿✷❳❑❤✹✍✺❖❁❉❀✔❦❏✹✖✹◗❀❴t✣■✣✺★✳✶✼❅✳✶✷✯✹♦✵✾✣▲➌❩✹◗❀❛❀★✷✯✹❉✼❅✷❅✼❏✵❻◆✘✳❚❑❜✼❅✹✒❀✖❃✣✳❜✵✿❀❤✱✭◆✘t❽❀✹❻✷❅❤✵❼✵✿❑✚❀★✺✔❄➏✳✶✹◗❲⑧❃➷✵✿❑✍✳✶❃✣✷❅✼❅✵✿❀★✼❅✹✒❀★❣❜❁❻❀★❲❫❁❉✺❖✳✶❑❤❦✴✷❅❲❬❃❉❀✚■✣■✣✾✣✾✣❁◗❃❏❑❤✵❖◆✘✳✶❦✣❑❜✵✿✼❅✷❅❃✣❀★❑❜❲ ❀❤❃ ✬ ❦❏❀✖✺✔✳✶✾✣✹◗❀❛✷❅✵❻✺★✳✶❃✣❃✭❑❤✵✻✺❖❑❜❁✿❁✿❀❴✺❖✵✍❀★❁✿❁◗❑❤❃✣❀★❑❜✾✣✹❂◆❺❀✖✺❖✷❅✹✿✷❅❑❤❃✭✹✖✬ ❢✩✳✶✵ ❘❤❘❜✺✔✳✶✼❅❑❤❃➏❲❙❦❏❀✔❀✻❁❇✳✶✳❜✵◗◆✘✷❅❣❤❣❤✳✶❀✻❃✘✳✶✵❇✼❅✳❚❘❜❘❤❑❤❀★❁✿❑❜✷❅✵◗✾✣✱✣✹✦❲❝✵◗❑❉✳✶✺❖❃❏❑❤◆❬❲✚✵✿❦✣✱✭✷❅❀★❃✣❃€❀✢✷❅❁✿✵✿❀ ❀✔❏❁❇❃✣✳✶✷❅✵◗❃✣✷❅❣❤❘❙❀✸✵◗❁✿✱✣❀★❀❉✼❅❑✣❁◗✺★❀★✳✶✹✿✵◗✾✣✷❅❑❤✼❅✵▲❃✚✾✣✳✶✹✿❃❏✷❅❃✣◆❈❘✚✱✣✷❅✷❅✵✿❀★❀✔❁❇❁❇✳❚✳✶❁❇✵◗✺◗✷❅✱✣❣❤✷❳❀✍✺★✳❚❁✿✼❺❀★✼❅✳❚❑✣❘❤✺★❘❜✳❚✼✯✵✿❑❜✷❅❲❙❑❤❃✦❀★✬✸❁❖✳✶➁✘✵◗❑❤✷✯❑❜❲❬❃✻❀✻❦✘✹❖❄ ✺★❏✳✶✼❳❁◗✳✶✹✿❦✭✵✒✼✯✾✭❀❉✹✿✺❖✷❅❃✣✼❅✾✣❘✻✹◗✱✭✵✿❀★✷✯❁◗❀✔✷❅❁❇❃✣✳✶❘⑧❁❖✺◗✳❚✱✣✼✯✷❳❘❜✺★❑✶✳✶✐✼ ❁✿✺❖✷❅✼❅✵✿✾✣✱✣✹✿❲❬✵◗❀★✹✖❁✿✷❅t✘❃✣✹◗❘❬✾❏✺◗❲❙✱ ❀★✳❚✵◗✹❂✱✣❑✣♥♦◆✘❢✿✹❹➀❻✳❚❶❻❁✿❀✍➃➋✹✿✳✶✵◗✾❏❃❏◆✘◆€✷❅❀✖❶❻◆❫➆▲✷❅➀✻❃❫➇❻➁✘❀✖t✭✺❖✱❏✵◗✳❴✷✯❑❜❣❤❃€❀✍❦✴✫✣❀★✬❡❞✣❀★✬❃➷◆✘❀★❣❜❀★✼❅❑❤■✴❀✖◆❫❦❏✳❚✹✿❀✖◆ ❑❤❃❫✹✿✾✴✺✿✱➫✳✶❃€✷❅❃✘✵✿❀★❘❜❁❇✳❚✵✿❀✖◆€✳❚■✣■✣❁◗❑➈✳❤✺◗✱✦✬❻➃s✷✯❀✔❁❇✳✶❁❖✺◗✱✣✷❳✺★✳✶✼ ❊✭✬ ✕✘✛✒✑✔✧✏✓★✤ ✜❏✑★✕ ➷✕✘✓ ✢✑ ✬ ❑❤❲❙❪❫❃✣❀★❑❤✼❅✵◗❄❫✹◗✱✣✵✚❑✣✹✿■✣■❏◆✘✱✭✳✶✹✒❁◗❀★✱❏✵✿❁✿✷❅✷❳✳❴✵✿✺★❣❜✷❅✳❚❑❤❀❩✼❨❃✭✐✩❦✴✹✿✷✯✱✴❃✭❀★❀★❘✳✶❃€■✴❲❬❀✖◆✘◆ ❀★❀★❣❜✵✿✺✽✱✣❀★✼✯✼❅❑✣✾✭❑❤◆✘✹✿■✴✵✿✹✚❀✔❀✖❁✿◆➏✺❖✹❛✼❅✾✣❦❏✳❚✹◗✳❚❃❏✵✿✹✿❀★◆€❀✖❁❬◆✈❀✔❑❤❃❏❑❤❦❤❃✚✺❖⑨❖❑❤❀✖✵✿✾✭✱✭✺✽❃➈✵✿❀❻✹❫✵◗❀★❃✣❁❛❦❏❑❤✳✶✵◗◆✘✷✯✹◗✷➐❑❜❀✖➍⑧❃✚◆ù✺❖❑✶✾✭❑❤▼ ❃✼✯✵✩❄❫✵✿✘✱✭✳✶ý★❀ ỵ t t ❑❜✵◗✱✣❑✶✾✣▼✻❀ ✵✻✳❬✿❃✣❃✣❑❜❘❤❀✔✷❅✷❅✹✿✷✯❣❤❘❜❀ ❀★✱✘❃➫✏❦❏❑❜❑❜✾✣❁❇❁✿✳❜✵✿✱✣✼❅◆✘✷❅❑✘✷❅❀★✾✣❑✣❁✿✹❉✹◆ ★✍✱❏t❷✳❚❀❖✳✶④❏✹✍❃✴✺❖◆€✵✿❀★❑€❀✖◆✘◆❺✺❖✷❅✹❻✹❇❑❤✺❖❃✘✹✿❑✶❑❤✵❖❣❜✳✶❲❬❀★✷❅❁❂❃➅❀✒✺✽✵✿✳✶✼✯✱✭✾✭✵✍❁✿✹✿❀★✼❅✵✿❀✖✹◗❀✔✱✣✳✶❁✿✹◗❑❤✹✍✵❛✼❳◆❷❑✶✳ ▼ t ✳✶❁✿❦✭✷✯✵◗❁❇✳❚❁✿❄❙✹◗✱❏✳✶■✴❀❤✬ ❖◆ ●✸■ ✫■✾❇ ✖❇ ❈❽ ✥ỵ ❈❋✺❖ ❭❇ ♦❶❆⑧ ✖❖ ➦❺ ✓⑧ ✞❇ t⑧✖⑨✞➨ ❈❋ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋❈❖ ➾❽ ✫⑧ ❆❅ ❯❶❛➨ ❈❻ ✴⑧❈⑩ ỗ ➯✹ ✲✻ ✚④ ❲❁❃✧✯☎❙✂❂❁ ✁➀☛✧➾☎❙✧✯ ✄◗✼€❙✂❂❁ ✥◗☛★✞❁✏✧✚€✚❘✫★ ❬é✯❩❚✧ ✒❒ ✑✔ ✰❒ ✏❮ ✩❮ ✑✔ ✎ ✞✹ ✼✻ ❭❳ ➸✧✚✂✆★ ❄❵ ✹ ✲✻ ❭❳ ❨✧❙☞✽◗ ❬☞ ✓✎ ✛ ❈✇ ✝ ❞ ✝ ✖♠ ❄❞✖✣◆✘ ✍✌ ❀✂✼✪✼✪❂ ✶◗ ❨✧✩☎✚✂✼❁ ✁➀❂✧ ✜✂✼✪✼✪❂ ✶◗ ❨✧✩☎✚✂✼❁ ✁➀☛✧❝✂➛✳✲✳✵☎✚◗❄✂✽€✚❘ ▲☞ ✁➀ ✡➀❂✧ ✰❒☛✬✚◗✼❁✥❁❃◗ ❀❳✏❩✼✳✲❮ ❨✹ ✂✚✳✲✳❭☎❙◗✼✂✲€➛❘ ✴✌ ➾✌ ✙✻ ❪☞ ✁➀ ➡❒✩❁✏◗✚✳✙❳❙☞✽◗☛Ư❆★✆❮ ✫✔ Þ✹ ✚✻ ❀✎ ✍✔ ❈✎ ❊✌ ➛✌ ❈❥ ❣② ✢ ✙✘❦♠ ❄❞✖✣◆✘ ❼✌ Ó☞✲✧✯★ ✶❁✿✮ ✒✹ ❙✻ ❨✌ ❨❒ ✫❮ ➡✹ ✚✻ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ✁➀☛✧ ✮✖❋ ➛ ❻➞✒➟ ➪➛ ③➠➎➞✒➟ ❂➝ ♦➠ ✿➠ ✷✯❱❂✺❖✹✚✼❅✾✣♥✸✳➫✹✿➁✣✵◗❶✸❀★◆✘❁❂❀★⑥✍❃✣✳❚r❧✹◗❃❏✷✯✵✩✳✶✷❅❄❜✼❅✹✍❄✘✐✩❦❏✹✿✳✚✷❅✳✶✹✖✵✩✹◗✬✢❄✘❀✖◆ù❱▲■✣✷❳❀★✺★❲❙❃✣✳✶✹◗✼✒❀★✷✯✵◗✵✩◆✘✱✣❄❜❀✔❑✣✐✩❃✣❦❏◆➫✹✿✳✶✷❅✵✩✹◗➌❻❄❜❀✖✱✣◆€✐✉❦✴✷❳✺◗✺❖✳✶✱ò✼❅✹✿✾✣❀❴✺❖✹◗◆€✵✿❑❜❀★❲❙❲❬❁◗✷❅■✣❀★❃✣✵✿✾✣❘✚✱✣✵◗❑✣❀★❲❙✹✚◆❫❀★✳✶✵◗➌❻✱✣❃➅✱✭❑✣✷❥✳✶◆✘✺◗✾✭✹✻✱€❘❤✳✶❲❙❘❜❁◗❁✿❀✍❀✔❑✶❃➈➌❻✹✿✵✿✵◗✹❉✾✴❀✖◆➷◆✘✺❖✷❅✼❅❀✖✾✣✺❖✼❅◆❫✹◗✾✣✵✿✹◗❀★✷❅❃⑧✵✿❁◗❀★✹❛❁◗➁✘✷✯✳❤❀❴❃✭✺★✺❖❘➷✺✽✵✿✷❅❑❤❑❤❑❤❁❇❃€❁❇◆❺◆❺✷✯✫✭❃✭❀★❁✿✬❘❙♠✭✷❅❃✣✬ ✵✿❘❑❫▼✏✳❫❑❤❁✚◆✘❀★✳✶❃✣✾✭✹◗✵✿✷✯❑❤✵✩❄❫❲❫✵◗✳✶✱✣✵◗❁✿✷❥✺➏❀★✹◗✳✶✱✣❃✴❑❤◆➷✼❳◆❷✬➏✷❅❃✘➊✍✵✿❀★⑩✢❁❖✳❤●❻✺❖❢✿✵◗❶❻✷✯❣❜➁ ❀ ❯✴✬✌❭ ✗✶✧ ✜✴✑★✕ ➷✕✘✓ ✢✑ ✬ ⑥➧✵✿✱✣❀★❘❜❃➫❁✿✷❳■✴◆❜✐✩❀★❦❏❁✩▼✏✳✶❑❜✹◗❁✿❀✖❲❬◆❫✹❼❲❬✳❚❀★✼❅✵✿✼✦✱✣❑✶❑✣▼❻◆€✵✿✱✭❵❜❀ ✾❏✳❚✺❖❃✘✼❅✾✣✵✿✷❅✹◗⑦★✵✿❀★❀★✹✍❁◗✷❅❃✣✵✿✱✭❘❫❀❛❑❤❑❜■✴❦❤❀★⑨❖❁❇❀✖✳❚✺❖✵✿✵❉✷❅❑❤✹◗❃✣■❏✹✍✳❤✺✽❑❜❀❛❃ ✷❅✵◗❃✘✱✣✵✿❀❛❑❫❘❜✳ ❁✿✷❳❏◆ ❃✣✷❅✹✿✵◗✵✿❀❛❁◗✾❏❃✘✺❖✾✣✵◗❲✚✾✣❁✿❦✴❀ ❀★❁✻✥✷✉✬❑❚❀❤▼❹✬❅t✴✺❖❑❤❀★✼❅❃➫✼❅✹✻✵✿➌❻✱✭❀ ✱✭✷❥❵❜✺◗✾❏✱ ✳❚▼✏❃➈❑❤✵◗❁◗✷❅❲⑦★❀✖◆ ✳✚✹✿❘❜■❏❁✿✳❜✷❳◆❫✺❖❀ ✹✿★✵◗✬➏❁✿✾❏●❻✺✽✱✣✵✿✾✣❀➏❁◗❲⑧❀❤✬➏✳❚✷❅❢✩❃ ✵ ❑❤✳❤❦❤◆✘⑨❖❣❤❀✖✳❚✺✽❃➈✵✿✵❖✹✖✳✶t❷❘❜✳❚❀❛❃❏❑❚◆❙▼✻◆✘✵✿❀✔✱✣■❏✷❅❀★✹❛❃✴✳❚◆✘■✣❀★■✣❃✘❁✿✵✍❑✘❑❤✳❤❃✣✺◗✱➷✼❅❄✚✷❅❑❤✹❉❃❫✷❅✵✿✵◗✹❈✱✣▼✉❀✍✳✶❃➈✹◗✵❉✾✭❲✚■✣❁◗❦❏❑❺❀★✺✽❁✸❀★✹✿❑✶✹◗▼❩✷✯❃✭✺❖❘❀✔✼✯❅✵◗✹❻✷✯❲❬✷❅❃❙❀❛❀❴➌❻✳❤✺◗✱✭✱ ✷❥✺◗◆✘✱➷✷❅❲❙✷❅✹❉❀✔✵✩❃✣❄✘✹✿■✣✷❅❑❤✷❳❃✚✺★✳❚✷❅✼✯❃❬❅❄€✵✿✱✣✷❅❃❏❀❛◆❺❵❜❀★■❏✾❏❀✔✳❚❃❏❃✘◆✘✵✿✷❅❀★⑦★❃✘❀✖✵➏◆❬❑✶✹✿▼✻■✴✳❤✵✿✱✭✺❖❀❤❀❙✬ ❃✘✾✣❲✚❦✴❀★❁✍❑✶▼❂◆✣✳❚✵❇✳ ➌❻➁✘●❻✱✣❢✿✷❳✺✿r✻✱€➒↕✳❚❁✿✷❅❀✍✹❻✳✍❦❏❑❜✵✩✵✿❄✘✱❫■✣✷❳❘❤✺★❁◗✳✶✷❳✼✴◆❜❀❖✐✉④❏❦✴✳✶✳✶❲❬✹✿❀❴■✣◆⑧✼❅❀❩✳❚❃❏❑❚◆❫▼③✳❉◆✘❀★❘❜❃✣❁✿✷❳✹◗◆❜✷❅✵✩✐✩❄❤❦❏✐✩✳✶❦❏✹◗✳❚❀✖✹✿◆➏❀✖◆❷❲❙✬✸❀★➒✍✵◗✱✣❁✿❑✣✷❳◆❜◆❷✐✩✬✢❦❏❶❻✳❚✹✿❿❷❀✖❢✿◆❫→✍✺❖➆✻✼❅✾✣➇ù✹◗✵✿✳✶❀★❃❏❁◗✷✯◆✈❃✭❘✚✰➅❲❙✳❴❣❤❀★❀❖✵◗✐✿✱✣❶✸❑✣✼❅◆✘✾✣✹❹✹✿✵◗✳❚❀★❁✿❁❩❀❉✳✶✹◗❁◗✵✿❀✻✾❏◆❺✵✩➌✸✷✯❀❴❑❛◆❙✺❖✷❅✼❅❃€✾✣✹◗➁✘✵✿❀✖❀★✺✽❁◗✷✯✵✿❃✭✷❅❑❤❘❙❃€✳✶✫✣✼❅❘❤✬❡q✭❑❜✬❁✿✷❅✵✿✱✣❲❬✹ ❞✭✬ ✦✕✘✌ ✜❏✑✔✕ ➷✕✘✓ ✢✑ ✬ ⑥➉✵✿✱❏✳❚❲❬✵❻❑❺❲❙◆❺❑✣❀★✼➐◆✘✐✉❀★❦❏✼✩✳❚✬✢✹✿⑥❧❀✖◆➫❲❬❲❬❑✣❀★◆✘✵✿❀★✱✭✼➐❑❺✐✉❦✴◆ ✳✶✹✿✱✘❀❴❄➈◆❙■✴❑❤✳✶✵◗✼❅❘❜✱✣❑❤❀★❁✿✹◗✷❅✷✯✵◗⑦✔✱✣❀★❲❝✹❙✳€❲⑧❲❬✳❴❄➏❑✣◆✘✼❅❑✣❀★✺★✼✢✳✶▼✏✵◗❑❜❀❛❁❛✺❖❀❴✼❅✳❤✾✣✺◗✹✿✱ ✵◗❀★❁✿❑✶✹✍▼✻❦✘✵✿❄⑧✱✭❀ ✺✽❑❤✺✽❃✣✼✯✾✭✹◗✹✿✵✿✵✿❁✿❀✔✾✴❁✿✺❖✹✖✵✿t❻✷❅❃✣✳❚❘❫❃❏◆✳✚◆✘❏❀★❃✴❃✣◆✘✹◗✹❛✷✯✵✩✵◗❄❬✱✣▼✏❀❫✾✭❃❏❦❏✺❖❀✔✵✿✹✿✷❅✵ ❑❜❃⑧❏✵✚✵◗✱❏❑❚✳✶▼✻✵❻✵✿❁◗✱✣❀ ❀€❏❀✖◆✣✺✽✳❚✵✿✵❇✹❉✳❫✵◗✱✣✵◗❑❀ ✹✿✺❖■❏✼❅✾✣✳❚✹✿✵✿✵◗✷❳❀★✳✶❁✿✼✒✹❻◆✘❦❏✷❅✹✿✳❚✵◗✹✿❁✿❀✖✷❅◆➏❦✣✾✣❑❜✵◗❃✚✷❅❑❤✹✿❃€✵❖✳✶❑❚❃❏▼❩◆✣✵✿✳❚✱✣❁❇❀❙◆➏◆✭✹◗✵❇✳✶✳✶✵❇✵◗✳✈✷❅✹✿■❏✵✿✷❳❑❜✺❖✷❅✹❴❃➈t✘✵◗✵❇✹✖✳ ✬ ➈✷❅❃✣❘ ❢✩✵❉◗❃✣✳✶❑❤✼❅✹✿✷❅❑❬✹✿❀ ✼✯❉❀❴✳❤❑❤◆✘❁✒✹✍❑❜✾✣✵✿❑❫✵✿✼❅✷❅✳❬❀★❁◗➌❹✹✒✳❴✷❅❃➈❄❫✵◗❑❉❑✶▼❻✳❤✳✶✺★✺❖✾✣❑❜✵◗✾✣❑❤❃✘❲⑧✵❩✳❚✳✶✵✿❃✴✷❳✺★◆➏✳❚✼✯✵✿❅✱✘❄❙✾✣◆✘✹✒❀✔❄✘✵✿✷❅❀★❀★❁◗✼❳❲❙◆✘✷❅✷❅❃✣❃✣❘✍✷❅❃✣❁✿❘✚❑❜❦✣✵✿✱✭✾✣❀✚✹✿✵❻❃➈✺❖✾✭✼❅✾✣❲✚✹◗✵✿❦❏❀★❀★❁◗❁▲✷✯❃✭❑✶❘ ▼ ❲❙❀★✵◗✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✖✬✒❪❫❑✣◆✘❀✔✼❨✐✩❦❏✳❚✹✿❀✖◆❫✺❖✼❅✾✣✹◗✵✿❀★❁◗✷✯❃✭❘✚❲❙❀★✵◗✱✣❑✣◆✘✹✻✳✶❁◗❀❂✹◗✵✿✾❏◆❺✷✯❀❴◆❫✷❅❃⑧➁✘❀✖✺✽✵✿✷❅❑❤❃€✫✣✬❡✫✭✬ ✵✿✳✶❑➅■✭■✣✺✽➁✘✼❅✼❥✷❥❑❜✳❚✺✔❲❙✹✿✳✶✹◗✵✿✷❨❀❙✷❅▼✥❑❜❄➅✺❖❃✣✼❅✹❩✳➫✾✣✹◗❲❫❘❤✵✿❀★✷❅✳❴❣❤❁◗❄❛✷❅❀★❃✣❃ ✱✴❘ ✳❴✳✶❣❤✳❚✼❅❀❉❘❤✼❅❘❤❑❜✺❖❑❤❁✿✼❅❁◗✾✣✷❅✵✿✷❅✹✿✵✿✱✭✵◗✱✣❲❀★❲❬❁✿✷❅❃✣✹❂✳❚❘❙✹✚✷❅❃✘✺✽✾✣✵✿❁✿❃✣❀✔✷❅❘❤✵✿✷❳❵❜❀★❁❇❁◗✳❚✾✣✷❳✵✿❀★✳➏❀❫✼❅❄➅➌❻✵✿✱✭✱✣❦✴❀⑧✷❳❀★✺✿✼❅✱❫❑❤✷❳◆✘❃✭❁◗❀❴❘❤❀✖✳✶✷❅❵❜✹➏❃✣✾✣❘➫❑✶✷❅❁✿▼❂✵✿❀❉❑➫✹◗✵◗❀★✱✣❑❤❣❤❀✍❃✣❀✔❁❇✼❅✷✯❄➷✳✶❃✘✼✍✵◗❑❤❀★✺❖❃✭❘❤✼❅✾✣❁❖❀ ✳✶✹✿✵✿✵◗✺✽✷❅❀★✼✯❑❜✾✭❁✿❃⑧✷❅✹✿❃✣✵✿❀✔❑❚❘➫❁✿▼③✷❅❲❙❃✣✹◗❀★❘➅❀✔❣❤✵✿❀★✱✣❲❬❁❖❑✣✳✶❀★◆✘✼✢✵✿✹❴✱✭✺❖t✒✼❅❑❺✾✣✹✿◆ù✹✿❑➫✵◗✺★❀★✵✿✳✶❁✿✱✴✷❅✵◗❃✣✳✶❀★❘❬❘❤✵➏❑❜✵✿✷✯❁✿✵➏❀✖❄✘✺◗✬✷❅✱✣✹❛❃✣✣✹◗✷❳❑❤❵❜✾✭❲❬✾✣❁✿✵✿❀★❀★✱✭✹❴✵✿❀★✬ ✷❅❁✿❲❙❲❬❀✔❑❤✹❛❁✿❀❜◆✘t✒✷➐➍⑧✹✿❑❜✺❖❲❙✾✣✼❅❀✵ ✳✶✼❅❘❜❑❤❢✩❁✿❃ù✷❅✵◗✵✿✱✣✱✣❲❙❀✈✹✒▼✏➌❻❑❤✼❅✱✭✼❅❑✶✷❥✺◗➌❻✱❫✷❅❃✣✷❅❘❫❃✘✵✿✹✿❀★❀✖❘❜✺❖❁❇✵◗✳✶✷❅✵◗❑❤❀✍❃✣✹❴✵✿✱✣t❩❀✍➌✸✷❳❀❙◆✘❀✖❀✽✳❚④✭✹❻✳❚❲❙❑✶▼✒✷❅❃✣✹✿❀★❀✚❣❜❀★❀✖❁❇✳❜✳❚✺◗✼③✱➅✺❖❑✶✼❅✾✣▼✍✹◗✵✿✵✿✱✣❀★❁◗❀❫✷❅❃✣✳✶❘❙❦✴❑✶❲❬❣❤❀★❀ ✵✿✱✣❏❑✣❣❤◆✘❀❫✹❴✺❖✬ ✼❅✾✣✹✿✵◗❀★❁✿✷❅❃✣❘➷❲❬❀★✵✿✱✣❑✣◆✘✹➏✷❅❃➅◆✘❀★✵❖✳✶✷❅✼✩✬ ✰➷❀❫✳✶✼❅✹✿❑➫✷❅❃✘✵✿❁✿❑✣◆✘✾✴✺❖❀ é❻❪ê ✏ ❫❬ï③ø❺ð❺đ➣ð✣đ ✒ú▲đ✿ú ❝÷❷ð✣í ✻ó ✷❅■❏➒✍❃✘✳❚✷❅✵✿❁✿❣❤❑❛✵✿❀✔✷❅❸➏❃⑧✵◗✷✯❑❜■❏✳➏❃✣✳❚◆✣✷❅❁✿❃✣✵◗✳✶✷✯❘€✵❖✵◗✳✶✷❅✺❖❑❤❦❏❁✿❃✣✳❚✷❅✵◗✹✹✿❀★❀✍✉❁✿❸❑✶✷❅❑❤▼ ❃❽t✦❑❤❑❚✔❦❤▼✏t❤✵✿⑨❖❀★➌❻❀❴❃➅✺❖✱✭✵✿❀★✺✔✹❴❁✿✳✶t❏❀✍✼❅✳✶✼❅❀✖❀✖❃✴◆✳❜◆❙✺✿✱❬✳ týỵỵ ỵỵ ttts t ộờ ờở ❴ õ✿ï✢ó✘ó✘đ✿ơ❷ï✢õ ▲ï✢ø✘ð✣đ✩ð✣đ ✒ú▲đ✿ú ❝÷➎ð❺í ✻ó ❛❵ ❝÷✦ï✢ú✻ó➫ï✢ú ▲❵ ❝÷ ✒đ ▲ó ●❻❸ ✱✣➷❀➏✕ ❲❙❑❜✴✹✿✧ ✵✻✢➌✸✑ ❀★■✣✼❅❁✿✼➐✐❑❜✘■❏❃✣❑❜❑✶✹✿➌❻❀✖◆❬❃€❦✘✳❚❄ ❃❏◆ ✹✼❂✺✽✳❚❑❤✾✘❲❙▼✏❲❫❲❬✳✶❑❤❃❙❃✣✼❅✳✶❄➏❃✴✾✣◆⑧✹✿❀❴➀s◆➫❑❤✾✣■❏✹◗✳✶✹✿❁◗❀★✵✿❀✔✷❅✵✿✾➈✷❅➌❝❑❤❃✭✮❴✷✯❃✭①❤❘✚✫❜q ❲❙★t✘❀★✳✶✵◗✱✣❃✴❑✣◆❙◆✘✵◗✹❂✱✣✳❚❀★✷❅❁✿❁❻❀✚❣❤❸ ✳✶❁◗➷✷❳✳✶✕✘✵✿✷❅✜✣❑❜✛✒❃✣✑✹✖✬ ■✣❁✿❑❜■❏❑❜✹✿❀✖◆➫❦✘❄ ✉❪€✳❜✺★→▲✾✣❀★❀★❃↕✮✖①❜♠❤q ✔t❏✳❚❃❏◆ ☞✍✕➈✛❽✓✖✗ ✴✧ ✜❏✑★✕ ✓✖✕ ✢✛✢✧ ✴✎✢✍✕ ❜✜❝ ✢✕ ❸ ➷✕➈✜✭✛ ✑ ➷✕✘✓ ●❻❁✿❀✔✱✣✹✿✾✣❀❙✼❅✵✿❸❜✷❅✐✩❃✣❲❙❘❬❀❴✷❅✳✶❃➈❃✣✵◗❁❇✹✍✳ ✳✶✐➣✺❖✼❅❘❤✼❅✾✣❑❜✹◗❁✿✵✿✷❅✵✿❀★✱✣❁❻❲❾✹◗✷❅❲❙✵❖✳ ✷❅✼❳❜✳✶❀★❁✿✹✍✷❅✵✩✵✿❄➏✱✣✷❅❀✚✹❻✷❅✱✣❃✣✷❅■✣❘❤✾✭✱❙✵❂➌❻■✴✱✭✳✶❀★❁❇❁✿✳❚❀✖❲❙✳❚✹✍❀★✵◗✵✿❀★✱✣❁✖❀❉t❽❸❷✷❅❃✘t✦✵✿✳✶❀✔❁✩❃✴✐✿◆€✺❖✼❅✾✣■❏✹✿✳❚✵◗❁✿❀★✵◗❁✻✷✯✵◗✹◗✷❅❑❤✷✯❲❬❃✣✹❉✷❅✼❥✳❚✳❬❁✿✷❅✹✿✵✩❀★❄❉✵❈✷❅❑✶✹❻▼ ✼❅❑✶➌❉❑❤✬✒❦❤❶✸⑨❖❀✖✼❅✾✣✺✽✵✿✹✿✹➏✵◗❀★✷✯❁✻❃✘✹◗✵◗✷✯❑⑧❲❬❸➫✷❅✼❥✳❚✺❖❁✿✼❅✾✣✷❅✵✩✹✿❄❉✵◗❀★✷❅❁✿✹✻✹➏❲❬✹✿❑❫❀✖✳✶✵✿✹◗✱✴✾✣✳✶❁✿✵❉❀❴◆❙✵◗✱✣✷❅❃ tt ỵ ✵◗✱✣✭❀ ❑❤❁✍◆❺✷✯❀✖✹◗✳❜✵❇✳❚✺✿✱ù❃❏✺❖❑✶❀✚▼❻❦✴✵✿❀★✱✣✵✩❀✚➌❩❁◗❀✔❀★❀★❲⑧❃➷✳❚✵✿✷❅✱✣❃✣❀✚✷❅❃✣❑❜❘❙❦❤⑨❖❑❜❀✖❦❤✺❖⑨❖✵❉❀✖✺❖✳❚✵◗❃❏✹✖◆€t❩✳❚✵◗❃✱✣❀❙❑❜✺❖❦❤✼❅⑨❖✾✣❀✖✹◗✺❖✵✿✵➏❀★❁❉✷❅✹❛❲❬✳✶❀✖✹◗✳✶✹✿✷❅❃❽❘❤✬✍❃✭❀✖❢✩◆➫✵❂✵◗✵✿✱✣❑€❀★❃➷✵◗✱✣✺❖❀❙❑❤✺❖❲❬✼❅✾✣■✣✹◗✾✣✵✿✵◗❀★❀★❁➏✹✍✵✿✵✿❑€✱✣❀➏➌❻✱✭❃✣✷❥❀★✺◗➌✡✱➷❲❙✷❅✵✍❀❴✷❅✳✶✹❉❃❬✵✿✱✣▼✏❑❤❀✚❁✍❲❬❀✖✳❜❑❤✺◗✹◗✱ ✵❂✹◗✺❖✷❅✼❅❲❙✾✣✹◗✷❅✵✿✼❳❀★✳✶❁❴❁✖✬ t ●❻✱✣✷❅✹❻■✣❁◗❑❺✺✽❀★✹✿✹✍✷❅✵✿❀★❁❖✳✶✵◗❀★✹✻✾✣❃✘✵◗✷✯✼✴✵✿✱✭❀❛✺❖❁✿✷❅✵◗❀★❁✿✷❅❑❤❃❬▼✏✾✭❃❏✺❖✵✿✷❅❑❜❃ ✺✽❑❤❃✘❣❤❀★❁◗❘❤❀★✹❴✬✒●✸❄✘■✣✷❳✺★✳✶✼❅✼❅❄➈t❚✵✿✱✣❀❉✹❖❵❜✾❏✳✶❁◗❀✖◆❜✐✩❀★❁✿❁◗❑❤❁❂✺✽❁✿✷❅✵✿❀★❁◗✷❅❑❤❃❫✷❅✹❻✾✣✹✿❀✖◆➎t❏◆✘❀ ✴❃✣❀✖◆€✳❚✹ ❞ ✉✫✣✬❡❋❜❋ ❄❆❢❋❣❬❅ ❂❡ ➌❻❲✚✱✣✾✣❀★✼❅✵✿❁◗✷❳❀ ◆✘✷❅❲✚✷❅❀★✹❂❃✭✵◗✹✿✱✣✷❅❑❤❀✚❃❏■✴✳❚✼❑❤★✷❅✬✴❃✘●❻✵✻✱✣✷❅❃ ✷❅✹❹✹◗✺✽■❏❁✿✳❤✷❅✵✿✺✽❀★❀✚❁◗✷❅❁✿❑❤❀★❃❫■✣❁◗✵✿❀★❁◗✹✿✷✯❀✔❀✔❃➈✹❻✵◗✵✿✷❅❑➏❃✣❘ ❲⑧✵◗✳ ✱✣❜❀➏❀❻❘❤✵✿✱✣✷❅❣❤❀✍❀★❃➫❁◗❀★✹✿❑❤✾✣❦❤✼❅⑨✽✵◗❀✖✷✯❃✭✺❖✵✖❘❙t✢❸❙✳✶❃✴✺❖◆✼❅✾✣✹◗✵✿❀★❁◗✷✯✹❂✹✍✳✶✵◗✹✻✱✣✺✽❀✚❑❤❲❙❲❙❀✖■✴✳❚✳❤❃❫✺❖✵❻❑✶✳✶▼✻❃❏✺❖◆❬✼❅✾✣✳✶✹✿✵◗✹✸❀★✹✿✘❁ ❀★■✴❤ ✳✶❁❇✳❚✏❦✴✵✿❀❛❑❤✵◗✳❚✱ ✹❻■❏❑❜✳❚✹✿❃❏✹◗✷✯◆ ❦✭✼✯❀❜✬✢●❻✳✶✱✣❁◗❀❀ ●❻❸❜✺❖✼❅✐✩✱✣✾✣❲❙❀❉✹◗✵✿❀✖❀★✳✶✳❚❁◗✼❅❃✣❘❜✹❼✹✸❑❤✳❚❁✿■✣❁✿✷❅❁✿✵◗❀❛❑✣✱✣✺✽✺❖❲❝❑❤❀✖❲❙◆❺✳✶✾✣✵✿■✴❁✿✵◗✳❤❀➏❀★✺❖❲❙✷❅✵❻✹❻■✭✺❖✹✿✵✿✼❅✾✣❑❤✹✸✾❏❲❬✵✿◆❺❑✚❲⑧✹✻◆✘✳✶✵✿❀★✱✴❁◗✵✿✷❅✳✶❀✔⑦★❁✿✵✻❀✖❲❙◆➏✳✶❁◗✷❅✷❅❃✣❃❀❉❀❉❁❇❽✳❚❸✈✷❅✵✿❘❤✱✣■❏✾✣❀✔✳✶❁◗❁✻❁◗❀❉✵✿➌✸✷❅✫✣✵✿❀★✬❅✷❅✮❤❑❤✼❅✼✦✬❃✭✹✿✹❩❀✔✵◗■❏✱❏✳✶✳✶❁❖✵✸✳✶✵✿❲❙❀❴◆❬✷❅❃✣▼✏✷❅❁✿❲❙❑❜❲➉✷➐⑦★❀✸❑❜✵✿❃✣✱✣❀❉❀✍✳✶✹❇❃✣❵❜❑❜✾❏✵✿✳❚✱✣❁✿❀✔❀✖❁✖◆➈✬✸✐✉❀★●❻❁◗❁✿✱✣❑❜❀❉❁❻❲❬▼✏✾✣❀★❃✴✵✿✺❖✱✣✵✿❑✣✷❅❑❤◆✈❃❽✷✯✬✢✹▲❢✩❁✿✵❻❀★✼❳➌❩✳❚❑❜✵✿✷❅❁ ❣❤✘❀★✹❩✼❅❄✚➌✸✹❖❀★✺★✼❅✼❷✳✶✼❳➌❻✳✶✱✣❦✭❀★✼✯❀❉❃❫✳❚✵◗❃❏✱✣◆ ❀ ❆❅❈❇❊❉ ➜✘♦② ✢ ✙✘➃♠ ❆❋❍●✸■ ❆❏❈❑ ❆❋✤❇ ✺❇▲❏◆▼ ✫❖ ❄❞✖✣◆✘ ➡✌ ✞✹ ❈❧ ✣◆✘ ✥② ✢ ✙✘✾♠ ❄✻ ❄❞✖✣◆✘ ➃✌ ➡✌ ✚④ ✆✎ ✞❒ ✯❮ ✦✛ ➯✌ ỗ ✏❮ ✍✔ ❝⑦ ✏⑧ ❪❒ ✴❶×➨ ✴⑧❈⑩ ❭➩ ✏❮ ❣Ð☛➨ ❯⑩ ❣Ð☛➨ ➜✎ ②✓♠ ✝ ❞ ✙✘ ✏⑩ ➃✹ ②✏♠ ✰✹ ❚✘♦✣ ➜✘ ☛✣ ✿✘◆② ✢ ◆⑩✴⑧ ✲✻ ✲✻ ➜♥ ❊❞ ②✓♠ ➾♠ ❄❞✖✣◆✘ ☛✎ ➦❷ ➸✧✚✂✆★ ✼③ ✜❒❂€✚✧✯★✫❁✏✧✩☎❀◗✿❱➙✪❂☎✚✂☛➀ ✶❁➜✮✚❮ Ü✛ s✛ ✚✌ ➢ ➇ ➪ ➑✁➶♦➈ ➪ ✃➇ ➹ ➺ ➺➯➑ ✁✻ ➑❄✃ ➴ ➞ ➑ ✹ ✹ ➇ ☛✎ ❪✛ ✏✎ TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ➺❨➑ ✲✻ ... phone sec 818 K 894K 940K 978K 746K 769K 795K 864K 43K 52K 58K 59K 591K 682K 728K 784K location = New York" item home ent comp phone sec 10 87K 11 30K 10 34K 11 42K 968K 10 24K 10 48K 10 91K 38K 41K 45K... 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Ngày đăng: 27/06/2022, 18:05